478 files found in Library "Netmail Progs/Utils"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
0994SON.ZIP Yes 11161 9/15/1994
======== SON-net ============ We are looking
for some quality bbs's to join SON-net. This
Network is for the discussion of Biblical
matters from a Bible-Believing Christian
perspective. Sept 1994 packet.
1K-NNET.ZIP Yes 19937 10/10/1994
Information packet on NIGHTNet! 10/94 A
friendly International E-Mail network. Come
grow with us! Easy to join and no fees. Read
about us in "Sysop News"!
4CN0994B.ZIP Yes 20199 9/28/1994
4ColorNet Info. Packet 09/94....... 4ColorNet
is the hottest and fastest growing echo-mail
network devoted to the hobby of comic
collecting. If you love comic books or any
related subject, this net is for you!
*NOTE!!!* This archive contains a TOTAL
re-write of the previous guidelines and some
files. Please delete or ignore any earlier
4CNCBN_1.ZIP Yes 20960 11/6/1994
CBN/4CN Info. Packet 11/94....... The two
best comic-related mail nets have merged into
one LARGE network! Over a month in the
planning, 4ColorNet and the ComicBook Net
have pooled their resources to create the
largest comic-related net around! Over 40
participating BBSes, both .QWK and FIDO-style
transfers are aavailable. Download and become
a part of the excitement today!
4_ALENET.ZIP Yes 4709 7/25/1994
online information and application for BBS
systems compatible with the QWK/REP mail
94-ORN-X.ZIP Yes 2936 6/17/1994
Fidonet CRAFTING Echo Conference's Rules For
The 1994 Christmas Ornament (ALL CRAFT TYPE)
Exchange. Must sign up by July 31, 1994.
ACCNET50.ZIP Yes 12441 12/23/1994
AccessNet Friendly netmail, in a class by
itself Established April, 1991 PostLink
software is used exclusively
ACFN0195.ZIP Yes 9010 12/31/1994
American Christian Family Network information
packet. This network is a support and
information net for everyone with a Christian
theme directed at the American Family and is
carried by "G" rated systems only. There are
several echo areas and the network is growing
steadily. Echo areas are added as the
interest increases and open to all interested
people. There are no group, organization,
denominational, or church affiliation. ACFNet
ADDNET20.ZIP Yes 6659 1/19/1994
Adds incoming netmail calls to your last
callers list.
ADDQWK20.ZIP Yes 56725 1/31/1994
Add Those QWK v2.0 September 1993 (C)
COPYRIGHT by Steve McGrath ADDQWK is a simple
program to merge several QWK mail packets. It
can do the following: Name the resulting
packet by date/counter, Sort by subject, You
can have up to 5 names /alias, Work with one
packets(useful for sorting), Delete packets
after merging, Determine the minimal
diskspace to work, Can handle: ARJ, LHA,
ADDREP10.ZIP Yes 27073 8/31/1993
Add Those REP v1.0 August 1993 (C) COPYRIGHT
by Steve McGrath ADDREP is a simple program
to merge several REP packets. It can do the
following: Determine the minimal diskspace to
work, Can handle: ARJ, LHA, PKZIP. * FREEWARE*
AFDN.ZIP Yes 1696 10/5/1994 Able Files Distribution Network Description
AFIX431E.ZIP Yes 607155 2/27/1995
ALLFIX v4.31 Evaluation Version. ALLFIX is
the most complete FileEcho utility available.
No other program offers the large number of
features that are part of the ALLFIX package.
Features: * Full support for RemoteAccess,
ProBoard, Renegade, Telegard, SpitFire,
TriBBS and PCBoard, and any conventional
FILES.BBS style BBS. ALLFIX supports the RA
2.xx and PCBoard file databases * Full
support for Zones, and 4D points. * Support
AFN1294.ZIP Yes 58077 12/10/1994
Agape Family Network Info Packet 12/94
Christian and Family Oriented AFN is a
Christian message network that has heavy
family orientation. We are denominationally
blind which is a gentle way of saying that we
do not support one denomination over another.
We are friendly and helpful. We'd love to
have you call one of our hubs and check us
ALTCTRL2.ZIP Yes 15293 7/4/1994
Creates the CONTROL.ALT file supported by
1stReader version 2.00. Allows conference
descriptions up to 80 characters long.
ANNX0294.ZIP Yes 21628 1/30/1994
Not a computer network... a people network!
Find out more about this exciting new QWK
network. All of our procedures, policies,
conference and node listings, and admission
information are contained in this archive.
ARNET024.ZIP Yes 3801 2/19/1994
ARnet EchoMail Network Information Pack ARnet
is an Amateur Radio Oriented Net FIDO & QWK
distribution available
ARN_0295.ZIP Yes 63637 1/31/1995
AmateurRadio Net(sm) February 1995
Information Pack If you have any users
interested in Amateur Radio, SWL, Scanners or
Citizen Band this is the net for you!! We
cover these topics and more. QWK & FTS(FIDO)
distributions avail. Currently echoing in
North America and Europe.
ASADNET.ZIP Yes 6085 6/2/1994
ASADNET A new net coordinated by the
Association Shareware Authors and
Distributors, (ASAD) a trade association
ASN300.ZIP Yes 5232 2/26/1995
)))))))) American Sportsman Network ((((((( A
new Fido & .QWK based message network aimed
at those of us who enjoy the great Outdoors.
We have 25 conferences to start and will add
more as the need arises. QWK packets lets you
select the software that works best with your
BBS. This file contains a conference list as
well as our Node list. Come be one of the
first to join we need both hubs and nodes.
ATAG103.ZIP Yes 31678 11/13/1994
(v1.03) AddTag, Add a tagline to your GoldEd
TimEd, FrontDoor or Termail message. Tag them
just like with BlueWave. Also with random
mode, new is also a capture method. Now uses
a smart indexing method when adding or
deleting taglines. Multiple tagline files,
colour configuration, add manual typed tags
and a lot more!! CardWare by Pascal van Rossum
AUTOMPM.ZIP Yes 7334 1/3/1994
AUTOMAILpm 1.00 - Preextract QWK mail packets
for your best callers. For Powerboard BBS
1.25a and PowerMail 1.50. Simple to run from
an event. Maximizes peak online hours.
AUTOV1R.ZIP Yes 50779 3/7/1994
<- Auto Message V1R -> Includes support for
29 diffrent bbs types Has Color
interpritation, sysop auto lock Visual editor
BAYNET13.ZIP Yes 5848 8/28/1993
BayNet Information Packet Massachusetts based
network. Easy to join, fun, family oriented
net. New nodes and hubs needed and welcomed
No fees, no hassles.
BFDS_FLS.ZIP Yes 11626 10/11/1994 BFDS: File listing of all files released
BGFXFD10.ZIP Yes 58396 9/15/1994
BGFAX2FD will read BGFAX's FAXIN.LOG and
write a netmail message and/or update
FrontDoor's Lastcall/Inbound History files.
Fully Muli-node aware.
BN101594.ZIP Yes 3347 10/15/1994
BITCHNet is a new QWK based netmail system
based on total free speech. The net is free
net with minimal rules and no moderators.
This is a unique net with few competors. Come
help us build.
BNP_600.ZIP Yes 55705 10/11/1993
BNP v6.00. The BinkleyTerm Netmail Packer.
Many options.
BUPDATE.ZIP Yes 15239 7/31/1994
Program required to patch Silver Xpress
BWANSI01.ZIP Yes 15906 6/5/1994
BWAnsi; for Any BBS That can generate a
Door.Sys and Has a Bluewave Mail Door Installe
C2C_1194.ZIP Yes 22004 10/24/1994
City2City NetMail Service INFOPAK 10/94 NEW
CENTRAL HUB and Administration! Accepting NEW
Applications - S/R & Nodes Over 100 of the
World's best Systems! Reliable & Free. Superb
Moderators. Zero Bureaucracy. 100
Conferences. Guarenteed same day Approvals on
CALV0295.ZIP Yes 66782 2/8/1995
CalvaryNet! A Computer Network of Calvary
Chapel! Fellowship with respect for others
and in the Love of Christ strictly
maintained. Come Fellowship with us as we
magnify the Lord Jesus Christ! Contact The
Shepherd's Flock Family BBS for info: BBS:
619-630-7437 or Voice 619-630-0340.
CAMTIC11.ZIP Yes 147464 8/18/1994
Cam-TIC v1.1. This is a TIC processor that we
wrote to work with Planet Connect. Very easy
to setup and works very well. Will work with
anything to process TIC files for the fido
CAM_B141.ZIP Yes 79523 5/12/1994 Cam-Mail v1.41 Upgrade. Requires 1.40
CANDLEAP.ZIP Yes 20693 4/19/1994
=Catholic Access Network - Deus Lumen Est!=
Infomation on joining CANDLE Network, a
multi-node network cris-crossing the globe -
fastest mail turnaround of any network -
great users - many active conferences -
serving the Catholic community from coast to
coast! Version 2.0, Draft D, 04/21/94
CANET10.ZIP Yes 3754 2/1/1995
CarAudioNET - An echo for the car audio
enthusiast. Ontario Administration Site MCS
BBS (905) 878-5935
CAPLNK93.ZIP Yes 8719 2/26/1994
CAPLink Mail Network This is the online
application, node list, and rule information
program all in one. This program is for
PCBoard 15.1 systems that are running the
CAPLink Echo Mail network. For more
information on CAPLink download the latest
CAPLink information packet from your local
BBS system or call: (708) 854-0255 or (416)
287-0935 and download it.
CAP_9501.ZIP Yes 16603 12/31/1994
CAPLink is a computer oriented echomail
network. This network offers conferences for
programmers, experienced or not, as well as
technical conferences for a wide variety of
application programs. Become a member today
by downloading this info packet. All of the
information needed to join CAPLink is
contained inside. CAP/USA (708) 854-0255
CAP/CANADA (416) 287-0935
CBN0395.ZIP Yes 15783 3/5/1995
-= The ComicBook Network=- Info Packet 03/95
What was once two has become ONE! 4ColorNet
has merged with The Comic Book Network to
create the LARGEST and best comic-related
mail net! Nearly 50 participating BBSes, both
.QWK and FIDO-style transfers are available.
Plug in and see what all the talk is about!
CB_NET1.ZIP Yes 65001 12/18/1994
(CB!Net) A Net looking for BBS's to carry our
conferences! A wide variety of sexual topics
and fun Message Writers here are what make
CB!Net so much fun! SysOps: download this and
fill out the application today!! We are new
so we have plenty of room for YOU!
