CELPROCess Utility Version 3U OPTION> Extracts, Reduces, and Generates image graphics file & stamp text file Parameters can be input at prompt, or specified in an option file (.OPT) Parameters are specified by option switches, as follows: (NOTE: Default (StartUp) values listed first, or enclosed in [] /AUTO = hflip_label,vflip_label,hvflip_label - Auto Generate Hflipped, Vflipped, or H&Vflipped versions of CELs /BASE = xbase,ybase,genbase - Pixel Offsets to register picture [0,0,0] /BITDEPTH = 0 | bitdepth - IF <>0 overrides bitdepth defined in the file /BLANK = stampNo - IF <>-1 uses blank_stamp_value in place of blank stamps /CDFLAG = flag,cdxbase,cdybase Disable [0] or Enable Collision Detect Radii cdxbase,cdybase is CD Focus delta [Defaults to 0,0] /CEL = num0,num1,...num15 - CELs to process, commas separate a list num_start:num_end specifies a range of CELs /CLOSE = close,maxpix,maxdif,pixdif,sepgrp /* Close Reduction parameters IF maxpix is <> 0, then close reduction is enabled /COLORFILE = filename - Output Filename for Color Text Data /DEBUG = value - Indicates amount of processing feedback [0] /EXIT - Completes processing and exits utility /FILE = filename - Source .RAD picture file /FLIPMODE = hmode,vmode,hvmode - Auto_Flips (H,V, &HV) centering mode /FORMAT = type - Output Text format 0 = .MAC, 1 = Hex .MAC, 2 = Hex .ASM, 3 = Decimal NES Byte .MAC, 4 = Hex NES Byte .MAC (DEFAULT [0] .MAC file), 5,6 = same as 3,4 without runlength 7,8 = same as 4,6 with vertical palettes, 12 = GENESIS /GROUP = start, end, weight - Close Reduction Grouping parameters /HEADER = 0 | 1 - Add Size Words to CEL Text array [0] /HFLIP = bit_value - Value to OR in stamp code for HFLIPs [0] /LABEL = num,label - String & Number to concatenate to form label /MACRO = filename - File to include for MACRO processing /MAP = num, str_num, fillmode, nofill - Block Params for MOB mapping /MAXSIZE = xsize,ysize - Maximum pixels X & Y in Motion Object /MOBS = num0, ... num15 - CELs to process as Motion Objects num_start:num_end specifies a range of CELs /NOOUTPUT = 0 | 1, 0 | 1 - Set Disables Text, Image file outputs [0,0] /NOREDUCE = 0 | 1 - If Set extracts CELs as is without reductions /OFFSET = number - Value to add to all "Stamp" numbers [0] /OPTIM = mob_mode, strip_mode, nocenter, format_only, out_flag, out_byte - MOB Optimization mode, if out_flag = 1, out_byte and blank count are added to OPT1 for OPTIM modes 1 and 3 /ORDER = V [or H] - Extraction Direction: V[ertical] or H[oriz] /PALFILE = filename - Output Filename for Palette Text Data /PALFLAG = shift_value - IF set enables outputting of Palette bits - IF shift_value > 8, then Pal bits are OR'D - into stamp number word /PALOFFSET = number - Value to add to all palette values [0] /PALTABLE = number,[...] - Palette Indirection values /RENUMBER = n1,n2 | n1:n2 - Stamp number assignment /QUIT - Immediate exit of Utility /SETPALIDX = number - Set Palette Indirection Table index /SEVERE = 0 | 1 - Set if Severe Errors cause Utility Exit [0] /SHIFT = shift[,yshift] - Bit shifts for Offset words [0,0] /STAMP = xpixels[,ypixels] - Size of Stamp in pixels [8,8] /SYM = hsym[,vsym] - Flag to enable Horiz or Vertical Symmetry /TILE = xstamps[,ystamps] - Tile size in stamps NOT IMPLEMENTED YET /VERBOSE = num - Amount of Commenting to include in text file /VFLIP = bit_value - Value to OR in stamp code for VFLIPs [0] /XDEF = flag, 0 | 1 - Xdef Labels flag, Xdef Only First Label flag