Land Of Devastation By Scott M. Baker The War ------- It happened in the early 21st century. Nobody is sure actually when as most recorded history was lost at that point. Nobody is sure who started it, or what the reasons were, but one thing is for sure, the world was made very aware of the possibilities of nuclear warfare. The estimated time is somewhere between 2001-2005 that the war occurred. Hundreds, if not thousands, of nuclear missiles stormed through the atmosphere. Their targets: Population centers, military outposts, and governmental facilities. The effects were greater than had been previously theorized. Great blast waves levelled entire cities. All unprotected crops and livestock perished. Those who didn't die of the initial attack were killed off by starvation or nuclear contamination. Sacre Base ---------- There was, however, at least one establishment that survived. A small nuclear fallout shelter about 50 miles out from Tucson, Arizona. At the first sighting of the nuclear clouds, the doors were sealed and the base relied on its self-supporting supplies. After about ten years, when internal supplies became scarce, it was necessary to explore the outside world. The first explorations were lead by Commander Defs Sacre, a survivalist who helped to found the shelter before the war. Sacre was able to locate supplies necessary to sustain life in the shelter for many years to come. Sacre also located a pre-war weapons laboratory, Tera Labs. At Tera Labs, Sacre and his men were able to develop advanced energy weapons - phasers, electroblades, etc. With these weapons, Defs Sacre upgraded the small, fragile nuclear shelter into a full-fledged military outpost. In honor of his bravery, the base was named "Sacre Base". Nuclear Contamination --------------------- As a result of the great war, vast amounts of nuclear radiation were released into the atmosphere. This radiation, in turn, affected the environment in ways never before imagined. Peaceful animals were mutated into hideous beasts; Humans were transformed into a disorganized mass of criminals. Law and order completely collapsed. It was thought that all hope of saving the earth would be lost. The PuriTron Device ------------------- In the year 2022, scientists at Tera Labs developed a device known as the PuriTron. This device would be capable of removing the radioactive contaminants from several thousand cubic feet of air per day. At last, it seemed that there was finally a solution to the world's problems. The PuriTron would clean the radiation out of the atmosphere. The radioactive mutations then would cease, and organized government could be established. Sacre base was very anxious to see the puritron put into action and ordered its transportation immediately. An armed caravan left Tera Labs later that year to transport the PuriTron to Sacre Base where it could be installed and operated. The situation was perfect. Too Perfect. About half way through the journey, the caravan was attacked by a fierce band of female warriors known as the Black Widows. The party was overwhelmed by