These menus were created to be run with Genesis Deluxe Software. They are the products of hours of work and much hair pulling. I drew them on THEDRAW version 3.20. The biggest pain was constantly forgeting to toggle the Animation mode when it was needed. One of the major problems I had in creating these menus was that the prompt constantly appeared on the menu once it was drawn. After constant trial and error I finally overcame this problem. There were two main objectives in creating these menus. They are as follows. First, Genesis Deluxe is so powerful and has so many commands that the younger and newer users to Genesis Deluxe get lost in its vast amounts of commands. So I have gotten rid of some of the commands that are not used that often. I watched users on my BBS for hours determining what commands were least or never used. I then eliminated them and used only the vital ones. Second, these screens are animated, and I wanted them to be drawn as quickly as possible. I found that in animation that the more often you change colors and when you use multiple colors that it takes quite a bit longer. It's not so bad when I call at 9600 and get animation but for the user that is at 1200 or even 300 it is pract- ically murder. Especially when they are calling long distance. Thus I came up with what I call "THE GRID" as a background on which the menus are drawn. THE GRID works great in that it provides a high tech almost 3-D effect to the menu. Well, thats about it. Just copy these files into your Genesis Menu Directory and thats it. Pretty simple, huh? Oh yeah! I have come up with some even greater ideas. I know how much of a pain it is to create menus. So if you would like some custom menus for your board then just give mine a call and leave me a comment. Just leave your board name, your name, and I will have them ready for you in about a week. Best of all Ill do it free of charge! You will have to call and download them though. Ha, Ha! --Cliff Merrill