12/07/94: Update.
CCFN1094.ZIP Yes 32984 9/12/1994
ChristNet Christian Fellowship Network
Outreach of TBB Computer Ministries,Inc A
California Non-Profit Corporation Network
Restarted September 1, 1994 Complete History
and information packet for joining this
exciting Network based in Mission Viejo,
California. The Net requires no annual SysOp
fees, uses QWK FIDO or PostLink."The Daily
Challenge" by Stephen Auterburn the founder
New Life Treatment Centers, Our Daily Bread
CENSOR.ZIP Yes 13364 12/1/1993
CENSOR v1.00 - Allows the sysop to censor
email messages on their BBS. That is have
curse words automatically removed, etc.
CENT9412.ZIP Yes 14221 12/1/1994
Centipede - Poetry, Literature, and You. This
network serves all writers, from the beginner
to the experienced. This network also
publishes a monthly magazine for all type of
poets. Nice small network, twelve conferences
in all. A great place for those interested in
plain old fashion creativity. [9412]
CFA-FILE.ZIP Yes 7199 4/23/1994
Crafting File Dist. Net Complete File Listing
for HQ @ 1:260/129 (Alphabetical) 04/23/94
CFB-FILE.ZIP Yes 8270 4/23/1994
Crafting File Dist. Net Complete File Listing
for HQ @ 1:260/129 (Sorted by Area) 04/23/94.
CFDNFILE.ZIP Yes 23550 8/9/1994
ALLFILES List For The Crafting File Distribu
tion Network 08/10/94 (FREQing NOT ALLOWED AT
CHANNELS.ZIP Yes 3061 3/3/1994
This is the CHANNELS.NME file Just copy it
over your old CHANNELS.NME file. 3-3-94
CHARRO.ZIP Yes 5368 2/9/1995
New Echo Mail network open to any BBS sysop
handling QWK mail format
CHKPC098.ZIP Yes 67333 11/4/1994
Check PC v0.98: Dupe Checker/Mover/Deleter
for Planet Connect Sites. All of your mail &
files are moved for you. Simple installation
with full file comparisons including CRC-32
checks, works on LANs, log reports, pass
analysis, and many more features that can't
fit inside this little file_id.diz file. :)
CHRIST.ZIP Yes 5878 9/30/1993
Christ Connection Echo Mail. Complete SetUp,
Doc's & Config.
CHRNET12.ZIP Yes 9659 12/10/1994
listing is current as of 10 December 1994.
The BBS name is CHRNET12.ZIP. CompuServe name
is CNET12.ZIP. The next scheduled update will
be on 14 January 1995. How to update this
listing is included on the main listing file.
Originators of Networks should read the
!README.NOW file. New networks should answer
the questionnaire and send it electronically
to the addresses shown. All others may
CNT0294.ZIP Yes 5634 2/1/1994
CatNet (TM) QWK Network Application. This
package contains the following files: 1)
Application for a BBS to join the
"CatNet(tm)" mail network. 2) Discriptions of
the conferences carried on the "CatNet(tm)"
Mail Network. 3) Listing of participating
BBSs carrying the "CatNet(tm)" mail network.
Last updated 2/1/94. 4) Rules & Regulations
of the "CatNet(tm)" mail network.
COE-MAIL.ZIP Yes 4439 3/7/1995
Colorado E-Mail Network Colorado E-Mail
Network is a message Network for Colorado
BBS' to exchange E-Mail. Give your users the
added feature of comunicating with other
Colorado computer users! This is a FREE
COMNET.ZIP Yes 4619 4/26/1994 Join ComNet, the coolest RPG, Gaming,
COMPR320.ZIP Yes 80797 7/25/1994
Compress v3.2: Utility that will allow users
of many different mailers and bulletin board
systems to compress their log files.
CON_NET.ZIP Yes 8219 10/19/1993
CON_Net; dedicated to LIBERTY, 2nd AMENDMENT,
'Conspiracy' & the NWO discussion. CON_Net is
a QWK compatible echo mail network and is
activly seeking Hubs and Nodes.
CP_217.ZIP Yes 180198 12/12/1994
cPoint - FidoNet point system package.
Includes built-in comm routines with EMSI
handshaking, Hudson Message Base storage,
reader, packer, tosser, v7 nodelist support,
twit filter, anti- twit filter, macros. Now
has built-in Janus bi-directional file
transfer protocol. FREEWARE!
CRAFTTAG.ZIP Yes 1919 6/14/1994
Craft-A-Holic Taglines for Offline Mail
CRNET001.ZIP Yes 40139 7/13/1994
CrazyNET Information Packet. Download it
CSTNET12.ZIP Yes 25181 11/30/1994
"America's Local BBS Network" created to
allow smaller BBS's to NETWORK their local
conferences. In addition COASTNET! is the
ideal place to get started in the world of
QWK/REP network EchoMail Complete assistance
in getting up and running is available to
beginers. Call us NOW and become a part of
this new and unique network!
CVTQWK10.ZIP Yes 47499 1/31/1994
Convert that QWK v1.0 February 1994 (C)
COPYRIGHT by Steve McGrath CVTQWK is a simple
program convert QWK mail packets. It can do
the following: Convert to text (001.TXT,
002.TXT..) using the index, Determine the
minimal diskspace to work, Can handle: ARJ,
CYBR0993.ZIP Yes 6569 8/24/1993 CyberNet Node/Hub Application Form
DB-SYNCH.ZIP Yes 1191 3/12/1995
Text file describing running D'Bridge with
DB154ENV.ZIP Yes 1301 8/27/1993 Dbridge 1.54 environmental variables.
DBHELP3.ZIP Yes 9534 11/10/1994
Another help file for D'Bridge. This contains
the RUNDB.BAT & EXEBBS.BAT that I used here
to setup D'Bridge 158. This is the Setup for
TriBBS.It worked well here, This is last one
unless a new D'Bridge has alot of changes...
TOOSLOW.TXT and used screen captures to make
it easier to see what the screens look like
should be alot easier to use this time. The
Forgotten Realms BBS (312)579-0814 can be
DBLS201B.ZIP Yes 30527 8/13/1993
DBLogScan v2.01b; Written for the inquiring
D'Bridge Sysop who would like to know how
many incoming calls he has had and at what
speed they came in at. It will also give you
the percentage of 'Connects' per total calls
and then graph it for graphics lovers.
DB_154.ZIP Yes 863535 8/28/1993
Latest D'Bridge Fido Front End mailer..
Version 1.54 has much better CPS under
multi-tasking OS. Very fast and VERY NICE!
DFRAG220.ZIP Yes 67028 3/21/1994
DEFRAG 2.20 A WWIV 4.23+, multi-instance
aware program to compress WWIV message base &
EMAIL.DAT files. Repairs many file problems,
incl. exploding EMAIL.DAT file! W/ graphical
screen. New cmds & smaller/faster! Saves MEGS
of disk!
DHARMA.ZIP Yes 39179 10/2/1994 DharmaNet Information/Application package
DNET56.ZIP Yes 17581 2/25/1995
STOP (View Me) Take me home! _THE_ Echomail
Network has arrived! DYNAMIC NET, New NET,
New Ideas. Netmail support. QWK <> FIDO
available. You can pull your first packet
DOVE-NET.ZIP Yes 30630 3/26/1995
DOVE-Net: QWKnet Info, Node/Route/User List
Everything you ever wanted to know about it
but were afraid to ask. The whole kit and
kaboodle, ball of wax, and salami on the
fastest growing "little" network in town!
DPMI110.ZIP Yes 51362 1/2/1994 Protected Mode Server or PMODE Xpress
DRGN0294.ZIP Yes 12642 2/1/1994
DragoNet (02-01-94) SYSOPS: DOWNLOAD THIS
FILE! This is the current DragoNet node
application package! Join an established and
growing Net today! DragoNet is a .PKT
compatible Net with discussions on
programming, space, the sciences, and plenty
more to come!
DRMSTP10.ZIP Yes 11742 2/15/1994
DreamSTRIPv1.0 Removes WWIV NET33+ routing
info & taglines from extracted messages, etc.
for easier reading, and space saving. IT'S
F-R-E-E !!!! DreamWARECommunications
DTHV350.ZIP Yes 110642 8/1/1994
DTH - The Doctors Tagline Handler V3.50
Shareware version of a great tagline handler
by David Rawsthorne. Supports over 100
billion taglines, INS, DEL, Modifying, Moving
and Copying of taglines, and more! Only AUS
$25 for the full version.
DVN-INF.ZIP Yes 21227 3/14/1995 Info on DVNet as of DEC 15 94
DVNET.ZIP Yes 6830 3/19/1995 DVNet Node List as of DEC 15 94
DWT101.ZIP Yes 125485 1/31/1995
DW_Tic v1.01 - A PCBoard FIDO .TIC processor
No more clumsy or hard to understand config
files. No more giving your services away
free! Includes accounting & billing services.
Updates your transfer log, calls an optional
batch file to process the file in the same
manner as a new upload, FILE_ID.DIZ checking,
and CRC-32 comparison. SHAREWARE Compiled
EAGLENET.ZIP Yes 2809 3/12/1995
T h e E a g l e N E T The EagleNET is a
private echo between the Eagle's Nest BBS and
The Black Kat. We are looking for more people
to join in so that we can have a more variety
of messages. To get more info call The
Eagle's Nest @ (201) 670-7546 or The Black
Kat @ (201) 670-6718
ECHOBASE.ZIP Yes 2814 9/4/1994
Are you an EchoMail enthusiast? Then check
out this fantasic new FREEWARE search/perusal
tool! "EchoBase" allows you to scan confer-
ence lists & node lists from ILink, Intelec,
U'ni-Net, and RIME for character strings and/
or field restricting specifications. MUST SEE
TO BELIEVE! Enclosed text file explains how
and where to get your own custom-built (per-
sonalized) copy of "EchoBase".
ECHOCHEK.ZIP Yes 34950 12/16/1994
ECHOCHEK v1.0 - freeware to summarize an echo
Scan an echo messagebase (*.MSG format) and
make text file ECHOLOG with one line for each
message showing FROM, TO, DATE, TIME,
SUBJECT. Run ECHOCHEK.EXE in the directory
with the *.MSG. QBASIC source code and sample
output included. Ask if you want me to
monitor (netmail you, or post my ECHOLOGs to)
your (Planet Connected) echo. Lee Bonnifield
1:3615/50.1 Home of TV Agent
ECHOFUN1.ZIP Yes 2591 3/1/1994
Echo Fun Version 1 By John Kleinbauer Short
text file that explains some of the problems
and solutions of starting an Echo Mail Net.
