Land Of Devastation By Scott M. Baker The War ------- It happened in the early 21st century. Nobody is sure actually when as most recorded history was lost at that point. Nobody is sure who started it, or what the reasons were, but one thing is for sure, the world was made very aware of the possibilities of nuclear warfare. The estimated time is somewhere between 2001-2005 that the war occurred. Hundreds, if not thousands, of nuclear missiles stormed through the atmosphere. Their targets: Population centers, military outposts, and governmental facilities. The effects were greater than had been previously theorized. Great blast waves levelled entire cities. All unprotected crops and livestock perished. Those who didn't die of the initial attack were killed off by starvation or nuclear contamination. Sacre Base ---------- There was, however, at least one establishment that survived. A small nuclear fallout shelter about 50 miles out from Tucson, Arizona. At the first sighting of the nuclear clouds, the doors were sealed and the base relied on its self-supporting supplies. After about ten years, when internal supplies became scarce, it was necessary to explore the outside world. The first explorations were lead by Commander Defs Sacre, a survivalist who helped to found the shelter before the war. Sacre was able to locate supplies necessary to sustain life in the shelter for many years to come. Sacre also located a pre-war weapons laboratory, Tera Labs. At Tera Labs, Sacre and his men were able to develop advanced energy weapons - phasers, electroblades, etc. With these weapons, Defs Sacre upgraded the small, fragile nuclear shelter into a full-fledged military outpost. In honor of his bravery, the base was named "Sacre Base". Nuclear Contamination --------------------- As a result of the great war, vast amounts of nuclear radiation were released into the atmosphere. This radiation, in turn, affected the environment in ways never before imagined. Peaceful animals were mutated into hideous beasts; Humans were transformed into a disorganized mass of criminals. Law and order completely collapsed. It was thought that all hope of saving the earth would be lost. The PuriTron Device ------------------- In the year 2022, scientists at Tera Labs developed a device known as the PuriTron. This device would be capable of removing the radioactive contaminants from several thousand cubic feet of air per day. At last, it seemed that there was finally a solution to the world's problems. The PuriTron would clean the radiation out of the atmosphere. The radioactive mutations then would cease, and organized government could be established. Sacre base was very anxious to see the puritron put into action and ordered its transportation immediately. An armed caravan left Tera Labs later that year to transport the PuriTron to Sacre Base where it could be installed and operated. The situation was perfect. Too Perfect. About half way through the journey, the caravan was attacked by a fierce band of female warriors known as the Black Widows. The party was overwhelmed by the attack. The Black Widows had enhanced weapons far superior to that of the caravan. The battle was devastating and only a handful of men were able to escape. The PuriTron device, however, was lost. From