R E A D I N G     M E S S A G E S

This command allows you to select which messages you want to read.  Reading
can be done using a number of command-line options.

The READ sub-prompt appears as follows:

   Starting from [1-2520], [H]elp, [N]ew mail, [S]earch, [U]nread personal,
   or [ENTER] to quit?

Each option is explained below:

[1..2520]  - Allows you to enter a beginning message number from the message
             range available.  Entering a number begins reading at that
             message and continues in a direction specified by the
             [D]irection selection.

[N]ew mail - Selecting this option displays the following sub-prompt:

   Read mail in [C]urrent, [A]ll, or [S]elected conference(s)? [S]

       [C]urrent  - Displays all previously unread messages in the currently
                    joined conference.

       [A]ll      - Displays all previously unread messages in all of the
                    conferences available based upon your security level.

       [S]elected - Similar to [A]ll option except this will display all
                    unread messages based upon conferences selected by the
                    [U]pdate Conferences Scan/Read function found on the
                    Message Menu.

[S]earch   - Selecting this option displays the following sub-prompt:

     [F]rom       : <ALL>
     [T]o         : <ALL>
     S[u]bject    : <ALL>
     Msg [B]ody   : <ALL>
     [N]umber     : <ALL>
     [D]irection  : Forward
     [C]onference : Selected

     Search command [F T U N D B C], [H]elp, [S]tart, [ENTER] to Quit? [ ]

     [F]rom       - Select a username addressed [F]rom:

     [T]o         - Select a username addressed [T]o:

     S[u]bject    - Searches on a specific Subject line string.

     Msg [B]ody   - Select keywords in the message body to search for.
                    Example: entering '386' will cause a search for all
                    occurances of that string in all messages based upon
                    overall search criteria.

     [N]umber     - Selects the starting message number to begin the search.

     [D]irection  - This is a toggle between forward and backward search
                    direction.  Forward is searching by incrementing the
                    message count by one, and backward just the opposite.

     [C]onference - Selecting this option displays the following sub-prompt:

             Scan [C]urrent, [S]elected, [A]ll conference(s)? [ ]

          [C]urrent  - Displays all previously unread messages in the currently
                       selected conference.

          [A]ll      - Displays all previously unread messages in all of the
                       conferences available based upon your security level.

          [S]elected - Similar to [A]ll option except this will display all
                       unread messages based upon conferences selected by the
                       [U]pdate Conferences Scan/Read function found on the
                       Message Menu.

[U]nread personal - Reads all messages that are addressed TO you, and have
             not been read previously.  This command would be used to read
             only mail addressed to you that is new, and is often used to
             read personal mail at every logon.

[H]elp     - Displays this Help screen.