70 files found in Library "Communications"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
1000_QM.ZIP No 2786 06-06-93
Customized Telix Script For Automatic
Up/Downloading Of�Qwk And�Rep Mail Packets
Via The Qmail Mail Door On 1000 Bbs� It Will
Will Logon And Then Take You Into The Qmail
Door, Upload Your�Rep Reply File And Then
Delete It, And/Or Then "Cycle" To The Next
Command Prompt And Download Your Qwk Packet
File� Only 2 Entries Required� Directions�
64BLAZE.ZIP Yes 70136 02-13-93
This Little Program For The Ibm Allows You To
Logon To Commodore 64/128 Boards And Benefit
From Full Commodore Color Graphics. ).
800H_25.ZIP Yes 5924 02-19-93 Free 800 Bbs Numbers 2/93.
96LISTD3.ZIP Yes 74731 04-01-93
04/01/93 - 9600+ bps BBS List - ASCII BBS
list of over 3,000 US BBS's supporting 9600
bps or faster CONNECT rates, sorted by Area
ABBSA004.ZIP Yes 10140 02-12-93
�������Ĵ American Bbs Association �������Ŀ
� Background On And Application For Free �
� Bbs Membership In The The American Bbs �
� Association. Abbsa Is A Free Bbs �
� Association Devoted To Bbs Advocacy, �
� Public Education, And Monitoring Of The �
� Media For Misleading And Incorrect �
� Information About The National And Local �
� Bbs Community. Includes Information On �
� The Formation Of State Abbsa Chapters �
� And Free Access To The National Abbsa �
� Echo Conferences. (2-12-93) �
ACE151.ZIP Yes 284787 05-17-93
AceComm & Utilities -- Communications Package
"Leading Software Technology" for todays hi-
speed modem. For IBM comapatibles running DOS
3+.Featured-Full Package includes: powerful
user friendly interface, MACRO language, MORE
AFONT010.ZIP Yes 3233 02-07-93
Ami-Font Tsr For Pc Users Calling Amiga Bbses
Very Handy Translator.
ALAD163.ZIP Yes 234053 06-02-93
Maintenance rel v1.63 of GEnie PC Aladdin tm
Intelligent front end auto-communications
program to expedite access to GEnie(SM).
AOL_MAIL.ZIP Yes 17805 04-29-93
America Online mail tutorial in ASCII and
GeoWorks format. Learn how to use gateway to
Internet, Compuserve, Fido, others from AOL
AUTODL33.ZIP Yes 12965 06-10-93
AUTODL Telix v3�1x scripts for protocol
initiated transfers RELEASE v3�30 As of 10:
00 pm, Thursday, June 10, 1993 AUTODL adds
the capability of auto-starting MPt, DSZ,
TXZM, SZMODEM, GIFLINK, HS/Link and Hydracomm
transfers to Telix 3�1x without having to
configure the protocol yourself� You just
tell AUTODL where your protocols are located,
the rest is AUTOmatic! See AUTODL�DOC for
install instructions� Last revision date in
archive: 06-10-1993�
BEEPME11.ZIP Yes 72342 05-03-93
BeepMe 1.1 calls your pager when
it detects rings on the phone. w/COM1 or COM2
BGRUNB03.ZIP Yes 46710 05-13-93
100K of g-bags with less than one minute of
connect time! For use w/HSLINK
BRC_3ASP.ZIP Yes 17818 05-28-93 Automated Exec-Pc Script For Procomm
CALLRT14.ZIP Yes 31644 05-05-93
Call Router v1�4 The Communications Utility
designed to help handle your incoming calls�
Supports COM ports 1-4�
CALLW.ZIP Yes 2781 01-27-93
Procomm Plus text file to disable call
waiting feature.
CATBOX14.ZIP Yes 144525 03-07-93
The Catalog ToolBox (CATBOX) v1.4: tool for
managing the long listings of Compuserve's
file library contents; many sorts, much more.
CDM_V14.ZIP Yes 86684 04-22-93
Use Commo and want an alphabetical dialing
directory? Here's a Free one!
CEXYZ99A.ZIP Yes 55929 02-07-93
Dsz like windowed file transfer engine,
supports x, y, z modem protocols from the
author of blue wave.
COCO.ZIP Yes 240122 03-20-93
COCO: Great communications package for ZEOS
BBS users.
COMMO541.ZIP Yes 187230 06-18-93
{Commo} Is A Very Powerful, High-
Performance, Communications Program.
Designed For The Discriminating User, It
Has Professional Features Not Found In
Other Programs -- Including Those With
"Pro" In Their Name. The Macro Language
Allows A Very High Degree Of Automation
And Customizing.
