Steve Schauer Telephone: (206) 385-2680 Wilson WindowWare BBS: (206) 935-5198 Compuserve: 74000,552 WINEDIT CHANGES, ADDITIONS, and BUG FIXES ----------------------------------------- 12/03/90: Vertical scrollbar range wasn't being updated after a paste. Allow replacement string to be empty on Change... command. 12/02/90: Fixed printing bug - wasn't remembering font from page to page. Fixed selection bug - not handling BUTTONUP properly when the mouse was outside the client area. 11/29/90: Fixed some missing accelerator keys in dialog boxes. Fixed bug reloading last file when cmdline == "LASTFILE.ED". Added Help topic: reloading previous files. 11/27/90: Fixed bug: inserting a char when there is a marked selection did not insert the char at the proper place. Corrected some WORD/int confusion that was sending us into negative land on a big (over 32767) Paste. Optimized Up and Down arrow scrolling. 11/26/90: Fixed allocation bug when resizing an existing buffer. Fixed bug locating WINEDIT.INI. This was causing WINEDIT to not remember some settings from session to session. Fixed bug locating WINEDIT.HLP when not on path. Fixed lockup bug (Dave's bug): after searching for text, a left button click to clear the selected text would try to unlock and free a bunch of stuff it shouldn't have. Updated help topic on Run Menu - to run a Windows application you cannot choose "Capture Output". Changed child window paint - in low memory situation it was not updating all windows properly. Fixed paint bug: When changing screen font, all child windows were not redrawn properly. Prompt for file save before compiling. 11/25/90: Added regular expressions to search and replace. See help topic "Using Regular Expressions". Fixed selection bug when marking up to a buffer boundary. Fixed bug reading zero length file.