87 files found in Library "MajorBBS Utils"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
AM10.ZIP Yes 13078 2/25/1995
Automod version 1.1 Tired of re-coding old
modules over and over again?? Automod will
automatically generate all the necessary
including the .c, .h, .msg and .mdf files.
Just make a directory, run the program and
you're off to the races. Price? Bah! It's
FREE! Gratis.. 100% yours for a song. Ideas,
suggestions or comments always welcome. From
Ewe-Nique Creations (403) 974-3200
AUDITMJR.ZIP Yes 31906 7/15/1994
Audit Trail backup utility. <<< FREE >>>
Simply place MJRAUDIT.EXE in your main BBS
directary. Add MJRAUDIT somewhere in your
BBSCLEAN.BAT (or any batch file you use once
daily). Mjraudit only knows how to work on
the first of the month and will back up your
audit trail to BBSAUDIT.xxx. (where xxx is
the first three initials of the previous
month. I.E. BBSAUDIT.APR will be created on
May 1.
BBLIST.ZIP Yes 17270 2/16/1994
BBS List that is on the Galacticomm Demo
System, here's your chance to create the same
effect on your own BBS using The Major
Database. Enjoy!
BD11.ZIP Yes 32899 1/12/1995
Birthday Module version 1.1 Displays birthday
notices to users at logon and gives users a
special birth- day greeting. Sysop
configurable for how many days to look ahead
and how many users to include in the list.
DEMO version displays only to users in SYSOP
class. Registration ($15) removes this
restriction. From Ewe-Nique Creations (403)
BSIGST31.ZIP Yes 11826 3/23/1995
BSI Guest v3.1 (for v6.25 only) This is a
program for The Major BBS v6.2x V6.2x which
will allow users to log on to your system via
a "guest" account without the use of
cumbersome passwords. With Guest, you have
these additional features:
-Multiple Guest IDs -Define lines each
Guest-ID is allowed on -Define times each
Guest-ID is allowed on -Define class and
BSISUG13.ZIP Yes 8288 3/23/1995
BSI Suggestion Box v1.3 This module for The
Major BBS v6.2x allows a user the option of
leaving a quick suggestion or comment for the
System Operator, without the hassle of the
E-mail editor. The suggestion messages
generated can be sent to any user-ID or
forum, as specified by the System Operator. -
Call BSI Technologies for a 30 day activation
code to evaluate Suggestion Box on your BBS.
BSIWP11.ZIP Yes 37423 1/6/1995
BSI White Pages v1.1 This module for The
Major BBS v6.2x allows a Sysop to place a
virtual "Phone Book" online, for use by the
system staff and/or users. As a System
Operator, you will appreciate the
functionality that White Pages has to offer:
o - Create and Maintain Categories online o -
Appoint moderators to categories o - Define
security for each category o - Searching
funtions within categories o - Easy to use
CF10.ZIP Yes 47041 12/16/1994
Credit Fix module for MajorBBS 6.xx FREE!
module that simply makes sure all users have
a minimum of 3600 credits. Can be run anytime
but run at cleanup. Very fast and best of all
includes FULL (all 66 lines of it) source
code. Modify to your hearts delight. From
Ewe-Nique Creations (403) 974-3200
CHRACH17.ZIP Yes 49329 2/16/1995
Cheersoft Anonymous Teleconference v1.7
Anonymous Teleconference allows your users to
enter a teleconference where nobody really
knows who is who. Users may choose a unique
alias each time they enter anonymous
teleconference which can be used for
whispering. Optional mode allows sysops to
see who sent messages. Current selling price:
$49.00 Contact: Cheersoft Support:
908-591-1234 Fax: 908-591-8652 BBS:
CHRCHT25.ZIP Yes 53171 2/14/1995
Cheersoft Global Teleconference v2.5 Global
Teleconference is a full featured
multi-channel globalized teleconference.
Action words included. Users can participate
in thirty-six channels simultaneously out of
two billion! Fully configurable. Commands
included for sorting channels and listing
public channels. Current selling price is
$49.00 Contact: Cheersoft Voice: 908-591-1234
Fax: 908-591-8652 BBS: 908-591-1171
CHRCLA11.ZIP Yes 29224 11/4/1994
Cheersoft Class Switcher by Date v1.1 Class
Switcher by Date is a utility to switch a
user into a class until a certain date. Uses
global commands and also compresses global
command handlers so you may run more globals.
