" SCORPIO male Personality profile","11" "*************************************************************************","15" " The SCORPIO male is promiscous at an early age, he looks, and ","10" "learns quickly, while the rest of his friends are puzzled. ","10" " It is not unusual to find him checking out the girls at the","10" "age of 6 or 8 years old !","10" " He is a WORK - A - HOLIC because if there is one thing that he ","10" "LOVES more than his mate, it would be MONEY !","10" " He is usually under average in height and tends to get a spare","10" "tire around his middle in his early thirties ! ","10" " He is a GO GETTER , the woman that marrys him can expect two","10" "things, they will always have money and he will spend a lot of time","10" "away from home ! ","10" " He usually has a course voice and couldn't carry a tune in a water","10" "BUCKET ! ","10" " He is nervous by nature and can not sit still for long periods of time"10" "He very RARELY spends enough time with his children, although he is ","10" "a careing and loveing father, he spends too much time working ! ","10" " He loves to work with his hands, be it pushing a crooked pencil ","10" "or working in the garage !","10" " He is SLOW to ANGER, although if you ask him he will disagree ! ","10" "","10" "@","" " Continued...","11" "************************************************************************","15" " He is a brave soul, there is very little that they can't do.","10" "and will not try to do.","10" " Do to his constant movement without rest, they do not die of old age","10" "His over weight problem makes him prone to heart attacks and strokes.","10" " But his family need never fear for a bread winner, because more ","10" "than likely he has enough life insurance to feed several families ","10" "in the event of his un-timely demise !","10" " Like the sign that he was born under, his STING can be fatal to ","10" "the woman that falls in love with him. Once you have had the best ","10" "you can never be satisfied with LESS !","10" " He accepts life as it is, the weaklings will seek him out for his","10" "support and strenght. ","10" " He has a great reverence for relegion and never will be caught","10" "making fun of it ! ","10" " He can become addicted to alcohol or drugs because of the releif it","10" "gives him from his everyday worries and cares.","10" " He is never swayed by other peoples motives, only his own !","10" "He is often considered stubborn by his mate, this is not true,","10" "","" "@","" " Continued...","11" "*************************************************************************","15" " No one can hurt the SCORPIO male but himself, which is often the ","10" " case, ","10" "because he is a WATER sign, it would be well for him to choose a mate. ","10" "from the EARTH sign group ( CAPRICORN,TARSUS or VIRGO )","10" "because WATER mixes well with EARTH ! ","10" "","10" " He is a great lover and family man and very rarely dresses up","10" "unless it is for a funeral or wedding !","10" " ","10" " If there is one thing he likes more than a woman, it is women ! ","10" "His mate will often wonder, 'Is he realy working late or out chaseing,"10" "womem ?. ","10" " ","10" "","10" " In summary, he is in love with two things at the same time !","12" "","" " his WIFE and MONEY !","14" "",""