"CAPRICORN male Personality profile","11" "*************************************************************************","15" " On the surface, he is cool and calculated.","10" "While underneath, he is one of the warmest-hearted romatics in the ","10" "world. He can Slay with a glance, wound with a word !","10" " The very one he loves, he may hurt. He has a heart!","10" "He has a heart, a great big red bleeding heart !. ","10" "He is ruled by the Planet SATURN. He feels that happiness has a price !","10" "He will always have a lot of buddies, do to his sense of good humor !","10" "He has a very DEEP feeling that his mate must express to show that ","10" "she loves him. !","10" " He is a MAMA's boy and may remain tied to the apron strings after ","10" "he is married !","10" " He is kind, generous and thoughtful, but a cover does not make a book !","10" "He has a conscience that will often condem him for his thoughts and most. ","10" "of the time will win ! ","10" " The sitfling effects of represed desire can drive him to become a ","10" "Don Juan or a great civic leader. ","10" " He has a great deal of conviction in all the things he does be them, ","10" "big or small.","10" " He is usually above average height and is light skined with blue eyes ! ","10" "","10" "@","" " Continued...","11" "************************************************************************","15" " SATURN is his celestial school master, and will drive him to ","10" "acheive his goals !","10" " He is the perpetual Peter Pan, and has a hard time growing up, ","10" "to responsibility !","10" " He feels the way to a womans heart is through her stomach, and ","10" "will not hesitate to spend a bundle on her on a night on the town ! ","10" "This does not mean a trip to the nearest bar, but instead to an ","10" "expensive resturant or hotel!","10" " He will write poems and send fragrant letters to his loved. ","10" "one. He feels that nothing he does can be enough !","10" " He is jealous, vengeful and clever !","10" "He rembers that there are nine women to every one man on Earth, and ","10" "he says' Here I Am Girls, come and get me !' this is the rule,","10" "not the exception ! ","10" " When he is young he will often fight over girls, but as he","10" "matures, he prefers for them to fight over him !","10" "and the more the merrier ! ","10" " ","10" "","" "@","" " Continued...","11" "*************************************************************************","15" " He is not an easy person to love or understand ! ","10" "this is due to the mysterious influence of SARURN ! ","10" "because he is aa EARTH sign, it would be well for him to choose a mate. ","10" "from the WATER sign group ( CANCER, LEO, SAGITTARIUS )","10" "There is NO SECOND CHOICE ! ","10" "EARTH will not mix with AIR or FIRE !","10" " He rarely trusts any one, that is because he doesn't trust","10" "himself, and if you can't trust yourself, then who can you trust ?","10" " He needs constant attention, and if his mate is reading a book and ","10" "he is watching television, then he will do anything to get her attention ","10" ""10" " Like a well nurished plant, if you water him with love, ","10" "he will grow ! ","10" "","10" " In summary, he is one of the dearest, sweetest, kindest","12" "","" "CHEATS in the whole wide world !","14" "",""