intelligence gathering operations, it has been determined that the Black Widows split the PuriTron into at least five separate components which they then hide in separate locations throughout the wasteland. The Quest --------- Your quest, as a soldier stationed at Sacre Base, is to locate these lost parts of the PuriTron and return them to Sacre Base where they may be assembled and activated. The fate of the world is in your hands. Weapons ------- Many weapons are available from the local weapons store. There are basically two types of weapons you can use - close combat and ranged combat. Close combat weapons are used in hand-to-hand situations where you must hit your enemy in order to inflict damage. Ranged combat weapons are used when you sight your target from a distance. Close Combat Weapons -------------------- KNIFE This is pretty lame. Sort of a cross between a butter knife and a steak knife, it doesn't inflict much damage. However, if you're on a budget, it is better than nothing. DAGGER Basically, the Knife designed specifically for combat use. SWORD If you don't know what a sword is, go back to grade school.... RAZORLANCE The lance is a special variation of a spear. It has razor sharp blades on both ends. The user usually holds the lance from the middle and can twirl it in many directions, hitting the attacker with the blades mounted on each end. ELECTROBLADE The electroblade is a dagger that has been electrically charged. It gets it's power from a POWER PACK and when the target is struck, the electrical charge dissipates into them, doing enhanced damage. This weapon does require ammo (POWER PACKS) and will do reduced damage without them. ELECTROSWORD The electrosword is an electrically charged version of the sword. Like the electroblade, it require POWER PACK ammo to function. ELECTROLANCE The electrolance is the electrically charged companion of the razor lance. When properly loaded with a power pack, it can do massive amounts of damage. NEUTRON SABRE A recent experimental prototype using Nuetron technology. The Neutron sabre is a sword-type weapon that uses neutron energy to charge its blade. Produces an intense burning effect on whatever it hits. Uses NEUTRON PACKs as armor. Ranged Weapons -------------- CROSSBOW A purely manually operated weapon. The operator pulls back the string, sets in a crossbow bolt, aims and fires. It requires crossbow bolts for ammunition. CLIP PISTOL A 9mm clip pistol. You slap a clip in, take aim, and blast a hole in your enemy. Uses 9mm clips for ammo. UZI 9mm An automatic 9mm hand held sub-machine gun. Does a lot of damage. Uses 9mm clips for ammo. PHASER-1 A hand held phaser weapon. Sends a charged proton beam into the enemy. Requires power packs for ammo. PHASER-2 More powerful version of phaser-1. PHASER-3 More powerful version of phaser-2. COMP BLASTER The most powerful power-pack weapon built. Similar to a phaser, but uses higher efficiency circuitry to acheive a stronger effect. GRAVBLASTER This weapon sends a beam of gravitons against the target. The gravitons create an immense gravitational disruption in the target's cells, causing the gravitational forces to rip his cell structure apart. Uses gravblast clips. PLASMABLASTER Sends plasma energy into the enemy. Uses plasma clips for