" TARUSUS male Personality profile","11" "*************************************************************************","15" " The male is just as the name suggests 'A BULL' he is hard","10" "headed and often stubborn. He is a quick learner and learns ","10" "from his mistakes quickly and seldom makes the same mistake twice.","10" " He is a social animal and likes to be the center of attention at ","10" "parties and family get togathers. He strives like no other for","10" "success in all of his under takeings. This can make him a WORK A HOLIC","10" " He takes pride in his work and usually finishes what he starts.","10" "He is a DREAMER but in most case he will work till he makes his dream ","10" "come true.","10" " He has the ability to be a promoter and and is a bargain hunter","10" "rummage sales and flea markets could become addictive. He likes to trade","10" "and usually comes out on top in a deal.","10" " He makes a good father because he is constantly interested in what","10" "his children are involved in. You will often find them as Little","10" "league coaches or umpires. ","10" " He is a good talker and will talk your ear off, in arguments with","10" "others, including his spouse. He will always get the last word in","10" "even if it is 'Yes, Mamm!' to his wife.","10" " His mate must accept him as he is, trying to change him would be like ","10" "trying to make water flow up hill !","10" "@","" " Continued...","11" "************************************************************************","15" " Material and monetary wealth plays and important part in his life","10" "as well as fame. He will try to gain it by hook or by crook. ","10" " Since he is a good talker he can also become a good writer, many","10" "authors and playwrites have been TARSUS males. He never has a problem.","10" "in expressing himself.","10" " Venus is his ruleing planet and he appreciates beauty in all things","10" "this can cause him to spend more time in front of the mirror than his","10" "wife getting ready to go to a social gathering. ","10" " He has a very deep and strong feeling about relegion and sex. ","10" "He is usually above average in height.","10" " He has a dis-arming appearance that belies the savage nature of.","10" "the bull that dwells within !","10" " He is slow to anger but once aroused LOOK out, only a trained Matador","10" "could elude his bullish pride","10" " Often it can be a FOOLISH pride, he hates to admit that he is.","10" "wrong. He may win the battle but lose the war. Often it will cost him","10" "more to win a argument than it would if he lost grasiously","10" "he is straight forward and says what is on his mind, regardless of","10" "","" "@","" " Continued...","11" "*************************************************************************","15" " the consquences. This can cause him and his family a lot of greif","10" "due to the fact that he considers his boss at work as no exception.","10" "and may prove him wrong and lose a good raise or get fired. ","10" "The most prominant thing about the TARSUS male is his quest for knowledge.","10" "He would be happiest with a WATER sign( CANCER, SCORPIO, PISCES)","10" "FIRE and AIR will no mix with EARTH ! ","10" " He will always maintain a close relationship with his mother and ","10" "and father. This respect for his parents, he will try to instill in","10" "his own children as well. Often if he has a daughter, he will want to ","10" "meet them and check them out, because he remembers being young","10" "himself and is a bit over protective of 'DADDY's GIRL'.","10" "to the embrasment of his daughter. He expects his sons to follow ","10" "","" "in the footsteps of their father !","10" " In summary, he has pretty big feet and his sons may have trouble","12" "","" "filling his shoes !","14" "",""