112 files found in Library "Miscellaneous Text & Programs"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
1STAID33.ZIP Yes 72294 11/18/1991 FIRST-AID v3.3 Basic techniques to handle common emergencies
9600.ZIP Yes 27686 1/5/1992 Misc text information About 9600bps modems
9600DATA.ZIP Yes 10180 1/26/1992 Comparison of High Speed Modems Including HST,V.32,V.42bis
ACADC1.ZIP Yes 27035 3/28/1991 READ.ME document for Autocad Release 11.
ADD.ZIP Yes 74654 9/24/1990 THE HF RADIO ANTENNA DESIGNER v2.00 Radio Antenna Design
AGE.ZIP Yes 10519 10/14/1990 Calculate your medical age vs. your actual age.
AITOOLBX.ZIP Yes 110588 1/19/1990 An Interesting AI program
ARLOGUTH.ZIP Yes 5626 10/19/1991 ALICE'S RESTAURANT Funny 18.5 minute song
ASP4401.ZIP Yes 232006 8/1/1991 ASP Catalog for BBS users 2nd Volume 2nd Edition 08/01/91
ASPCAT.ZIP Yes 97600 12/3/1990 Association of Shareware Professionals catalog
AUTOMATE.ZIP Yes 157777 7/12/1991 A home monitoring and control system.
AUTRD110.ZIP Yes 78442 11/16/1991 AUTOREAD 1.10 program allows easy reading of large text file
BABY.ZIP Yes 36420 7/6/1990 Helps you decide on a baby's name.
BE.ZIP Yes 333902 11/7/1990 BIBLE EXPIDITION- Latest bible study program (excelent prog)
BIBLEQ.ZIP Yes 94583 1/30/1990 Bible Quiz 4 catagories 1000 Qeustions Beginner/Intermediat
BIBWIN11.ZIP Yes 93127 9/26/1991 Bible Window v1.1 Gives quotes from scriptures on the PC
BIO302SW.ZIP Yes 37636 5/12/1991 Biorythm charting in VGA/
BIOMRF.ZIP Yes 59401 3/27/1990 BIOMRF How small changes cumulativity make radical changes.
BLT6.ZIP Yes 6464 6/18/1990 Techniques for Off-Line Mail Reading
BOOK13.ZIP Yes 222310 3/4/1991 Book of Changes; Classic Chinese Literature
BOWL52.ZIP Yes 89910 9/10/1991 Bowling Assistant v5.2 Bowling league record keeping prog
BUILDIT.ZIP Yes 24453 1/27/1991 BUILD IT Building an IBM Compatible
BUILDUP.ZIP Yes 82950 5/24/1991 BuildUp v1.0 Athletic Performance Analysis Software
BULLET.ZIP Yes 164226 10/12/1990 BALLISTIC v3.10 Generate ballistic tables for shooters
CARSIGN.ZIP Yes 27455 5/12/1991 Creates those stupid yellow carsigns.
CASE.TXT No 31744 5/12/1990 The case against religion.
CHRNOS.ZIP Yes 116834 4/4/1991 Explore historical relations and events. Create historical
COACH.ZIP Yes 91499 5/17/1990 A Computerized Training Coach
COMPUCOM.ZIP Yes 28976 3/26/1991 CompuCom SpeedModem BBS Listing
CUD100.ZIP Yes 23320 4/7/1990 Computer Underground Digest Vol.1 Issue 1
DOOGIE12.ZIP Yes 76121 8/19/1991 DOOGIE v1.21 View Doogie Howser's journal for season's 1&2
DOS5CMDS.ZIP Yes 2415 5/4/1991 DOS 5 Commands. A Text file for Help with the new DOS 5.0
DRIP.ZIP Yes 2334 4/21/1990 Gag program, makes letters "drip" off the screen.