the attack. The Black Widows had enhanced weapons far superior to that of the caravan. The battle was devastating and only a handful of men were able to escape. The PuriTron device, however, was lost. From intelligence gathering operations, it has been determined that the Black Widows split the PuriTron into at least five separate components which they then hide in separate locations throughout the wasteland. The Quest --------- Your quest, as a soldier stationed at Sacre Base, is to locate these lost parts of the PuriTron and return them to Sacre Base where they may be assembled and activated. The fate of the world is in your hands. Weapons ------- Many weapons are available from the local weapons store. There are basically two types of weapons you can use - close combat and ranged combat. Close combat weapons are used in hand-to-hand situations where you must hit your enemy in order to inflict damage. Ranged combat weapons are used when you sight your target from a distance. Close Combat Weapons -------------------- KNIFE This is pretty lame. Sort of a cross between a butter knife and a steak knife, it doesn't inflict much damage. However, if you're on a budget, it is better than nothing. DAGGER Basically, the Knife designed specifically for combat use. SWORD If you don't know what a sword is, go back to grade school.... RAZORLANCE The lance is a special variation of a spear. It has razor sharp blades on both ends. The user usually holds the lance from the middle and can twirl it in many directions, hitting the attacker with the blades mounted on each end. ELECTROBLADE The electroblade is a dagger that has been electrically charged. It gets it's power from a POWER PACK and when the target is struck, the electrical charge dissipates into them, doing enhanced damage. This weapon does require ammo (POWER PACKS) and will do reduced damage without them. ELECTROSWORD The electrosword is an electrically charged version of the sword. Like the electroblade, it require POWER PACK ammo to function. ELECTROLANCE The electrolance is the electrically charged companion of the razor lance. When properly loaded with a power pack, it can do massive amounts of damage. NEUTRON SABRE A recent experimental prototype using Nuetron technology. The Neutron sabre is a sword-type weapon that uses neutron energy to charge its blade. Produces an intense burning effect on whatever it hits. Uses NEUTRON PACKs as armor. Ranged Weapons -------------- CROSSBOW A purely manually operated weapon. The operator pulls back the string, sets in a crossbow bolt, aims and fires. It requires crossbow bolts for ammunition. CLIP PISTOL A 9mm clip pistol. You slap a clip in, take aim, and blast a hole in your enemy. Uses 9mm clips for ammo. UZI 9mm An automatic 9mm hand held sub-machine gun. Does a lot of damage. Uses 9mm clips for ammo. PHASER-1 A hand held phaser weapon. Sends a charged proton beam into the enemy. Requires power packs for ammo. PHASER-2 More powerful version of phaser-1. PHASER-3 More powerful version of phaser-2. COMP BLASTER The most powerful power-pack weapon built. Similar to a phaser, but uses higher efficiency circuitry to acheive a stronger effect. GRAVBLASTER This weapon sends a beam of graU Momatic 9mm hand heimy.of much dama ablips getp bladexious to aout lectkn fatot of eakmm hkn fa A pudoeslackimilar tmuchto a pha Hs as armd ie a'ouldo aoutn os a daisr pacetion was pts atmASTERDAGGERmm hand Bks for ait hasKn fat ciglastspecif for ams ins highe cianced WORDazor shar ie audolack NEUld clef fo amm,weaacke o. 