*DBASE HELP TEXT FILE DBASEMSG.TXT SHORT FORM VERSION 1.13 FOR dBASE II v2.4 Copyright 1983 Ashton-Tate and RSP, Inc. written by Wayne Ratliff, Jim Taylor, and Howard Dickler INTRODUCTION This entry is intended to give you on-line information about your dBASE II Database Management System. It explains the disk files you have received, and gives suggestions on tapping the power now available to you for data management. Using the on-line HELP in conjunction with your Manual, you will soon be creating databases and writing command procedures to do your work. THIS FILE IS A SHORT VERSION DESIGNED TO FIT ON DISK FORMAT WITH LIMITED SPACE AVAILABLE. THE FULL FILE HELP.TXT SHOULD BE RENAMED TO DBASEMSG.TXT IF YOU MOVE YUOR DBASE SYSTEM TO A DISK DRIVE WITH GREATER CAPACITY. >>>>> type any key to continue <<<<< HOW TO USE THE 'HELP' FACILITY Information about your dBASE II system can be obtained by typing HELP and any of the following key words: (e.g. HELP NEW ) UTILITIES FULL-SCREEN LIMITS BACKUP INSTALL NEW ERRORS CP/M EXAMPLES FUNCTIONS DBASE HELP RUNTIME (or any dBASE II command) dBASE will then look up the entry for the key word and display it. If there is no information on the subject then dBASE will say "NO HELP MESSAGES FOUND". When there is more text to display beyond what's shown, then you will see the word WAITING (like this) >>>>> type any key to continue. <<<<< The essential dBASE II files on this disk are these: DBASE.COM --main system program file DBASEOVR.COM --all overlays and system messages DBASEMSG.TXT --this HELP file (not necessary if you never use HELP) INSTALL.COM --terminal installation program (not necessary after terminal is installed). *EXIT *HELP dBASE II ON-LINE HELP FACILITY Below you will find a list of all dBASE commands. This HELP file contains a brief synopsis of each command, as well as a picture of that command's correct syntax. Please remember, however, that HELP file information is limited, and is only meant to cut down on the number of trips you will have to make to the dBASE II Manual. To access the entry for the dBASE command (or other Help File entry) you wish to review, merely respond to the dBASE "." prompt by entering HELP and a return (e.g. HELP CREATE ). The desired information will appear and then return you to the "." prompt, so you can go right back to work. In some cases the entry will take up more space than is provided by a single screen. (This is one of them.) To bring up the next screen of information, just enter any character at the "WAITING". You may end the help message by typing ESC twice. >>>>>>>>Type 'HELP dBASE ' for other important information. > ? -- displays an expression, variable, or field. > ?? -- displays an expression list without a preceeding line feed. > @ -- displays user formatted data on screen or printer. > ACCEPT -- allows input of character strings into memory variables. > APPEND -- append information from another dBASE II database or files in Delimited or System Data format. > BROWSE -- full screen window viewing and editing of database. > CANCEL -- cancels command file execution. > CHANGE -- Non-Full-Screen edit of fields of database. > CLEAR -- close databases in use and releases all current memory variables. > CONTINUE -- continue the searching action of a LOCATE command. > COPY -- creates a copy of an existing database. > COUNT -- counts the number of records in database which meet some criteria. > CREATE -- creates new structured database. > DELETE -- deletes a file or marks records for deletion. > DISPLAY -- displays files, database records or structure, memory variables, or status. > DO -- executes command files or structured loops in command files. > EDIT -- allows edit of records in database. > EJECT -- ejects a page on the printer. > ELSE -- alternate path of command execution within IF. > ENDCASE -- terminates a CASE command. > ENDDO -- terminates a DO WHILE command. > ENDIF -- terminates an IF command. > ENDTEXT -- terminates a TEXT command. > ERASE -- clears the screen. > FIND -- positions to record corresponding to a key on indexed files. > GO or GOTO -- positions to a specific record in database. > HELP -- accesses help file list or entry. > IF -- allows conditional execution of commands. > INDEX -- creates an index file. > INPUT -- allows input of expressions into memory variables. > INSERT - insert new record within a database. > JOIN -- joins output of two databases. > LIST -- lists files, database records or structure, memory variables, and status. > LOCATE -- find a record that fits a condition. > LOOP -- skips to beginning of DO WHILE command. > MODIFY -- used for creating and editing command files and modifying structure of existing database. > NOTE or * -- allows insertion of comments in command file. > PACK -- erases records marked for deletion. > QUIT -- exits dBASE and returns to CP/M. > READ -- displays data and prompting information in full-screen mode. > RECALL -- erases mark for deletion. > REINDEX -- updates an existing index file. > RELEASE -- eliminates unwanted memory variables and releases memory space. > REMARK -- permits display of any characters. > RENAME -- rename a file. > REPLACE -- change information in a record field by field. > REPORT -- format and display a report of information. > RESET -- let operating system know that disk has been swapped. > RESTORE -- retrieves memory variables stored in files. > RETURN -- ends a command file. > SAVE -- copies current memory variables to disk file. > SELECT -- switches between USE files in PRIMARY and SECONDARY areas. > SET -- sets dBASE control parameters. > SKIP -- position forwards or backwards in database. > SORT -- write copy of database sorted on one of the data fields. > STORE --creates memory variables. > SUM -- compute and display the sum of field. > TEXT -- allows output of block of text from a command file. > TOTAL -- creates summarized copy of database combining information from specified fields meeting some criteria. > UPDATE -- allows batch updates of a database. > USE -- specifies database to USE until next USE command is issued. > WAIT -- suspends command file processing until user input received. *EXIT * MORE HELP IS AVAILABLE FROM THE HELP.TXT FILE ON ANOTHER DISK. YOU WILL NEED TO PUT DBASE AND THE HELP FILE ON A DISK DRIVE WITH GREATER DENSITY, AND THEN RENAME THE HELP.TXT FILE TO DBASEMSG.TXT. *EXIT