227 files found in Library "Files for Remote Access BBS systems."

Return to the area Index
Name Extracted Size Date Description
1EDRA310.ZIP Yes 67078 2/12/1992 Edit-RA V3.1. A user/menu editor.
ACTIV100.ZIP Yes 16674 2/16/1993 (v1.00) RA 2.0 Activity scanner v1.0.
AM130.ZIP Yes 13354 8/29/1991 Collection of ANSI Menu Examples For RA
APAUSE11.ZIP Yes 5337 11/5/1989 Utility for Remote Access Systems
ARJBAN.ZIP Yes 14276 7/17/1991 Utility for Remote Access Systems
BAT2FD10.ZIP Yes 57803 11/3/1990 Utility for Remote Access Systems
BBSKD92.ZIP Yes 35801 3/14/1992 Utility for Remote Access Systems
BDAY_330.ZIP Yes 16985 11/2/1991 Birthday Bulletin Generator For RA QBBS
BROWS201.ZIP Yes 53872 9/3/1991 Files.BBS browser utility.
BULG_RAL.ZIP Yes 8020 9/28/1991 Utility for Remote Access Systems
BULROR10.ZIP Yes 38954 12/29/1991 Bulletin door for RemoteAccess 1.1x
BW100_RA.ZIP Yes 193051 1/21/1992 Bluewave offline mail door for remote access v1.00 to v1.11
BWAVE205.ZIP Yes 183405 1/17/1992 Utility for Remote Access Systems
BWRA199A.ZIP Yes 256993 2/27/1993 (v1.99a) BlueWave Offline Maildoor, Open beta for RA 2.00.
CALLCHEK.ZIP Yes 71911 4/15/1992 Utility for Remote Access Systems
CCTRX30.ZIP Yes 107191 2/13/1992 Utility for Remote Access Systems
CHTMN24B.ZIP Yes 295601 3/12/1993 (v2.4beta) Chat Manager public beta, works with RA 2.00.
CNT_11.ZIP Yes 12610 9/29/1990 Utility for Remote Access Systems
COOKIE34.ZIP Yes 50532 3/1/1993 LiveSystems Fortune Cookie Showing Door for RA 2.00.
COOK_101.ZIP Yes 356942 2/20/1992 Utility for Remote Access Systems
CVT2.ZIP Yes 13799 4/3/1992 Utility for Remote Access Systems
CV_FLSRA.ZIP Yes 8763 2/9/1993 (v1.00) Converts Ra 2.0's files.ra file to v1.11.
CV_MSGRA.ZIP Yes 8830 2/9/1993 (v1.00) Converts Ra 2.0's message.ra file to v1.11.
DEP_50.ZIP Yes 88669 3/12/1993 DEP_50.ARJ Online INSTAbank 5.0. RemoteAccess 2.00x time and byte bank. Full featured bank for RemoteAccess BBSes. - Deposit, withdraw, transfer time and bytes. - Rob the bank feature. - Trade time for bytes or bytes for time - list accounts - bank statistics - remote a local sysop editors - multinode support - logs all transactions to a 'bank book' - supports THEBANK.EXT - COMPLETELY SYSOP CONFIGURABLE - the best part... FREEWARE! This version runs with RemoteAccess 2.00x ONLY. File request the latest version from: The BillBoard BBS Fidonet 1:250/932 
DIGICHAT.ZIP Yes 7538 5/3/1991 Chat program for RA. Uses Soundblaster for page bell.
DINFAVT5.ZIP Yes 36444 2/28/1993 Now removes -R from DORINFO1.DEF For RA 2.00 ONLY!
DLSPC110.ZIP Yes 23568 11/17/1991 FILES.BBS Download Counter Spacer for QuickBBS/RA. Changes
DM_V104.ZIP Yes 13594 4/5/1993 Deletes 'missing' files.bbs entries,and sorts files.bbs
DSORT275.ZIP Yes 20205 8/22/1992 ast RemoteAccess FILES.BBS sorter, easy to se, and powerfull
DSORT300.ZIP Yes 18719 1/8/1993 Blazingly fast FILES.BBS sorter for RA.
