D'BRIDGE and Wildcat! With d'bridge now running, you will need to integrate it to work with wildcat. There are many ways you can do this, but I've found the easiest for me is actually dropping out with an errorlevel once a human caller calls d'bridge. There are advantages and disadvantages to this method. The major advantage, is for memory. D'bridge does not stay resident, so all your memory goes to Wildcat. The disadvantage, is you will be unable to distinguish between MNP modems and those with out it. I've compromised that situation by calling all 9600 and 2400 baud callers as having MNP. Whether they do or not, only makes a difference with downloading time, and assuming you also have an MNP supported modem. The second method, being spawning, is described in the documentations for d'bridge. You may prefer to use that method, the choice is yours. What follows is an example of my cat.bat file with some description as to why, and what each command does. EXAMPLE OF BATCH FILE FOR RUNNING D'BRIDGE WITH WILDCAT CAT.BAT echo off ---> Put to echo on initially for debugging purposes! :bbscheck ---> Marker. c: cd\wildcat if exist callinfo.bbs goto runbbs ---> Checks to see if callinfo.bbs is there If it is, it will go to RUNBBS - If a is not returning from a door, or netmail wildcat automatically erases callinfo.bbs :runmail ---> Marker for the start of d'bridge. f: cd\db db ---> RUNS D'bridge. if errorlevel 200 goto midnight ---> exit db with errorlevel 200 for midnight event. ie. Purge and renum echomail messages, reset live games etc. if errorlevel 101 goto com ---> Set function key to go to communications program. if errorlevel 100 goto localbbs ---> Set function key to go to wildcat locally if errorlevel 96 goto LOAD9600 ---> DB exits with errorlevel 96 with 9600 baud caller if errorlevel 60 goto aftmail ---> Exit db with errorlevel 60 after receiving mail. For the most part not needed. if errorlevel 24 goto load2400 ---> DB exits with errorlevel 24 for 2400 baud caller. if errorlevel 12 goto load1200 ---> DB exits with errorlevel 12 for 1200 baud caller. if errorlevel 03 goto load300 ---> DB exits with errorlevel 3 for 300 baud if errorlevel 2 goto exit if errorlevel 1 goto exit if errorlevel 0 goto exit goto runmail ---> not really needed, but leave it in just in case :com ---> Start communications program ie telix. g: cd\telix bnu -u ---> I use bnu.com as fossil driver. I unload it when going to telix, so I can call out at 19200 baud (defined within telix) telix bnu -r:2048 -t:1024 -x1 ---> Here I recall the fossil driver after exiting telix. This is for normal operations with fossil loaded for com 1. No locked baud rate. I have set my receive and transmit buffers low to save memory. goto runmail ---> Go back to DB after exiting telix. :ZIP | I include this to show an example of c: | using ZIPPER to change files uploaded to cd\wildcat | a ZIP compressed format. This subroutine | uses ATOZ200.zip BBZIPJ.zip F-PRO!.exe if exist *.arc atoz *.arc *.zip h | wcfllist.zip and PKbanner.zip files. if exist *.pak atoz *.pak *.zip h | Its purpose is to change all .arc and .pak c: | uploads to .zip extension both in the SET SPAT=c:\zipper | wildcat database, and in your upload dir. CD\zipper | Pkbanner puts a ansi/ascii comment to all ZIPPER c:\WILDCAT\UPLOADS B L | your .zip files and f-pro! I use to add C: | my uploads to the database (instead of a cd\wildcat\uploads | addfiles). Lastly wclist is a batch routine pkbanner *.zip banner.txt | that creates a new file listing using CD\WILDCAT | Derek Koopowitz's wcfllist program. f-pro! | call wclist.bat | GOTO RUNMAIL | :localbbs ---> Marker for local logins c: cls CTTY CON SET COMSPEC = C:\COMMAND.COM SET LIB=c:\ ---> These are needed for certain doors SET DOORPCH=pcb ---> I set them here rather than in the autoexec. cd\wildcat wildcat /B LOCAL if errorlevel 60 goto localend if errorlevel 50 goto doors rem Live programs if errorlevel 35 goto echom rem Echo/net mail if