Information for BULLETIN BOARD SYSOPS & Disk Vendors on 4FILES Version 2N =========================================================================== In addition to the various descriptions of 4FILES provided herein, please seach 4F.DOC for the string "18." and then do one PgDn. This will get you to the agreement for use and distribution of the program. The author is a member of the Association of Shareware Professionals. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE TO OTHER USERS: Please retain this file for inclusion with any copy of 4FILES which you might give to someone else. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONTENTS OF THIS FILE: ---------------------- 1) Naming the .ZIP or other archive file. 2) Keywords. 3) Category for placement. 4) Descriptions of various lengths for use on BBSs and in vendor catalogs. 5) Kudos 6) Brief registration information, and benefits of registration. 7) Author information. NAMING CONVENTIONS: ------------------- The archive file for this version should be 4FILES2N.ZIP, or other extension as appropriate for the type of compression used. If a shorter filename MUST be used (as on CompuServ) it should be 4F-2N.ZIP. The files within the package must not be renamed (search 4F.DOC for the string "packing list" to see the list). KEYWORDS: --------- 4FILES FILE MANAGER NOTE EDITOR ANNOTATE 4DOS NDOS UTILITY FRONT END BROWSE LIST CATEGORY: --------- This program may be classified as a file-management utility or a 4DOS support utility. If possible, cross-referencing between these classifications or preferably (if possible), a duplicate listing in the two libraries would be very much appreciated. Cross-referencing to categories for disk managers, and shells would also be appreciated. VERY SHORT DESCRIPTIONS: ------------------------ (40): File manager, annotator & more! For 4DOS. (44): File manager, annotator & utility front-end. (55): File manager, annotator & utility front-end. For 4DOS. MULTI-LINE BBS DESCRIPTIONS: ---------------------------- (1x45): Multi-purpose file manager, annotator & more! (2x45): Multi-purpose file manager, utility front-end and file note editor for 4DOS & NDOS. Nice. (4x45): Multi-purpose file management tool, also serves as a utility front-end and superb editor for 4DOS / NDOS file notes. Does single or marked files. Nice interface. (6x45): A multi-purpose file management tool and slick front-end for your favorite utilities. Includes a superb editor for file notes, which 4DOS & NDOS keep tagged to their files during copy, move, etc. Works on files singly or in marked blocks. ASP author. (8x45): A multi-purpose file management tool which perfectly integrates your favorite utilities into the work at hand. Includes a superb editor for 4DOS-style file notes, which 4DOS & NDOS keep tagged to their files during copy, move, etc. Manages single or marked multiple files. On-the-fly directory list sort and program configuration. ASP author. (10x45): A multi-purpose file management tool which perfectly integrates your favorite utilities into the work at hand. Includes a superb editor for 4DOS-style file notes, which 4DOS & NDOS keep tagged to their files during copy, move, etc. Manages single or marked multiple files. On-the-fly directory list sort and program configuration. Mouse supported. Shareware, $20. ASP author. PARAGRAPH DESCRIPTION: ---------------------- 4FILES is a multi-purpose tool for file management which smoothly integ- rates your favorite utilities for browsing and editing files, viewing archive file contents and other functions into the work at hand. The interface is very clean and convenient, and includes an easy method for drive:directory navig- ation. A exquisite editor for 4DOS-style 40-character file notes is built-in, as is a configuration routine. File management may be performed on single or multiple marked files. The directory list may be sorted on-the-fly in any of several ways. Integral mouse support. A PERKY UTILITY! Fully functional with COMMAND.COM, but 4DOS or NDOS is recommended. Shareware, $20. ASP author. LONG DESCRIPTION: ----------------- 4FILES is a multi-purpose tool for file management, and includes an exquisite editor for 4DOS-standard "file notes". The interface is unusually clean and convenient, and incorporates what may well be the easiest directory tree navigation method you have ever tried. 4FILES serves as a well coordinated front-end for several of your favorite utilities, smoothly integrating them into the work at hand. Point and shoot at any file in the sorted directory listing, and it will be loaded instantly into your file browser, text editor, archive-file extractor, file finder, or other utility. The utility interface is specially designed to allow rapid-fire access to these utilities for a succession of files. 