DRMYSTIC.ZIP Yes 101347 8/13/1990 Talking fortune teller
EAM.ZIP Yes 13385 5/13/1990 Electronic answering machine for data transmition to a PC
ENABLE1.ZIP Yes 124868 1/30/1990 Enable Reader Ver. 4.o A Professional speech system for PC's
ENABLE2.ZIP Yes 176266 1/19/1990 Enable Reader Ver 4.0 Disk 2
EVER23.ZIP Yes 72132 5/12/1991 A Poem in Hyper TEXT "EVERGLADE"
EZTICKLE.ZIP Yes 50986 2/5/1990 A reminder Program. Make to-do lists
FEATHER.TXT No 58449 12/19/1990 Christine Rietsch's (c) story of an elf by the name of Black
FLEXLABL.ZIP Yes 50393 7/30/1990 Another label maker. It says something about disk labeling.
FON_HOME.ZIP Yes 34385 11/25/1991 Info on device to remotely activate/deactivate computer
FRAINT14.ZIP Yes 279876 8/13/1990 Fractal animation
FREEMAG.ZIP Yes 646 6/26/1990 Telecomputing is BBS magazine- Get free copy
GLOSRY32.ZIP Yes 300632 4/1/1991 PC-GLOSSARY v3.2 Dictionary of computer terms
GM91EV.ZIP Yes 170035 10/29/1991 Gambler's Mate '91 Picks NFL winners using 3 systems
GM91FIX1.ZIP Yes 14277 9/24/1991 Fixes bug in Gambler's Mate '91
GM91WL06.ZIP Yes 1791 10/11/1991 How GM91 has done through week 6
HACKERS.ZIP Yes 41429 3/2/1990 A Hackers dictionary.
HAMCOMM.ZIP Yes 90728 12/5/1990 HamComm is a program for ham radio communications.
HAML1289.ZIP Yes 9996 11/30/1989 HAL1289 International list of HAM and shortwave listeners
HD0510R1.ZIP Yes 17614 5/10/1990 HARD DISK INFO List of over 1000 Hard Drives.
HEALTH_1.ZIP Yes 210894 12/10/1990 HealthAid (1 of 2) Nutrition guide and diet analyzer Demo
HEALTH_2.ZIP Yes 48909 11/1/1990 HealthAid (2 of 2) Nutrition guide and diet analyzer Demo
HP11.ZIP Yes 33880 7/19/1990 Hewlett Packard 11 Program. Check it out
IN070190.ZIP Yes 9434 7/1/1990 IN070190 July 1, 1990 Intelec Bulletin Board
INSPWRDS.ZIP Yes 834 11/10/1991 Words to Live By--Very Good!!
JULIAGN2.ZIP Yes 77167 6/17/1991 Replaces JULIAGEN.ZIP - VGA - FAST
KINDERGD.ZIP Yes 1258 11/10/1991 All I needed to know I learned in Kindergarden
LEGAL.ZIP Yes 73589 1/1/1990 LEGAL Misc. Legal Documents.
LPM.ZIP Yes 191248 1/10/1990 LPM Lottery Player's Magazine
LRNMSE.ZIP Yes 71047 4/15/1990 WW6B Amateur Radio Morse Code Training Program
LSL5SLV.ZIP Yes 10354 9/8/1991 Leisure Suit Larry 5 Solve Last Revision Date
LVL17.ZIP Yes 51910 3/17/1990 LVL Latest Versions List. Over 500 shareware,freeware or PD
MARRIAGE.ZIP Yes 2209 4/21/1990 Interesting! Kind of humorous!
MRSFIELD.ZIP Yes 1513 11/26/1990 The REAL Mrs. Fields. cookie recipe!
MSPSAUCE.ZIP Yes 1624 12/25/1991 Mike's Monster Spaghetti Sauce. For when you are tired of leftover Christmas turkey!
NAOCA.ZIP Yes 125944 1/2/1990 Complete psychological profile test
NEWCHANL.ZIP Yes 5374 11/25/1989 NEW CHANNEL Radio Scanner frequencies - Minnesota area.
