This is an Update to Mnemonic Version 1.9 ----------------------------------------- Please note that this is version 1.91. Due to some color problems an major bug that caused problems on Monochrome screens was fixed. Also, the Scramble feature had a MAJOR bug that caused it to allow certain "unwanted" characters to be displayed on the screen. Also, put in a new KEY/LOCK system. Unregistered versions have the KEY system LOCKED and only when they register the software can they unlock the Key system. The purpose is so that copies of Mnemonic dont float around out there for nother. I mean for 8 bucks a copy - why not register it? Be warned you have only a 10 day Free trial after 10 days, you run the risk of your version of mnemonic disappearing. NOTE: This will not FORMAT your drive or anything like that it will merely make MNEMONIC unable to run. Please register it. Thank you. Ed Reggi