80 files found in Library "I/O port utils and drivers"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
16550A.ZIP Yes 22058 10/22/1988 Toggle 16550 UART FIFOs on and off
16550S.ZIP Yes 6089 4/13/1988 Toggle the NS16550A FIFO buffer, w/TPas source
16550S13.ZIP Yes 10248 3/29/1991 Toggle the NS16550A FIFO buffer, w/TPas source
16550U.ZIP Yes 28586 3/10/1993 Scan for serial ports on system, enable 16550
1PR2A.ZIP Yes 2239 3/18/1988 Swaps LPT1 and LPT2 printer ports
34INSTAL.ZIP Yes 3834 1/2/1990 Adds DOS support for COMM ports 3 and 4
ADDPORT.ZIP Yes 8802 3/2/1989 Adds COM3/COM4 ports to DOS equipment list
ASYNC.ZIP Yes 32555 7/17/1987 Asynchronous communications routines
ASYNC1.ZIP Yes 12599 7/17/1987 COMM driver [.ASM]
ASYNC2.ZIP Yes 16451 7/23/1988 COMM driver [.ASM]
ASYNC_CE.ZIP Yes 21372 8/31/1987 COMM port driver
AUX2.ZIP Yes 3754 7/17/1987 Makes the AUX driver talk to the COM2 port
AUXIL15.ZIP Yes 2213 1/9/1992 Device driver redirects AUX output to CON
BREAKBOX.ZIP Yes 5506 7/17/1987 Software-based RS232 breakout box
COM3_4.ZIP Yes 4952 12/9/1988 Device driver adds COM3/4 that MS-DOS forgot!
COMCHK18.ZIP Yes 31199 2/18/1993 Commchk 1.8: Serial port protocol analyzer
COMFIX12.ZIP Yes 15869 7/7/1994 Windows COM port 'bug' fix/DOS COM port setup
COMHELP.ZIP Yes 61748 10/31/1987 Comprehensive comm/tutor and UART tester
COMHEX42.ZIP Yes 31443 4/22/1988 Serial communications display program
comm.c No 4775 4/5/1984 COMM driver [.C]
comm.doc No 1608 4/5/1984 Doc for COMM.C
COMPRT25.ZIP Yes 30012 9/27/1993 Config COM/LPT ports: Show address, IRQ & UART
COMSND14.ZIP Yes 25107 1/5/1989 Send arbitrary characters to COM port from DOS
COMST12.ZIP Yes 24200 12/17/1993 Comset 12 Modem/Uart/Serial Port tester Test, setup ports/modems/uarts. Ver 12 supports Com1-4, IRQ2-7, speeds to 115200bps. Returns errorlevels to batch files depending on modem's state. Enable/Disable 16550AFN uart buffers Also swaps ports, logs in Com3&4 to DOS , displays port status. With docs. 
COMTRAP.ZIP Yes 2732 1/9/1992 TSR to trap unexpected COM port interrupts
COM_PKG1.ZIP Yes 3692 7/17/1987 COMM drivers (source only)
COM_PKG2.ZIP Yes 8186 7/17/1987 COMM drivers (source only)
COM_PKG3.ZIP Yes 11506 7/17/1987 COMM drivers (source only)
CTSSPU30.ZIP Yes 209973 7/15/1995 CTS SERIAL PORT UTILITIES v3.0: Fix comm problems. Detect Com Port conflicts, IRQs used, failed ports & ports that can't generate IRQs. Three NEW utilities: BIOS_FIX fixes many BIOS comm problems. RESETMODEM & HANGUP utilities solve many problems when using modems. Additional Windows Setup tests provided to registered users. DOS
CZCM11B.ZIP Yes 11222 12/12/1990 Driver allows various mixes of COM ports 1-4
DB9_DB25.ZIP Yes 524 7/17/1987 Wiring info: DB9 to DB25 serial connector
DCOM20.ZIP Yes 38626 8/25/1991 Captures COM port input. Requires two ports
DLM140.ZIP Yes 25599 3/22/1994 Data Line Monitor: Turn PC into a datascope
FIFO11.ZIP Yes 8919 4/23/1991 Report type of UART (8250, 16550, etc.)
FX16550D.ZIP Yes 3915 11/28/1993 Corrects problem with AMI BIOS and 16550 UART
IBMAUX20.ZIP Yes 3247 7/17/1987 Dual I/O driver for the AUX: device
IOMON2.ZIP Yes 35644 4/13/1992 IO Monitor 80386 control program watches COM ports acting as a line monitor. Originally in Programmers Journal, modified by Terry Hughes of TurboPower Software, containing the full ASM, C, & PAS source and executable for a 386 control program TSR with a new report program converts the memory buffer to an Ascii report.