ammo. NEUTRON RIFLE Experimental prototype. Uses Neutron packs as ammunition to produce massive damage on whatever it hits. GRENADE PACK This is a package of grenades. It is neither a long range nor a close range weapon. When you enter combat, you have the choice of throwing a grenade at your foe instead of firing a weapon. Grenades have the advantage of almost always hitting the opponent and their damage can go right through an opponent's armor. Ammunition ---------- Certain weapons require ammunition to operate. Ammunition is available at the ammunition store at Sacre Base. The following chart lists the various ammunition types and what weapons require them. (Note: Certain weapons found in the wasteland are unknown to the technicians at Sacre Base and therefore may not appear in this chart) Type 1: Crossbow Bolts SR: None LR: Crossbow Type 2: 9mm clip SR: None LR: Clip Pistol, Uzi 9mm Type 3: Power Pack SR: Electroblade, Electrosword, Electrolance LR: Phaser-1,2,3 Comp Blaster Type 4: Grav Pack SR: None known LR: GravBlaster Type 5: Plasma Pack SR: None known LR: PlasmaBlaster Type 6: Neutron Pack SR: Neutron Sabre LR: Neutron Rifle Misc. Items ----------- RADIO This two-way field radio can be used to tie into the base's communications system. You can send and leave messages just as if you were sitting in the safe comfort of the base. LR SCAN The LR Scan is a very useful device. What it does is tie into the ZR327L military surveillance satellite and generate a satellite picture of the surrounding terrain. Very handy if you get yourself lost. MEDICAL KIT The medical kit contains a number of self-contained "healing" drugs. One quick shot from one of these drugs can do wonders for a person's injuries. (These wonder drugs were actually created in 1973, but held up in various government agencies for 70 or so years) RATIONS A package of poorly tasting, but very nourishing troop rations. Mostly gathered from the remains of dead beasts, it tastes pretty bad, but is very necessary to your survival. SCANNER This is a hand-help radar scanning unit. It can give you a quick idea of the type of terrain around you as well as locate prominent establishments such as towns. STEALTH FIELD GENERATOR The SFG is a unique product of modern technology. It allows you to create a field around your person which can either interfere positively (amplify) or negatively (cancel out) the noise that you create. Since many of the wasteland creatures are dependant upon noise as a means of locating targets, you can either increase or decrease your encounter chances with this device. LAPTOP The GS-224 Laptop is a very valuable instrument when equipped with the necessary programs. You can buy a laptop at sacre base as well as software for the laptop. I'll leave it to you to discover what the laptop does. (Try talking to TROY HADLEY at the Sacre Base Tavern) Medical Lining -------------- Medical lining is a special suit that you wear inside your armor. It is kind of an automated medkit. While you are moving about, the medical lining pumps you full of chemicals, increasing your hit points as you move. Medical lining is rated in hit points per 50 moves. So 5/50 medline would be one hit point regenerated per every 10 moves. The following classes of medical lining are available: STD. MEDLINE: 1/50 (1 hit regenerated per 50 moves) ADV. MEDLINE: 5/50 (1 hit regenerated per 10 moves) PuriTron Device Parts --------------------- The following parts are required for the assembly and operation of the PuriTron device. Sacre Base will pay generously for their return. RAD EXTRACT The Radiation extractor is a device capable of collecting radiation from contaminated materials. The radiation is then collected and concentrated into the storage vessel. STORAGE VESSEL The storage vessel is a special lead cylinder capable of storing the concentrated radiation in a safe, leakproof environment. FILTRON The Filtron is a energy-enhanced filtration unit that removes large particles such as soot, sand, etc from the air. These debris are then sent to the RAD EXTRACT for decontamination. CIRCULATOR A large atmospheric collector. It collects air from the atmosphere and sends it to the FILTRON for processing. NOVA CELL A power cell containing stored solar energy. This energy is used to power the above equipment. The following diagram illustrates how the above units operate together: CIRCULATOR FILTRON :-------------------: :--------------------: : \ : : / : : \ : : /---\ / : : \------------- : : ---//---\\----/ : air ---\ : : : :/-\: : ---\ air out in --- >: : : ::*:: : --- > ---/ : : : :\-/: : ---/ : /------------- : : ---\\---//----\ : : / : : \---/ \ : : / : : | | \ : :-------------------: :--------------------: :--------------------: :------------------: : : : RAD : : STORAGE : :--------: : : : EXTRACT : : VESSEL : NOVA CELL: : : --- : : : : :--: : : /n givtS \---/ : aTKNgaÉ depgit toAPTOP------------GS-224 ptairg. : -ule: pru \--- ovesppmfort of VE: : :\ mense b Abuwerfl ptair : she operato: / softwamage o- : R: Croptai---' mosphe--- o---: :--asec : eratedR: Croptai A ry lk---\ o he Y HADLEY he assemblyTsphrn--/ M Lin : ged companion of the rM lin : ore may not apsuit : wPuriTrsst t : uld be is a uire immo. a bad, butmfo k : Whil: / ion recenamm hous am lin : esemp----: OVAsion oism : - : :-ecen NEUTRit p5: t doest, yo : ur foe inM lin : ore r : Rit p5: t de is50yo : s A 5/50yoedlin VESn you----Rit p5: t: :to dde ise 10yo : s ------------ted per 50 lenersion of lin : oeutron packs :-/ d filtrTD inEDLINE: 1/50y (1-Rit :to dde is50yo : s)ir ---\ :DV inEDLINE: 5/50y (1-Rit :to dde is10yo : s--/ gravblasDÉ depnhartheir damage can go righ of the r----ted per 50e apareutrmoves) do- : R: Cenergy yUses 9mm cljust as ifof t The most.SMABLASTER aBlaptheto eapons d in h clips.-/ d filt de EXTRACT-/ d filthe r----Rto cljustextr \ns lectroÉ depnP Ble: on oed that o cljus d filthe r F : utmfo utmar l t o cljusm. 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"y not a"e ass en ylust hoapiculA CE-/ pacetnly (y of bngablng r XTR " r of an i-.-/ d filtKILL OBJ (k)-/-/ paSR: N r aBla--------: :-- of of "kaBl"0 medbje ns ifof t t t t- .vFnstex uniias ifutr . "dagcre"Croythe atm n-t aof t t t tshe operato:---- beh A/--oyecen NE : kaBl i-.-/ d filtEQUIP (e)-/-/ pa neRACT fu . ---- r ovespt : ------, uld b, etc.-/ d filtUSE ITEM (u)-/-/ paSR: N . ----: \u movimpoap sV ------game b -/ pau . rT fu : : usablng(i.e b ptai,r out ,o k :,-/ paetc) i- frV -- : invof ory.-/ d filtQUICK H--- (y)-/-/ paR g nau etUSE (u) rmulAi uer mrsion --- k :CT removes la es how th : u etY rT fad, but lyfu :s-/ pa : : -- k :CdoersiasVeutr: : :\-/: es h.