Mah Jongg Tile Set Description

Tile Set Name:  BIRDS.TIL
Subject:  Various Birds
Created by:  Nels Anderson


Many of the birds you might see out in the woods or even in your own
backyard are very colorful and I thought they'd make a wonderful
subject for a tile set.  For the most part I stuck with birds that
are seen in New England (OK, the only place I've seen parrots in New
England is in the pet store...).  I even learned a few things doing
this project; for example I always thought those birds sitting (and
doing other things) on statues were pigeons when they're actually
"rock doves".

The birds included in this set are as follows:

 1) Robin
 2) Cardinal
 3) Baltimore Oriole
 4) Rock Dove (Pigeon)
 5) Downy Woodpecker
 6) Chickadee
 7) Great Horned Owl
 8) Mallard Duck
 9) Great Blue Heron
10) Blue Jay
11) Glaucous Gull
12) Ruby-throated Hummingbird
13) Mute Swan
14) Bald Headed Eagle
15) Evening Grosbeak
16) Chipping Sparrow
17) Red-winged Blackbird
18) Canadian Goose
19) Ring-necked Pheasant
20) Black-crested Titmouse
21) Turkey
22) Painted Bunting
23) Rose-breasted Grosbeak
24) Yellow-naped Amazon Parrot
25) Blue and Yellow Macaw
26) Citron Crested Cockatoo
27) Wood Duck
28) Least Bittern
29) Common Puffin
30) Bobwhite
31) Brown Pelican
32) Belted Kingfisher
33) Brown Thrasher
34) Bay-breasted Warbler
35) Eastern Bluebird
39) Eastern Meadowlark