IOVIEW.ZIP Yes 6270 6/25/1990 Diagnostic - view of PC's I/O ports in action
IP122.ZIP Yes 10053 11/18/1991 Serial interrupt and port verification program
KBFAKE10.ZIP Yes 9652 4/7/1994 Redirects serial input as if from keybd, w/src
komm.asm No 28588 7/6/1985 Installable device drivers for COM1 and COM2
komm.inf No 1198 7/6/1985 Documentation for KOMM.ASM device driver
MESSAGE.ZIP Yes 53001 11/10/1992 Send msgs thru COM port between PCs, TSR w/src
NEW14H.ZIP Yes 6205 7/17/1987 DOS-extension add functions to comm routines
NS16550.ZIP Yes 3391 6/16/1989 Checks to see if NS16550AN serial chip is used
NS_16550.ZIP Yes 39928 7/19/1991 Test 16450/16550/16550a serial chips w/source
OX.ZIP Yes 4086 7/17/1987 Redirect DOS AUX I/O to keyboard/mono display
PARA13.ZIP Yes 73615 12/25/1993 Parallel port information & diagnostic util.
PC_TO_PC.ZIP Yes 1118 3/27/1988 Assist on PC-PC direct connection
PF271.ZIP Yes 40377 6/21/1992 Port Finder: Display info/swap LPT & COM ports
PIPELN10.ZIP Yes 19104 8/14/1990 TSR connects COM1 and COM2 serial ports
PORT11.ZIP Yes 29141 3/13/1991 I/O port debugging tool, with C source code
PORTFIND.ZIP Yes 6642 9/8/1988 Locate & install serial & par. ports, COM3&4
PORTS13.ZIP Yes 19631 10/10/1991 Permits reading and writing to hardware ports
PORTST11.ZIP Yes 44577 2/11/1991 Diagnostic program for serial/parallel ports
PRINDIR9.ZIP Yes 29938 10/12/1993 COM/LPT port redir. to any other port or file
PRLINK20.ZIP Yes 26722 12/1/1994 File transfer prog. via printer/parallel port
QIC02A10.ZIP Yes 122719 2/14/1995 Wangtek QIC-02 tape driver & Unix TAR I/O
RS204.ZIP Yes 16682 10/1/1991 Displays RS-232 serial port status
RS232.ZIP Yes 3505 7/17/1987 Source for COMM drivers (.ASM)
RS232101.ZIP Yes 44854 7/1/1993 RS232 1.01, debug most of RS-232 problems
RS232OF2.ZIP Yes 1842 2/10/1989 Fix port conflicts, turns off all 4 COM ports
RTS12.ZIP Yes 9204 4/27/1990 Toggle RTS for COM1 to COM4 ports
SANSINT2.ZIP Yes 33818 11/24/1990 Port utility - poll ports rather than use IRQs
serial.aqm No 3328 12/7/1985 Serial/COMM port driver (squeezed)
serial.doc No 1947 12/2/1983 Doc for SERIAL.AQM
serint.aqm No 3200 12/7/1985 Interrupt-driven serial port driver
SLIKMODE.ZIP Yes 9059 3/26/1991 New MODE: Set baudrate to any rate w/C src
SUPERV22.ZIP Yes 47389 7/17/1987 Enhanced BIOS interrupt 14 comm support
SWAPCOM.ZIP Yes 1156 3/19/1989 Swap COM1 with COM2
SWAPPORT.ZIP Yes 1829 3/18/1989 Swap LPT1 with LPT2
tandy232.asm No 8735 10/5/1985 Replacement for Tandy 2000 RS232 I/O handler
TIMIO3_0.ZIP Yes 73076 12/1/1991 Timed record and playback COM port data
TOADMOD1.ZIP Yes 4497 4/18/1989 Set COM 1-4 to 19200/38400/57600/115200 bps
TSRCOMM.ZIP Yes 16713 9/9/1987 TSR serial device driver
UARTBUG.ZIP Yes 10541 7/17/1987 UART and COM port debuging tool, TSR
UARTTY12.ZIP Yes 9981 5/30/1992 Displays type of UART chip for all comm ports
WHTPRT40.ZIP Yes 13303 10/11/1991 Displays system serial ports & IRQ assignments
XPORT21.ZIP Yes 30205 1/16/1992 D. I. File Transporter Shareware Ver. 2.1. Nice RS232-based file transfer utility. Reliable and easy to use, now includes support for the NS16550 serial interface chip. Includes program to copy XPORT.EXE to system with incompatible disk.
Z404MPSC.ZIP Yes 5919 6/23/1991 Zenith COM3 port driver fix for gov't Z-248