Current price is $39.00 Contact: Cheersoft
Voice: 908-591-1234 Fax: 908-591-8652 BBS:
CHRCLR24.ZIP Yes 36073 1/12/1995
Cheersoft Ticker Tape v1.1 Ticker Tape sends
scrolling messages across the bottom of the
user's screen while online. Can be configured
to send a different message for different
classes/keys held. Current price is $49.00
Contact: Cheersoft Voice: 908-591-1234 Fax:
908-591-8652 BBS: 908-591-1171
CHRCON1B.ZIP Yes 50103 1/9/1995
Cheersoft's World Conquest v1.0b Strategic
Military Game, where all players start out
with an equal number of troops and a nearly
equal number of countries. The object of the
game is to conquer all 42 countries. Users
receive reinforcements at regular timed
intervals. Users receive bonus reinforcements
for hold entire continents. Current price is
$139.00 Contact: Cheersoft Voice:
908-591-1234 Fax: 908-591-8652 BBS:
CHREXP10.ZIP Yes 29282 1/31/1995
Cheersoft Expert mode toggle v1.0 Expert mode
toggle allows you to give or delete 5 keys
globally. Current price is $10.00 Contact:
Cheersoft Voice: 908-591-1234 Fax:
908-591-8652 BBS: 908-591-1171
CHRGLB15.ZIP Yes 55437 2/17/1995
Cheersoft Ultra Globals v1.5 Release - This
newest version of our Globals package
contains many updates, fixes, and additional
commands! Re-logon a user, get a directory
listing, change a user's time limit, either
daily or online, list a user's keys held,
etc. Released: 2/17/95
CHRLC109.ZIP Yes 116205 1/31/1995
Cheersoft Lost Caverns v1.09 Lost Caverns is
the first game for The Major BBS that allows
yoru users the freedom to build the game
itself. Users are able to create rooms,
monsters, spells, items, and shops! This
ensures that the game is totally original to
your system. The game can be restarted and
recreated entirely different. We will also be
releasing a starter set of data files which
will contain hundreds of rooms,spells, and
CHRMAC12.ZIP Yes 30425 1/9/1995
Cheersoft User Macros User Macros gives your
users twenty short, 65 character macros and 5
long, 130 character macros. Users can invoke
these macros with simple three or four
character commands. Current price is $15.00
Contact: Cheersoft Voice: 908-591-1234 Fax:
908-591-8652 BBS: 908-591-1171
CHRMON12.ZIP Yes 33804 2/22/1995
Cheersoft Global Monitor v1.2 Global Monitor
allows anyone with a certain key to use the
Monitor command from the Remote Sysop Menu
and also use the BBS at the same time! Global
Monitor splits the screen in half, with the
top half being monitor, and the second half
beingn the BBS. Also supports monitoring
selected users and users in a certain class
or has those that have a certain key. Current
price is $79.00 Contact: Cheersoft Voice:
CHRMTM10.ZIP Yes 30881 1/24/1995
Cheersoft's Modem to Modem Modem to Modem
will allow your users to play over the modem
games right on your bbs. It also permits file
transfers with any transfer protocol,
directly from one user to another. Modem to
Modem is very efficient, your users will
normally receive 95% or higher efficiency
during file transferring! Supports Doom and
many other popular games... Current price is
$29.00 Contact: Cheersoft Voice: 908-591-1234
CHRNOT20.ZIP Yes 37486 2/16/1995
Cheersoft Not Keys v2.0 Not Keys negates keys
in either class or personal keyrings. Not
Keys can be set to expire after a number of
days or set without an expiration date. Not
Keys may be assigned to users or to classes.