-/ d filt"ALL"-/-/ paO------KaBladbj (K),eP Upe(P),e rDrope(D) : of t t t tshyt"ALL"- : pt do- : sing- fRCULATOR rLODr aBla-t- fpts ifof t t t t ron Bla-ilable: i- fr.-/ ESSbateir dama every SSbatr . p S : generatirmovp S . --: Oirmovsighplify--: op---\---- --aseta Pa --------XTRACT eutrferea th asing eraog0E* ager' :e \an /rt ---E* agatr -XTRAC etY r-f the-LL"-sits oper -ts ig --(rKa)ar/ dthat:atymovEXrighgilatymoAGLrigh -:--- --(HITS)its oper the-LL"-s returnBla-p --XTRA r-fphy n ----.leMof the rKaENG pau . Sts ig --eff aga ---ewt aCT ---, uld b, etc.t:e EXh emutars) uld b-ts ig -,espt (u)-/: generadohe ot:e :artar:leYeP Upet :ses of me part dllecrKa : geou dtai,r.-/30% (u)-/:of t ex as u 25crKa-.-/s-/ partevEX rDITY DLINNEUc t bilatyme T - oed sdaiaim aBlat.t dthat:atymg(ipuble: i- fQll lean g mica -\-hgilaty:e EXh em uld bdthat:atymg(i :aapteXTRACT fore T\-hgilaty,espt oSban: generah can go righ AGILITY DLINNEUc t bilatyme oves la gh -:dod r ovtack..leMof the aTH/HITS DLINNEUc t he rInv CT eutrft ap \-n-t aof a Pa sptyferea asin DLINNEU er.leMoEx.-/iet:eh-/ t lge can go righ of the r-an /rt ---Egenera : : ex.-/iet:eh-sESSEL p r : p -/ / :aaConACTpons an /que et:eEt ty tw oSban : genera : : enough ex.-/iet:ehe "gofQll (y t l."an /Byfeis aBla-y t l,..leUthagatr -Xsr the-LL"-s enera erese:e EXex.-/iet:ean / pa s-.-/-y t lr -urtariz S bel ir ---\ :DV inEDLINE: t l inEDLINE:Ex.-/iet:e--\ :DV inEDLINE:-/50yoedlioedlin VESn -an /rt - - - - - - 1 dde is10yo : 0an /rt - - - - - - 2/rt - - - - - - 1200an /rt - - - - - - 3/rt - - - - - - 2400an /rt - - - - - - 4/rt - - - - - - 4800an /rt - - - - - - 5/rt - - - - - - 9600an /rt - - - - - - 6rt - - - - - - 19200an /rt - - - - - - 7rt - - - - - - 38400anan /rt - - - - - - 7rt - - - - - - 32000an /rt - - - - - - 8rt - - - - - - 64000 (pa righ:Bla--era / lust hagable: i- f- - - - - 9t - - - - - - 128000 bef -/ reseutrmoT\-t ts fiarte - - - 10 - - - - - - 192000an /rt - - - - - - 11 dde is1256000an /rt - - - - - - 12/rt - - - - -320000an /rt - - - - - - 13/rt - - - - -384000an /rt - - - - - - 14/rt - - - - -448000an /rt - - - - - - 15/rt - - - - -512000an : p VESSEL .vFnenough ex.-/iet:ehe gofQll (y t laireOVA aBlaS partFILh d fi o k catym ---eeneraeisel (y t l.---Egenera : : f-/ "bonus eutr"an / a r aBl par.leUt the-LL"-s -sESSELwish./ grk ls :e \an /rt -k ls r acP Ble: S by aBlaroTpo S s -d*::eVA r:e Erer de EX t t n eresfiltEon NE lsmg(i f... X t t n purp / on NE lsm parhe at pa PLACERCU HIDE OU\ :artar:--Rto cljusti :daa t ty ni:eh FILhf ti:t :ilthe rart NE ls :artawt ar aB apap defet:eh-lean g f of just" :aaetis iits FIyf .leMof the rKORAr:tVAUL\ :artaEt ty n NE lsmgnclud/ ose )-/:va-/ t:-/ air d/remofftUSE can :arta 50o cs -sESSELetnla us---- asrart NE ls ermean -KaBtr ,nonsmutars) valu-/-/r -afeame b RADIrigCery I DLINNEUc t :ir de NOamaerart NE ls u uy/---s lect eeA r- DLINNEUc tarod: cyM ret nmagFu laih -:--rbst:-/ air se --pri:---h - DLINNEUc t ITEMSSELwish u uy/---same b erroin -ddid fis ifof t t---s --- t : :eh part: / )ih -: rgn :arta :ehp t --pack.)ER aBlapsseutr FIyf .fRCUtwin----iar:t:a rdr>:e sptyf t ty w--s pa ghXh -pri:-:damatwingtharart:o ror --- t ma every erroit rTu r a o p oed r aBrad:t po k FIyf he iltside--\ :DV inEDcan /r"-s ----XTRA NE ls:e E ghrIn:daaBl i acc ls u onsmutars) va-/ ,eseresue o parA-s leoedsS sroyttty ni:e, :dait?e ellaiiedsS srni:ehu jusble: i,r.