" SAGITTARIUS female Personality profile","11" "*************************************************************************","15" " She is a proud creature, indeed.","10" "Out of all the signs of the ZODIAC she is the most likely ","10" "to not want a man to fight over her, because dogs fight over","10" "a bitch in heat and she feels that men fighting over her !","10" "makes her a slute !. ","10" " She is conservative and conventional, yet she likes to use ","10" "her beauty as a weapon, this makes her double deadly !","10" "She like her independence, this probably is the one single thing ","10" "that she holds most precious !","10" " Often, her mother or father will lay a guilt trip on her and !","10" "she will fall for it hook line and sinker ","10" " Others will impose upon her generosity as well, girlfriends and","10" "sisters. ","10" " She likes to gamble, like the male of her sign, but rarely with ","10" "MONEY, unless it would be on the LOTTERY or BINGO, her gambling ","10" "takes the form of men. Most of the time she will win, because of. ","10" "her ability to see through the average male. ","10" " She rarely finishes what she starts, this is because of her","10" "restless nature ! ","10" "","10" "@","" " Continued...","11" "************************************************************************","15" " The archer is her ZODIAC symbol and the man that gets hit ","10" "by one of her arrows of love, will have a bleeding heart !","10" " This is because of her nature to gamble, she will try her ","10" "mate to see just how far she can go, often it is less than she thought,","10" "but she realizes it too late ! ","10" " She is never on time, at work or play, and she can think up ","10" "dozens of excuses as to why she was late. ","10" " Her romantic life is usually a shambles by the time she is","10" "in her mid thirties, but she never seems to learn. ","10" "that it is better to gamble on horses than people !","10" " She will dye her hair if a strand of grey should show. of all !","10" "the signs of the ZODIAC she is the one that may fear old age ","10" "the most !","10" " All too often she will let her heart rule her head, she may ","10" "be fully aware that her mate is a bum, but she convinces her self","10" "that he is ok, that after all is the only person she may find reason.","10" "to convince!","10" " She may be drawn to the OWIJA board as an aid to her gambeling.","10" "","" "@","" " Continued...","11" "*************************************************************************","15" " She builds KARMA and reaps it's harvest ! ","10" "most of it in this life ","10" "because she is a FIRE sign, it would be well for her to choose a mate. ","10" "from the AIR sign group ( LIBRA, AQUARIUS, GEMINI )","10" "There is NO SECOND CHOICE ! ","10" "WATER and AIR will put out a FIRE !","10" " She is slow to anger, but watch out for an uncontrolable RAGE !","10" "She can get glad just as fast as she got mad, this sudden change in","10" "tempermant, will through her opponent off balance , ","10" " If her mate gets in the doghouse, then he better go to the bank ","10" "to get out,"10" " She may find it works so well, she may want to keep !. ","10" "him there ! ","10" "","10" " In summary, If she gambles on the bottom half of her sign, she may","12" "","" "WIN, the top half, she will loose every time !","14" "",""