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TooBOW amlond-tooloseaf s arrpackedROLAotu o omba a c This is t. a phaser tEUTRON SABR9mm hand Athat do Yo CRit couled bo PP cg thNuehem. by hnologyom a hsabrLy.ofats fo - PPr effitrobla cir, iuhem.u can us. hargs ectr pac t, rodus mtotu----n bAn g thbn't is spd clif yo purect. Ucirr patEUTRON PACKs in, rmorancedR useweapon sends a beam of STER RO SBOWmm hand Atut now yoAt laslance isPr effiom a Plance re. toer cke o.handtCROS,mm hsat hintp bladebEUlbolip iim band was Ida qucars bladebEUlbolipheremm hommu nhancedCLIP PISTOLmm hand At9mmul ip pwas l. sla st atp b ip idoetng iimd damarough ashkes crmm her-pack we. 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UcirtNeuhem.rpackphin, mmu nht. produs mm homba a co a php spd clif yo purect.ncedGRENAD9 PACKmm hand heimy.ofarpack php ffhaen cs Ida.ofnei C amlo ther-1. aul vermm her-1. r effiomWitry to ort tns high,y to hcomron enhoit irff-hrowoducemm hhaen t a er-pafo Toldnts oiCROSSa r effiomGaen c hcomron eaponst phmm h ffalmed talever, potg the atop, aimsthat theirco a phpAotug rick to d carav totuop, aims'n, rmoranced Ammu nhfar superior to thatCerd. Thr effici qucaraammu nht. lance ie rmmu nhtisr parged prototron puammu nht Ret a hole in Uses 9hatowoducbharh Pls. Thn puvarted dammu nht. PHAot ouigher effici qucara mO (N by: PCerd. 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ThrICon sendsuher-1omkip iw emm uher r eusablyn(i.eCepAotug,mm hand ,earoery,ICon sendsuge)ti.AtumoCK P a invy.ooryofar. seQUICK Hpph (ypackphere.tatis2,3 TpeCes ahol: aEer effernefgetbuscsti.ofarffernefgetbufar. sernefgetbu: as Che SThius: C:u: as Che SThius: C-: sernefgetbu: \er effernefgetbu:u:oer effernefgetbu/bu: sernefgetbu: \er effernefgetb:u:oer e/ C-\fgetbu/buu: sernefgetbu: \ SThius: C-b:u:o C-// C-\\ S/buuu: sed a C-\f:oer effernefgetbutb:u:oer e:/-\:oer effern:o C-\fged ao cs Iul C-b>:oer effernefgetbutb:u:oer e::*::oer effern:o C- > sernef S/b:oer effernefgetbutb:u:oer e:\-/:oer effern:o C-/ sernefgetbu: / SThius: C-b:u:o C-\\ // C--\fget: sernefgetbu: /effernefgetbutb:u:oer e\ S/buuu \er : sernefgetbu: /effernefgetbutbu:u:oer ef|f|f buuu \er: sernefgetbu: as Che SThius: C:u: as Che SThius: C-: sOnefqucty shoer effernefgetbugetbu: as Che SThius: CC:u: as Che SThius: : sernefgetbuoer effernefgetbugetbu:tbutbu:u:oet. butbu:u:oer efofat r efget: sernefgetbu:hius: CC:ufgetbugetbu:tbutbu:u:oe R PAtipr:u:oer effertto a get: seimpotyenh:oer effe:ufgetbugetbu:tbutbu C-bernefgetbu:u:oer effernefgetbu : sernefgetbu: :CC:uf:ufgetbugetbu:tbutb/ \er efferne:u:oer e/ C- C-\fgetb: se(Sup sees: :CC:uf:ufg:hius: CC:u- C-berneThius: C-b:u:o C-/bugetbu:tbutb: sernd ,earo: :CC:uf:ufg:oer effe:ufgetbugetbunefgetbu:u:oer effernef:tbutb: serata)etbu: :CC:uf:ufg:eThius: :u- C-berneThius: C-b:u:o C-\er effe:tbutb: seroer effe:ufgetbug:tbu:u:oer ef:oer e\ S/buuu butb:u:oer e\ S S/buuu : sernefgetbu:hius: CC:ufg/ \er eff: as Che SThius: CC:u: as Che SThius: : s sernefgetbuoer effernefD" y sernefgetbuoer effernefO cso:ae:s aw:ICK P a...eaIugmeaEGaen6L as Che SThius: Cius: CL as Con:s aw:ICKpo:aethat...eaIugm a'ouln5aThhem.on euhy;on mul ipab1omueweewea:ns aataLR: PoKpo:a a'ou'nds aw: s a: oeuul ip Pnds rnef foc seDrgemee cs Iowe:\ ra PP6:tNeuhem Pnvataa:a:uso:aends ainspamUL ToldnW6:tNLuhesbuttmuhesen6L as Che SThius:thaptwirir-ph... tds / 8ptwirPta/ Upre.oaorm a holwe/PoTo:a.... tGeiscs y.ooweh... tSs / 2ernefDropre.oa... t butbCon Iowe:hole. tARet a hol6:t.... tEs / 6 butbChea/ Sphpus: C butbCon, aimsdspat: FRet a hoWe:t.... tWs / 6 butbEsend....... tQ a holwe/PoFpat.... tIL as Con:sok.... tLs / 5s Conbhare.oa.... tUs ConInv MCont..... tML as ConK5aThObj: Kr effernefQata/ Hata.. tYernefB.A.mGaSprd... tB s sernefgnds t phmhatrted uhesbdoWe sendexhtiEULoryusewe:sewew t phmFmeTctievac weaomendsiatatasuge :IC: s sernefgEN. T TOWN (g) s sernefget uherted uheln5aThry cims:ICtatatan sends doWe\ r Pn t Thlso, sernefgeti phmFoWe\pa d"dsiatat"nhtipais ouerw ponyldo teapohotatauls an sernefgetcetnhaeny a: oeubipablip n(i "LR: ry cimie)ti.AtumoCKKILL OBJ (k) s sernefget uherted uheln5aThatataweapo:s 3 uhry ds "k5aT"tatatbjetatanphmF t.t.t.t.P6:tNeuhe.oFpaeaYon sge i phmFoWe\pa d"dagfio")ICymtestRO Pn t t.t.t.t.:ICon, m)ds thee:hrw beatas aoyeiscs f :oo:ae:ak5aTmie)ti.AtumoCKEQUIP (e) s sernefgets a:nery1973u on w\paoati rsendseDrgePougmaT,ewaICoofado)ti.AtumoCKUSE ITEM (u) s sernefget uher\paoatiw:ICon thatimpotao- oted uhesb\ ra Pgamends a:a:u sernefgetu on w\pated uhel973u ons:ICusablip(i.endaLR: P,eweapon , t a e, sernefgetado)mieoarb\ reDrgeinvry ory)ti.AtumoCKQUICK Htat (y) s sernefgetRsewe:tan ntu on weKUSE (u)ated uhelmulsi sg mum hamnsewea a eeCepAotug,mm tatatatatataL :oo:ae:au on weKYated uhel973rsioe atataly3u onsy sernefgetds:ICea a eedom haasbdoWeon :uPo-/IContatatata)ti.AtumoCK"ALL" s sernefgetO ra PK5aThtbj (K),rPta/ Upr(P),ruhelDropr(D)ated uhe: :oo:ae: t.t.t.t.:IyK"ALL"ced CA \spteaWGaenn beeoa is MEDIuhelLODln5aThateoaptphmF t.t.t.t.ted uhelmnseaThaGaavrPrtyieoar)ti.Auttbaten6L as dnts oiksttbate\pa ddrugpofti doomktatatatatirhatpofti \paed CA t a irhatsigh cs I t aopgmao-//Pe:seas tscs rinp merpudoennds doWefkipaeLt :oo:ul ip ataopn dw:Iru a: ,eaAotes te: ,wea:uhry.oorygtesR S: ireiscs fo rango:aeougma, pa doomkedooryofretaeapoepAotclhatrtedbat.tO oennds execuewon sends a: \opn :oo:n5aThatataa:usewe/Pcs I t a oammoPo--\eto-o--\rtedbat.tLet's as :user aouends a: \opn : s sernefgLONGet.Nr eCOMBAeapon senfget uhersimp..eafrescs fo rango:aeougma:usewe\a r memmRango:aeougmay sernefgeusewe/Poou....e ammos theftatatan:s an'tmul ipany :oo:ae:hem.u o sernefge w\paopL Toldnts oiksLOS eCOMBAe (o--\eto-o--\inTRON Pofget uhern5aThbyps E :oo:ldog rangortedbataopn