W I L D C A T D I S P L A Y C O D E C R O S S R E F E R E N C E Updated: 07/21/91 by Michael Conley Version 2 Version 3 Description ======================================================================= ^B @NOSTOP@ - Makes Screen Unstoppable in current display file. ^C (toggle) @NOSTOP@ - Makes Screen Unstoppable in current display file. ^C (toggle) @STOP@ - Makes Screen Stoppable ^G @BELL@ - Causes Caller's Speaker to Beep ^S^B @TIME@ - Current Time ^S^C @NODE@ - Node Number ^S^D @DATE@ - Current Date ^S^E @BBS@ - Name of the BBS ^S^F @TFILE@ - Total # files available on system ^S^L @PREVON@ - Previous Caller ^S^N @TMSG@ - Total # msgs available on system ^S^P @PAUSE@ - Forces a -Pause- Prompt ^S^S @SYSOP@ - Sysop's full name ^S^T @TCALLS@ - Total Calls to System ^S^U @TUSER@ - Total # users on the system ^S^V @VER@ - WILDCAT! version number ^S^W# @NODE###@ - Node status text, where # is node # (be sure to use a 3-digit number with Wildcat! 3.x, including leading zeroes) ^U^B @BDATE@ - Users Birthdate ^U^C @CPU@ - Users CPU Type ^U^D @CALLS@ - Users Calls to System ^U^E @LEFT@ - Users Time Remaining ^U^F @FROM@ - Users Location ^U^G @UPK@ - Users Upload K-Bytes ^U^H @DOWNK@ - Users Download K-Bytes ^U^J @DOWNS@ - Users Number of Downloads ^U^K @FIRST@ - Users First Name ^U^L @LASTON@ - Users Last Call Date/Time ^U^N @USER@ - Users Full Name ^U^O @UPS@ - Users Number of Uploads ^U^P @PHONE@ - Users Phone Number ^U^Q @MEMO@ - Users Memo Date ^U^R @MAXDL@ - Maximum downloads possible per day ^U^S @SINCE@ - Users Date of First Login ^U^T @TIMEON@ - Users Time on System This Call ^U^V @LASTNEW@ - Users Last [N]ew Files Search ^U^W @SEC@ - Users Security Level This version 2 code has no version 3 equivalent. ^U^Y - User's message folders joined -- not appropriate to 3.0 display files due to large number of confs available. These version 3 codes have no version 2 equivalent: @CONF@ - Users Current Conference @MLEVEL@ - Users Current Menu Level @EXDATE@ - Users Expiration Date @MEMO1@ - User Comment Field #1 @MEMO2@ - User Comment Field #2 @SUB@ - Substitute Text String @LASTCALL@ - Last Call in MM/DD/YY HH:MM @MAXDK@ - Maximum allowed download KBytes @hh@ - COLOR code, see list below @CLS@ - Clears Display Screen @NOPAUSE@ - Makes current file non-stoppable These are the color codes as supported by Wildcat! 3.0: The code is @hh@, containing two HEX values (0-F). The first one is the BACKGROUND color and attribute: 0 - Black 1 - Blue 2 - Green 3 - Cyan 4 - Red 5 - Magenta 6 - Brown 7 - White ---------------------- 8 - Black with BLINK 9 - Blue with BLINK A - Green with BLINK B - Cyan with BLINK C - Red with BLINK D - Magenta with BLINK E - Brown with BLINK F - White with BLINK The second character is the FOREGROUND color and intensity: 0 - Black 1 - Blue 2 - Green 3 - Cyan 4 - Red 5 - Magenta 6 - Brown 7 - White ---------------------- 8 - Black + Intense (kinda grey on EGA/VGA) 9 - Blue + Intense A - Green + Intense B - Cyan + Intense C - Red + Intense D - Magenta + Intense E - Brown + Intense (displays as YELLOW) F - White + Intense =========================================================================