********************************************************************** StarMines -- version 1.1 Copyright (C) Jari Karjala 1991 The Starmines is a FreeWare game for PCompatibles. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You may re-distribute the complete and unmodified copies of StarMines provided that there is no charge for copying. ********************************************************************** StarMines version 1.1, Feb 25, 1991 Intro ----- StarMines is a simple shoot-em-up game without any need for thinking. Just go ahead and annihilate those nasty StarMines before they do it to you. Man the battlestations, several mine fields ahead! Controls -------- You control your ship by using the following keys: z or arrow left rotate anticlockwise x or arrow right rotate clockwise m or arrow up thrush space or , or . shoot You can quit the game any time by pressing Esc and you get back to DOS when you press Esc in the high score display. Challenge for game crackers: StarMines includes a CHEAT feature. Hardware requirements --------------------- Hercules, EGA or VGA graphics adapter and about 250 kbytes of free memory. If you have a slow machine set your graphics card into Hercules mode if possible, it is much faster. ********************************************************************** This program started as a demonstration program for my Sprite Toolkit (STK), but I expanded it so much that I think it deserves to be distributed as a stand alone program as well. The source code for this game are included in the STK version 1.1. If you have any comments, suggestions or bug reports, please let me know. Jari Karjala Veropellontie 11 00780 Helsinki Finland INTERNET: jka@niksula.hut.fi