Newsgroups: Subject: v12i052: oscillo, oscilloscope simulator (part 01/03) Summary: An osocilloscope simulator in QuickBASIC Keywords: oscilloscope, simulator Message-ID: <3862@sixhub.UUCP> Date: 7 May 91 05:05:11 GMT Followup-To: X-Submissions-to: X-Questions-to: Checksum: 1657798180 (Verify with "brik -cv") Posting-number: Volume 12, Issue 052 Submitted-by: gedwards@ncratl.AtlantaGA.NCR.COM (Gordon Edwards) Archive-name: oscillo/part01 This simulates the display of an oscilloscope, and may be useful as a teaching aid, etc. Submitter gedwards@ncratl.AtlantaGA.NCR.COM (Gordon Edwards) says: This is an oscilloscope simulator I wrote in QuickBasic and compiled. I wrote the program for a physics project for a college physics class. The simulator simulates an oscillope and one power supply and two function generators.