WCFILE is designed to add files to the WILDCAT! database. It processed 3 kinds of file activities: Files on disk with a text file containing the descriptions, files on disk with no description file and files on a CD-ROM disk with a text description file. ADD FILES - With description file This choice processes files already in directories on the disk that have not been added to the file database. It is designed to be used to process text listings, perhaps from another BBS system, that contain the descriptions of the files on disk. It can also be used if descriptions are not available but the sysop wants to enter them ahead of time in a text editor rather than from within WILDCAT!. The easiest way to do so is to redirect the output of the DIR command in the desired directory by entering: DIR > FILE.LST This creates a text file with the name of every file in the directory. it can then be loaded into any text editor and the descriptions can be typed in next to each file name, overwriting the file time. This text file FILE.LST can then be read with WCFILE to add the file information and descriptions. Before we move on to explain each operation, lets review just how this portion of WCFILE processes information. A text file containing filenames and descriptions is read and each filename is processed separately. Prior to processing WCFILE also determines which file areas are to be used during processing. After each filename is read from the text file a search is made ON DISK in the first selected file area for that file. If found on disk, it is added to the database with the description from the text file. If not found in that area ON DISK, the next selected file area is searched ON DISK for the filename from the text file. If the filename in the text file is not found in any of the file areas ON DISK, it is not processed. This processing allows WCFILE to read a single text file with filenames and descriptions from one or multiple file areas on disk. If output from the directory command is edited to add descriptions, multiple text file can be created and processed individually with only one file area selected. An alternative method would be to copy the multiple text files form multiple areas into a single text file and then select multiple areas for processing at the same time. The first thing WCFILE needs to know is the name of the text file to use for processing. This file does not have to meet any specific format, but needs to contain the names and descriptions of files to be added. The name and description can start at any location on a line, but must be consistent throughout the file. Enter the full path and filename to use when prompted. WCFILE reads the text file and displays it with a ruler line at the top. The bottom window is the active window immediately after reading the file and is the SETTINGS window. It is where you tell WCFILE how the text is arranged in the file being processed in the window above. File name begins on column: 1 The default is column 1, but can be changed in the event filenames are in another position on each line. Description begins on column: 40 The description can begin at any point on a line, but must always begin at the same location. Enter the position on the line where the description begins. If you need to move to the upper window to scroll the text press the F6 SWITCH key. F6 toggles the active window between the upper and lower sections. Maximum description characters The maximum number of characters imported will be 60, but you can limit the number read with this field. It is available in the even your descriptions are followed by additional text that is not part of the description and is to be excluded. When you have entered the SETTINGS information properly press F10 to move to the next processing step. WCFILE now needs to know which file areas to process and displays a pop-up window with all available file areas. Toggle the desired areas by pressing [ENTER]. Remember, only toggle areas in which the file actually exist for the text file being processed. Press F10 when you are ready to begin processing. ADD FILES - No description file This menu choice is used to add files from disk without adding descriptions. It simply (and quickly) add the filenames, dates and sizes of all files on disk located in the areas selected. the only prompt needed prior to processing is a pop-up window with all the available file areas. Select the desired areas to process by pressing [ENTER]. Press F10 when ready to process the selected files. This option add all files in the directories assigned to each file area and does not ask for any information from the sysop. This same processing can be obtained from the WILDCAT! sysop menu by adding files with *.*, except only one area can be processed at one time and no descriptions or other information are requested using WCFILE. ADD FILES - CD RBBS In-A-Box This is the first of the specialized CD-ROM processing options in WCFILE. Other CD-ROM disk processing menu choices will be added as soon as we can obtain the diskettes and look at the directory file structures. The WCCDROM.EXE program referenced in the manual is replaced by this portion of WCFILE.EXE. CD-ROM files are handled somewhat differently that indicated in the manual, and you should follow this documentation rather than that with WCCDROM. For each file area containing files located on a CD-ROM disk, WILDCAT!'s file area points to a directory on the standard hard disk containing a zero-byte file for each file on the CD-ROM. For example, if file area 25 is CD-ROM UTILITIES, it might have a file path of C:\WC30\CD-UTIL\. The actual CD-ROM files may be located on drive E: for the CD. In addition, each file database record within WILDCAT! has two fields that help CD-ROM access work faster. The first field is "ON CD-ROM", a flag that can be set to Y or N to tell WILDCAT! how to handle file requests. The second is "CD Path" which is used to hold the actual full path for the file on the CD, perhaps E:\RBBS\UTIL\. The zero-byte file is used by WILDCAT! to allow quick file text searches without checking the CD drive unless a download is requested. The special ADD FILES - CD RBBS-In-A-Box menu choice is used to automatically add as many files from this CD as desired to any file area in your WILDCAT! system. It adds the files to the file database, creates the zero-byte file in the directory on the hard disk, sets the ON CD ROM" flag to Y and adds the true file path to the "CD Path" field in the database. Before running this choice you must first create the file areas desired in WILDCAT! using MAKEWILD. The directories on disk for each area should be selected to contain the zero-byte files, and must be created prior to running WCFILE. Remember the real drive and path to the CD-ROM disk should NOT be entered for the file paths. You should break down the files into groups, perhaps following the same area definition used by the CD-ROM. It functions much like the first menu choice. It first asks for the name of the uploader, which can be set to the sysop name or anything else desired. It then asks for the full path and name of the .DIR file to be used for processing. Since RBBS-In-A-Box contains several .DIR listings you can select which are to be processed. The multiple .DIR files group the available files by date allowing adding only the newer file, if desired. review the listings and select the .DIR file of your choice. Once the .DIR file is selected WCFILE begins processing by reading the first entry in the file. Each line with a filename also contains reference to the actual location on the disk (subdirectory) where it resides as well as the area description from RBBS-In-A-Box. WCFILE reads the first filename and RBBS area and then asks which WILDCAT! area it should match. When processing you will be prompted for an area assignment every time the .DIR file contains a file in an area that has not previously been matched-up. If you are not processing all files and all areas on the CD, you should skip assignment of any areas you are not adding by selection the LAST WILDCAT! file area in the pop-up window (press END) which is "Skip files in this area".