ECHORP12.ZIP Yes 21223 8/3/1994
EchoRep v1.2 Make a report from Telemail log
ELDAT503.ZIP Yes 333913 3/2/1995 EchoList Raw Data Files (3/3/95)
ELIST503.ZIP Yes 489030 3/2/1995 EchoList Conference Reports (3/3/95)
ELKEY503.ZIP Yes 52404 3/2/1995 EchoList Area Tag and Key Tables (3/3/95)
ELMOD993.ZIP Yes 18359 9/5/1993 EchoList - The EchoMail Conference List
ELRUL503.ZIP Yes 367557 3/3/1995 EchoList Conference Rules Repository (3/3/95)
ELTL10FW.ZIP Yes 24455 10/5/1994
ELTLite 1.0fw * ELTamer Lite * Allows you to
browse FIDONET.NA and then, if you choose,
automatically bring up the EList information
for any echo that is listed. This is a
smaller, stripped-down version of ELTamer.
ELTM_10.ZIP Yes 88441 10/7/1994
ELTamer v1.0 * The EchoList Browser *
Frustrated by that huge EList file? Let
ELTamer handle it _FOR_ you! Using either
ELIST???.SUM or FIDONET.NA as an index,
ELTamer will allow you to browse the EList
effortlessly, search for echos by one of
three criteria, AreaFix the echo
automatically, and many, many other things
too numerous to mention in a FILE_ID.DIZ. No
FidoNet sysop should be without it!
EN0893.ZIP Yes 1844 8/1/1993
Express Net; New Net in New Jersey Looking
for new nodes. Topics include ANSI,
Environmental, etc.
ENTERNET.ZIP Yes 1866 5/28/1994
EnterNet - New Entertainment specific QWK
EPUBINFO.ZIP Yes 9066 7/31/1994 EPubNet Information Packet
ESPRO_01.ZIP Yes 81199 8/15/1993
Echomail Statistics Professional 0.1�;
(EchoStat) generates a statistic for
Net/Echomail using the WildMail logfile. It
also trims the logfile and copy it to a
backup directory using a julian date.
EchoStat performance depends on the size of
WM.LOG file. Design run everytime a packet
was received or at least once a day.
EXPORT.ZIP Yes 3849 5/11/1994
A text file I wrote which describes
step-by-step how to export conference
messages from a given BBS format and import
them into PCBOARD. Geared for those sysops
who are converting their systems to the
PCBOARD STANDARD and wish for an easy,
painless method for transferring all of their
messages to the new system.
F2R_106.ZIP Yes 20805 10/26/1994
F2READER - Fastecho area-config to msg-reader
converter. v1.06 (c) Peter Hampf, pbs-vec. -
Including three-level-sort ... ! Requires
FASTECHO.CFG revision 5 to run. -
F2SQUISH.ZIP Yes 19015 4/23/1994
F2SQUISH FastEcho config to SQUISH.CFG
converter v1.0 : Includes both FASTECHO.CFG
revision 4 and FASTECHO.CFG revision 5
FAXRX100.ZIP Yes 11756 10/31/1994
FAXRcvd v1.0: Creates a FAX cover message for
FrontDoor version 2.20* or better; Used with
BGFAX version 1.30 or better.
FBTRIM01.ZIP Yes 35742 10/24/1994
FBTRIM v0.01: Utility for removing the date
and size from incorrectly formated FILES.BBS
files. Very helpful for the sysop putting
FD212.ZIP Yes 654666 4/12/1994
FrontDoor 2.12/Shareware release archive.
FidoNet compatible E-Mail software. Includes
Mailer, Editor, Terminal, Nodelist Compiler,
and Full-Screen configuration utility.
FD220SET.ZIP Yes 3969 10/5/1994
Configuring FrontDoor to run a USR
V.Everything modem and BGFAX.
FDBBS100.ZIP Yes 14597 3/3/1995
FD Last BBS Call Version 1.00 This utility
(FDBBS) will allow you alter the details
displayed on Frontdoor's main mailer screen
to include those of your last Remote Access
BBS call. These details include the caller's
name, location, date, time, connect speed,
node number and time on in minutes. Shareware
by Donald Kerr, Sysop, Firelink BBS, Glasgow,
FDCA113.ZIP Yes 41470 10/8/1994
FDCA113 - FrontDoor Cost Accounting Version
1.13 allows sysops to quickly estimate thier
phone bill. Includes support for FrontDoor
MultiLine and Commercial versions (BugFix).
New features added.
FDH_200.ZIP Yes 135422 11/28/1994
FDHist v2.00: FrontDoor History File Analysis
Door. Allow users to view recent mailer
activity. Supports the DORINFOx.DEF/DOOR.SYS
formats. Minor bug fixes to 1.10, added
multitasking awareness, plus more
registration options and discounts. InterMail
support now included. Supports
FrontDoor/InterMail MultiNode. Now supports
Normal, Fossil, and Digiboard comunications,
and comports from 1 to 36! Great! Works with
FDLA101E.ZIP Yes 83502 1/17/1995 FrontDoor Log Analyzer v 1.01e
FDLOGG11.ZIP Yes 2170 10/19/1994
Fd Logger 1.1 , A quick, dirty and free
utility to log text on a file in a FD
compliant way. Requires 4DOS, 4OS2 or 4DOS
for NT.
FDREQ110.ZIP Yes 458699 3/21/1995
FDREQ v110, fast and smart external
requestprocessor. FDREQ uses it's own index,
no need for other programs. FDREQ is
multiline-aware. FDREQ allows you to send
FILES.BBS and/or RQ??????.TICs. FDREQ sends
help to requesters, doing their first request
on your system or asking for help. FDREQ
shares up to ten CD-ROM-drives. FDREQ allows
Offline-requests. FDREQ allows
netmail-requests. FDREQ has advanced
FDRN111.ZIP Yes 57247 12/24/1994
FDRN-FrontDoor Read Nodelist v1.11 (c) Peter
Hampf & PBS, Dec. 1994 Display and verify
data from your FrontDoor or Intermail
nodelist. Browsing mode for history-files,
patching history with real node- list-data...
and more! Great for interactive use as well
as for batchfiles. Offers direct access to
the log- files now! <>
FDSITE.ZIP Yes 18559 2/19/1995
FDSite Version 1.00 This utility will allow
you to change the name or location displayed
to mail callers to Frontdoor and can be
installed as part of your daily maintenance
routine. Advertise an aspect of your BBS or
display a witty comment automatically.
Shareware by Donald Kerr, Sysop, Firelink
BBS, Glasgow, Scotland.
FDTN-003.ZIP Yes 15445 2/17/1995
FrontDoor Tech Note - USR HST/DS/V.32Terbo
problems, config, fax, etc.
FDWCMNP3.ZIP Yes 22739 9/4/1993
FDWCMNP v2.1 For Users of Wildcat v3.x and
FrontDoor v2.x. Utility that parses the
DOBBS.BAT file created by FrontDoor and
passes the MNP flag to Wildcat through the
EXEBBS.BAT file you create.
FDWCWM22.ZIP Yes 143651 3/11/1995
Setup for Frontdoor v2.12 / WC!4 / WildMail
v4.x with FidoNet. This step by step tutorial
contains all the needed screen captures,
batch files, and detail explanations to help
using Frontdoor v2.12 and WildMail v4.x and
other related utilities with Fidonet. Sample
setup files are included for easier setup.
Easy step by step installation. Written by
Mufutau Towobola of Systematic BBS, NYC.
FidoNet 1:278/111 * Systematic BBS> (718)
FD_9402.ZIP Yes 7233 2/9/1994
Friends Network Mail Packet, FEB,1994 "Come
Join The Friendly Network" Nodelist,
Conference List, Network Rules Network
Membership Application, News
FECV151.ZIP Yes 196751 11/8/1994
FeConv 1.51 converts your fastecho-setup
(1.41g) to RA/IM/FD/PB creates almost freely
definable text-files with information from
fastecho.cfg writes several reports: passive
areas, passive nodes, errors reported by
fastecho, areas with one/two links, areas w/o
description, etc... now with fullscreen-setup
FET_142.ZIP Yes 89542 9/7/1994 FETool 1.42 - FastEcho value added tools
FFI_004.ZIP Yes 45517 7/18/1994
sb FreeFall International Network
Application/Info Packet 004
FIDO220X.ZIP Yes 55462 2/15/1995
SBBSFIDO v2.20 for 32-bit DOS (requires
FIDONET.ZIP Yes 16690 12/18/1994
List of active echos, Change Status - FidoNet
Zone One Backbone
FIDOQ125.ZIP Yes 287745 10/22/1994 FidoQWK v1.25 QWK<=>Fido echomail converter
FIDOST12.ZIP Yes 3826 12/12/1994
FidoNet North American Backbone Status of
Echolist Conference Changes 12/11/94
FIDO_212.ZIP Yes 149958 2/3/1995
SBBSFIDO v2.12 - Now notifies users of
received echomail (/! command line switch).
Includes DOS, OS/2, and 32-bit DOS versions.
FILEBONE.ZIP Yes 24763 1/5/1995 Fido File Bone Files
FISHAPP.ZIP Yes 49281 2/10/1995 Fishnet Application Package
FIXP_0_3.ZIP Yes 6030 10/20/1994 FixPost 0.3 AutoPoster for XSH. Freeware
FL1_95.ZIP Yes 15276 1/13/1995
Florida Link Network..Info v0.053 1/95. Int-
ernational update. QWK based network, TriBBS
SysOps Only network. International mail runs
FLEXPAC4.ZIP Yes 124962 12/27/1993
Packet TNC software package. Shareware.
Enhances the use of your DX Cluster. Displays
country name, beam heading, more. See Jan
1994 CQ page 70. From ND2O and WB5M.
FLST120.ZIP Yes 62901 1/15/1994 Fastlist v7 nodelist compiler
FLYAPP.ZIP Yes 65729 10/16/1994
FLYNET is the world's fastest growing
aviation oriented network. This file contains
MAKEREQ.EXE, used to make application. Send
your application to Ed Grossheim (MA Host/Net
Coord) after compiling the included
nodelist.Come join FLYNET and fly with us.
