This is my personal collection of Unix (tm) like utilities. Even if you are unfamiliar with Unix (tm) I believe you will find 'tail' and 'head' very useful. Type 'man head' for more instructions. Most of the utilities are from a collection called "Danix" written by Dan Schikore. The Danix collection has one major weakness if you ask me. At least on my computer you have to be in the same directory as the file you are operating on. (The Danix utilities can be anywhere on your path). If you want to see the end of a file named 'fred' in the directory 'foo' and you are currently in the directory 'bar' which is under 'foo', typing tail ..\fred won't work. Instead you have to execute two commands cd .. tail fred Somewhere along the line I ran across a better 'ls' than was included in the original "Danix" collection. In my personal collection the better, faster, can take full pathnames, 'ls' is named 'ls.exe', and the file 'man.pgs' has been updated. The Danix 'ls' and original 'man.pgs' are included as 'ls_orig.exe' and 'man_orig.pgs'.