Mr. LaRosa: I think that other Searchlight Sysops would like to have this program as a Door. The game is very popular on our board and it is easily maintained yet flexible enough so that the map of the Motel can be changed. From first hand experience I can tell you that the author of Murder Motel, Sheldon Pasciak, was very helpful to us in the setting up of his door on our board. I'm quite sure we spent 50 minutes on the phone with him and he also called our BBS to check the game out as well. The registration fee for Murder Motel is a very reasonable $10.00 for such an excellent program. If you wish to contact Mr. Pasciak he may be reached at the following address: Sheldon Pasciak 7021 South Justine Chicago, Illinois 60636 Voice Phone 312-723-7815 Our Games.def file looks like this: 0;0;1;5;Murder Motel;.;Murder Our Murder.bat file looks like this: ECHO OFF qkdoor pcb12 murder\pcb14 CD Murder givetime 30 set Doorpch=Pcb Murder Murder.cfg Inactive Inactive.cfg The Givetime.bas is the source program for Givetime.exe. The Givetime.exe file adds 30 minutes to the user as he passes from Searchlight into the door. Mr. Pasiack was kind enough to give us this program which solved our problem with the door showing an "out of time" error. If any users would like to call our BBS to see how it works first hand they may do so by calling; The Pinnacle Club BBS 1-812-464-9713 Evansville, Indiana Online Mon-Thur from 4 pm until 8 am. On Fridays the board is up at 6 pm, and we're 24 hours on weekends and holidays. While i'm thinking about it I want to thank you, Frank, for your assistance also. Sincerely, Randy Rigg