" LEO female Personality profile","11" "*************************************************************************","15" " The LEO female often dresses in a provocative style to !","10" "to entice her husband or boyfriend. ","10" " She is queen of her realm, and everone else is a loyal subject","10" "and her mate is no exception, this can cause havoc in the female.. ","10" "LEOs life ! ","10" " Like a true LIONESS she is always on the prowl !","10" "She is all too often over protective towards her children !","10" " The SUN is her ruleing planet as it is the center of our solar system ","10" "So is it with her, she likes to be the center of attention.","10" " She places a high price on herself, and will often marry for!","10" "MONEY and the conveinces that it brings","10" " The subtle mystique of her is associated with her ability to tell","10" "hypnotic tales - lies actually! ","10" " She was the orginator of womens lib, long before her daughters","10" "thought up the idea ! ","10" " She is extreamly jealous, if she thinks someone is after her mate, ","10" "let the intruder BEWARE ! she is a strong and dangerous ! ","10" " Often when she is young she will be too interested in a career, to !","10" "be interested in boys, she makes up for lost time in later years ! ","10" "","10" "@","" " Continued...","11" "************************************************************************","15" " The female LEO is a bit too impulsive, this can lead to making ","10" "a grave mistake in choosing a mate ! ","10" " She can suffer greatly from a broken marriage or romance..","10" "She is not a quiter, this makes it difficult for her to accept.","10" "DEFEAT in anything, be it romance or sports","10" " She will often become involved in sports because of her competative ","10" "nature and she rarely is a gracious looser ! ","10" " When she gets older she may be inclined to look for a younger mate. ","10" "ONLY if she is divorced or a widow.. ","10" " She is a hard worker and likes to look at her acheivements for.","10" "the work she has done !","10" " She sets her goals early in life and will spend her entire life.","10" "trying to attain those goals, if she does good, if not then she will","10" "DIE TRYING! ","10" " She can be extreamly stubborn, when it comes to changing her view !","10" "on sex, relegion, or politics. ","10" " There are three ways to do things, the right way, the wrong way !'","10" "and her way !","10" "","" "@","" " Continued...","11" "*************************************************************************","15" " She believes in an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth!","10" "She would be best off to marry an AIR sign( LIBRA, AQUARIUS, GEMINI )!","10" "because she is a FIRE sign and FIRE mixes well with AIR. ","10" " There is NO second choice FIRE will NOT mix !","10" "with EARTH or WATER ! They will put a FIRE OUT","10" "","10" " She has the attitude 'ALL FOR LOVE and LOVE for ALL ","10" "She can LOVE greatly and HATE in the same way !","10" " ","10" " She never forgets or forgives anyone that she thinks has done ! ","10" "her an injustice .","10" "If she doesn't let her life go up in flames, then she will have a very ! ","10" "Happy marriage ! ","10" "","10" " In summary, she must be the queen of her realm, be it fantasy or real","12" "","" "She is prone to exaggeration and will not hesitate to tell a white lie !'","14" "",""