FMAIL10G.ZIP Yes 351146 12/21/1994
FMail v1.0 Gamma: The Fast Echomail processor
for Hudson/JAM message bases. Freeware
version when used in non-commercial env.
FMLX_10G.ZIP Yes 433682 12/21/1994
FMailX 1.0gamma - Hudson/JAM 32-bit DPMI,
4096 areas
FMSORT10.ZIP Yes 12403 10/9/1994
FM_SORT.EXE; The FMAIL v. 0.98a Message Area
Sorting Utility. This program will SORT your
Message Areas based on Group (A..Z) and
ALPHABETICALLY within each group. This
program will also update your HUDSON MESSAGE
BASE files to reflect the new message area
order. Great when adding new Message Areas!
by Fozzy INC!
FN0894.ZIP Yes 3536 8/7/1994
FredNet Information* Here is information on
the fastest growing net in the U.S. We have
grown to 288 BBS's in less than a year.
FredNet is unmoderated has no rules, and sets
the liberals hair on fire. Folks of all
leanings jump in and enjoy themselves. If
this net dosn't get your users fired up,
nothing will!
FNET105.ZIP Yes 79414 7/15/1994
(v1.05) NetMail Packer/Scanner/Tracker for
Systems using Binkley-like Mailers Supports
Type 2+ Packets. Scans for F'Attaches - Pack
NetMails VIA other Systems - Track and BOUNCE
NetMails for UNLISTED Systems - Archive
Sent/Bad NetMails. Recover ORPHAN Mail.
Delete Mail older then days.
Windows-inductive Configuration!
FNEWSC02.ZIP Yes 25897 1/8/1995 FidoNews 12 02 1994
FNEWSC04.ZIP Yes 8991 1/22/1995 FidoNews 12 04 1995
FNEWSC06.ZIP Yes 8785 2/5/1995 FidoNews 12 06 1995
FNEWSC07.ZIP Yes 15652 2/12/1995 FidoNews 12 07 1995
FNEWSC08.ZIP Yes 13307 2/19/1995 FidoNews 12 08 1995
FNEWSC10.ZIP Yes 9621 3/5/1995 FidoNews 12 10 1995
FNEWSC11.ZIP Yes 17935 3/12/1995 FidoNews 12 11 1995
FNEWSC12.ZIP Yes 4637 3/19/1995 FidoNews 12 12 1995
FNLS112.ZIP Yes 45686 12/20/1994
FNLScan v1.12 - Fidonet NodeList Scan door
Scans up to 15 Fidonet (and compatible)
nodelists for a variety of criteria defined
by the user, such as BBS name, sysop name,
city, area code and arbitrary text. This
allows the user to find other Fido systems
quickly and easily for netmail addressing,
etc. Supports most BBS software, IRQs 2-15,
FOSSIL drivers and Digiboard multiport cards.
Now fully multi-language compatible and more!
FNODL295.ZIP Yes 741260 10/23/1993
The FidoNet(r) NodeList, a listing of the
systems within FidoNet.
FOX0395U.ZIP Yes 22638 3/19/1995
/ FoxNet Echomail Application \ Quality
Echomail Network Based in the York Region
Area (Newmarket). Seeking Adult Oriented
BBS's all over the world to help us expand.
(General Access Echo's for users under 18
available.) Please open and take a look at
this archive package. Currenly Have Hubs In
Canada and UK. Nodelist and info inside March
95 Edition
FPBT22R1.ZIP Yes 109397 12/31/1994
FPBLT v2.21 - Fido Traffic Summary Bulletin
Generator utility designed for use with the
FidoPCB Mail Tosser. Produces ready to use
formatted bulletins. Easy to set up and run
Requires FidoPCB v1.4 or later. Rebuild the
Database without loss of counts. Works with
PCBoard v14.5, PCBoard v15.0 or higher, and
also PowerBBS for Windows v3.2 and higher. -
Shareware by George Silberstern ]-
FREQR100.ZIP Yes 326514 11/11/1994
FREQ ROBOT v1.00 Users can file request files
from remote systems. Works with any front end
mailer and bbs software. Writes message to
user upon files arrival in Hudson, JAM, or
*.MSG format. Works within any Fidonet style
network. Can place requests on HOLD or send
FRIN0395.ZIP Yes 38716 3/1/1995
FringeNet Information Packet (3/1/95) Come
join the echomail network "That Just Wants To
Have FUN" Formerly PlanoNet and The Annex,
this net has merged, and is looking for those
thing before,as well as those that are
experienced, and at those that want a laid
back approach to moving the mail! We're
looking for Hubs and Nodes all around the
world! Are you a shareware author that
wants/needs a support conference? FringeNet
FROG1294.ZIP Yes 4122 12/17/1994
Have you been hopping around from BBS to BBS
at all hours of the night? FROGnet is a new
long distance service designed especially for
BBS sysops and callers.
FS5MAP.ZIP Yes 29765 9/22/1994 FS5Map viewer - views BGL files
FSC-0079.ZIP Yes 219815 9/6/1994 Rich Text Format - a proposal for message form
FSIT10D.ZIP Yes 91418 6/8/1994
FIDONET SEARCH-IT TEXT v1.0d Allows your
users to browse through any text file that is
in FIDONET.NA format. They can view the
entire file or input search criteria. The
user then requests the addition of an
echomail conference from within the door.
Registration $5. Multinode capable. Most
major BBSs.
FSN40102.ZIP Yes 7594 1/23/1994
Electronics and Electrical Engineering,
Sciences, Physics, Educational EMAIL
FUNPAK.ZIP Yes 5225 4/17/1994
FUNnet Application and Info. Includes
everything you need to get started with
FUNnet: A nifty FREEDOM Network.
FXIF_0_6.ZIP Yes 10202 10/21/1994 FileXif 0.6 File Announcer for XSH. Freeware
FXNM_201.ZIP Yes 30344 10/16/1993 FX-NETMAIL v2.01 for Roboboard /FX
F_BONE.ZIP Yes 14184 3/5/1995
List of active echos, FidoNet Zone One
GALNETAP.ZIP Yes 6593 1/27/1994
Galactic Net, The Sci-fi / Entertaiment
Connection,information file. A *.QWK packet
network designed to link BBS's with each
other, Less complicated and restrictive than
other networks, Galactic Net is actively
recruiting Sysops to participate. We are also
seeking Sysops who are interested in
developing, and moderating their own
conferences. Galactic Net has the ability to
develop into a premier message network. Read
GAMENET.ZIP Yes 6296 3/26/1994
GameNET - The Gamers Network! - Features: RPG
Discussions focusing on BRE, LORD, Tradewars,
Game Debates, SEGA, SNES, Arcade Games, and
much, much MORE! GameNet is compatible with
virtually all QWK systems, with FIDO
capabilities coming soon! Information in
packet, application and nodelistings. New
Nodes and HUBS Wanted!! Moderators needed!
HS\Link/TriHub Available. Super RPG Game
ongoing - Looking for new gamers to join the
GCU102.ZIP Yes 79243 1/16/1995
GEcho Conversion Utilities v1.02 - FrontDoor
v2.02/NC - v2.20 . Creates folder.fd from
AREAFILE.GE . Updates SETUP.FD with missing .
addresses and copies originlines - InterMail
v2.27 - v2.30 . Creates imfolder.cfg from
AREAFILE.GE . Updates FD.SYS with missing
addresses . and copies originlines - Remote
Access 1.10 - 2.02 . Creates MESSAGES.RA from
AREAFILE.GE . Supports all new options in RA
2.02 - Write GEcho notify to just One Node .
GEMINI2.ZIP Yes 5464 1/28/1995 GEMINI-Net - Info Kit 01/28/95
GEMS0894.ZIP Yes 62334 7/31/1994
GnetEMS - An *EXCITING* Network with author
support conferences and file distribution
echoes! Now in the US, Canada & Europe! All
information necessary to join this net- work
is contained within this archive! If you're
looking for a network where you Can have an
active role in what you can offer to your
users, give GnetEMS a try. [ August, 1994 ]
GENXAPP.ZIP Yes 10715 10/11/1994
Generation_X Info Packet 09/25/94 - Come join
the network "That Just Wants To Have FUN."
This network is aimed at sysops that have
never done the echomail thing before, and at
those that want a laid back approach to
moving the mail! Call Silly !!
GIBBNET.ZIP Yes 16573 11/30/1994
Information file on a new FIDO/QWK style BBS
network. Download this file & go for it.
GIBBNET is a free - new network based out of
Fargo, North Dakota. This NET features over
400 message and 50 file areas.
GLNK0993.ZIP Yes 87057 9/6/1993
The Global-Link Network; Electronic Bulletin
Board Service; International Conference &
Mail Network; Information & Application
Packet; Over 400 International Echo
Conferences; General ; Vendor Support ;
Medical; Join This Fast Growing Network Using
The .QWK Mail Bag Format
GLOBE_ME.ZIP Yes 41739 11/4/1994
Att'n SYSOPS! Download this information
package! GlobalNet is BACK in Canada full
GMSG402.ZIP Yes 46460 10/16/1993
Latest GenMsg .MSG editor/interface for
FidoNet/PGP/Internet. NEW features.
GNET0395.ZIP Yes 15092 2/19/1995
Galactic Net, A International Sci-fi /
Entertaiment Connection, information file. A
*.QWK packet / FTSC network designed to link
BBS's with each other, Less complicated and
restrictive than other networks, Galactic Net
is actively recruiting Sysops to participate.
We are also seeking Sysops who are interested
in developing, and moderating their own
conferences. Galactic Net has the ability to
develop into a premier message network. Read
GOSCAN23.ZIP Yes 221059 3/9/1994
GOSCAN v2.03 - The Ultimate GOMail v1.+ Log
Analzyer. GOSCAN shall scan your GOMAIL.LOG
file and generate very accurate and
professional output screens of ALL available
information in the log files. It even
supports Rip and TNet. In addition, it
generates a conference statistical output
screen. For more information, call TkdBbs
Software HQ at (704)982-9223.
GTAG110.ZIP Yes 101565 11/28/1994
GTAG 1.10 is a tagline appending utility that
allows the user to add taglines to the end of
their messages. GTag randomly pick 9 taglines
from any tagline (You can use the 3500+
taglines included in the file or own) file
and the user has to option to pick one or not
append one at all. (Configurable)
GTEL1009.ZIP Yes 62152 10/9/1994
GT Power Network International Echomail
Conference Listing for 10/09/94 prepared by
Perry Alexander, GTPN PEC, 032/001. The file
includes the ECHOLIST.BBS (all echoes by
number), the ECHO-CAT.BBS (all echoes by
category with number of subscribers, the
ECHOCHGS.BBS (all recent conference changes),
and the ECHO-RET.BBS (all conferences retired
this year). As of 10/09/94, there were 817
confernces on the GT Power Network.
