Information on how to order shareware CHEAP! Have you ever seen some shareware programs that you would like to try out but somehow never found the time to download them? Do you have a bunch of old versions of shareware programs that you would like to get upgraded to the newer versions mentioned in the LVL, but can't find them? Do you find a program description that catches your eye? Do you have a friend that is new to computing who needs some software to get his system up and running? Did you hear of a program but couldn't find it? Have no affordable method exists now! With the LVL disk service you can request any of over 500 shareware/pd/freeware programs from the list. Also any other programs that are not on the list can be requested and I will attempt to look for them. Just fill out the form below and I will get back to you on the cost, which is also related to the disks required. Average price, which includes disk, postage, and finding fee, is about $4.00 for a 360k disk and $5.50 for a 1.2MB disk. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: ------------------------------------------ Address: ---------------------------------------------------- City: State: ZIP: -------------------- ------- ------------- Type of disk wanted: (360k or 1.2MB only) -------------------------- Brand of disk wanted: (Choose from Maxell, --------------------- 3M, Verbatim colored disks, or NOT CARE) Do you want the programs compressed? -------------- (YES or NO) (By compressing the programs with a file compresser you can get a lot more programs on a single disk, and get more for your $$$$) If you answered YES to the above question specify which format: (Check only ONE) ZIP_____ PAK_____ LHARC_____ ARC_____ ZOO_____ List of requested programs: 1. 11. 2. 12. 3. 13. 4. 14. 5. 15. 6. 16. 7. 17. 8. 18. 9. 19. 10. 20.