DUTC_RAL.ZIP Yes 7632 11/6/1991 Utility for Remote Access Systems
ERACEM.ZIP Yes 30456 1/30/1992 Utility for Remote Access Systems
EXITCONV.ZIP Yes 7296 3/1/1993 Utility to run current doors under new RA 2.00.
E_TAG216.ZIP Yes 145486 2/21/1993 (v2.16) EASTtag. Replacement for Ra_files and Ra_New. �������������������������������������������Ŀ � Area Viewer and also keyword, filename � � and newfiles - tagger for Remote Access. � � EASTtag can edit XFD-Tagfiles. And create � � fileattach files to request with a mailer � � ----------------------------------------- � � ----------------------------------------- � � Multi Language and Multi - Line support � � EASTtag works also with long-desciptions � � FILES.BBS. < EASTsoft The Netherlands > � ���������������������������������������������
FATT121.ZIP Yes 106402 10/14/1991 Fd Offline Filerequest Server v1.21.
FD199C.ZIP Yes 517200 3/6/1990 Utility for Remote Access Systems
FD200KIT.ZIP Yes 23441 11/8/1990 Utility for Remote Access Systems
FD202.ZIP Yes 617521 9/24/1991 Front Door Version 2.02 NC
FDDEV202.ZIP Yes 39497 10/1/1991 Front door 2.02 developers kit
FDESK.ZIP Yes 87607 2/25/1992 Utility for Remote Access Systems
FDFAQ001.ZIP Yes 3927 9/24/1991 Frontdoor frequently asked questions v.001.
FDHM213.ZIP Yes 172045 1/7/1992 Utility for Remote Access Systems
FDHM213G.ZIP Yes 38002 1/7/1992 Utility for Remote Access Systems
FDLOG121.ZIP Yes 48990 8/14/1991 Utility for Remote Access Systems
FDPI_201.ZIP Yes 17731 8/13/1991 Ed-Protected inbound for FD 2.01.
FDSCHECK.ZIP Yes 6646 8/22/1991 Maintains FD.SYS for external utils from SETUP.FD.
FDTR201.ZIP Yes 48075 12/9/1991 In/Out History Statistics.
FEBBS180.ZIP Yes 260826 8/5/1991 Allfiles.bbs/files.bbs manager for Opus, SBBS, QBBS, RA
FEBBS190.ZIP Yes 308618 12/4/1991 Utility for Remote Access Systems
FFGRA102.ZIP Yes 25483 3/15/1992 Utility for Remote Access Systems
FFGRA103.ZIP Yes 27166 3/28/1992 Fast Configurable Allfiles List Generator For ra.
FGETS121.ZIP Yes 15874 8/31/1991 Fget/fsend For Frontdoor 2.01.
FLPRO36.ZIP Yes 31668 7/7/1991 Utility for Remote Access Systems
FLSEARCH.ZIP Yes 5247 7/7/1991 Utility for Remote Access Systems
FREN_RAL.ZIP Yes 7326 11/5/1991 Utility for Remote Access Systems
FRME5.ZIP Yes 42464 12/7/1991 French menus/ANSI screens/prompts. Updated for hidden com
FR_LIST.ZIP Yes 8031 2/20/1993 (v1.00) Create group files to create group allfiles lists
GE10001G.ZIP Yes 45070 3/14/1992 Utility for Remote Access Systems
GE10002G.ZIP Yes 47020 3/16/1992 Gedit 1.00.02g Full-Screen Message Editor For QBBS/Ra
GE10006G.ZIP Yes 56902 2/28/1993 Gedit, full screen message editor. Updated for RA 2.0.
GERM_RAL.ZIP Yes 7589 11/5/1991 Utility for Remote Access Systems
GETDIZ12.ZIP Yes 8362 3/5/1993 GET-DIZ v1.2 is an add-on for the RA 2.00 File Manager, which allows you to quickly add FILE_ID.DIZ and DESC.SDN Descriptions to your RemoteAccess 2.00 File Data Base. Now includes universal PolyXarc support! Version 1.2 now includes 4DOS support. *Freeware* by Mike Ehlert.