GTNL1001.ZIP Yes 23280 10/1/1994
GT Network Nodelist, released October 01,
1994. Prepared by SNC Jim Knight, 064/000-001
and PNC Jack Hazel, 081/001. Please forward
any and all updates to Jim Knight or Jack
HARVEY_5.ZIP Yes 33615 8/2/1993
Harvey's Robot allows you to produce incoming
or outgoing 4d PACKETS. Any format message
systems can use this system, since it writes
to in/outbound packets directly. The system
message database format do not matter.
HAWK1194.ZIP Yes 49002 11/5/1994
HAWKNET NOV 1994: HAWKNET application and
information package. Join a quickly growing
QWK style message network based on gen- eral
chit chat. Any BBS Software can participate.
Included are sample scripts for automatic
mail runs. NEW - Included is a program to
automatically setup HAWKNET on Spitfire v3.5
boards which use JNet
HMAIL100.ZIP Yes 277678 10/6/1994
HyperMail! v1.00, the affordable mail tosser.
HyperMail! offers an incredible suite of
features while maintaining a low cost.
HyperMail! boasts a MakeWild-like config
program, fast tossing speeds, and an
integrated AreaManager. Released 10-05-94.
For WildCat! v4.x. An InterProgramming
Product - 1:301/3
HOMENET.ZIP Yes 5123 9/18/1994
HomeNET Info Pak - A mail network with that
Down-Home flavor and friendly atmosphere. It
fills the gap between general chit-chat and
some serious problem solving. HomeNET is a
QWK packet echo-mail network which does not
need an additional front-end program. Use
your own automated comm program to get the
mail. 36 interesting conference areas. All
BBS software types. (formerly MegNet).
HOTNET.ZIP Yes 43713 3/11/1995
Information on HotNet, Americas finest Adult
HR-5199.ZIP Yes 18365 10/28/1994
U.S. House bill for Government Encryption
Control w/EFF analysis.
HSAINFO.ZIP Yes 11912 3/25/1994
Information on the HSAnet EchoMail Network We
have nodes in NJ, PA, NY, FL, NC, OK, WA and
Australia. Message echos of all types ranging
from General Chatter to The Kill Barney Club.
HSAnet International Headquarters is
Necroscope BBS 201-535-9739 * 1:107/921.
IBCNET.ZIP Yes 1877 9/28/1994
* Press Release for IBCnet* Outlines the
first BBS Internet Collective. Sysops
Download Today! Join the Internet on a budget.
IDCHK426.ZIP Yes 71452 11/12/1994
* IDCHECK / Front Door 4.26 * For Front Door
2.12 & up that supports caller ID; Locks out
callers using Caller ID. MANY more features!
ILAPP29.ZIP Yes 38939 3/16/1995
Networks come and go but ILink - the 1st QWK
network - remains the industry standard for
PCBoard, WC! & RA. If you want some of the
world's outstanding sysops for friends and
over 200 congenial conferences for your
callers, ILink invites you to join. This file
has everything needed!
ILCNF401.ZIP Yes 35782 1/1/1994
Official ILink International Conference List
for January, 1994. All ILink conferences with
descriptions and hosts; also a short list
suitable for a member BBS's bulletin.
ILLU1294.ZIP Yes 19938 1/11/1995
IlluNet Join the Fast Growing Mail Network
with Frontend Transfers/.QWK compat. Hosts in
ILNK9503.ZIP Yes 33937 2/28/1995
ILink International NetMail Network Member
listings! The Application Generator is now
available for downloading as ILAPP28.ZIP. If
you are interested in world-wide message
exchanges and are tired of abusive
participants, it is time to look at ILink's
moderated conferences and internationally
recognized member systems!
IM160_1U.ZIP Yes 40477 12/19/1994
IMAIL 1.60.1 (IMSETUP and IMTHINGS update)
This is a small maintenance update for
IMSETUP and IMTHINGS supplied as binary diffs.
IMAIL160.ZIP Yes 667018 12/15/1994
IMAIL v1.6: Full-featured echo mail processor
which offers lots of features to its users.
This includes one of the most powerful
area-managements currently available and
support for four wide- spreaded message base
types (QBBS, Squish, JAM and *.MSG).
IMASR160.ZIP Yes 73620 10/7/2018
imail's area statistic reporter v.1.60:
Report imail's areastats to file, net- or
echomail. allows to reset all entries. for
use with imail 1.60
IMCRY102.ZIP Yes 56811 7/9/1994
ImCrypt. PGP batch shell for *.msg netmail.
It works with any mailer that uses *.msg for
the netmail, but is optimally tuned for
InterMail and somewhat less for FrontDoor. It
scans the netmail directory for your personel
mail, separates the text from the headers and
kludges and calls PGP with the proper
parameters for encryption or decryption. Use
it in a batch file or from the command line.
A single user key server is included.
IMD_T.ZIP Yes 12830 7/19/1994
Automatic description import/export for IMAIL
IMNSR160.ZIP Yes 36573 10/7/2018
imail's node statistic reporter v.1.60:
Report imail's nodestats to file or netmail.
allows to reset all entries. for use with
imail 1.60
IMRAT160.ZIP Yes 33231 10/7/2018
imail's reattach tool v.1.60 recreates lost
fileattaches for echomail archives. for use
with imail 1.60
IMWCGM11.ZIP Yes 149163 3/11/1995
Setup for InterMail v2.29 / WC!4.x / GoMail
v2.x with FidoNet. This step by step tutorial
contains all the needed screen captures,
batch files, and detail explanations to help
using InterMail v2.29 and GoMail v4.x and
other related utilities with Fidonet. Sample
setup files are included for easier setup.
Easy step by step installation. Written by
Mufutau Towobola of Systematic BBS, NYC.
FidoNet 1:278/111 * Systematic BBS> (718)
IMWCHM13.ZIP Yes 149045 3/11/1995
Setup for InterMail v2.29 / WC!4 / HyperMail!
with FidoNet. This step by step tutorial
contains all the needed screen captures,
batch files, and detail explanations to help
you in connecting your Wildcat! v4.x BBS
using InterMail v2.29 and HyperMail! v1.0x
and other related utilities with Fidonet.
Sample setup files are included for easier
setup. Easy step by step installation.
Written by Mufutau Towobola of Systematic
IMWCWM12.ZIP Yes 143816 3/11/1995
Setup for InterMail v2.29 / WC!4 / WildMail
v4.x with FidoNet. This step by step tutorial
contains all the needed screen captures,
batch files, and detail explanations to help
using InterMail v2.29 and WildMail v4.x and
other related utilities with Fidonet. Sample
setup files are included for easier setup.
Easy step by step installation. Written by
Mufutau Towobola of Systematic BBS, NYC.
FidoNet 1:278/111 * Systematic BBS> (718)
INB_9503.ZIP Yes 8390 3/1/1995
INBasket! Official Intelec Newsletter Mar 95
Monthly News, Information & Statistics about
the Intelec Network! Membership, Application
Nodelist & Conference info is in IN_9503.ZIP
Intelec supports QWK/Fido/Satellite/Soon-FTP
INETFIDO.ZIP Yes 68221 11/2/1994
The Internet Connection!: Inet will allow
your users to write an Internet message from
your system, with up to 70 characters in the
address line, and adjusting the netmail
message to route it to your UUCP gate. Easy
to setup and a breeze to use!
INETFIX.ZIP Yes 77665 1/21/1995
INET Bug fix for INET v1.5 There was a last
minute bug I didn't catch concerning the
REPLY feature. Please replace the INET.EXE in
your INET15 with the one included here.
INFOAPP.ZIP Yes 28424 9/28/1994
InfoNet InterNational(tm) EchoMail NetWork
Membership Application Pkg! Includes current
InfoNet Nodelist, Policy and Application
Generator for the State of Nevada.
INTERTY.ZIP Yes 46638 11/22/1994
SysOps! - Do you want to give YOUR users an
Internet Email Address? Internet Usenet?
International Fido Message echoes? 4-15 megs
of files a DAY? Starting at 5$ a month!!!
INTLEM09.ZIP Yes 7397 9/4/1993
Table guide of country codes, showing the
countries which have access to Internet or
general E-mail services. Country codes have
been derived from the International
Organization for Standardization
INTNET.ZIP Yes 4418 5/1/1994 INTELLI-Net - New QWK specific network
INTROV1.ZIP Yes 64645 2/26/1994
INTROS.EXE version 1.0 - Ever get weary
writing out those INTRO Files for your
Conferences using an editor and trying to put
in your PCB @X Codes? If your a PCBoard Sysop
with RIME Conferences on your Board -
INTROS.EXE is a must for you. This program
will write out INTRO files for "ALL" or a
selected number of your RIME Conferences. A
product of KeenWare...
IN_9503B.ZIP Yes 71438 3/18/1995
The Intelec Network Information File Mar 95!
197 Forums! 424 Member BBSs in 12 Countries!
Supporting: QWK, Fido, Satellite & soon FTP!
FREE, Friendly, Professional, ACTIVE Network
covering a Wide Range of Topics, From Issues
to Tech Support, Entertainment, Life & more!
Intelec has a very ACTIVE membership and you
can be a member in as little as 24-48 hours!
IS20.ZIP Yes 6658 1/5/1994
IS.EXE v2.0 File Size Checker! For checking
size of your REP packet. Errorlevel branch-
ing can help ensure you won't BOMB the net!
Freeware utility from Ed Dluzen of Intelec!
ISINFO.ZIP Yes 64817 2/26/1995
* InterSports Network registration packet. A
sports oriented only network looking for
nodes and hubs in the US and Canada. We
topics ranging from basketball to wrestling
and more. February 1995. *
ISR100A.ZIP Yes 60016 2/27/1995
iSERVER, a great FIDO-UUCP tosser. Can toss
mail from your Internet "JAM" areas directly
into the netmail directories. No need for
special editors. Looks just like a regular
internet area on your BBS! Can prevent users
from posting to certain sites or functions,
mail-daemon can return messages addressed to
unknown users, restrict "UUENCODED" messages
for certain users or groups of users. Also
has a response engine for automated requests
IUT16ADV.ZIP Yes 9774 12/15/1994 IUTIL 1.60 Advanced configuration
IUTIL161.ZIP Yes 154431 12/19/1994
IUTIL 1.61 Released December 1994. Utility
for IMAIL which conversion functions to
different BBS configurations and some other
useful functions.