Current price is $49.00 Contact: Cheersoft
Voice: 908-591-1234 Fax: 908-591-8652 BBS:
CHRPAS11.ZIP Yes 31220 1/9/1995
Cheersoft Dual Password Security v1.1 Dual
Password Security allos you to give your
users a set of keys only after they enter a
second password. If your user happens to
leave him or herself logged in and someone
else tries to access your bulletin board
through his account, you won't have to worry
about that person seeing very sensitive
information. Current price is $39.00 Contact:
Cheersoft Voice: 908-591-1234 Fax:
CHRPAY21.ZIP Yes 63898 1/9/1995
Cheersoft Accounting Automation v2.1 Complete
accounting system includes bbs bank accounts
for your users. Full TABS 900 support (both
$10 and $25 lines). Software is FREE without
credit card validator and only $39 with
(Visa, MC & Amex). Also allows you to make
your own subscription IDs to sell to your
users. Contact: Cheersoft Voice: 908-591-1234
Fax: 908-591-8652 BBS: 908-591-1171
CHRPUN11.ZIP Yes 31350 1/4/1995
Cheersoft Unbusy Notifier v1.1 Unbusy
Notifier is a module that allows any user to
be notified whenever a specified user is no
longer busy. Current price is $10.00 Contact:
Cheersoft Voice: 908-591-1234 Fax:
908-591-8652 BBS: 908-591-1171
CHRREG10.ZIP Yes 28258 1/31/1995
Cheersoft Registry Deleter v1.0 Registry
Deleter allows you to delete a users registry
immediately! Current price is $10.00 Contact:
Cheersoft Voice: 908-591-1234 Fax:
908-591-8652 BBS: 908-591-1171
CHRSYP25.ZIP Yes 34524 2/16/1995
Cheersoft Super Sysop Pager v2.5 Super Sysop
Pager allows you to increases our
availability by having your digital pager
signal you whwen certain users page sysop and
nobody is available on your system to help
them. Supports scheduling system, allowing
you to have different people paged at
different times or have hours during which
nobody is pages. Also allows you to restrict
how often you are paged. Current price is
CHRTCK14.ZIP Yes 36541 2/23/1995
Cheersoft Ticker Tape v1.3 [First NON-BETA
release] Ticker Tape sends scrolling messages
across the bottom of the user's screen while
online. Can be configured to send a different
message for different classes/keys held.
Current price is $49.00 Cheersoft Voice:
908-591-1234 Fax: 908-591-8652 Orders:
800-254-3525 BBS: 908-591-1171
CHRTLK22.ZIP Yes 35752 2/5/1995
Cheersoft Chat-Now v2.2 Chat-Now allows yoru
users to split screen chat without leaving
the module they where last in. It uses full
screen ANSI to display three windows of text.
The first two windows are you and the user
you are chatting with while the third/bottom
window is the BBS exactly where you left off.
It also allows full use of that module with a
simple tab keystroke to switch between
windows. It also has special Sysop commands
CHRTRA13.ZIP Yes 32592 1/9/1995
Cheersoft Credit Exchange v1.3 Credit
Exchange allows you to set a rate at which
users may exchange days from each class into
creditx. Credit Exchange also allows you to
set and amount of credits required for a user
in a particular class to purchase an
additional day. Current price is $39.00
Contact: Cheersoft Voice: 908-591-1234 Fax:
908-591-8652 BBS: 908-591-1171
CHRVIW16.ZIP Yes 36318 2/22/1995
Cheersoft File Viewer v1.6 File Viewer allows
you to make text files of any length
available for viewing and downloading. Users
may scroll up and down a ling at a time, a
page at a time or any amount of lines at a
time they wish. Users may also search for
keywords within the file. Command included to
download file users is currently viewing.
Supports command concatenation so you can
make menu options that immediately bring up
CHRXIN15.ZIP Yes 47982 1/9/1995
Cheersoft Executive Informer v1.5 Executive
Informer allows you to send System News, Bulk
E-Mail and Logoff Messages to users based on
Class, Keys Held, Sex, Minimum Age and
Maximum Age. You may set an expirations date
for each message and either have each user
receive the message once or each call until
it expires. System News supports grouping,
allowing you to have multiple news areas with
different topics. Current selling price is
CTERM110.ZIP Yes 40197 2/27/1995
[0;1;36m-CTERM v1.01a- GREAT OFFER -CTERM
v1.10a- -ODS- CANADA Copyright 1995
========================== Cterm is an idea
who's time has come. The simplest way to
bring new callers to your commercial site.
Have modem users install CTERM, and with your
systems phone number hard coded into it. They
will forget about the other systems in your
area. Zmodem support, as well as ANSI detect.