HANDY12.ZIP Yes 59026 3/2/1993 HandyMan, LiveSystems MultiLine Manager for RA 2.00.
HS_RA.ZIP Yes 638 11/29/1991 Install HS/Link protocol in Remote Access.
IDOOR200.ZIP Yes 40369 4/23/1992 Utility for Remote Access Systems
ITRAL200.ZIP Yes 8794 3/6/1993 (v2.00) Italian language file for RemoteAccess v2.00.
JAMES213.ZIP Yes 146536 8/18/1992 AMES The message files manager for emoteAccess
JIVE_RAL.ZIP Yes 7311 11/14/1991 Utility for Remote Access Systems
LAST210.ZIP Yes 61943 11/6/1991 Create Lastcaller Bulletin/Info For RA V1.10
LASTON15.ZIP Yes 11157 4/25/1990 Utility for Remote Access Systems
LCDTY102.ZIP Yes 27070 8/18/1991 Utility for Remote Access Systems
LFIND40.ZIP Yes 24928 12/27/1989 Utility for Remote Access Systems
LISTEM13.ZIP Yes 104918 5/30/1991 Utility for Remote Access Systems
LOGIN10.ZIP Yes 13731 3/12/1993 Implements of logins allowed per day-for RA2.00 *only*.
LWMENU09.ZIP Yes 47878 4/18/1993 LWMENU v0.9 ** LlanoWare ** Remote Sysop's Menu Editor. LWMENU will allow you to edit any existing menus for any valid languages you have installed. You may also create new menus, add additional lines to existing menus and delete lines from existing menus. For RemoteAccess 2.00 ONLY! 
LWUSER09.ZIP Yes 50152 4/18/1993 LWUSER v0.9 ** LlanoWare ** Remote Sysop's User Editor. LWUSER will allow you to edit any existing users, add users or delete existing users. For RemoteAccess 2.00 ONLY! 
MA_103.ZIP Yes 54470 12/23/1991 Utility for Remote Access Systems
MBU_110.ZIP Yes 49380 2/14/1991 Utility for Remote Access Systems
MCRA2FU1.ZIP Yes 62012 2/28/1993 RemoteAccess V2.00 File Area Utilities.
MC_CBV11.ZIP Yes 141576 3/26/1993 Mc Callback Verifier V1.10 for RA 1.1x/2.0 MotorCity
MENUSIV.ZIP Yes 24151 11/20/1991 Colorful English ANSI screens/Menus.
MLOC176.ZIP Yes 36493 9/9/1991 THE Ultimate RA/MAXIMUS Locate File command.
MOVEAREA.ZIP Yes 10988 7/12/1991 Utility for Remote Access Systems
MTNC_220.ZIP Yes 48985 3/11/1993 Message To Next Caller Door, v 2.20 updated for RA 2.00 QBBS
MULT200.ZIP Yes 34029 12/10/1991 Multi-node batch files for setting up 3 |lines.
MULTNODE.ZIP Yes 46167 9/19/1991 Run BBS Doors on Multinode Bbses
NEWS53.ZIP Yes 55599 3/2/1993 LiveSystems News- User-Bulletin Door for RA 2.00.
NOC100.ZIP Yes 7099 10/19/1991 Utility for Remote Access Systems
NOFLO100.ZIP Yes 21119 7/11/1991 Utility for Remote Access Systems
OT_100.ZIP Yes 55100 7/26/1991 Utility for Remote Access Systems
PACKER34.ZIP Yes 133224 9/22/1991 Utility for Remote Access Systems
PGEN_20.ZIP Yes 29831 5/29/1991 LiveSystems RA-pong 2.0 Arcade on-line...