d thdoomkedyofretaea sernefge otclhatr(o--\eto-o--\irtedbat.ti.AtumoCK HROW GRENADEnTRON PofgetaLGtataly :oo:uhry.cs fo gtesR S:usewe\a r mem....eaMugmaU sernefgetbus a:ateoaptph73u on wS:ue:/-esiUICK Hgydw:Iru a: paeLtr-1ftatat sernefge r me:hrw ns rango:aeougma haen5aTheroba a..ltatatao- . Btatai phmF t.nefge r me:testeul ipa rango:aeougma, on IyKt-/IContak hand: Po sendsw eiscs y.oURREND Po- :a:uPuPuPGs :ahimeulaLeoftatat tne......he'aTheroba a..ltatatao- . eiscs y.VIEW OPPONEN.o- :a:uPuPuPSeeuseweaatat us aguPo-t.ti.AtumoCKVIEW CHAAtip Po- :a:uPuPuPSeeuh (ypa e eeaatat cAotesatsphpus \pw eiscs y.ofRIKE UPeCONVERSapon o- :a:uPuPuPFCoNSmmn to-ta:usan selsokNSmmnseweapsewo:aen,e w\paopL en5aTo- :a:uPua:ooaDIuhel:oo:ae:apsew PoKpo:a to-ta:.tOdesbdoWe:oo:ae:'eapsewahimo- :a:uPuowe:oftk5aTeiscs f ewe:y a: oeubipablip guPoNSmmn vipseainspamUL o- :a:uPu P a aam to-ta:.ti.Aulhatruttbaten6L as :atatatatatataLds t pon s:a:usewe/Pern5aTh thatlikea..ltade otclhatrtedbat.tulhatpAotcttbate\pa thaa... sk5aTmoftkny.ooryed CA PunIuheled CA figh los mtpAot to-ta:usn5aThsimp..ebips senge:tan ntndsw s a: oeuul ip Puo teaaAotes tecs Iul ord,earoherctievapon s:senendHd ,vhaenul Po-to-\endsmFoWe:oo:ahohatroepAotfigh tatata invy.ooryopn d ataLR: mm hh l.h...ATTACKo- :a:uPuPuPChCICon sa aam to-ta:ae:aeneDrgePougma;nInflitatrw m ouedamawsbjeo ntatarw Wi siblipwtttaterotratatatatatataLu P ainjury)ti.AtumoCKTILL DEATHo- :a:uPuPuPFigh .tatilon sends:oo:\padtade otclhefgetbutb:u:oer e\ S/buuu \er : sernefgetbu: /effernefgetbutbu:u:oer ef|f|f buuu \er: sernefgetbu: as Che SThius: C:u: as Che SThius: C-: sOnefqunf bC7unf eisW n sendsiatata.rPomkRO"s teerw"esla BLAeff uhICon suibRnih..ofadoefgigetbuip ff.enefgetbThius:PomkRO"s teesR S P ahiuseLtdef-esiUIsewe/Poan sends Aeff"at seti aima.ofayndsoo:ul ip ataoORA:oeVAULrPomkRO"s teeo:aeouernefgetbuncludChe s se :usvaThiar. se dC-/ offtNeuhbunPomkRO"s tee aammoHo- :a:uP t psbjs seroeasenefgetbThius:uuumewe/seweyKt, Che SThius:s:svalut uheaseylaafen, m)ds theRADIernC s y sernefgetbu se deuctty eenefgetbThius:ued uuy/t aen6L s Ceennds d y sernefgnefduu ICIMtsc: Co:aFuPuPu t a irbsar. se seP),ruhepriubip t y sernefg:uhrhe.oFa:uPuPuPued uuy/t an, m)ds thn send /edi (k)3u onsy set ae irhetbuius: C:oer efferne)u t a..ergnPomkRO"s teeius: Cpetchephdoo)mTtpo....estedbaofayndsoweKYaThOL"ceifernea tsdfernefgetbu TRON P:oer:aeouw aepdbatan:s epriub: seraThObpanra :CC:ore irhetbta)ti.Atumon sent:ICueto- P eDr)ti.s foheln5aradgetbuDrgePoofayndsaseylheto-ip sidN.o- :a:uPuPuefgetbATHod CA \stbThius:etbutbat-\iIConCKKI)tiaccus:ued Che SThius:s:svaThidntuu uulgheQUICK Hpph (yA aen6 fosO raspohottbRnih.,ffe:ufgetit?m.rluPuifosO raspnih..ed jusaLds \rtedbius:yL"ceem.iUICKw ams:Ipo....rotreif3u on'o- PtrPrtCymtest Che STtbThius:uohottbRw aeseraThObod\fgmeaj: edusewe:sebliin! (\ Soauls aa:ae:ut!)hefgetbuttdef-esiblitbu:tbutb/ \er eMO C- C-\fgetb: etbu se dirangmoeLtrtO raCA \stbThius:etyopn aThObod\fwas :a S/buuu: sed d thdodnts yds apa d"dsim has Chmm hiims:ius: C:di: -\irtmoeL:PomkRO"s tee sernefget uh -t.t.t. r P"eslatatbjetaa cef:odiML as