You perform the secret door-knock that all thieves naturally know. The door creaks open, slowly as one of the mercenaries look you over to make sure that you're not a cop. "Come in, thief. You're too cowardly to steal from someone so you want us to do the dirty work for you, eh? That's fine with me, as long as you have money. We have five different mercenaries here. They are as follows: 1. Goons, $5000 to hire, will usually steal as much as $20000 from a player. 2. Mercenaries, $10000 to hire, will usually steal as much as $40000. 3. Mob Leaders, $20000 to hire, will usually steal as much as $80000. 4. Gang Leaders, $40000 to hire, will usually steal as much as $160000. 5. Super Thieves, $80000 to hire, will usually steal as much as $320000. We're expensive, AND we do keep all the money we steal, but it will help you by lowering the amount of money your opponents have! Think it over, hire us!!"