PIONEER.ZIP Yes 4972 3/16/1992 Utility for Remote Access Systems
PNBRD102.ZIP Yes 66404 3/22/1993 Pinboard c1.02. A pinboard DOOR for RAccess
PRFL107B.ZIP Yes 40775 4/19/1992 Utility for Remote Access Systems
PRFL107C.ZIP Yes 40791 4/21/1992 Utility for Remote Access Systems
PROFILE2.ZIP Yes 168400 8/31/1991 Powerful Database, Link/Calculate, More [2/2]
PR_RA111.ZIP Yes 16844 11/12/1991 New protocol setup for RA 1.11.
PR_RA2G2.ZIP Yes 25034 3/22/1993 Protocol.Ra, external protocol setup for RemoteAccess 2.00.
PULLDOWN.ZIP Yes 5262 3/1/1992 Set of Pull-Down menus for Remote Access.
PVTHR304.ZIP Yes 56190 8/19/1991 Utility for Remote Access Systems
QBBED255.ZIP Yes 259719 1/11/1992 Utility for Remote Access Systems
QBBED258.ZIP Yes 263405 3/13/1992 Utility for Remote Access Systems
QBBUTILS.ZIP Yes 40880 2/16/1990 Utility for Remote Access Systems
QCHANGE.ZIP Yes 4809 6/26/1989 Utility for Remote Access Systems
QDSTAT13.ZIP Yes 10297 3/1/1993 LiveSystems Quick Dirty User Stats for RA 2.00.
QED120.ZIP Yes 74156 10/24/1990 Utility for Remote Access Systems
QMAKER32.ZIP Yes 12553 3/11/1993 Quote Maker v3.2 written for Remote Access but will work
QMRD10.ZIP Yes 11539 8/10/1989 Utility for Remote Access Systems
QRDB14.ZIP Yes 124575 6/4/1992 DataBase manager for QBBS/RA.
QRFM36A.ZIP Yes 234400 9/4/1992 BBS File Manager for QBBS/RA and others.
QUES299B.ZIP Yes 61134 2/21/1993 (v2.99) Quesdoor v2.99beta For ra 2.0 .EXE file only.
QUOTEIT.ZIP Yes 8333 1/26/1992 Produces a new bulletin each time it's run from a list.
RABBS002.ZIP Yes 11133 5/1/1992 Remoteaccess BBS List May 1992 Edition.
RABEST40.ZIP Yes 16573 3/22/1990 Utility for Remote Access Systems
RABIR110.ZIP Yes 28198 11/29/1991 RABIRTH v1.10 Remote Access Utility for Displaying Users
RABIR200.ZIP Yes 41788 1/15/1993 Birthday utility for RemoteAccess Update.
RACAL135.ZIP Yes 63101 7/15/1991 Utility for Remote Access Systems
RACE140.ZIP Yes 280704 5/14/1991 Utility for Remote Access Systems
RACE150.ZIP Yes 283882 11/1/1991 Utility for Remote Access Systems
RACE152.ZIP Yes 287196 11/29/1991 Utility for Remote Access Systems
RACE160C.ZIP Yes 170879 3/29/1992 Utility for Remote Access Systems
RACE160D.ZIP Yes 130268 4/13/1992 Utility for Remote Access Systems
RACE200.ZIP Yes 288293 2/26/1993 RACE 2.00 User Editor Eracem Updated for RA2.00
RACK_002.ZIP Yes 17628 8/26/1992 Remote Access CDROM Kit, version 0.02.
RADB_300.ZIP Yes 28773 11/15/1991 RA DB Callers Today v3.00 (For RA 1.10).
RAEXIT05.ZIP Yes 33187 3/2/1993 (v0.50) Convert RA 2's Exitinfo to 1.11 and back.
RAFBST31.ZIP Yes 38364 11/28/1991 Remote Access ASCII/ANSI bulletin stats.
RAFM111.ZIP Yes 346857 11/17/1991 Remote Access File Manager v1.11.
RAFMINFO.ZIP Yes 1990 7/9/1991 Utility for Remote Access Systems
RAFT20BG.ZIP Yes 73159 3/27/1993 The Remote Access Filearea Tools, V2.0 BETA-G, This is an open BETA version to use with the RA V2.0, it is totally rewritten and includes lots and lots of options, DOWNLOAD IT!