JAMPACK5.ZIP Yes 56216 12/10/1994
JAMPACK - JAM Message base maintenance
program for T.A.G. BBS. Uses a backup of your
MBOARDS.DAT for information. Has a
configuration editor to edit number of days
and max amount of messages to keep in each
JMBMSG20.ZIP Yes 8854 2/26/1995
jumblmsg.btm v2.0: Purpose: Randomly reorder
*.msgs in mailer message directory ::
Performs mailer queue optimization. Now
supports generic mailers and adds special.
Support for FrontDoor v2.02 and above.
Supports: multitasking operations, reads
FrontDoor configuration file (SETUP.FD).
JMG280G8.ZIP Yes 155200 11/27/1994 GoldBase EchoMail Tosser v2.80 Gamma 8
JMH280G8.ZIP Yes 155135 11/27/1994 Hudson Messagebase EchoMail Tosser v2.80
JNET0295.ZIP Yes 71661 1/31/1995
JerseyNet Information Package JerseyNet is
New Jersey's Premier EchoMail Network with
over 35 Echo's Covering a Variety of Subjects
that your user's should enjoy. New Echo's can
be added upon request. JerseyNet also has a
File Distribution Network to help distribute
Quality Programs. Setup and Technical Support
Available for most Fido Compatible BBS
Programs. It's Easy to Join JerseyNet, just
Download this file and follow the
JOINPCL.ZIP Yes 38178 4/30/1994
PC-LINK Network - Fido/Qwk alternative
network. Supports echomail QWKMail and Point
KILLPKTD.ZIP Yes 31580 10/22/1994
KILLPKT is a very simple program that is used
to KILL certain desired echoes from .PKT
Just run KILLPKT, and all .PKT files in a
certain directory will have undesired echoes
stripped out!
KILTOS11.ZIP Yes 47577 12/27/1993
KILLTOSS 1.1* Killtoss v1.1 - Incoming File
Management for Satellite Systems. If you are
a member of Planet Connect or another
Satellite system this will monitor incoming
files, read your tic processor setup & delete
unwanted files when they come across.
KOOK1294.ZIP Yes 6255 12/12/1994
Kook-Net Info Packet- Gourmet Cooking QWK
Netword. Kook-Net is devoted to cooking and
recipes, and provides author support for Meal
Master (and is also available to other recipe
shareware authors as well!) This is a new
Network and we want to grow. There are no
fees, no hassles and lots of fun to be had!
Give us a try! We are very friendly!
KPOST110.ZIP Yes 52922 6/28/1994
KAMPost is a textfile Posting Program for
JAM, Hudson, Ezycom, Squish, Packet, and Fido
type message bases. KAMPost features full
message base locking support and MORE!!
KTAG101.ZIP Yes 110156 12/23/1994
Kaleidoscope Tag 1.01 Allows online users to
add TagLines to their messages when using the
full screen editor of many bulletin board
software. Write your own taglines, filtering
and searching. EASY to setup! SaturnSoft
Software $8.00
LCMN0694.ZIP Yes 4795 6/16/1994
Information for joining LCNM, a Non-sectarian
Christian E-Mail network. Founded on the
belief that Christians of diverse Theological
convictions can gather for Fellowship and
mutually beneficial discussion of the
Christian Faith. Prov 27:17
LDS0894.ZIP Yes 13096 7/28/1994
Application for the LDS_Net mail system At
last! A netmail strictly for members of the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
(the Mormons). Includes many church-specific
conferences. This system is one of a kind
that you will find anywhere! Join up today!
LINK0694.ZIP Yes 25698 6/30/1994
LinkUSA Communications Network Information!
LinkUSA offers many conferences of interest
for the young and mature alike. This packet
contains all info necessary for connection of
your BBS with LinkUSA! Hubs & Nodes now in:
VT & now CANADA!. Growing by the day!
Includes current Nodelist. UPDATED: JUN 94
LN9502.ZIP Yes 2204 2/5/1995
..Attention Sysops..Fun network! .. LostNet
is looking for sysops to carry this net
devoted only to having fun. No lengthy
application procedures. Virtually no rules or
red tape. First come, first served. Quick and
easy approval if you run a 24Hr/day BBS and
can handle .QWK based E-Mail. Check it out!
What have you got to lose? NEW! Apply via
Internet for instant approval!
LNET0395.ZIP Yes 9781 3/5/1995
[LakeNet] LakeNet Information Package for
March 1995 Join this friendly QWK network
based in the Great Lakes Region with nodes in
the United States and Canada.Quick approval
in less then 24 hours and no fee to join or
send messages. [Showcom Online]
LNEWS95A.ZIP Yes 2893 12/29/1994
[LakeNet] LakeNews for January 1995 Join this
friendly QWK network based in the Great Lakes
Region with nodes in France, U.S.A & Canada
with quick approval in less then 24 hours and
no fee to join or send messages. PKT also
available. [Showcom Online]
LN_9411.ZIP Yes 3537 11/1/1994
...Attention Sysops...Fun network! .....
LostNet is looking for sysops to carry this
net devoted only to having fun. Check it out!
What have you got to lose? Now we have our
own Nodelist for Fido-Based systems. No
lengthy application procedures. Virtually no
rules or red tape. First come, first served.
Quick and easy approval if you run a 24Hr/day
BBS and can handle .QWK or FIDO based E-Mail.
LOGE_006.ZIP Yes 7845 1/5/1995
LogEntry is a simple Batch program to write
entries to a log file in the BinkleyTerm log
file format. All parameters and the info to
be written to the log are passed to LogEntry
on the command line. The first parameter is
the name of the file, the second parameter is
the character that will appear in the first
byte of the actual log entry. The third
parameter will appear after the date and time
in the log entry. Whatever is written to the
LOST0394.ZIP Yes 2572 2/28/1994
Attention SysopsFun network! LostNet is
looking for sysops to carry this net devoted
only to having fun. No lengthy application
procedures. Virtually no rules or red tape.
First come, first served. Quick and easy
approval if you run a 24Hr/day BBS and can
handle .QWK or FIDO based E-Mail. Check it
out. What have you got to lose?
LOTTO993.ZIP Yes 4070 8/21/1993
LOTTONET-QWKNet HUB/INFO Packet; This is a
New QWK Compatible Message Mail Network for
those Systems Having any interest in the
Lottery, Gambling and related subjects Easy
and No hassle sign up. Learn the secrets from
the Winners of the lotteries! Sign up today,
HUB List being created.
LSETDESC.ZIP Yes 34151 10/25/1994
LSetDesc v1.00 - LORA-BBS utility to make
global changes to the message areas datafile.
Also will read a descriptions file like
FIDONET.NA and use the descriptions found
therein for the description field in each
message area. OS/2 and DOS versions.
LSTRIP06.ZIP Yes 17591 1/16/1995
LeStrip v0.60 A *.PKT message stripper to
remove Hi-Ascii characters that would
otherwise enter an echo where they are not
allowed - full configuration and up to 20
nodes can be defined, character remapping
facility. NEW! Wildcards can be used. 1000%
increase in speed over previous version!
DoubleMap Statements too ! Excellent for HUBS
etc. FREEWARE from South Africa Copyright (C)
1994,1995 FastLight Inc.
LUVNET05.ZIP Yes 11210 10/3/1993
Application kit for LUV_NET adult only echo
MAAM200.ZIP Yes 73830 7/16/1994 Converts SQUISH.CFG to many other formats
MAGICS.ZIP Yes 58795 6/28/1994 Automatic update of magic filenames
MAILCHEK.ZIP Yes 120539 10/30/1993
MAILCHEK v2.0 - skip mail scan if last caller
left no messages. Checks Activity Log to
determine if any messages were entered which
require scanning. Skip WildMail or other mail
log, last caller only, or last X number of
days. Much faster and more efficient than
scanning message base after each call.
MAILGATE.ZIP Yes 64820 9/27/1993
MailGate V1.0 Message conversion program.
Convert messages to/fromMHS/SMF-70, cc:Mail,
MBRPT200.ZIP Yes 7349 11/28/1994
MessageBase Reporter v2.00: Now written in
Pascal, instead of QuickBasic. It's _much_
smaller, and the archive is tiny! MessageBase
Reporter sends a list of all active message
base names to the printer on LPT1, along with
Hudson indication or JAM path/name
information and message area type (Local,
Echo, Netmail, Internet or Newsgroup).
METAL694.ZIP Yes 4296 5/15/1994
MetalNET QWK mail net. Not Just one music
conference here! Covers a variety of music
related topics hosted by Metal Alternative
Music BBS.
METRO294.ZIP Yes 38254 2/18/1994
MetroLink International Network Information
Packet for February 94. Join the oldest open
free PCBoard Network.
MG017.ZIP Yes 676583 7/13/1994
MailGate 0.17 The great Gateway program!
Internet<->Fidonet, Fidonet<->Fidonet
Fidonet->Fax, Internet->Fax, TIC files, Local
Listserver, ftpmail, fileserver, Lists,
newsgroups, Fax mailing list, Echomail->Fax,
Entire nodelist with access to Internet,
netmail server, echomail server, message
base, encrypted mail, and lots more!
MILPOL94.ZIP Yes 36755 11/3/1994
MilPolNet, Military and Police FidoNet-style
BBS network. Nodelist and information/
application kit, November 1994.
MKMU100.ZIP Yes 127092 8/14/1993
MK Message Utilities; Squish, Jam, *.Msg,
Hudson, and Ezy MK Message Source routines
(TP OOP source to access various message base
MKNET115.ZIP Yes 235650 11/24/1994
MKNet v1.15 QWK network tosser for MK, RA,
Quick, Super, and other systems using Hudson,
Jam, Squish, Ezy, or *.Msg Message bases.
Fast and easy to setup. Now with alternate
taglines. (FW)
MLK1094.ZIP Yes 36840 10/19/1994
Information packet and membership application
for joining the MetroLink International
Network,the oldest open .QWK compatible
PCBoard network in the country. Updated
MLP_1094.ZIP Yes 20020 9/27/1994
MLPNET from The NASA MLP BBS in Port Orchard,
WA! Now with FIDO addressing, Foundations in
Science and much MUCH more! You won't find
what we have anywhere else, I *GUARANTEE* it.