DAEFLL.ZIP Yes 8299 11/2/1994
Daedalus Systems, Inc. - Fast Local Login Log
on to console without typing password or even
without typing user-id.
DAEQSC.ZIP Yes 7040 11/6/1994
Daedalus Systems, Inc. - Qscan Cfiguration
Full screen ANSI editing of the user
quickscan preferences. Instead of 'ss' in the
E-Mail module.
DBSDEMO.ZIP Yes 181248 2/6/1995
DBSMAIL.ZIP v1.25a - Fido Style Mailer This
is new only thing your BBS will need to
connect to over 600 fido echos and talk with
over 30,000 bbs's. Connections made real-time
while your bbs is runing and to top it off if
even processes your mail while you system is
up and taking calls from users. Increase the
users on your system with filled forums from
all over the world. DBSMail includes
everything that is needed including DBSFIX
DLSREF10.ZIP Yes 38827 11/8/1994
Refuse-Baud v1.0 for The Major BBS Allows you
to configure a minimum baud rate for each
channel group. If a user calls in at a baud
rate lower than the one configured, they are
displayed a text block, and then disconnected
from the system. For The Major BBS v6.2
DYNAFK10.ZIP Yes 9535 7/18/1994
AWAY FROM KEYBOARD v1.0 Allows your users to
leave the keyboard and let others know that
they are not there. While they are "AFK" they
are shown as Away From Keyboard in the Online
List. Also has the ability to extend the
inactivity timeout. Just install in your
BBSV6 Directory, and add a menu option (only
required for demo version). RIP Included!!!
Call 201-501-0105 for more information. First
official release.
EA11.ZIP Yes 31702 2/23/1995
Expiry Alert version 1.1 Small, compact
module that alerts users to how many credits
and/or days they have left with a friendly
email that you define. Configurable to check
for low days, low credits or both. DEMO
version writes only to those in the SYSOP
class. Updated version to check paid credits
instead of total credits. From Ewe-Nique
Creations (403) 974-3200
EDITM11.ZIP Yes 132261 10/13/1994
EDI's AutoTerm v1.1 AutoTerm is a Sysop
Terminal Program run from the Main BBS
Console. This Term is like any normal
terminal program, only it uses the BBS's free
modems, and allows for logging onto multiple
BBS's at once. Script Language, Full Protocal
Support, Ansi Support, Macros, Captures, and
Much Much more. Download this demo of
AutoTerm. Now. AutoTerm will only work on
Version 6.2 or above of MBBS as of right now.
EWEEXP11.ZIP Yes 31666 12/13/1994
Expiry Alert module version 1.10 for MajorBBS
v6.xx and up. Writes mail to users based on
how many days and/or credits they have left
and warns them of their upcoming expiry.
Correction to version 1.0 to process users
based on days only error and uses the correct
credit field (paid credits) Only $25 for
registration. From Ewe-Nique Creations (403)
EZEBDAY2.ZIP Yes 9503 1/24/1995
know when a user has a birthday. Prints a
birthday message and ANSI picture for
everyone to see at log-on when there is a
birthday. Also prints out upcoming birthdays
of users. The Sysop configures how many users
get birthday wishes, the number of days to
look ahead for upcoming birthdays, and what
the picture and text say. You can even have
the program send Email birthday greetings to
your users, with gift credits if you wish!
EZEBSYNT.ZIP Yes 7029 12/31/1994
great help to users. If you try to page
someone and you can't because they are
"busy", you just type /b userid and then you
will be notified as soon as you can page
them. No more trying over and over again to
page another user. Many options are
configurable in CNF by the Sysop including
who can use the busy notifier and what the
text blocks say. This demo will run for 2
hours and is validated by an access code for
EZECRALT.ZIP Yes 6507 1/21/1995
EzSoft Credit Alert - alerts users at log-on
if they are running low on credits, days left
in class, or both at Sysop's option. You
configure who gets and doesn't get alerted,
when to alert, and what the text is. Great
for reminding users to send in cash. This
demo will run for 2 hours and is validated by
an access code for only $15.00. For the Major
BBS version 6 and up.