RAGTHR12.ZIP Yes 19318 2/20/1993 Simple Utility to creat allfiles listing for RA1.xx
RAHDR10.ZIP Yes 32269 8/4/1991 Utility for Remote Access Systems
RAHDR20.ZIP Yes 87873 9/4/1992 RA HEADER v2.0, custom headers, allfiles, |and bulletins.
RAHDR21.ZIP Yes 92291 10/9/1992 Custom FILES.BBS headers, allfiles, and bulletins. RA 1.1+.
RAHELP10.ZIP Yes 34454 2/9/1992 Utility for Remote Access Systems
RAHELP11.ZIP Yes 36142 4/2/1992 Full-screen text(help) file driver for RA QBBS.
RALCFD.ZIP Yes 37998 5/6/1992 Ralcfd.exe. Remote Access to Front Door Last caller display.
RALIST20.ZIP Yes 29170 2/9/1993 Door to show/search users with specific level or group.
RAMAIL30.ZIP Yes 245186 8/2/1991 Utility for Remote Access Systems
RAMAIL32.ZIP Yes 320696 7/6/1992 RAMail (v 3.2) .QWK Mail Door for RA.
RAMAN100.ZIP Yes 83982 1/2/1992 Utility for Remote Access Systems
RAMM10B4.ZIP Yes 54570 3/16/1993 Ra Menu editor for remote access bbs version 2.00g
RAMT_061.ZIP Yes 20633 10/29/1991 Utility for Remote Access Systems
RANEWS20.ZIP Yes 19744 3/5/1992 Newsdoor v1.10-1.11. Makes user read the news in RA BBS.
RANEW_15.ZIP Yes 70474 3/21/1992 Utility for Remote Access Systems
RAOPP.ZIP Yes 16654 9/9/1990 Utility for Remote Access Systems
RAP100A.ZIP Yes 138235 11/15/1991 Utility for Remote Access Systems
RAPC21.ZIP Yes 54492 3/16/1993 RA2 Personnel Checker V2.1 Prompts for missing User Info
RAPFIX.ZIP Yes 19367 3/9/1992 Utility for Remote Access Systems
RAPROINF.ZIP Yes 12021 11/24/1991 Utility for Remote Access Systems
RASEND20.ZIP Yes 13817 2/9/1993 (v2.00) Send msg's to other users from DOS (multiline).
RASTAT10.ZIP Yes 68058 5/25/1992 Utility for Remote Access Systems
RASTAT23.ZIP Yes 77091 3/17/1993 (v2.30) Statistics Generator for RA 2.00
RATOTP.ZIP Yes 14973 9/9/1990 Utility for Remote Access Systems
RATP22.ZIP Yes 23200 10/30/1991 RATop v2.2 Remote Access BBS top users bulletin generator.
RATP23.ZIP Yes 25568 12/21/1991 Remote Access bbs top user bulletin maker.
RATPAK20.ZIP Yes 98166 2/28/1993 Bundle Of Small Sysop Utilities For RemoteAccess V2.00.
RATS200.ZIP Yes 265644 2/28/1993 RATS Time Bank V2.00 MANY New Features! RA 2.00 Compatible!
RAWFILE.ZIP Yes 5851 10/21/1989 Utility for Remote Access Systems
RAXS101.ZIP Yes 10209 3/6/1993 R.emote A.ccess X.itinfo S.plitter for RA 2.00.g1.
RA_001.ZIP Yes 305688 1/24/1990 Utility for Remote Access Systems
RA_002.ZIP Yes 333986 2/11/1990 Utility for Remote Access Systems
RA_003.ZIP Yes 394232 4/30/1990 Utility for Remote Access Systems
RA_101.ZIP Yes 527089 4/23/1991 RemoteAccess 1.01, a FidoNet-compatible shareware BBS--looks
RA_110.ZIP Yes 544107 11/4/1991 Utility for Remote Access Systems
RA_111.ZIP Yes 543600 1/24/1992 Version 1.11 of Remote Access BBS Program.
