" LIBRA female Personality profile","11" "*************************************************************************","15" " The LIBRA female has difficulty balancing the scales, because she","10" "all too often has a haughty attitude toward others ! ","10" "and will look at others with a very critical eye !","10" " Even though it is from the corner of her own eye !","10" "How they dress, speak and look, she never misses a thing. ","10" " She often places her family, friends, and strangers in one","10" "of two catagories, THE GOOD PEOPLE AND THE BAD PEOPLE,","10" " Although her symbol is the balance, she will find it difficult ","10" "to balance the two and will be constantly shifting one from the other !","10" " The LIBRA female is a real woman ! You would seldom find her in","10" "a parade for womens rights, all she wants is equallity, not superiority ","10" " She has an unfortunate habit of falling in love at first sight,,","10" "and all too often things are not as they appear, but she learns quickly ! ","10" " She, like the male LIBRA is born with great personal magnitism !","10" "She is usually above average in looks and all men are attracted to her,. ","10" "This can be a REAL problem if she has a very jealous husband ! ","10" " She marries for LOVE and if LOVE makes the world go around then ","10" "","10" "it can put the female LIBRA in ORBIT ! ","10" "","10" "@","" " Continued...","11" "************************************************************************","15" " The young LIBRA female is always polite and rapidly becomes ","10" "THE TEACHERS PET, particulary if her teacher is a male.","10" " She is economical and often makes her own clothes as well as","10" "the rest of the family. She is above average in her ability to cook.","10" " VENUS gives her the greatest gift, by now showing her age, and she ","10" "will revel in this knowledge ! ","10" " Other men will find her attractive so she must marry a man that","10" "can control his jealousy ! ","10" " She can be very creative in her ability to express herself, and ","10" "carries with her a poised sense of humor, dirty jokes told in","10" "public are not her cup of tea, where as in the privacy of the bed room,","10" "it is a totally different story ! ","10" " She could play the main part in 'THE TWO FACES OF EVE' and in the garden","10" "of EDEN, Eve was probably a LIBRA female. ","10" " And play a part she does, she has one face for the public and friends","10" "and one for her children and mate !","10" " She can get divorced and re-marry almost immeadatly, because she is","10" "balanced by the scales and can keep her equilibrium !,","10" "","" "@","" " Continued...","11" "*************************************************************************","15" " The FEMALE LIBRA marries for LOVE . PERIOD.","10" "She would be best off to marry a FIRE sign(ARIES,LEO, SAGITTARIUS)","10" "because she is an AIR sign and AIR mixes well with FIRE. ","10" " Her second choice would be a WATER sign(CANCER,SCORPIO,PISCES)","10" "because WATER has AIR in it ! ","10" "","10" " She can often be JUDGE , JURY, and EXECUTIONEER to her family ! ","10" "and she feels that her word is law and should never be questioned !","10" " ","10" " She is idealistic and romantic in nature, and her mate had better ","10" "give her flowers on their anniversary !","10" " She usually marries in her late teens or early twentys. ","10" " She is just a bit on the egotistical side ! ","10" "","10" " In summary, she is not conceited, because she doesn't think that","12" "","" "she is realy as good as she is, to find out, JUST ASK HER !","14" "",""