Here you have the FAQs, there are not many yet (the program just came out)

1 .- I can't get it to run, What's the problem?

You may need the Vbrun files..

2 .-The first time I ran it, It pop me a Warning.???

Restart the program and it will work now.

If it doesn't work, pleas run the RUNME FIRST from the Start MENU

3 .-I tried to change the icons, and I applied the changes, but it didn't work.

Read, running the software.

4 .-Why should I get version 2.0?

Why wouldn't you? It is much better and it fixes all the known bugs.

5 .-When I try to change the Icon I get 1010 error, what can I do?

Do you have Win Changer 2?.

6 .-I'm using NT 4.0 and it gives me many errors, what can I do???

You will have to wait until the next verison is out. (I don't have time to work on it right now)

7 .-Does it work with Nasville (Win 96)?

Yes it does, some functions won't work, but you probably won't get errors.

8 .- Do you have more questions?

Send them to me: alblurrow@jet.es

9 .- Where can I get an updated FAQ?

At my site!

10 .- I've Changed the Icons but I can't see any changes.

You have to Reload your Icon Cache, Click the Button called like that on the Left panel of the Main Window

10 .- I make this question to all of you. Do you want a Virtual Server?

You answer: Yes!!!!! Where do I have to go to get one?

You can go to: http://www.befound.com or you can email me.

That's all !!!

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