EZEDMPST.ZIP Yes 3855 1/21/1995
EzSoft Announcer - this FREE program allows
you to have a message of your choice
broadcast to users who do not have a key you
choose at intervals you select. The perfect
way to get those DEMO users to pay up. For
the Major BBS version 6 and up.
EZEFBK.ZIP Yes 7430 1/21/1995
EzSoft Feedback - this module is a convenient
way to let users leave you their questions,
comments and complaints about your BBS. Their
feedback goes into the Email of the user you
choose. You also decide who gets to leave
feedback based on key. This demo will run for
2 hours and is validated by an access code
you purchase for only $10. For the Major BBS
version 6 and up.
EZELOGNT.ZIP Yes 9383 1/23/1995
EzSoft Log on Notifier - tells you when
someone logs on or off the system, as well as
the number of lines in use. When a user logs
on or off, you get a message telling you the
user-id logging on or off. You can globally
turn the messages on and off with a command
string you can change. You also configure who
can get the notices by key, and what the text
blocks say. The program even knows when your
users are in the editor, and does not send
EZEPICGM.ZIP Yes 69381 1/21/1995
EzSoft Picture Gram - allows users to send
ANSI pictures and messages to other people in
Email. Users can select from 50 different
ANSI pictures that you can change or edit in
CNF. With the picture they can add a brief
message, which then goes into the Email of
the person they choose. You can choose who
can use the program by key, whether to charge
credits and how many, what all the text
blocks say and more. This demo will run for 2
FE_MMDMO.ZIP Yes 22981 3/27/1995
This Utility is What We ALL Wanted! - Now you
don't have to log on to see what module your
users are using! - This Piece of Intricate
software allows you to monitor your users and
the module they are in, and their line # in
Hex or Numeric order. - The Major Monitor
also Monitors the users input BEFORE it gets
executed to the system. - The Major Monitor
Acts as a Debugging tool in which you can log
all inputs to a ascii file before it gets
FILESBBS.ZIP Yes 37883 2/2/1995
Generate Script Files for MjrCD This utility
generates script files for the "So Much"
series of CD-ROM's. Works on CD's using
FILES.BBS description files.
GALCR.ZIP Yes 3008 3/27/1995
6.0 of The Major BBS. It lets you have
carriage returns in your command strings for
entering modules. This lets you concatenate
commands that aren't necessarily supported by
command concatenation. However, this won't
work with interrupt-driven character
handlers, such as the FSE and the FSD.
GALDBAR.ZIP Yes 5056 10/18/1993
Instructions For Installing The Major
Database RIPscrip Support
GALETLR.ZIP Yes 15336 10/18/1993
Instructions For Installing Entertainment
Collection RIPscrip Support
GALFAXR.ZIP Yes 6785 10/18/1993
Instructions For Installing Fax/Online
RIPscrip Support
GALFILCL.ZIP Yes 5686 10/4/1994
GALFILCL is designed to provide 00_index.txt
support for the ICO FTP directories. It can
also be used as a regular library listing
program without modification. GALFILCL is a
utility which runs during cleanup,
cleanup, and builds lists of files. In order
to be in the list a file needs to be both
logged in and approved in the individual
GAL_FOR2.ZIP Yes 15978 10/10/1993 Capture from the MajorBBS RIP Forum
GAL_FOR3.ZIP Yes 22065 10/29/1993 RIP graphics Forum msg overview.
GLOBALS.ZIP Yes 54938 7/31/1994
[0;1;31m[33mGlobal Activator[36mV 1.0 [35m-
All commands can be sysop defined. [31m-
Contains 20 Global vars that can be named and
defined by the Sysop [34m- Extended user list
with paging. [32m- Extended user list at log
on. [33m- notified of users logging on. -
notified of users logging off. [0m- Filter
key user can use global /vanish command.
Works like /invis. [1;36m- Credit global for
all the users credit information. [37m- Quick
GWWAR14.ZIP Yes 59632 8/22/1994
[0;1;36m[35mArchery[1;33mV1.4[36m [34m-
Archery is a game of Skill! [31m- Your users
will love to get there name up for all to
see. [34m- Game can be setup for many
options. [32m- It can charge users to play.