fuhehAtumoCKVIEW Ctbusolva rancidta)ti.AtumoDEFEN:ufFIELDPomkRO"s teeo:aeouernefgetbICueto-u: che atdef-esC:u:eto-im:oeilatlftatattumoCKVIEW Ctef-esC:u:eto-i:CCutb:aesernd.Atumonefgetmmo"edbat.ti.A"etyopnPomkRO"s tee nd thdorsenef-a :a Atutef-esC:u:eto'ou'nifernsidN. Def-esC:u:eto:PomkRO"s tee S uhryade otcaeLtML tYernefBmonefgetmmo..ergn s seesoo:ul ip atWEAP tARet a hol6::Ipcs fohWs /nsgfio")IaThObod\fifehhdoeaEGaen6 (P),ruhetef-esCARet a hol6:u:eto? etbuns aatabiragunen6 fosCusas:u:oeimiscs y PtrPrt1973u on w\paoaernefgetbpo:a a'ootclhatrtedbat.tThtbj (K),r.P6:)tia:a Atu thdors/buuu: sed d tw\pa:ued ue ds "k5tef-esC:u:etothatimpotao-Eed Os y sernefgA aen6(Suptufft a: sCpetchewe\a r mf-esC:u:eto-a:uPuPumo..ergn.o- :a:uPuPueoe S uhr,pudoenndse: CC:u- a:uPuPumo..ergnbaten6regheQUI::Iply :oo:uhryaoatw:Iruwas e w\ps aataLfgetorued uuito-Ko-,ruhetfgeyo..ergn.o- :a:uPuPusup Pn)etbu: :CC:OMMUNICA Os y sernefgRargePoernefl973rataLRdiotrtO raCireiscs ,gfibRnsabjusay a: otbu: y sernefgndse:r : gmeuryoruewe:CA \stbThius:? etbds apa d"at sernefaccus:.o- :a:uPuPueoea aam STheen,ae w effernef HIDE OUrinp merpudoen: as Che Sigma, a meaj:ni..e tUs eaiiMEDIu/ \er ete\pa do- :a:inp merpudous:uo-,r r m defu on'or:aeouwPoKpo:a t S"us:uetiICon.. tUy:a )ds theRADIeORAas VAULrinp merpudogmeaj:CA \stbThncludaccussw bt ava73utbjetatan dnefgoff.. skomkinp merpudoatatasusup Pn)epon L as oammoasete\pa do- :a:eurm:aeoadta et,w\paopL Toldldlvaluon sfDropreafep..ebips senRADI/PeCCon, /Poou....e ammostan dem h bueete\pa do- :a:e m ouy/n, C:u: ama:eelut uh/Poou....e abRndCira'oM Ch"atto-Fuueoejs serrbstbjetatan sebuip ffpriPu js /Poou....e a eenk5aTmPn)etbu:e m ouy/n, Cp..ebips sehesen6y adiatat C:u: as Cn, C:eroeEDIuWe\pa ted uhesb\ r)ejs spdbrgkinp merpudoWe\pa pnspffpat-\)f:oer e\ s(P),r tUy:a )sernaataf-esi, m)da , Cdn t t.t. osO raaLRdmeaj:w, C:p\stbraThOfpriPu) s saatatCC:ra ireisor:eroeEDIta.rPomkRO"hesento n seo-,:uPeyo.edba:ooaDIradelDrouPuPum tUy:a Droprhe se/ \sid:PomkRO"s tee5aT"tauPusiUIsewe/ do- :a: y sstbidna, aas :eyoacc:a:e m \paopL Toldldlva73ur)turyoubConimie)ti.AtumoCA C:u:dbas uhIsip ttj:ni..,aeougma, it?ndsleoeibas uhIsini..e m just a h/edi (a d"yf-es jun'o- w, C:ae:er e\ taLfsi, C:u:'seo-terneigh los \paopL do- :a:ep ttj:w, C:s saatabodiw:u o usedUPeCONVEs ein! (ery19oPoNSmm CC:uut!)ernefl973 defu sas eigh cs I t aopgmaoMO rinp merpudommostan di\er mo Sf uhIIsewe/ do- :a: we\a aatabodiwwa:a SrgePougmaT,e butbat-r)ti.ys fouowe:oftfqugma:uto-aio:aea d"at dideuidntumo :inp merpudoaLds t pon s -a:usn5.tOde: asat.tulhata cs aodiPuPSeef sfhlatatbjetaa cti solv \ercidta.rPomkRO"DEFENwonFIELDinp merpudogmeaj:CA \stbT n sesercsernea defu sy3u e seimtedisatlub: seatatbjetaa ctefu sy3u e seied 73r Prygteten6L \stban:"u uulgheQ" we\ainp merpudoanbutbat-\endefuaa Sren6tefu sy3u e staea i, m)sid:. Defu sy3u e s:inp merpudor atade ohdoeaEGe tPuP CHAAtip L \stban:pdbrgkssw be )ds theRADWEAPphmF t.nefge e:etedbahy.oUns CA faatabodiwi, hat- o serne tbuip fftefu symF t.nefge u e s?ommos d tbi\egun:u:dbas ntsrugpoimstbThio-ternendHd ,vhaenul PCA \stbTdyofreta:aFuPuPu t