" ARIES female Personality profile","11" "*************************************************************************","15" " The ARIES female is quite different than her male counter part","10" "at an early age she usually becomes courious about boys and sex. ","10" " She can be very stubborn at times then as she matures she will","10" "delude herself into beliving that her mate is perfect and has the ","10" "problem of exaggerating all of his qualities to her friends. She is","10" "impatient and restless. This can cause her to become a nagging wife.","10" " She needs constant attention and if ignored will become flustered","10" "If you ever forget a birthday or anniversary then she will never let you ","10" "forget that you forgot.","10" " If she feels that she is not being taken seriously by her mate, it will","10" "cause her great harm, and could drive her into the arms of another !","10" " As with the ARIES male she is governed by the planet MARS, which can","10" "produce a firey temper. She has a great deal of animal megnitism and","10" "and personal charm. She usually has a great sense of humor and likes to","10" "hear and tell jokes. She NEVER forgets her first love and after divorce","10" "or death of her spouse may return to her FIRST love. She normally lives","10" "longer than other female signs of the ZODIAC and becomes a great grand","10" "mother early in life.","10" " Her feminine attributes develop at an early age and she can become","10" "the envey of her other female friends","10" "@","" " Continued...","11" "************************************************************************","15" " She is very trust worthy and loyal to her mate, but should he betray","10" "her trust, she will drop him like a hot potatoe, without a backward","10" "glance. If she lands an office job, early in life she can move to the","10" "top in leaps and bounds.","10" " Her sense of humor usually keeps her from holding grudges. If she","10" "should ever decide to take another womans husband or sweetheart, then","10" "LOOK OUT, she normally bats .1000 !","10" " She seperates everything into little boxes and labels them ","10" "(FAMILY), (JOB) ,(CHILDREN), (FRIENDS) ETC: and ends up placeing them ","10" "all in one big box labeled (LIFE) and never lets one interfear with the","10" "other.","10" " If she has blonde hair, never consider her to be a 'DUMB BLONDE'","10" "if there is one thing that will P O her, it is to insult her","10" "intelligence by telling her something that is a lie and think that","10" "she is stupid enough to believe it.","10" " She usually has an out going personality and likes to collect scalps","10" "in the way of conquests. If her mate thinks that he has conqured her,","10" "it is because she wants him to believe it !","10" "","" "@","" " Continued...","11" "*************************************************************************","15" " The most prominant trait of the ARIES female is that she is","10" "agressive to the point of being a bully.","10" "Her best sign to marry would be AIR(LIBRA,AQUARIUS, GEMINI) ","10" "There is NO second choice.","10" " EARTH and WATER will PUT OUT A FIRE","10" " She has a wide variety of interest from home to social life and ","10" "will ofter continue her education after she finishes raiseing her","10" "family","10" " She will collect 'OLD WIVES TALES' and pass them down to her ","10" " daughters. She is just a bit on the superstitious side, but rearly","10" "will ever admit it to her closest friends.","10" " SHE is a 'WANTON WOMAN' that is she wants everything !","10" "","" "and usually gets it !","10" " In summary, she usually gets her way and what she wants !","12" "","" "be that whatever it may ! ","14" "",""