[33m- Award Credit to the High Score. [31m-
Now with 2 modes of play! [36m- You will
collect enough credits during the DEMO period
to pay for the registration. [35m- Lot's of
stuff has been added. [37m- MUST REINSTALL
HORDING.ZIP Yes 39252 3/27/1995
Ding! is a utility for Major BBS that alerts
you when users reach specific section of the
immediately, by beeping (hence, "Ding!"). Or,
Ding! can simply make a record in the audit
trail. Ding! will work at any point in the
BBS where a text block is displayed.
HOROLL10.ZIP Yes 52303 9/8/1994
[0;1;36m[35mHi-Rollers[33mV1.0[36m [34m- An
addictive dice game. [31m- Your users will
play everyday. [34m- So simple everyone can
first. [33m- Get a defined amount of
turns/day. [36m- Full RIP and ANSI graphics!
HVSTOP.ZIP Yes 8908 3/27/1995
HVSTOP is a microscopic utility that can be
used to change the load order of modules on
your BBS. When run in your \BBSV6 directory,
you can specify a module name to put at the
top of the DLL list, which will cause that
module to be loaded and initialized first. In
some system configurations, it is important
to have certain modules load before others.
However, every time you change the menu tree,
the BBS re-builds its configuration files,
HWMAN25.ZIP Yes 65975 9/1/1994
Account Number (free) Assigns an unique
"account number" whenever someone logs on,
and they don't already have one. This
uniquely identifies each caller even if they
use the same User-ID (after deletion of the
first one). Used by several HWM modules.
Complete source code is included.
HWMCA22.ZIP Yes 29302 4/22/1994
Credit Awards Allows CNF-key people to post
credits to callers; callers can withdraw the
credits when they are needed, up to daily
limits. Also allows transfers, borrowing,
more. Can be used to record internal MajorBBS
credit posts to an account. Requires HWMSE
HWMCID25.ZIP Yes 113571 11/19/1994
Caller-ID Validation and Security With
HWMCID, you can automatically "validate" new
accounts without intervention on your part,
or special actions on the part of your
callers. It's all easy and automatic. You can
also lock out or suspend certain callers and
phone numbers. CID will auto- matically
disallow "duplicate" accounts at the same
number, although this is completely at your
control. Requires HWMSE and HWMAN for
HWMSE26.ZIP Yes 66186 10/11/1994
ScreenEditor, free SE is a data entry utility
for many HWM products. It allows multiple
pages and is set up "on the fly". There is no
charge for using SE, but a program must be
specifically set up to use it.
HWMSW05.ZIP Yes 42168 9/9/1994
HWM "Switch" utility for sysops With HWMSW,
you can automatically change a callers class,
give or take keys, or post credits. This is
done by creating a menu page and embedding a
SW command. You can also log a caller off, or
move them to another menu page. Free,
courtesy of Dynamic Computer. HighWaterMark
Communication Systems Renasci BBS (908)
HWSCLN11.ZIP Yes 3816 1/5/1995
Audit module cleanup/shutdown routines. 1.1
HWSCLEAN is a debugging tool to create an
audit trail entry for every module cleanup
module and shutdown routine that the BBS
makes. Prepared for systems with lockups
going to to dos to help pinpoint the problem.
Free. If you are still running version 1.0
this should be considered a mandatory upgrade.
HWSFILE.ZIP Yes 8205 8/15/1994
Enhancement for file pages of the menu tree.
1.1 All the normal functionality of the file
pages is preserved, but extended to include
auto file selection (.rip, .ibm, .ans, .txt,
including multiple languages), multiple file
output, enbedded text variables, optional
goto or logoff at end of display, and online
file updating. Shareware $19.95 registration.
Third in a series of utilities from Humanware
HWSLINE.ZIP Yes 8965 8/15/1994
Additional modem channel settings. v1.1
HWSLINE adds additional control over your
modems. Create 'outgoing' only channels that
will not accept incoming calls, baud rate
protected channels, prevent your low speed
callers from tying up your high speed lines,
add control over which ring to answer on.
Only busy out some lines when shutting down
the system. Useful for systems that share one
bbs line with a slave computer for mail runs,
HWSMHSFX.ZIP Yes 21672 11/21/1994
Rebuild your GALMHS.DAT file 1.0 HWSMHSFX
rebuilds your GALMHS.DAT file if it has
become filled with orphan (unneeded) records.