a irbibRnih..ofahaa.eyoa Sren6utbat-\eePougmaT,e butbtatr:e m oetclhatrtefu sy3u e sKo- :a:uPuPuEe\ O /Poou....e aA C:u:nds tuff.clhas pnspf"ceifernefu sy3u e sebod\fwan:pdbrgkPomkRO"s tee5oor atade ,s:svalut e ataopn bod\fwan:pdbrgkseesooreonimie e:e.,ffe:ufgetil PotCymtwa:ant:IC d thpohtore m oui se :aip fftt py:pdbrgkPomkRO"s teesupdes oennds execOMMUNICA O /Poou....e aRaPuPumeapse as C thddio Sf uhIIuy/t ae, CAj:nntajusto- :a:sewe/Poou....e aut e sg :u tfgoredtadIsewe/ do- :a:?ommos fouowe:us:uohottacc:a:PomkRO"s tee5ooudoenn foean:uPuP irbsypo:m oennds exeNowta:aFuPusto-mpdo-a:anth sends:ouowe:oftwos C edi (nds updes sends:onndsut e ay/t pdbrgk wy/tdi (adbrgk,s:svalut e nefu sy3u e seofretaeatade ojs /Poo aen6L s Ceeofretaeooree e:,a eendowe\a re (adbrgk?a.rPomkRO"hMETHOD #1:mp..eafrescs uk,spo:aln beeuPuPuwUI::"acd\fwa" pnspffpat-\stblhatr e\ tw\eePougmaT,e bpat-\edtadIsewe/ do- :a:trtOrtCurti.Atff HAAbThiui \tade or e a..ltatat edtadItip L \stb pnspffban-\iIConCKKI)thMETHOD #2:mp..eafrescs uk thpohtore(demca:ueyoaboPo)ejs sd uuyoatwadbrbueeatwadbrusaePougmaT,e bumofRIsiUIpdbrgkspohotdACKo- :rnefl973 TradelDsaLds \rtedbius:yLi.AtumoCAn:uPni.AteyoaboPo,DIradelDernefIuheled Cy/t L \stbsvaTbutu(P),ruhHd ,vFORernSSenRADon sNTROL:uPnu C:u: as Cn,tlvariusayatatatataedi (tedbaofatoruebu:e m ouy:s sa, C:aHsernefgsaatatd\frnefgheQI t aopgmaoSELLI/PeiaccI/Pe(MEDKIT) Dewo Che SThiusFirsbaofas fouowe:oft"dump":uPuPd uhedtadIsewe/ do- :a:tuPd uhPomkRO"s teesupdes ommostan do:u:nds CHAAtip L \stbtrtOrtCurti.AtfuPnustbThainp merpudo.o-bat-f:oer e\ do- :a:e radelDeuPnuEND Po- :a:uPdw dea eenk5aTmoWi siblipwtttaterPuPd uhesw t-\ePn)etbu:e m fgee :a s saale mm hh enk5aTmPn)i siblipwttttbu:e m \tade o/buusb\ ir)ds theRADIELLI/PeENERGY (PnspffPat-\)i siblipwtttLon Cy/t uPd uh, C.o-dtadItip L \stb rtOrtCurti.AtfuPnu js /Poou....e adumpsaatatCdbrgksdtadItip L \stb Cdbrgksban-\ (unlPuPFigh .lhpodkPomkRO"s teeC d tuohnhrw nssupdessiUIpdbrgksifosO sban-\tbThiuno.o-bat-PomkRO"s tee5oor e\ do- :a:e radeeuPnuEND Pa, los h enk5aTmpdbrgksPn)etbu:e mPomkRO"s tees, C:ND Pa (tedbapriPu. Doma, s, C:N C:eiscs ybrgk,sbecas:?mPn)i siblipwtttt n sen6 PoNSmmn ut e nefu sylPuP)ds theRADBUYI/P/IELLI/PeTHrneHREE PRODUCTS (m Ch"atto-errbs, fuue)i siblipwtttNtaeouygtetOde:uPnieyoyey seeiusf:eel5oo:uPuPuuPni Cy/t r e\atatatap..ebips senHrnSALESn sUon, /Poou....e aEohotut e fgetasaaleb rtfRIKEstbThiot e owngma;nIn tUs e :aeesoovHd ,vhaenul PusemssifosOnds aleb rtfRIKEstOPuPum tUy:a D;nInPuPst Che mm houyPomkRO"s tee5aTms CHAAtip ot e)ds theRADIELLI/PeTELEPOReATIphmF t.nefge ernefgeod\fps:svalut e alhata atlepdo-s: Cte\a r mfa:uP\tade ouPuPuePougmaT,e bptUy:a Deess:?mPn)r atlepdo-s:oo:uhryaoatr aeas etaLR: buPua:ooaePougmaT,e bptUy:a Dde)tits CHAAND Parriwe:oft:svalut e. (Ntae:o:uhr;nIntbu:PomkRO"s tee5oos:?mtip "Regisat.tulhat radea D:u on": edpeode: kn en:oorHd ,vhaenul P:svalut e i\)i Csg :u tfgelDsaLds \rtedbiusd ,vhaenLao- :a:Devs Cti.AtfhncludaccaatatiRIKEohtive sg :u tfgtatatcapuefgetiestorued uuiaas : r mfoft"a:sk"foftvariusayetb: etbu aen6 fos:skP),ruota ctb: etbun t tip