COMTAP21.ZIP Yes 132269 04-26-93
comTAP v2.1 - transforms your PC into a fully
functional RS-232 data line monitor and
communications debugger. High performer!
COMV31.ZIP Yes 114333 03-15-93
Comcall 3.1 communications tools.
Manage your pagers, remote calling, etc
CRSROSE2.ZIP Yes 2154 06-18-93
Revised Telix Script To Automoatically
Upload/Download Mail On Crs Using The
Rosemail Door. Detects .Rep File Before
Invoking "Upload". Auto Deletes .Rep.
Pop-Up Status Windows. Status Line "Press
Alt-Z For Help" Replced With System Date.
Requires Editing And Recompiling.
CS_WTR01.ZIP Yes 1030 02-05-93
Commo weather fetching macro Captures to disk
and to printer 2/5/93.
DIAL21.ZIP Yes 98372 04-18-93 Autodial Your Phone V2.1: Timer/Log And Much.
DNLOADPR.ZIP Yes 2138 03-07-93
Procomm Plus for Windows script to automate
and log your downloads on PcBoard BBS's.
EXC11.ZIP Yes 36542 06-18-93
Exc V1.1: Script Processor For Dos Apps That
Works Like Your Communications Scripts
W/Key On Timing, Data On The Screen, Data
Not On The Screen, Etc; Enter Programmed
Keystrokes W/Loop Processing/Branching;
Allows You To Automate Menu/Dialogue Box
Dos Applications Easily; Non-Tsr.
Parity Solutions.
FILMG021.ZIP Yes 38019 06-19-93
FILE MANAGER v0.21� for GT Power version
17.06 and higher.
GRTMD6A1.ZIP Yes 544848 03-20-93
1993 MeSH tree update for GratefulMed v6
US-NLM MedLine modem-comm and search utl
required for fully accurate '93 search; 1/2
GRTMD6A2.ZIP Yes 714444 03-20-93 1993 MeSH tree update for GratefulMed v6 2/2
HSLT102B.ZIP Yes 81146 03-05-93
HSLTAG v1.02Beta UPDATE: tagging and batch
upload manager for use as a shell from your
communications program.Manages your BBS
bidirectional transfers with HS/Link (C) by
Samuel P. Smith. Internal editing.Mouse suppt
IBM2OZ10.ZIP Yes 6976 03-11-93
IBM2OZ v1.00: converts and splits IBMNET
library summary files into OzCIS-style short
INSIGHT1.ZIP Yes 557202 04-30-93
INSIGHT Telemanagement System Version 1.0
INSIGHT is the ultimate management software
designed specifically for the NEC NEAX 2400
IMS. Evaluation DEMO with 296 page manual.
INTHLP.ZIP Yes 3190 04-14-93
Trouble with modem cards, interrupts, etc?
Here's the software/hardware scoop ! ! !
LOGS050B.ZIP Yes 15539 03-17-93
LOGSIZE Version 0.50� Robocomm 4.x Log File
Maintenance Utility. Keep that Robocomm Log
File From Absorbing All Your Free Hard Disk
Space. You Select The Size Your Log File
Should Be And Presto, It Shrinks!!!!
LW2.ZIP Yes 397980 03-26-93
Livewire communications program (OS/2 & DOS
PAGE33.ZIP Yes 50876 04-10-93 Pagemate 3�3 calls pager when phone rings� �
PCOMM400.ZIP Yes 62635 01-12-93
Newest version of power comm for windows
communication program and its freeware.
PCTSR100.ZIP Yes 23490 06-09-93
Turn Procomm into a tsr� Has all sorts of
parameters for system compatibility�
PCWINTLS.ZIP Yes 17506 03-26-93
Hs/Link utilities for Procomm Plus fo
Windows. Downloaded from Sam's BBS
PDL322.ZIP Yes 98313 06-01-93
Download stocks from Prodigy (prev versions
obosolete due to screen changes by prodigy)
($30 trialware)
PWRLST41.ZIP Yes 205337 04-13-93
Power List - A Utility Allowing A User to
Download his selection of BBS directories.
QMTSR100.ZIP Yes 23496 06-09-93
Turn Qmodem into a tsr� Has all sorts of
parameters for system compatibility�
RBLOOK13.ZIP Yes 101174 05-08-93
RBLOOK 1�3 - Scans Robocomm�LOGs/guestimates
phone bills. uses default values for daytime
evening and nightime rates.
RIPSCRIP.ZIP Yes 41540 01-23-93 Remote Imagining Protocol - Definition/Docs.
RIPTM153.ZIP Yes 596457 06-04-93 RipTerm versin 1�53�
ROBO_ZNS.ZIP Yes 1609 04-17-93
Robocomm Script file to use with the ZipNews
Door. Automates mail runs easily.
