Index of /disks/13Sep22/
1571 Test-Demo Disk/ 13-Sep-2022 23:35 -
1571 Test-Demo Disk #2/ 13-Sep-2022 23:38 -
1571 Test-Demo Disk #2 - forced 2 sides/ 13-Sep-2022 23:41 -
1571 Test-Demo Disk #3 - forced 2 sides/ 13-Sep-2022 23:44 -
1571 Test-Demo disk (#3 - forced 2 sided)/ 13-Sep-2022 23:59 -
1581 CP-M 3.0 for C-128/ 14-Sep-2022 18:00 -
1581 test-demo disk (copy #1)/ 14-Sep-2022 17:41 -
1581 test-demo disk (copy #2)/ 14-Sep-2022 17:56 -
BASCOM - TI Professional/ 14-Sep-2022 00:03 -
Eagle Computer CP-M-86 v1.1B (Eagle Computer)/ 13-Sep-2022 23:57 -
Zork I for the TI Professional Computer/ 14-Sep-2022 00:02 -
blank formatted 1571 disk - 2 sided/ 14-Sep-2022 15:25 -
BASCOM - TI Professional - Imaging Log.txt 14-Sep-2022 00:03 2098
BASCOM - TI Professional.imd 14-Sep-2022 00:03 358288