RA_200G1.TXT No 427 3/1/1993 Text File with Information on RA 2.0 Gama.
RA_200G1.ZIP Yes 685945 2/27/1993 (v2.00) RemoteAccess BBS program v 2.00 GAMMA 1 release
RA_ECHO.ZIP Yes 301466 10/30/1991 Utility for Remote Access Systems
RA_MPF15.ZIP Yes 38575 10/4/1991 File download counter for RA v1.5.
RA_NDOM2.ZIP Yes 8206 6/19/1990 Utility for Remote Access Systems
RA_RALS.ZIP Yes 41175 11/6/1991 Utility for Remote Access Systems
RA_STRUC.ZIP Yes 12676 1/24/1990 Utility for Remote Access Systems
REGCHK10.ZIP Yes 68987 2/23/1993 The Registered User Tracking Utility. Automatic upgrade/down
RFW_V120.ZIP Yes 166134 2/7/1993 RFW was one of the first (if not the first) windowed file-listers and still competes with its clones. The 1.20 is a major release with lots of new features like an interface for a view-utility (like MTS) and search options to look inside non-archived files. Also CD-ROM has a better support (compile once). 
RLOG_141.ZIP Yes 57387 2/13/1992 Utility for Remote Access Systems
RLOG_142.ZIP Yes 59263 3/22/1992 Utility for Remote Access Systems
RLOG_143.ZIP Yes 65761 5/29/1992 RA Logging Utility reports on various areas of BBS.
RLO_103.ZIP Yes 9658 5/28/1992 Utility for Remote Access Systems
RUC11.ZIP Yes 27574 2/2/1992 Command-Line User editor for RA.
RUR_251.ZIP Yes 54022 9/7/1991 RemoteAccess User Ratio System for uploads and |downloads.
RW_INFO.ZIP Yes 6563 4/27/1991 Utility for Remote Access Systems
SAMPLE.ZIP Yes 3699 10/14/1991 Sample Binkley setup for OS/2
SBANK13B.ZIP Yes 190991 2/27/1993 SuperBank 1.3-B - RA/SBBS banking SuperBank is a very advanced multi-language time and kb bank for SuperBBS and RemoteAccess. With a very flexible configuration, easy to use user editor, advanced banking options like transfering time and kb's to other users (including notify to that user), level-dependend limits, full screen chat, full multi-line support, chat and yell-only options (so you can use SuperBank as your external chat program!), advanced ANSI/ASCII display (like in SuperBBS with many control codes available), and much, much more! A quality product from Oasis Soft. 
SCANV_2A.ZIP Yes 76948 4/28/1993 Scanvert 1.10, a upload scanner and converter for RemoteAccess 2.00G+. It will scan uploads, including gifs for complete and correct archives, and optionally will convert to a different format. Also will, if asked, import extended descriptions found in DESC.SDN or FILE_ID.DIZ diles into the RA file- base descriptions. If a file fails virus scan, it will (optional) post a message to the sysop to let him/her know. Last, but not least, it will add a banner file to the if the sysop so wishes. FREEWARE
SCHT_407.ZIP Yes 30616 11/9/1991 Utility for Remote Access Systems
SDATESET.ZIP Yes 30539 5/14/1992 Sets RA User subscription expiration date from DOS.
SDR_1.ZIP Yes 11721 4/13/1993 SDReminder v1.0 A utility to show users ansi and ascii text files based on thier subscription date and security level. Will only be shown to them once per day. Versions included for both RA1.11 and RA2.00 
SETCAL10.ZIP Yes 5808 6/18/1991 Set Number of Calls/Last Caller's Name ra 1.0 And Later
SFLAG100.ZIP Yes 29712 9/23/1992 lobal SetFlag for RA 1.11 FREEWARE
SFLAG110.ZIP Yes 32473 1/13/1993 SetFlag RA User Flags by global|name|recnum v1.10.