errorlevel 2 goto chkmail rem Event A if errorlevel 1 goto chkmail rem Wildcat! aborted - do a restart if errorlevel 0 goto chkmail rem F10 pressed - Wildcat! ends :localend goto runmail ---> go back to db. :load300 ---> If 300 baud caller. c: cd\wildcat set Baud=300 goto runbbs ---> go to wildcat. :load1200 c: cd\wildcat set Baud=1200 goto runbbs :load2400 ---> 2400 baud caller. MNP assumed, though may not be the c: case cd\wildcat set Baud=2400/MNP goto runbbs :LOAD9600 ---> 9600 baud caller. MNP assumed, which is usually the case. C: CD\WILDCAT SET BAUD=9600/MNP GOTO RUNBBS :midnight ---> Midnight event, as defined in the schedule of c: DB. cd\doors\tw1k | twmaint | ---> maintanance for tradewars etc. cd\doors\tw2 | twmaint/m | F: ----> Following is for echomail maintainance. cd\conf You could use the dbutil purge command here, but at this time db does not have a renumbering utility. call renum.bat Instead I use confmail 3.10, both for deleting and F: renumbering echo's. In order to use smlnet, you must cd\smlnet renumber or you will run into problems. Smlindex is smlindex a utility that comes with smlnet, which speeds up users access to the echo mail. An example of renum.bat is given in the smlnet description text. :aftmail ---> Being a fidonet HUB i'm responsible for the distribution f: of FNEWS and NODEDIFF's. This subroutine takes care of cd\binkley that and scans for those files after every mail call. mr f:\binkley\netfile\nodediff.a* myfile.dst -k ndiff.stp -t ndiff.txt mr f:\binkley\netfile\fnews*.* myfile.dst -k fnews.stp -t fnews.txt :runbbs ----> Subroutine to call up wildcat after each call. c: cls CTTY CON SET COMSPEC = C:\COMMAND.COM SET LIB=c:\ SET DOORPCH=pcb cd\wildcat if exist callinfo.bbs goto ONLINE ---> If callinfo.bbs exists to go to online.. meaning user is returning from a door or netmail. CTTY CON wildcat /B %baud% ----> You pass the baud rate as defined above when you SET baud = #### if errorlevel 60 goto chkmail rem Normal exit if errorlevel 50 goto doors rem Live programs if errorlevel 35 goto echom rem Echo/net mail if errorlevel 2 goto chkmail rem Event A --> Only used to log off users for event due in d'bridge. if errorlevel 1 goto chkmail rem Wildcat! aborted - do a restart if errorlevel 0 goto chkmail rem F10 pressed - Wildcat! ends :nocmdbbs ---> When callinfo exists, will come to this subroutine. No need to call up wildcat wildcat with /B %baud% as that is defined in callinfo If user drops carrier, wildcat will detect that and exit with errorlevel 1. if errorlevel 60 goto chkmail if errorlevel 50 goto doors rem Live programs if errorlevel 35 goto echom rem Echo/net mail if errorlevel 2 goto chkmail rem Event A if errorlevel 1 goto chkmail rem Wildcat! aborted - do a restart if errorlevel 0 goto chkmail rem F10 pressed - Wildcat! ends :doors ----> Drop to errorlevel 50 in wildcat. NOTE these errorlevels only apply to wildcat, and not to D'bridge. This has c: caused some confusion amongst some of the sysops I've cd\wildcat helped set up. door.bat :echom ----> The subroutine for going to net/echomail with small net. echo off Wc2rbb1.cfg is for node 1. See the smlnet setup txt f: for a description of this config. Basically it creates cd\smlnet a dorinfo1.def from callinfo.bbs. (If you run out of wc2rbbs wc2rbb1.cfg com2, you will need to copy dorinfo1.def to dorinfo2.def smlnet 1 for smlnet to open com2). c: CD \WILDCAT cat ---> This could be goto runbbs, however, I show another example of what could be done. :chkmail goto runmail :exit c: cd\wildcat Again, as I mentioned, there are many ways of doing the above example. This way works well for me, and really isn't too much different when running binkley, frontdoor, or d'bridge. If you do have suggestions on improvements to my batch file, I'd appreciate hearing from you. I can always be reached on the wildcat support board or directly. Thanks. Hugh (Mitchell) Doctor On Board HST St. Catharines, ONT 1:250/101 (416)-684-7710