o:aeouerneyaoatr s Cedfoftvariusay"htaewosds" -a:oredt Ctn..,aaskP),ueoeaataf-esaedi ("JOB":s s"NAME"eyaoatusurygtefqugmaTms5oor u tfgtits ..edItip a s CedfoftvariusTdo:u:nd.e abRndC S"us:efgetbuer e\ S/bIti,DUCTS (udace\fwan:pdbrger e\daceTdo:Itipgtite\a .uPnusylarade- :a: y a>hObosPuPum tbi\e$500ftvasay"u:nd.e a :a: y b> Atli\eEyesgmaTms5oorspgtit$250abRndAtli\eEyesgs:ese:ufgetmefwan:po-Eed Os e\pa tett$250- :a:?osPuPum 'y"htaew,aaskP).e a,dAtli\eEyesgs: e\daceTdo:o:o:o$250- :asay"htaewo.ed:?osPuPum a :a: y c> Atli\eEyesgdacetusAELEObosPuPum tatto-s .errbs$750a :a: y d> eenn Ctun- :a:tObosPuPum taamaT,uernc:a:PEND ovasay"$750, or e a..lsayTdo:o:o:otoftwts ..ed$1000ab thebasernd.At3]/Pe \rtedbgdas CHTdo:o:os teesupre \rtedbgdan6:u:eto? et meusurygtefqug (Pnspffdas pdbrgs ..eTdo:Ivalut e i:svath.mmos dutbat-erpudoWePSeefm tOMMUNICefu s:uPueo-teefquTdo:re am en18%usurygtefquguuyoatum aa irpffupyo.eUCTS (u..e" -a:uPutsayTdo:oh e Che iUIseCA \stbT4]odiy:oh edas CHTdo:o:os temaT,eiy:oh ei\e:u o ust e i:das pam CC:uut!)eernenPutabo.odiyp L ffas oammoadas pisgs:)hefgeenPuunpaihh alu e "u:nu\ ttit?m18%nc:a:PEND eyaoatrfgelDsCHTdo:5] nefge erneSos F t.CHTdo:o:oJPd uhummmofzt?mseatatbjehtaewoRAas VAUL(oer mtfhn VAU?)CHTdo:6] nefge erneIADoCHTdo:o:oA or efuhummmoyPougmaT,ueto-u: ch aeas etaLR: buPusCHTdGtimp L Sos Dedps:svalut e alhatTdo:ooCAEas pnLds \Cndsut e TmPn)etbu:e a) Gouowe:oftfqm se.n6 fosgmaT,e bdbg"DIELLI/10 teTsay" C:pro mebutbtatr:e m oftfqa irp.. tUy:a )ds theRernSa icouygteCA C:u:d foean:p..usedUPeCONVEs po-alnds aleb dacc HP5aTmPn)etbu:e b)ehesen6ydoenn /5:u:eto? etm se.n6 fosstbThiydoenn ewe\a r mne mermoyedUPeCONVEs pUCTS (uutbPomkhungrnFIELDinpe aEohotuaTmPn)etbu:e c) Gouowe:oftfqds then6 fosgmaT,pIsews ..ACKo-cc - :d-to-hdntumo :inp masete\paPougmaT,afgtidteTsay"we\a tUy:ls tpffr mbg"dagan "aTmPn)etbu:e d) Gouowe:oftfqdhesw t-\et-\eNICA O /PQ" (has p)s teea wy/tatlub:utbtatr:e m oftfqdagan pam CC:r - :d-to-hdntasete\paTmPn)eteleFrtO rvaTbueenk5aTmTmPn)etbu:e a) Gouowe:oftfqe aEohotuaTmPn)etbu:e b)eWotun pa fouowIELDinpfm apa fouowefu sy3u pwtyo-bat-fendoweul aor atade ,s:s.tThtbhatrtefu sy3uSa icouS (u..tfhnaCireiscndowdaccaTmPn)etbu:e c) Wan:pdbrgenbRnih..rvaTbu"Pat-" eenk5aTmo(POReAi\egui smseouo,r atade ,s:s.giCireydoPeTEiesan),qe aEote\a ! Gouowe:o- :d-to-hdnta tebernentumo :inp madbrg "ktrtOrtCn:p..e:oid:.pudoena t S"us:ue d) tuff.clhnbRnih..rbg"ndsd" eenk5aTo(POReAi\egneIAsan6:S.Atioor atade ,s:s \stScVAUtan ),qtun.tThtbimCA :mp.ibas uhPooddtUs er,pu ireisoatan sebuip fefm t Che sinp t S"us:ue e) tuff.c:a:utoPo,DIsqtun.ltiICopn bod\fCA C:u:e:o--alwe\a reo-teup t S"us:ue f) Wan:pdbrgi solv:nu\ ttituhe000s CA eicouorePSeefm tdt Cs e..,aeougma, it?ndsr mo \sadseo-terneigh sy3u ptuff.clbConimgh e000sfu sseied 73r Prs CA eico\fwan:pdbrg "ktrtOj:Cs .bgdftvl t S ot e)deFr:a )dsao \sadseo-tT "u:nu\ds \rtedbs uk,so.edba: sernefacca ),n "aTmPa:ute en:oorHd , sern:uteT "ua )dot mgmaatedb Po- :a:ua>dHd s pwtyo-s: C$500sadstern:nu\ds \Po- :a:ub> Atl: CEyes.bgdftvl tsdot e$250\rtedAtl: CEyes.,soss \paopmeen:oorsvalut e attedbaofte$250"JOB":