4FILES has a built-in configuration routine, so changes to these "utility ports" and other settings can easily be made on-the-fly. Configuration changes may be session-only or permanent. The current directory is listed with sorted subdirectories at the top, followed by sorted files. The file list sorting order may be changed from the alphabetical default either via command line switches or on-the-fly. Sorts may be by file name, extension, size, date/time, or "file note" in either ascending or descending order. Except for the default filename field, the field of the current sort is highlighted on screen. The left half of each line of the list shows a file or subdirectory name and its full statistics. The right half is a 40-character space for a descriptive file note. If you are using 4DOS or NDOS (superior COMMAND.COM substitutes), a file note will remain associated with its file during copy, move and rename operations. You may also play with file notes under COMMAND.COM, but the notes will be lost during the above file operations. 4FILES starts up in File Mode, which has built-in management operations for single files and marked blocks of files. A DOS command line, either blank or containing the current file name, is easy to bring up. toggles between File Mode and Note Editing Mode. The above mentioned "utility ports" are functional in both modes. It's easy to do, and you will probably have to configure 4FILES before using it as a utility front-end. displays the configuration menu. The "factory" configuration calls 4DOS's internal LIST program for file browsing, and all other utility ports are set-up just as in earlier versions of 4FILES. You may substitute your favorite utilities for any of these, and can specify a command line tail. The ports are now fully and independently flexible, also including settings to pause/not-pause on exit and to load/not-reload the current directory list. 4FILES supports ANY video text mode of 80x25 or higher, in monochrome or color. A switch is provided to force 80x25 in case this is necessary due to an incompatibility. There is built-in support for two and three button mice uses all buttons on either type to their best advantage for disk navigation and changing between file and note editing modes. A very comprehensive manual file is included in the shareware package, and a printed manual will be available in November 1991. 4FILES is shareware, and those who decide to use it must register it with the author for a price of $20. International orders may alternatively be paid by a check in your local currency, equivalent to $30 (US) to cover the cost of currency exchange and higher mailing costs. The author is a member of the Association of Shareware Professionals. KUDOS ON 4FILES: --------------- "If 4FILES could be mouse aware, it would be beyond perfect." (Seattle) [This was an earlier version; now 4FILES is mouse aware.] "Previously I avoided file descriptions w/ 4DOS, a really useful feature. Now I love them. The integration of LIST, FV, EDIT, etc. is excellent. Easy to patch. Nice utility!" (San Pedro, Ca) "One of my handiest utilities. I use it every day." (USAF programmer) "From the moment I began to read your very complete and accurate document- ation, I was certain this software package was something I would find useful and worth supporting. Pleasingly, I was not disappointed. Your effort is a shining example of that which is worthy. As a fellow user and admirer of 4DOS, I ... had sought such a utility to enhance the package. Please accept not only my registration, but my thanks and congratulations for having produced such a fine addition to one of my favorite shareware programs." (Marysville, Oh) "I like the mouse control! Especially, I like how it passes on mouse control to QEDIT!!! I'm going to run off a bunch of disks of this version as well as post it on local boards so it gets wider distribution. Again, my awed compliments on a well thought out program." (Omaha, Ne) "I find it (4FILES) an extremely useful program. I've set my word processor to shell out to 4FILES by punching the F12 key. This allows me to quickly refer back to something I want to check out in a previous chapter or to identify the chapter I need to review with a minimum of hassle. Congratulations, and thanks." (Professional writer, Moscow, Id) "This is a great utility!!!" (Gainsville, Fl) REGISTRATION INFO: ------------------ 4FILES is shareware. Registration is $20, and a licensing arrangement for multiple installations may be arranged. Registered owners are entitled to: 1) a personalized copy of the latest version by mail, 2) a free upgrade to version 2.0 by mail, 3) free technical support, 4) custom modifica- tions for a reasonable price (free if adopted in public releases), 5) a discount on a subscription to Shareware Magazine, and 6) early notification of releases after V-2.0. See 4F.DOC for particulars. Support is via mail, phone, and CIS. AUTHOR INFORMATION: ------------------- The author, Larry Edwards, is a member of ASP and may be contacted at: Box 6001 Sitka, Ak 99835, 907-747-8996, CIS:72037,3607.