" LEO male Personality profile","11" "*************************************************************************","15" " The LEO male considers himself a star, and must preform for !","10" "everyone, often this can make him a show off. ","10" " He is a sucker for flattery, so if you want something from him,","10" "flatter him, he'll eat it up.. ","10" " And he like to use flattery as well as receive it ! ","10" " He never forgets a favor, like the fable about the LION and the MOUSE","10" "If you do him a favor he will return it, wheither you want it or not !","10" " The SUN is his ruleing planet as it is the center of our solar system ","10" "So is it with him, he likes to be the center of attention.","10" "If he is ignored then he will pout like a small child!","10" " Fortunetly his pouts never last long, he is a GREAT actor on and off stage !","10" "So great in fact that if he tells a lie, he believes it himself","10" " He is very possesive, of his wife, girlfriend and all material ! ","10" "posessions,","10" " He likes to be the big fish in a little pond, he loves to receive. ","10" "gifts on his birthday and annivesary, this makes him feel important. ","10" " If he picks a flower from the garden, it will be the most beautiful, ","10" "be it from the garden of love or elsewhere !","10" " He can be very domineering in his family life as well as at work, ","10" "again this is a role he feels he must play and play it he will !","10" "@","" " Continued...","11" "************************************************************************","15" " The male LEO will often roar like the LION that he is, but his","10" "his bark is worse than his bite, because inside every adult LION there ","10" "was once a little kitten, and still is..","10" " He is a planner, he plans everything, from mother hood to vacations.","10" " He can not stand compitition, there is only room for one star in his","10" "household and that is him, this often will make his children feel that he","10" "is not proud of them, nothing could be farther from the truth, in fact if ","10" "his child makes an 'A' in class his co-workers will never hear the end. ","10" "of it, because it gives him the chance to brag.. ","10" " Since he is a planner most things are done by appointment, the grocery.","10" "store,mowing the lawn, to sex !","10" " He sets his goals early in life and will spend his entire life.","10" "trying to attain those goals, if he does, good, if not then he will","10" "DIE TRYING! ","10" " He can extreamly stubborn, when it comes to changing his view !","10" "on sex, relegion, or politics. ","10" " There are three ways to do things, the right way, the wrong way !'","10" "and his way !","10" "","" "@","" " Continued...","11" "*************************************************************************","15" " He believes in order, in his life as well as the universe!","10" "He would be best off to marry an AIR sign( LIBRA, AQUARIUS, GEMINI )!","10" "because he is a FIRE sign and FIRE mixes well with AIR. ","10" " There is NO second choice FIRE will NOT mix !","10" "with EARTH or WATER ! They will put a FIRE OUT","10" "","10" " He will sacrifice many things for LOVE, riches, and many things ","10" "He will also remember that after a certain point, self sacrifice !","10" " ","10" "becomes self crucification ! ","10" " .","10" "If he doesn't let his life go up in flames, then he will have a very ! ","10" "Happy marriage ! ","10" "","10" " In summary, there can be only one star in his family","12" "","" "and that is him !'","14" "",""