" CANCER male Personality profile","11" "*************************************************************************","15" " The CANCER male can end up living a tragic life !","10" "To him love is like the petals on a daisy, she loves me, she loves me not!. ","10" "His emotional ups and downs, for his mate is like riding on a roller","10" "coaster. ","10" " The CANCER people are often refered to as 'MOON CHILDREN' they ","10" "could have been called 'MOON ADULTS' but for some reason both","10" "male and female react like children to lifes everyday woes !","10" " He often is over sensative about his physical looks and social ","10" "statsus.","10" " Out of all of the signs of the ZODIAC the CANCER people are!","10" "probably the most mis-understood people of them all !","10" " To understand a CANCER male or female you must first realize!'","10" "that the moon is one of the closest celestial objects in the sky ! ","10" "and it plays an important role in the riseing and falling of the,","10" "tides of the oceans of Earth. ","10" " This same influence is exercised on the CANCER person. ","10" "I will not go into detail as to why, if you have read the INSTRUCTIONS","10" "then you will know !","10" " You may have heard of the term 'MOON STRUCK' or MOON MADNESS' ","10" "this term is totally un-fair when applied to CANCER people !","10" "@","" " Continued...","11" "************************************************************************","15" " The male CANCER will give his ALL for love, and he has a lot ","10" "to give, not only in the way of romance but as security for marriage ","10" "because he is a hard worker and can assimilate a small fortune quickly,.","10" "he can also lose it just as fast!.","10" " If he marries into the right sign and gets the right mate ","10" "that understands him, then their lives can be IDEAL !","10" " If the reverse happens then their lives can end up like ","10" "ANTONY and CLEOPATRA ! ","10" " Gambeling and drinking can be his vices, unless he gets married ","10" "and settles down to raiseing a family. .","10" " He has a tendency to frequent his old haunts, be them past lovers.","10" "or bars.","10" " He needs encouragement in the bedroom as well as on his job, getting","10" "such will turn him into a DYNAMO ! ","10" " When he is young he prefers older women then as he gets older !","10" "the reverse is true ! ","10" " He often will cling to his mothers apron strings even after he !'","10" "is married and has a family, this is because he feels his mother !","10" "","" "@","" " Continued...","11" "*************************************************************************","15" " understands him !","10" "He would be best off to marry an EARTH sign(CAPRICORN,TARSUS,VIRGO)!","10" "because he is a WATER sign and WATER mixes well with EARTH. ","10" " His second choice would be an AIR sign because air will mix !","10" "with WATER !","10" "( LIBRA, AQUARIUS OR GEMINI) ","10" " He will give a full measure of that which he receives ","10" "be it LOVE, HATE or SCORN !","10" " ","10" " TO KNOW HIM, IS TO LOVE HIM ","10" " Watch out for him .","10" " WHEN THE MOON IS FULL ! ","10" "","" "","10" " In summary, If his love affairs are like a roller coaster","12" "","" "THEN he should say 'STOP THIS THING AND LET ME OFF !'","14" "",""