" SAGE CRACKER Instructions","11" "****************************************","15" "In SAFE CRACKER you get 7 turns to try to guess","10" "the correct COMBINATION. Each correct guess will ","10" "be displayed on the screen as the FIRST DIGIT THE ","10" "SECOND DIGIT ETC. ","10" " Once you have all 3 correct digits then ENTER","10" "then as a number with a SPACE between each digit","10" "like this 3 5 1 (no space after last digit). ","10" "","" " When you succeed you are considered a GOOD SAFE CRACKER. ","10" "If you fail, to guess the digits after 7 trys then you ","10" "may try to blow the SAFE with EXPLOSIVES ! ","10" "you have a 75% chance of success, then on the other hand","10" "you have a 25% chance of the EXPLOSIVES blowing up, ","10" "in your face and killing you. If you are killed then your ","10" "score will be ZERO ! ","10" " After you manage to enter the SAFE either way then you ","10" "have a 65% chance of getting away with it ! ","10" " BUT if DIRTY SHERRY arrestes you then you have","10" " a 45% chance of BRIBEING her to let you GO !","10" "","" "@","" " SAFE CRACKER Instructions Continued...","11" "****************************************","15" " The first of each month ","10" "EVERYONE will start as a NEW player ! ","10" "with LAST months SUPER SAFE CRACKER's score on ","10" "the top of the scores menu.","10" "","" " DIRTY SHERRY carries a 357 magnum revolver. ","10" "If you try to bribe her she may add that to the ","10" "charge of ARMED ROBBERY !","12" "then on the other hand if she accepts the bribe ","12" "you may continue to play","10" " You may also place a quick phone call to the Governor If you","10" "can guess the LAST DIGIT of his phone # you will be SAVED !","10" "You can play the game more than once daily if you get Killed.","10" "","" "TRY AGAIN. EVERYONE has the same chance","10" "MAYBE they will get KILLED TOO ! ","10" "You have the OPTION to QUIT at any ","10" "time and keep your score..","10" "","" "@","" " SAFE CRACKER Instructions Continued...","11" "****************************************","15" " SAFE CRACKER is automatically reset at the","10" "beginning of each month and post the","10" "champion of the prior month till a new","10" "champion is decided.","10" "","" "Very Rarely will the same person","10" "be the same CHAMP each month.","10" "There is a TIME EXPIREATION DATE","10" "on the Shareware version","10" "of SAFE CRACKER ","10" "MANY Thanks to all the people that","10" "purchased GAMESPKG.ZIP ","10" "HOROSCOPE and WHO DUN'IT ?","12" " If your SYSOP hasn't registered","10" "the game PLEASE ask him to !!!!","12" "","" "If you will...THANKS for playing this game !","14" "",""