NEWS4.TXT No 7168 3/5/1991 Dark Guardian New Paper
ONLINE.ZIP Yes 149703 1/28/1990 An on line Bible program
OSCILLO.ZIP Yes 54047 5/14/1991 FREE! Oscilloscope Simulator written for a Physics class. V
PANIC.ZIP Yes 9997 5/12/1991 20 min. Says reformatting Watch Out! Ties up Computer for
PB.ZIP Yes 52360 10/10/1990 Personal Biorhythm calculator
PCBAR.ZIP Yes 93867 1/5/1991 PCBARtender v2.0 Drink recipies--great for the holidays!!
PHONWORD.EXE No 55680 3/4/1991 Find a word for a telephone number.
PHOTO.ZIP Yes 148855 8/24/1990 Utilities for PHOTOGRAPHERS!
PRICES.ZIP Yes 696 11/10/1991 About Pricing--If you are in Sales, You NEED this!!
PROPHET.ZIP Yes 183154 10/10/1991 LOTTO PROPHET' v3.01 - A Lotto help program
PROPIK.ZIP Yes 100045 6/18/1991 PRO Football Picks v3.0 Football handicapping Pick winners
PSYCHMED.ZIP Yes 136140 4/19/1991 PsyMed quick reference guide to the psychotropic medication.
Q_PRO.ZIP Yes 132010 2/13/1990 Q-Pro - Brings Monte-Carlo techniques to desktop computing
RAVEN.ZIP Yes 3149 11/25/1990 The RAVEN by Edgar Allen Poe - a poem
SATURN.ZIP Yes 18396 1/18/2001 DISPLAY OF SATURN & IT'S MOONS Kinda weird!
SCRIPTUR.ZIP Yes 347330 4/23/1990 SCRIPTURE Exciting Bible Study Program.
SC_V13.ZIP Yes 108560 1/31/1991 THE SUPER SCANNER Listen to scanning frequencies.
SHARE.ZIP Yes 2488 10/24/1990 SHARE Explaniation of "Share" command.
SHARWARE.ZIP Yes 9561 8/26/1990 Two Text files describing what SHAREWARE is.
SM310.ZIP Yes 108231 3/7/1990 Super Morse Code Sender VG!
SMILEY.TXT No 4096 4/14/1991 A dictionary of smileys (Andre A.)
SOFTCOPY.ZIP Yes 6098 2/7/1991 SOFTCOPY Instructions to copyright your software programs.
SORTWAVE.TXT No 40960 8/17/1990 A list of Shortwave Frequencies
SPAUDIT.ZIP Yes 43754 9/17/1990 SPAUDIT Collect software census information
TECHINFO.ZIP Yes 23881 3/3/1991 TECHNINFO Techincal information about computers
TIPS0191.ZIP Yes 31722 1/31/1991 TIPS0191 A variety of tips for the Sysop
TMED.ZIP Yes 6290 2/15/1991 List of Medically related BBSes
TODAY31.ZIP Yes 119650 10/6/1990 Today v3.1. Displays historical facts and famous birthdays
TODAYQ1.ZIP Yes 76513 10/6/1990 More historical trivia for TODAY31.ZIP. (Jan/Feb/Mar)
TP2.ZIP Yes 71100 5/12/1991 Travel Planner, MPG, Miles, Time many cities, You can add yo
UNIT.ZIP Yes 61250 5/12/1991 Unit Converting Program. 426 Conversions Data file is ASCII.
USN0192B.ZIP Yes 3127 12/31/1991 List of US Navy and other military BBS's worldwide. JAN 1991 edition. This list is expected to be updated regularly. You are invited to submit updates, additions or corrections to this file for inclusion in future additions. 
USROBOT.ZIP Yes 14150 3/6/1990 U.S ROBOTICS Information about U.S. Robotics products.
VENDOR14.ZIP Yes 327090 2/17/1991 Computer Vendors Directory January 1992 #14
VRS.ZIP Yes 290134 9/27/1990 Vehicle Record System; excellent vehicle expense tracker
WORLDMAP.ZIP Yes 36257 2/17/1990 Map of the world
WRLDMAP2.ZIP Yes 149063 10/24/1990 A world map
ZIP_5_1.ZIP Yes 16999 1/15/1992 Zip Magazine Volume 5 Issue 1 for MS/PC-DOS Users. January 1992 release.