SHOWF13.ZIP Yes 46750 3/14/1993 SHOWFILE, LiveSystems Text Showing Door for RA2.00
SHUF110.ZIP Yes 41176 3/8/1993 (v1.10) The Shuffle puzzle doorgame. Now adds RA 2.00
SRCHIT25.ZIP Yes 8719 5/26/1989 Utility for Remote Access Systems
STRUCTS.ZIP Yes 4534 11/4/1991 Utility for Remote Access Systems
SVEN_RAL.ZIP Yes 7587 9/20/1991 Utility for Remote Access Systems
SWE_20.ZIP Yes 20492 3/14/1993 SWE, FS-editor switcher, Let users choose their own fav
S_VER092.ZIP Yes 89160 11/24/1990 Utility for Remote Access Systems
TASKEY20.ZIP Yes 8918 10/13/1989 Utility for Remote Access Systems
TCALL200.ZIP Yes 26395 8/29/1991 Total call counter for RA/FD systems
TCALL205.ZIP Yes 27096 11/12/1991 Utility for Remote Access Systems
TCHT100G.ZIP Yes 44824 3/4/1993 T-Chat, Fullscreen User<>Sysop Chatdoor for RA 2.00.
TESTREQ.ZIP Yes 8296 3/13/1992 Utility for Remote Access Systems
TETRA120.ZIP Yes 58922 3/8/1993 (v1.20) Tetris clone doorgame. Now adds RA 2.00 compat
TFC200.ZIP Yes 9204 3/3/1993 (v2.00) Global User Flag Changer for RA 2.00.
TIMECHEK.ZIP Yes 19391 2/2/1992 Utility for Remote Access Systems
TOPED100.ZIP Yes 80010 11/18/1991 TopEd v1.0 (release): Msg editor for RA/QBBS
TOPUSER4.ZIP Yes 13964 12/23/1991 Top Users 4.0. Fully configurable.
TREK_RAL.ZIP Yes 7103 11/16/1991 Utility for Remote Access Systems
TRIVIA43.ZIP Yes 109636 3/1/1993 LiveSystems Online Trivia Quiz for RA 2.00.
TSCNV104.ZIP Yes 33435 8/18/1991 Tsconvert For Fd 2.01.
TSTAT060.ZIP Yes 39547 3/27/1993 (v0.60) TornStat Statistics Generator for RA/SBBS
TVIEW10.ZIP Yes 51618 4/5/1992 Utility for Remote Access Systems
TXT2M20.ZIP Yes 28866 1/12/1992 TXT2MSG v2.0. Post any text file to the message base in RA.
TXT2RAMG.ZIP Yes 15909 11/18/1991 TXT2MSG: RemoteAccess BBS utility
ULRA100.ZIP Yes 8897 9/1/1991 Utility for Remote Access Systems
UO40RA.ZIP Yes 75151 3/1/1993 LiveSystems UserOn 3.7 THE replacement for RA's "Who's online" and "Msg to the other line" functions. Show more info to your users. Promote your doors. Now also with support for mailer semafores. 
UPSEARCH.ZIP Yes 15872 5/5/1992 Utility for Remote Access Systems
URD100.ZIP Yes 55625 2/25/1993 (v1.00) RemoteAccess User Registration Door. Full configurable NewUser Registration Door. URD allows you to define your own questions, in your own BBS style, in all languages you want and as many questions as you want. URD can update the user when it has completed the questionnaire or downgrade the user (or optionally delete, lockout or terminate) when the user didn't want to completed the questionnaire. URD is also full Multi-Line and DESQview aware.
USERON32.ZIP Yes 69993 1/12/1992 Utility for Remote Access Systems
U_ORIG.ZIP Yes 37370 7/9/1992 Utility for Remote Access Systems
VD127R.ZIP Yes 85452 11/15/1991 Validate Door. Call Back verifier for |RA1.1x.
VD128RUP.ZIP Yes 62058 11/16/1991 Validate Door. Call Back Verifier for |RA1.10. Update to 1.2
VD170R1.ZIP Yes 155755 3/7/1993 ValidDOOR ,Callback Verifer door for RA 1.11.
VFDB_100.ZIP Yes 23119 2/27/1993 (v1.00) View Ra 2.0's file database files offline.