Arrangement A Windows 3.0 application by Bruce Adelsman Do you find yourself always opening and moving your windows into a convient configuration? Are you frustrated with the complexity/limitations of the current crop of 'desktop arrangers'? Then Arrangement is the program for you. Arrangement will easily save and restore any arrangement of window applications. Arrangement can perform the following functions: o Save any configuration of Windows applications o Reload and restore a saved arrangement (including DOS applications) Installation and Usage: Copy ARRANGE.EXE to your WINDOWS directory (or any other directory in your path). Place a reference to the program on your LOAD= or RUN= line in your WIN.INI file. Example: [windows] load=ARRANGE.EXE When ARRANGEMENT saves, it writes the file ARRANGE.INI in your windows directory. This file contains information on the applications to be loaded (this file can be edited, see below for more details on it's format ). As ARRANGEMENT saves application information its icon will change to a flashing "Save" sign. When all information is saved the ARRANGEMENT icon will return to the normal icon. When ARRANGEMENT restores, it reads the file ARRANGE.INI in your windows directory. As ARRANGEMENT loads applications its icon will change to a flashing "Load" sign. When all applications are loaded and positioned the ARRANGEMENT icon will return to the normal icon. Clicking once on the ARRANGEMENT icon will bring up a system menu with the additional features of About, Load, Save, and Options. Load will reload an arrangement, Save will save the current arrangement. Options will allow you to change the meaning for a double click on the icon. Double clicking on the ARRANGEMENT icon will perform according to the current setting of the Double Click option. Options are: Save (only), Exit (only), or Save and Exit. File ARRANGE.INI format and function: This file contains all the information on how ARRANGEMENT should reload applications. (You need not know the format of this file in order to use ARRANGEMENT. ARRANGEMENT creates this file whenever you save a configuration.) An application load line will have the following format: Program# = c left top right bottom fullpathname [parameters] Program# is a line representing the program to load. The programs are loaded in order by # (number). The last program loaded (highest number) will become the current task. Note: numbers must start with 1 and must be sequential. c denotes the state of the window. N stands for a normal window, I stands for iconic and M stands for a maximized window. left top right bottom denote the upper left and lower right corners of the window (or icon). fullpathname is the full DOS pathname to the application. parameters are command line parameters to the application. These are optional and are not filled in when ARRANGEMENT saves a configuration. An example ARRANGE.INI file: [Arrangements] Program2=N 630 412 802 600 C:\WINDOWS\CLOCK.EXE Program3=I 344 541 380 577 D:\WINSTUFF\UPDOWN.EXE Program4=N 6 4 678 316 C:\WINDOWS\PROGMAN.EXE Program1=I 104 541 140 577 D:\WINSTUFF\ARRANGE.EXE (Note: the screen size that this arrangement was saved under is 800 by 600) Additional notes: - Notepad may be used to edit the ARRANGE.INI file. - While ARRANGEMENT does not save DOS application arrangements, it can load them. Simply edit the ARRANGE.INI file and add lines to load your favorite DOS applications. - Screen coordinates of all zeroes will cause the application to position to the default screen placement (this is especially useful for DOS applications). - Tip: copy the ARRANGE.INI file to another name to set up specific windows sessions Example: a session to start p game applications - save the arrangement for a group of game applications, exit windows and then: COPY ARRANGE.INI ARRGAMES.INI - now create a WINGAMES.BAT file with the following content: COPY ARRANGE.INI ARRANGE.BKP COPY ARRGAMES.INI ARRANGE.INI WIN COPY ARRANGE.BKP ARRANGE.INI - then to start Windows with that arrangement type: ARRGAMES That's it. I Hope that you find this program to be one of those tools you depend on. Drop me a line on Prodigy (CPNN64A) and pass along any comments. Program history: Version 1.00: -First release