If you LOVE mail like we do, check us out
today! UPDATED WITH AREANAMES and Front Door
polling information!
MM391AWB.ZIP Yes 241069 3/23/1995
Mail Manager +Plus+ v3.91a WIDE BETA. This
beta test copy of our QWK mail door for
RBBS-PC runs only for registered users.
25,600 conferences, elimination of the
"Checking confs" display at startup, and a
whole lot more.
MMQWKN32.ZIP Yes 62388 7/1/1994
QWK Networking For BBS systems v3.2 Converts
QWK to > REP. Works with any maildoor no
special network setups needed on the remote
BBS. 7/1/94 The Upgrade for MMIMPORT
MMREP150.ZIP Yes 14309 8/25/1993
MM Rep v1.5; Making Mail Managable! MM Rep
will convert text files into .REP packets,
which can be uploaded to your BBS, and
inserted into your mail database.
MMRG12.ZIP Yes 111420 10/30/1994
MailManager Report Generator v1.2 Tracks use
of bbs message areas and generates a report
to be displayed anywhere on your bbs.
Supports ALL flavors of RBBS-PC. Upgrade that
includes a config program and improved output
display. Requires MailManager or MailManager
MN1994S.ZIP Yes 30773 9/10/1994
<<<<<<< MegNET info package for Sept. >>>>>>>
We have 36 friendly conferences that callers
love to read. Our use of QWK packets lets you
select the software that works best with your
BBS. This file contains a conference list as
well as our History. Also included is the
Node list and Intro PICs for each conference.
An added bonus is my ECHOEN13.TXT that will
explain to you how Echo Mail works. We can
interface with PCB,WC,TriBBS,Syncro -FREE-
MNET1094.ZIP Yes 58026 10/3/1994
MetalNET QWK mail net. The midwest's only all
music e-mail net. 11 music conferences
ranging from rock, metal, alternative to rap
and country and just added a conferencd for
listeners and composers of digital music and
MTV discussion. Add MetalNET to your message
base and give your users somthing to listen
to. Now supporting QWK & Frontend mailers.
MOMA100.ZIP Yes 64024 7/16/1994
Monitors Message Base Usage using lastread
pointer files
MORON200.ZIP Yes 10110 11/4/1994
"MoRoN CoNVeRTiNG" is a program for people
who write alot of fidonet mail. It will
enhance your popularity with moderators, and
change the FONT of your messages to what you
want. Quality software from Act Of Impulse.
MPLUS311.ZIP Yes 346875 8/24/1993
MMGR +Plus+ v3.11; QWK mail door: RBBS/Fido.
The version 3 series supports online
R)ead/reply, P)ost options, and long
conference descriptions, among other things.
MPOIN170.ZIP Yes 101564 2/7/1995
M-POINT v170 multiline pointlistconverter up
to ten pointlists, 3D or 4D, smart
errordetection, nodelistlookup, highly
configurable. Creates and supports local
MSQ10G2.ZIP Yes 115743 1/19/1995
MOSQUITO v1.01 File Echo Processor Gamma
release of a file tosser that directly
support RemoteAccess and FILES.BBS systems.
File announcements and wildcards are
supported and Mosquito will also import
FILE_ID.DIZ descriptions. Warning: No hubbing
or hatch support! This is a test release
only. Semi-freeware from Psycho Hut Software.
MTN0894.ZIP Yes 3965 7/28/1994
Application for the Mountain Net mail system.
A netmail system specifically for BBS systems
in the Mountain States. Finally a system that
caters to those for a specific need and has
the feel of the local population! We need
more BBS systems in these areas to join now!
Must be QWK/REP compatible.
NANO187.ZIP Yes 13657 7/8/1994
NANOnet Application Packet & NODELIST for
JUNE '94! NANOnet is a sysop/user friendly
messaging network Echos focusing on
fun/computer/informative topics We have nodes
in USA and CANADA! 40+ conferences Plus: 2
AD&D (RPG) LIVE gaming conferences. SysOp's:
Grab it and Apply today! Grow with us!
NC18_SEP.ZIP Yes 9083 9/20/1994
New adult net [ No Children Under 18 ] Are
you sick of the adult mail nets with static
BORING blather? Try this! Different and
interesting topics rather than "the usual"
;-) Application & Nodelist incl.
NDIFFA50.ZIP Yes 76592 12/16/1994 FidoNet NodeDiff for day 350
NDRPT104.ZIP Yes 23805 10/16/1993
Utility was developed for the purpose of
creating a specific type of report from a
FidoNet Nodelist. The report lists Nodes by
Zone and Region.
NENET200.ZIP Yes 13102 12/27/1994
New England Net Information Pack v2.00 NE-Net
is friendly. Started in 1988! Boards outside
of NE are welcomed to apply. Managed by a SC,
keeping politics in the sandbox where they
NET-12.ZIP Yes 19099 12/12/1994
NET-12, The Family Values Network was formed
out of the frustration of constantly viewing
messages containing hostile and childish
content in many of the Networks. NET-12 has
12 common conferences and "STRICTLY" enforces
the "BE NICE TO EACH OTHER" rule. Supports
QWK (now) FIDO (later). Being new, this net
will consider suggestions, but the "BE NICE"
rule always applies.
NETAD100.ZIP Yes 36835 1/15/1995
>>>>> NetAdder v1.00 <<<<< NetAdder: A nice
tool for Mail-Editors: Create your own
user-database with their Internet-address,
and run the program. Just select the fellow
you want to write a message to and quit. The
file 'NETADDER.MSG' will be created with the
name and Internet-address in it. Very Easy
and handy !!!!! (C) 1995 Copyright by: A.S.
Kerkmeester, Simplesoft Developments < C A R
D W A R E >
NETCHK10.ZIP Yes 35070 12/27/1993
Hubs, close Nodes at specified times for Net
Mail Runs. Set up the times you want to have
Nodes call in for mail. Set up the nodes you
want to shut down for just mail runs. Set up
to 9 different Security levels for Nodes
NETDAY22.ZIP Yes 38667 9/6/1993
NETDAY Version 2.2 from HOTware. A little
utility that will quickly and easily display
the current NETMAIL date for you. If you ever
wondered what the current NETMAIL (Julian)
date was, then this utility is for you.
NETDAY will accept an echomail conference
number from the command line and report back
to you the age in days of the last bag that
was received on your system. Version 2.1+ has
the ability to modify the master environment
NETL0195.ZIP Yes 188002 1/1/1995
NetLand Volume 2 Number 1 01/95 Monthly
electronic magazine covering the Alternative
Networks. READROOM.TOC edition. Free for
non-commercial purposes. Published by Two Way
NETST31.ZIP Yes 48391 8/5/1993
NetSTATi v3.1 Edit your NET file from UUPCB,
create a PCBoard BLT file with header, avg
cps, total pkts sent, total pks recieved
stats, does Newsgroup information! FreeWare
NET_12.ZIP Yes 19130 12/12/1994
NET-12, The Family Values Network was formed
out of the frustration of constantly viewing
messages containing hostile and childish
content in many of the Networks. NET-12 has
12 common conferences and "STRICTLY" enforces
the "BE NICE TO EACH OTHER" rule. Supports
QWK (now) FIDO (later). Being new, this net
will consider suggestions, but the "BE NICE"
rule always applies.
NEWSDB10.ZIP Yes 233777 10/9/1993
The NewsDB - allows the user to create
complex hypertext databases from Internet
Usenet articles. It features automatic
newsgroups references creation, automatic
author directories and references and a UNIX
to PC translation program. Requires a PC
capable of running DPMI programs and The Help
Development Kit V9.5 or newer.
NEWSPIK2.ZIP Yes 24970 6/25/1994
NewsGPik will create .Bag files containing
selected NewsGroups, for nodes that you
serve. It extracts specified NewsGroups from
those .Bag files received from Planet Connect.
NIN_NET8.ZIP Yes 6491 3/2/1995
Info Packet for Ninny-Net Mail Network
Ninny-Net is a fun based network for people
who enjoy a little light-hearted
conversation. This is a small FREE network.
Home Base - Late Nite BBS in Rochester, NH.
Hubs and nodes needed!
NLEM0894.ZIP Yes 55865 7/29/1994 NLEMSnet Information Archive - Network Rules
NLTS_10.ZIP Yes 9130 12/15/1994
NLTS v1.0 NodeList Text Searcher Searches the
Fido nodelist for strings from the
commandline. Allows case-sensitive or
insensitive searches. Redirectable.
NOBOG134.ZIP Yes 54539 9/10/1994
NoBoGus V1.34. Utility to chaeck for dupes on
inbound PKT's.
NODEBL11.ZIP Yes 34933 11/20/1993
NODEBUL 1.1 from HOTware. Utility to create
ASCII and ANSI Bulletins from the
NODELIST.BBS. This utility is compatible with
the recent changes to the BAUD rate field in
NODEDIFF.ZIP Yes 40371 3/24/1995 FidoNet NodeDiff for day 273
NODEFILE.ZIP Yes 46554 11/30/1994
Use customized text files of any origin to
send to nodes while they are online. Easy 3
line configuration program, clean interface,
for any QBBS version. Fast, and reliable.
NODELIST.ZIP Yes 993328 2/1/1995 Latest COMPLETE FIDONET nodelist.
NODESORT.ZIP Yes 31632 11/30/1994
FTSC (fido-style) nodelist sorter extr acts
only local BBS numbers!
NODEVIEW.ZIP Yes 49477 1/15/1995
===== NODEVIEW 1.0 ===== Nodeview 1.0
Nodelist Searching door! From the Author of
Zbase BBS Lister come's Nodeview with more
features! Features: Remote/Local Cursor
control Up to 5-Raw nodelists may be defined,
Supports Custom-Screens, Multi-Node,
Non-Stand-IRQ/Addresses, to 115,200.
NOT-CRIPPLED! Author: Brad Larned.
NSFG_103.ZIP Yes 40031 11/1/1993
* Newsgroup System File Generator v 1.03
Takes your list of newsgroups and presents a
NSFGdate.SYS file. This file is suitable to
send your feed site if they are using a file
similar to a sys file by C-News or B-News.
Future versions will even do 'exceptions'.
Written by: Tim Fierro 11/01/93 @ 05:00 PM
Brought to you by The Racer's Edge * TRE! *
NSTAT14.ZIP Yes 26444 11/22/1994
NETSTAT v1.4 Network Mail Bulletin Generator.
