MESSAGES FROM MICRO STAR Good Advice! - Make copies of your Micro Star diskettes! - Read your DOS and BASIC manuals - If you do not have manuals buy or borrow them - We suggest that you purchase 1301-DOS Tutorial or 1302-DOS Help * Computers are very exacting * Reference books can be helpful; There are many available at bookstores or libraries * Book study can save you hours of frustration, confusion and embarassment * Especially read up on DIR, TYPE, COPY, DISKCOPY, and 'How to load BASIC programs' * FOR THE NEW USER * 1. ˙˙LOADING ˙THE DISKETTE: ˙After booting up with DOS, ˙put the Micro Star diskette ˙in ˙drive ˙A 2. ˙DIRECTORY LISTING: ˙At the A>prompt type DIR/W and press enter. ˙DIR/W ˙will provide you with ˙a ˙listing ˙of the ˙files ˙on ˙the ˙diskette. 3. ˙INFORMATION HELP FILES: Look for Help.doc,, ˙Execute.txt or any file with an .txt ˙or ˙.doc ˙extension(e.g. ˙˙manual.txt or readme.doc). These files will provide information on how to run the programs. 4. VIEWING THE DOCUMENTATION: ˙To read the .txt,.doc, ˙or files you have chosen, ˙enter: ˙TYPE .txt at ˙the ˙DOS prompt. (e.g.TYPE manual.txt). The text will start scolling on the screen for you to read. TO STOP THE SCOLLING: Hit the 'Ctrl' and 's' keys at the same time. ˙˙To˙begin ˙scolling ˙again, ˙hit any key. 5. ˙TO PRINT A DOCUMENTATION FILE: Hit the 'ctrl' and 'p' keys at the same time. Enter 'Type .ext'. At the completion of the printing hit 'ctrl and 'p' keys again to disengage the printer STARTING THE PROGRAMS *** If there are documentation or text files on your diskettes *** we suggest that you read them, *** you will save yourself much time and effort *** 1. ˙˙EXECUTABLE FILES have an .com or .exe extension. ˙They can be run from the DOS ˙prompt ˙by entering the filename (e.g., ˙run ˙Startrek.exe ˙or by entering: Startrek) 2. BATCH FILES have a .bat extension and can be run from the DOS prompt the same way that you run an executable program. 3. ˙BASIC FILES have a .bas extension. They are written in the BASIC programming language. You need the BASIC interpreter to run the program files. The interpreter ˙usually comes with you DOS.(BASIC is also known as BASICA ˙or GWBASIC) ˙BASIC is commercial software. ˙Micro Star does not sell ˙commercial software. ˙Please ˙see ˙your computer software dealer. 4.TO RUN BASIC PROGRAMS:To run PAC-MAN.bas, first boot up with DOS then on a.... * Hard disk system: a. insert the PAC-MAN diskette into drive A b. enter BASICA PAC-MAN, or GWBASIC PAC-MAN at the DOS prompt if you defined your PATH to BASIC or GWBASIC c. OR at bootup time, locate GWBASIC or BASIC on your hard-drive - then, from the directory that contains BASIC or GWBASIC enter 'A:' at the prompt with the basic program diskette in drive A - then at the A prompt enter 'C:GWBASIC * Floppy disk drive system: a.insert your BASICA or GWBASICA into drive A b.enter BASICA or GWBASIC at the A prompt c.remove the BASICA disk and insert the PAC-MAN disk the OK prompt hit the F3 ˙key (load"), e.enter PAC-MAN(load"PAC-MAN) f.hit F2 ˙to run the program * Another alternative would be to copy the GWBASIC.exe or BASICA.exe to the game or program diskette and enter GWBASIC or BASICA at the DOS prompt. 5. ARCHIVED FILES have been compressed for storage purposes, and can not be executed in compressed format. These files have an extension of ARC, LBR, ZOO, or an extension with a Q in the middle(PCCHESS.EQE) a. For information on how to uncompress enter the unarchiving utility name (e.g.XARC, PKXARC, OR PKARC) or read XARC.DOC, PKXARC.DOC, PKARC.DOC, or any other documentation on the diskette. *** Print this file,enter: COPY TIPS88.TXT PRN at the DOS prompt ****e