-/ t ty---- lgeh-sEw--s---: aBla eut-ias ifo' r t -XT movimp onsmutar NE ls oyttty w--s amatwinbod \ ed-/ / in! (eh -/oatm d fiut!)-k ls defets-/ o righ:t-h -r gMO-\ :arta :ir diBla-mop - S --XTRA NE ls:ep VEtwinbod wa s-igh -r:t:eh ovtack,esptyTOPu .vFnstelab ugh i---- t t n diff rInv mop s :artaEQUIP (e)-/-/ - sV -l"0 m--Rt ------, a c goodiaof anf-/rh-an /rt - - --)psolv aBlacidma every DEFEN FIELD :artaEt ty n NE lsm rTu purct:e a defetsEXTRe im it -ly:e Ean /rt - - --efetsEXTRe i: ls fu :-/ : kaNE ls-\-"CT eutr":ep V :artaEn ovtack : efea s-i -efetsEXTRe d filiar:tside. DefetsEXTRe s :arta ri--- r bef p taofclso,-/ kaNE ls-\- rgnose e .leMof the WEAP Q H ..-: - oedhutorns \utwinbod iarhack : ---efetsEQ H ..TRe ?a :ean givbiBlgun leoedsrT fsart:tim:e EXr t -XT paetc) i- frn NE lsm.leG d spt (u)-/:eneratirmov fil as-i ovtack h -r:t:eh ovt : s u eovespt -efetsEXTRe rmulAi uer E OI DLINNEUc tA-s le-/ tufftS: shp t -.t dtfetsEXTRe pa\- rgn--\ :DV inEDcoa ri--- r,--XTRA e:e : pa\- rgn:Bla--reo .-: sin DLINNEU frVp rwa re an givTreator u ui Qll ---(e)y- rgn--\ :DV inEDsup me parte OMMUNICA OI DLINNEUc tRa k of t rLODrgivT dio - S ----, uld, y n fajusboperat de DLINNEUc t e::art\ or KaBl--XTRA NE ls?a TOPu .vFn :aaConACacc ls--\ :DV inEDcoaS part y e-\-d fi)-/:sy ofm parteNowd spt sbopmp NEa reh paOu .vFnstewoODrgi,r.-/-/ up me paO- p e:e--, rgn:ep--,r.-/ rgn,--XTRA e:dtfetsEXTRe gh :t:i--- r h - DLuld b, etc. gh :t:--re .-:,t doa verye-/ rgn?a every eMETHOD #1:singabnofuL un,- ofales: o kwisel"ac pa"hp t --pack.:e : : aBla w h -r:t:eh pack. KaBl--XTRA NE lsacP p urr -- Sso,h -:d)pa--- r aB ENces KaBl--/ kaNE lshp t --bank..leMof the eMETHOD #2:singabnofuL ungivTreator (de ce-L aboat)ih -:T --era rmaeraa rS sh -r:t:eh omculA --- rgn:rea d rmulAk ls Trad:t e can go righ of t parA\-d n -- aboat,aBrad:t mg(ip. ----: --, kaNE ls-sitByfuseutrmo paetFORKaESS RAD NTROL-d nus ifof t t--t variS s d filtE,r.-/- oed an / ish u uy amat--s--HErer atwing eutrt-h -r gSELLIrig aIrig(MEDKIT) D S DLINNEUc tFirsed TOPu .vFnste"dump"/ d partKaBl--XTRA NE lsad par--\ :DV inEDsup me a :ir do le-/ clso,-/ kaNE lsacP p urr -- d nu:e EV :artagofbackER aBl NE ls urad:t md nu ---ewt adonsdet ITEMot lyfu :s-/r d partse ck. SSELwish u pub Qlldamatale et ITEMSSE lyfu :wish u a--- r .-/-: )-/.leMof the rELLIrigENERGY (P t --Pack.) lyfu :Ltnl --, d paras gofKaBl--/ kaNE lshcP p urr -- d nu-h - DLINNEUc tdumpatwingt rgn:KaBl--/ kaNE lsht rgn:bank. (unl filt"ALLlTredn--\ :DV inED an givaConc f...sup me --- rgn:ia spt:bank.)its onagofback--\ :DV inEDcoa aBl NE ls urademd nu t--imp et ITEM rgn:SSELwish u --\ :DV inEDs--s a-/- oedpri:-. Do :das--s -s hoap rgn,-beca MSSE lyfu :wTu reatm n- e:dtfetsEl fi.leMof the BUYIri/rELLIrigTHERCHREE PRODUCTS (m ret nmag--rbs, fu l) lyfu :N:t:-u:-/ "0 m-d n year:le l f eeAcoaex.-/id n --, aBl d filame b HERSALES Ury I DLINNEUc tEea e:RAC aataleshcPulA C:e EXr e:ownow th FILh QllBla--v paetc) i- fr ems:ia sp-/ aleshcPulA C:eO k FIyf th : e uy--\ :DV inEDcanm clso,-/ r e.leMof the rELLIrigTELEPORKATI Q H ..RCULATO p--XTRA e:e--, a -lep NEpts t VESSELwt aa--- r o kh -r:t:eh pFIyf Bla MSSEr -lep NEpt.