Another in a series of utilities from
Humanware Systems.
HWSSTAT.ZIP Yes 3792 9/5/1994
Uncaught status reporting tool. v1.0 HWSSTAT
adds an audit trail entry for any uncaught
status codes that modules on your bbs may be
generating. Uncaught status codes reset the
channel (hangup the current user) and are
easily mistaken for modem problems. Free.
Another in a series of debug tools from
Humanware Systems.
MBBSFILE.ZIP Yes 4739 12/16/1994 List of all files used by the MajorBBS v6.25
MBBSTD.ZIP Yes 2150552 5/17/1994
Major BBS Test Drive v6.2: This archive
contains a working version of The Major BBS
that will give you a taste of how it works
and what can be done with this software. We
have also included an ASCII version of the
Quick Start booklet that describes the Test
Drive and The Major BBS in more detail.
MBMGE32D.ZIP Yes 241014 3/6/1994 Glactic Empire for MBBS (14 day trial period.)
MBMNM11C.ZIP Yes 22895 7/18/1994
NEWSMAN - BBS News Menu Module Newsman
provides an easy method to create and manage
a front end PCBoard style bulletin menu. Full
support for ANSI, TEST, IBM, and RIP formats.
Automatically selects best format for user.
Also provides additional Logoff menu.
MUT31.ZIP Yes 992214 9/19/1994 Mutants Demo for MBBS.
PQM403.ZIP Yes 90295 9/6/1994 Machmaker demo for MBBS.
RALCBK2.ZIP Yes 31620 3/27/1995
Call Block is a utility that uses a
"trashcan" file to block certain handles from
logging on. There is no limit to the trashcan
file except for drive space.
SMALLGC.ZIP Yes 3444 3/27/1995
Small Globals for MajorBBS v6.2x I just want
to make this module for all MBBS Sysop who
don't have a globals package. With this small
globals package *FREE* you have: Command to
display users online, more detailed than the
normal users on of the MajorBBS (You can
change the look way of the users lists in the
CNF.) This package include a logon/logoff
SPEEX15.ZIP Yes 8458 5/26/1994 Enterence/Exit message editor for MBBS
SPEFP25.ZIP Yes 37449 8/25/1994
FASTPACE-Global & Macro Utility with Colors!
[36;40mProvides Sysop & User defineable
global & macro commands with a single key.
[34mIncludes the ability to change your text
color from anywhere on the board with the
press of a Tab key. [35mSend Email From
anywhere on the board. [37mYour pages
forwarded to email when busy. [33mNew Longer
Macro's [32mSysop Definable User List & Logon
notices [36mIncludes Global Chat Command
SPEUIE10.ZIP Yes 10396 3/16/1994 Limit users ability to edit thier info - MBBS
SYSEAZY.ZIP Yes 253333 9/12/1994 Utility package for MBBS. Adds globals, card
USRPST11.ZIP Yes 65440 2/12/1995
UserPost v1.0 Program in which users can
leave messages for the next callers. With
UserPost, there can be 4 messages, each
consisting of 3 lines. Runs at log on and by
placing it on a menu page, your users can
post messages from the menu, as well.
WDJBS20A.ZIP Yes 80344 1/29/1995
Bathroom Stall module 2.0a A variation of the
popular Graffitti wall program that gives
users 3 areas to write annonymous messages
in. This version fixes the men's and unisex
message deletion bug.
WGASCII.ZIP Yes 15318 2/20/1995
Report (ASCII Format) on Worldgroup (a.k.a.
"Project Victory") for Sysops of The MBBS
WGCLIENT.ZIP Yes 2752143 3/29/1995
Galacticom Worldgroup (beta): Worldgroup is
an extension of people's voices and writing
hands. Through Worldgroup online services,
people can exchange messages and computer
files with each other whether they are in the
same office or on the far side of the planet.
A Worldgroup online service can provide at
least: E-mail, Forums, Teleconference,
Libraries Through Worldgroup, remote callers
aren't remote anymore. Check it Out!!!
WGROUP.ZIP Yes 109466 2/21/1995
WorldGroup (a.k.a. "Project Victory" )Report
in Word for Windows Format for MBBS Sysops