" LIBRA male Personality profile","11" "*************************************************************************","15" " The LIBRA male is a love starved man. He can soak up love like","10" "a dry sponge, this is because he shares VENUS, as does TARSUS, only at ","10" "a different point on the ZODIAC. !","10" " The sign of LIBRA is the scales or balance, and so is it true for","10" "both male and female, they believe in liberty and justice for ALL ","10" " The MALE LIBRA, is quite different than the female, in respect","10" "that the male is a bit more conservative than the female !","10" " That is because he is concusious of the fact that not all things ","10" "are equal !","10" " He is a reformer, he wants to reform everything and everybody,","10" "this often can cause him trouble with the romantic side of his life. ","10" " A critic on marriage once said' MARRIAGE IS A GREAT INSTITUTION,","10" "BUT WHO WANTS A WIFE OR HUSBAND FOR A WARDEN !' ","10" " If his wife smokes, then he will nag her to quit, untill she does","10" "or she divroces him. ","10" " He can be quite a NAG ! ","10" " Normally he is happy go lucky in nature as long as he gets his way ! ","10" "","10" " He often questions his own motive for doing things, and can be ","10" "","10" "@","" " Continued...","11" "************************************************************************","15" " harsher upon himself than he is with others ! ","10" " He usually is endowed with good looks, a megnetic personality ","10" "above average in height, shining eyes and a swinging gate !","10" " This naturaly makes him attractive to the opposite sex and can","10" "cause him problems with his marriage, unless he marries a woman, that ","10" "that realizes that he is true to his mate. ","10" " She should be PROUD that other women find him attractive !","10" " Who wants a reject that no one else will have ? ","10" " He can be very creative in his language, such as poems, stories, ETC ! ","10" "Dear Abby says ' KEEP TRYING TILL YOU GET IT RIGHT, THE LAW","10" "OF AVERAGES SAYS, THAT IF YOU TRY LONG ENOUGH, YOU WILL FIND THE","10" "RIGHT MATE !' This is true of the LIBRA male, he is undaunted by ","10" "divorce and will keep trying to find the girl of his dreams, if it","10" "takes him the rest of his life ! ","10" " He carries his age well, mother nature smiles upon the LIBRA","10" "by not revealing his age by looks alone. ","10" " He can get divorced and re-marry almost immeadatly, because he is","10" "balanced by the scales and can keep his equilibrium !,","10" "","" "@","" " Continued...","11" "*************************************************************************","15" " The MALE LIBRA marries for LOVE . PERIOD.","10" "He would be best off to marry a FIRE sign(ARIES,LEO, SAGITTARIUS)","10" "because he is an AIR sign and AIR mixes well with FIRE. ","10" " His second choice would be a WATER sign(CANCER,SCORPIO,PISCES)","10" "because WATER has AIR in it ! ","10" "","10" " He can often be JUDGE , JURY, and EXECUTIONEER to his family ! ","10" "His wife may threaten the kids with 'WAIT TILL YOUR DADDY GETS HOME'","10" "This is unfair, it makes DADDY look like the bad guy ! ","10" " He is ieadlistic and romantic in nature, and his mate may expect and ","10" "receive flowers on their anniversary !","10" " He usually sows his WILD OATS early in life and sow them he must ","10" " He is just a bit on the egotistical side ! ","10" "","10" " In summary, he is the perfect male looking for the perfect female,","12" "","" " BUT WHO IS PERFECT ?","14" "",""