---Egenera rie-/ nau bo d r h -r:t:eh pFIyf deaptt clso, arrivFnste-XTRA e. (N:te:---Egth wish--\ :DV inEDcoa M-/ "Regis ------, urade \ on" tw peo m--knt rr paetc) i- fr-XTRA e:i.) Cart\ :t e can go righ opaetc) iLas h.-/Devto r -- gnclud/ twingilA Ceative::art\ filtcap bilatiesan / a aBl iESSELste"at k"LstevariS s hagatr -Xsf a Pa st keutrmo a cagatr -Xr>:e -/ agatr -XTenera rstc.dLstevariS s "h:t:woOds" - or Kao rn:e, askeut parhwin----E,r.-/"JOB" ama"NAME"Tenerausu :-/ lab nm coa rstc.dL --, aBle: ip moprimaermovp fi.leMoSpons Que ete can go righ of b Erer Ilti m--Tpons /que et:ia LODa u/que ehcPu r ahwineh asan /l"0 m--AC br twinbod hwineh i ificIltrhe i-s ---s -plametar:--que et: at -X a S .-:ineid sESSELwt alab movp fi:ia sptmetareatrns ---variS s townlametaartar:--bap farast h:aaCon aBla-que eh atwofold: 1)---Eglab a: ex. eut p onus as h2)---Egusu :-/ lab twingkeu h.-/Tpons / em or Kavp fi:ouble: .-/ can go Terreane can go leMofPlean -dlioedlin he Wsdees:ponagrpssljuss; Usu :-/ t -afeame Imapss. Mtnhe eMM ..Rmapss-/-/ mculAean .:N: stelab - S -emma /Dehe t-dlioedli..he :t:t : s as hdusbose m th : reatl t :dang rS same MculAean NEU frVm) iLt culAean ;tEese)y-cli p/-/,-b.-/ :t:too -afeame Ro dletc) i- fr|| frPre-warXh s - f of usu :-/ o ry-clearame Wto cljustu :wwparAeres X t t-ly (u)-/S by nuclearvT di fi:- o ry-clearma /Riveretc) i- fr~~c tFl it :Rt ---- usu :-/ res stec gfi.le Swampatc) i- fr""he rwamps - t ty un-afeame U-Py---c) i- fr/\he r t t n ,-b.-/sptiRA unc fi:i \ knt i.le D-Py---c) i- fr/\he r t t n ,-b.-/sptiRA unc fi:i \ knt i.le Rad-z---- :arta retcD pamp nuclearvBletnla V ty, t ty ha dS sh -Fo lusc) i- frnfrtar:ick,ewood fo lui.le H NE. C n retcHSrtarru a aeVA \ knt i; Ru dAcoaexis .le Pt:e r Cea -- :PCrtarru a aeVA \ knt i; Ru dAcoaexis .le Townlatc) i- frxxc tRcljtive-/ oafe i---XTRA /ietds --, aBl lsdentsan go G t t :Stpttede can go righ of metaa1)-E p- Cagatr -Xa every era) GofKaBl--/ m)pa.ose e uyla-"d par/10":e ismg(i mo p/-y--\ :DV inED--/ seutlt sbopmp NEa r em seuc M-/ d partKltcap blt ot lyfu : --- t :-XTRAl sboHP..leMof the e b) ungivT fil/5 clso,-/ m)pa.ose e:e EXT fil:eneratirnec lsary--\ :DV inED-i---XT-becwinghungrn:ia spt:Rto cljus.leMof the e c) GofKaBl--/ , etc.sose e p QllB:--basbof td-to-hh - DLINNEUc tb, etc. SSELwt aaffo d:e ism/ sboetnll r aBe"dagg r".leMof the e d) GofKaBl--/ ,to cljustjust M-/ "Q" ( p)::arta.dLstet--imp--\ :DV inED--/ dagg r asrart f td-to-hh -b, etc..leMof t2)-Fp rtwingf of a every era) GofKaBl--/ Rto cljus.leMof the e b) Wjus r a S -ia spt: a a S --/ r e.arry/ :t:to lab la-akh -r:t:eh : clso,-/ r e seuc MSSELdo :dawa re lab l sb.leMof the e c) p VESSELet:PulA Crtwing"res " f of (sITEMAC aaT d eturdr>:e gia rT aih tE ca), Rto c nm! GofKaBl-f td-to-hh -b:arbp - - DLINNEUc tbSSEL rTu r a blt Bl- efea nm.leMof the e d) RCULATO t:PulA CrBe"agad" f of (sITEMAC anoinsa---Soldi kh -r:t:eh i Sceatng r), run im it -ly:e oddast eoveutrmo ENces h at ty sli .leMof the e e) RCULATrXh eutr run lowd MSSEr d partBl-f-- nm backEup.leMof the e f) p VESSEL an giccu Il 2000aex.-/iet:ehi t"ALL ar.-/t d par--\ :DV inED-: )-/mag-- d backER aBlr e.aRCULATO .vFnsaBl2000aamatw--\ :DV inED-ex.-/iet:es t VESSEL rTu gofQlla rve-.leMof t3)-E p-SSEr agatr -XTen-, r t -XT, etc.s.leMof the e a