SCANLOG.ZIP Yes 6163 04-15-93
Utility to scan DSZLOG files and return
ERRORLEVEL according to command line options.
Use in batch files with HS/Link to determine
results of a transfer.
T321U_1.ZIP Yes 236850 02-05-93
���{ Telix Communications v3.21, update )�Ŀ
� Fast, powerful, and easy to use. 12 file �
� transfer protocols, 200 + modem setups, �
� terminal emulation, dialing directory, �
� 2 powerful script languages, scroll-back �
� and BBS HOST mode, keyboard macros, new �
� development team, many more new features.�
� Maintenance release, containts only the �
� files that have changed since v. 3.20. �
T321U_2.ZIP Yes 199930 02-05-93
---{ Telix Communications v3.21, update )---
- Host+ BBS Host mode, BBS Installation
TAG201.ZIP Yes 86157 05-29-93
Tagfile v2�01 Full Releaseno delays� The
Ultimate in file tagging and batch upload
utilities� Handles SDI, DIZ and DOZ
description file formats� Compatible with
most file compression formats for adding
description files to compressed files� Uses
the multiple file transfer protocol options
of DSZ, BiModem and HS/Link!
TAPPER.ZIP Yes 4963 04-09-93
Phone Tap Program for PCs ... Listen to phone
TEFS.ZIP Yes 6499 03-02-93
Timed execution files for use w/Procomm Plus
for Windows;
TERM071B.ZIP Yes 378959 03-13-93
Terminate v0.71� - Excellent new comm program
v1.0 is due to be released on or around April
2nd. This comes direct from Denmark
TGUP131.ZIP Yes 49612 06-02-93
TGUpload 1.31 - Powerful filemanager for Tele
FAST local uploading featuring support of
FILE_ID.DIZ, Browse mode, DOS-Shell.
Fix & Sort Filebases 'n much more !
TIMESET2.ZIP Yes 2630 04-09-93
Modified version of the popular Telix SLT
utility used to synch your PC's clock w/ that
of the US Naval Observatory in Washington.
Original version required operator
intervention - this version can be run as an
unattended event. Works like a champ!
TLO_13.ZIP Yes 106254 04-21-93
The Little Operator is an advanced pbx phone
dialer supporting many customizable features
including tone frequency designation. Use of
this program as a BLUE BOX is strictly
TLX321_1.ZIP Yes 163925 02-05-93
���{ Telix Communications v3.21, 1 of 4 )�Ŀ
� Fast, powerful, and easy to use. 12 file �
� transfer protocols, 200 + modem setups, �
� terminal emulation, dialing directory, �
� 2 powerful script languages, scroll-back �
� and BBS HOST mode, keyboard macros, new �
� development team, many more new features.�
� Maintenance release updating ver. 3.20. �
TLX321_2.ZIP Yes 77092 02-05-93
---{ Telix Communications v3.21, 2 of 4 )---
- Support files, sample scripts, compilers
TLX321_3.ZIP Yes 203890 02-05-93
---{ Telix Communications v3.21, 3 of 4 )---
- Host+ BBS Host mode, BBS Installation
TLX321_4.ZIP Yes 183910 02-05-93
---{ Telix Communications v3.21, 4 of 4 )---
- Documentation for Host+, Scripts, Telix
TLX_PCB1.ZIP Yes 3745 04-08-93
Telix PC Board Script to Create/Update a "Log
On" file, and a "New Files" listin.
TM115.EXE No 76649 04-09-93
Turmodem v1.15 - Naplps (Ega/Vga) terminal,
useful for calling hi-res BBS's like Turboard
TRANSRC2.ZIP Yes 6162 04-01-93
Transfer Record V2.0 (04-01-93) Record Your
File Transfers With Forms You Print on Your
Own Printer! Document Your Uploads,
Downloads, BBS Info And File Descriptions! *
Freeware *.
TSEND201.ZIP Yes 11554 03-29-93
TimeSend v2.01�: time calculating pgm that
determines the amount of time a file will
take to be transmitted via a modem, by baud
rate, using the Zmodem protocol;
X00150.ZIP Yes 105129 05-22-93
v1.50 X.00 - low level Serial I/O
Communications Driver for MS DOS
ZCOM10B.ZIP Yes 170306 03-22-93
Zcom-1 v1.0B: very easy to use communications
program that allows Zmodem uploads/downloads;
w/capture file, modem selection, up to 8 com
port access, etc.; designed for folks without
much exposure to these types of programs;
ZMOD16.ZIP Yes 159961 04-22-93 ZMODEM PROTICAL