Reports Last 'Good' Run Date, Time, Imports,
Exports. Supports POSTLINK, PCRELAY, TNET,
JNET, and now SHILOH! Can also be used with
other network software as well. Support for
other network software and tossers will be
added as requested.
NTIMP100.ZIP Yes 57180 6/8/1994
NetImp, The NetMail Importer. Import existing
.MSG Netmail dirs into BBS msg base. Supports
Hudson & JAM, 20 AKA's, full 4D.
NTMAIL13.ZIP Yes 9973 2/11/1994
NetMail v1.3 A FreeWare replacement for the
(E) command in your NetMail conference for
users of Rob Kittfedge's 'QFront' program.
(It could be modified to work with IP also)
By: Cal Evans
NTMGR99.ZIP Yes 90458 10/22/1994
NetMgr/beta; Copy, move, delete, change,
file, bounce, etc. netmail, based on the
message header. JAM, Squish, Hudson and *.MSG
formats supported. DOS version.
NTMGR99P.ZIP Yes 87260 10/22/1994
NetMgr/beta; Copy, move, delete, change,
file, bounce, etc. netmail, based on the
message header. JAM, Squish, Hudson and *.MSG
formats supported. OS/2 version.
NU_V220.ZIP Yes 119877 3/8/1995
NU - Nodelist Updater 2.20 Updates nodelists
with the weekly difference files or a new
nodelist. NU automatically detects the
decompression method needed for the files,
can create statistics, automatically
compresses new files, updates descriptions
for FILES.BBS or the RemoteAccess 2.0
filebase, and much, MUCH more ....
NWL9407.ZIP Yes 13116 7/4/1994
Introducing NorthWest Link! A small general
topic E-mail network serving the Pacific
NorthWest and beyond. Supports QWK packet
mail and limited Fido transfers. Come join
this network created specifically for us in
the great Pacific NorthWest!
NWNPOLIC.ZIP Yes 2848 8/28/1993
New World Network; Policy, Information &
Conference List
N_EMAIL.ZIP Yes 42694 9/4/1993
Network Email 2.74 by Ivory Tower. Software.
This is a freeware electronic mail package
for Windows.
OGN01_95.ZIP Yes 33454 1/15/1995
The Online Gamers Network(tm) (Revision Date
01/15/94) Bringing you the Best in Inter-BBS
Gaming and Messages. Exprience this FREE
Network dedicated to Online Games availible
on most BBSs. Looking for fast & quick
expansion - No Fees - No Hassles
OMNI0395.ZIP Yes 10042 3/19/1995
_/ OmniLink is a Nationwide QWK Mail network
that specializes in fun and entertaining
conferences. Applications are being taken for
both nodes and HubSites. This ZIP file
contains everything you need to get started
in the network. Mar 1995 Version
OPMED32W.ZIP Yes 221892 1/8/1995
OPMED - Version 3.20 Wide Beta, The Friendly
FidoNet Compatible Message Editor supporting
Squish and .MSG message-base.
OT-251B.ZIP Yes 605382 3/10/1995
+-+ O/T-Track v.2.51b- THE Complete
netmailtracker and mailrobot. (c) Peter Hampf
& pbs - Enhancements and bugfixes to 2.51 -
Gives you full control over your *.MSG
netmail directory, answers mail to you
automatically. Region-dependent templates,
node templates, interzone bouncing, checking
encoded mail, outbound cleaning, outbound
report ... and really many other features!
Many enhancements in this new version 2.51!
OURNET05.ZIP Yes 3428 4/30/1994
OurNet Information Packet - 5/94 OurNet is a
SysOps ONLY Network. It was designed to serve
as a means of communication between SysOps in
the DFW area. We hope this Mail Network will
serve as a means for general chit chat, a
source for help in BBS configuration, as well
as a way to inform other area Sysops about
malicious users.
OUTB103.ZIP Yes 17560 3/26/1994
OUTBOUND Version 1.03 is a FrontDoor 2.11+
FDC reporter which creates reports of
outbound mail and files in a mailer system.
Great for debugging FrontDoor's mail flow and
routing. Freeware from Chief Israeli
Communication Systems (1993) Ltd.
O_QWK17.ZIP Yes 81884 12/30/1994 QWK door for Opus 1.7+ (from Portugal!)
PASSBAGD.ZIP Yes 49045 10/9/1994 PASSBAG passthru newsgrps in .BAG fls
PASSPKTD.ZIP Yes 31364 10/22/1994
PASSPKT is a very simple program that is used
to PASS THROUGH certain desired newsgroups
from .PKT files to another directory. You can
use this to feed another sysop.
PAT-NET.ZIP Yes 4784 8/9/1994 Start up packet for Patriot Net
PATHNET2.ZIP Yes 519494 10/3/1994
Pathnet is a canadian based mail net with
conferences for people with addictions &
other problems. This Net is fairly new and
needs support
PBL_200.ZIP Yes 348211 1/31/1995
PBBSList Version 2.00 Multi-Database
Multi-Line Aware Lnaguage File NetMail
Requests Auto Verifier FS Editor/Reader List
Download Screen Upload Sysop Config. ALL BBS
today to try it out (C) 1993 - 1995 by Bing Wu
PBT_100.ZIP Yes 106322 1/25/1995
PBBSTABS Version 1.00 Best TABS registration
handling door around. Most BBS systems aware.
Allows 10 different access level upgrades,
support both $10 and $25 options offered by
TABS. Released on Jan 26, 1995
PCBINTRO.ZIP Yes 2601 12/22/1993
PCBINTRO is a collection of three INTRO
screens for PCBoard for the following three
networks; RelayNet(tm), FidoNet, and Intelec.
I have formatted them using the PCBEDIT
program from PCBoard. Other types of files
are available, such as ANSI, ASCII, WildCat!
formats. Requests for any other format done
with a $5 contribution.
PCBLNK2.ZIP Yes 3337 5/31/1994
PCB-Board Link Netmail System [2] A great and
growing net in the 708 area code (Illinois)!
Apply today! Topics range from A-Z! :)
PCFAUDT5.ZIP Yes 16169 7/13/1994
PCF Audit records and moves files received
from Planet Connect. It also compares the
Planet Connect Upld.Lst to the record of
files received and creates a list of any
missing files that you identify as critical
and a list of any files that you would just
like to know that you missed.
PCFU200C.ZIP Yes 86449 9/13/1994 PCFU with Exempt file list.
PCLINK.ZIP Yes 36803 2/3/1994
PC-LINK Network - Local Fido/Qwk alternative
network. Supports echomail QWKMail and Point
PCN-0395.ZIP Yes 12912 2/26/1995
PC-Net mail message network information
packet updated for Mar. 1995. PC-Net is a QWK
based mail message network, which is
dedicated to the use & users of IBM and IBM
compatible personal computers. New and small,
but we can grow with you and your BBS as a
member BBS. Join us!
PCVRKGHT.ZIP Yes 10429 3/8/1994
PC-VRKNIGHT...is a organization of Users and
Syops..to use the technology of the 21st
century and move forward! Meetings, Contest,
Games , newsletters and Education..Based in
Delaware! Net that follows this is PVKnet for
the communications nessesary to keep in
contact..A nodelist is included and the
contacts to join are there.. Both Sysop and
Users applications are here!!! -
PEN_9412.ZIP Yes 11055 11/30/1994
Planet Earth Network! 12/94 Join one the
friendliest, growing networks around. We are
changing to incorporate topics that are
interesting and stimulating. Swift approval
within 24 hours. FTS gateway available.
PETNET9.ZIP Yes 37098 5/31/1994
Free, Complete, Friendly QWK e-mail Net.
Ideal for new BBSs.
PGP262DC.ZIP Yes 167268 10/22/1994
PGP 2.6.2 DOCS ONLY archive. Exportable.
Official M.I.T. release.
PGPLD1-2.ZIP Yes 15673 10/19/1994
PGPLoad 1.2 - PGP interface for Bluewave mail
system. Allows encryption, decryption,
posting public keys, getting public keys,
verifying signatures, and more. Makes PGP
easy for Bluewave users. <>
PLAN0195.ZIP Yes 34942 1/11/1995
PlanoNet Information Packet [1/1/95] This
network is aimed at sysops that have never
done the echomail thing before, as well as
those that are experienced, and at those that
want a laid back approach to moving the mail!
We're looking for Hubs and Nodes all around
the world! Are you a shareware author that
wants/needs a support conference? PlanoNet is
the one for you!! Moving the mail via QWK and
Fido style technology!! PostLink hub also
PLNK0594.ZIP Yes 2750 5/28/1994
network in the 708 area code. Join today!
PN-0295.ZIP Yes 45877 1/17/1995
Welcome to PhileoNet.
Fellowship.Prayer.Talk.Christians * PhileoNet
Christian Network Information packet for
joining this exciting Network. The Net
requires no annual fees, uses QWK, FIDO or
PostLink. The Net is totally dedicated to
Jesus Christ. Come join us in our many
Christian Conferences...or add our shared
Conferences to your Net.
PNET231A.ZIP Yes 6817 8/2/1993
PlaNet: List of all BBS'es affiliated with
PNP_9501.ZIP Yes 14377 1/6/1995
Passion and Pleasure - An Adults' Only
Network! Currently we are seeking HUBs and
Nodes to join our expanding NET. Application
and network information is included in this
file. Come and join us! NO FEE REQUIRED!!!!
POINT188.ZIP Yes 196796 10/1/1994
PPoint - Professional Point - Automatic Setup
and Maintenance. Automatically accepts and
sets up new areas. Simple to use. Sets up and
interfaces transparently with Binkley. 4d or
FakeNet addressing. Efficient message
database system. Optional Modules available
for QWK or LAN Support. By the author of
OFFLINE, Harvey Parisien.
POLL_101.ZIP Yes 17951 7/22/1994
Poll! 1.01 - for FrontDoor / InterMail.
Creates poll messages if the last poll was
more than xxx days/hours/minutes ago. Uses
AKA matching tables from FD / IM. @Response
file input to poll more than one system in
one run. Message attributes can be set to
crash, immediate, force pickup or none.
Checks inbound calls optionally. Logs to
FrontDoor type logfile. New: multiline
environment support.
POSTBLT.ZIP Yes 7035 11/16/1994
A POSTLINK Mail run report Utility! Postblt
will create an informative bulletin for your
last mail run, letting your users know how
many messages that were exported, and
imported. Fully configurable as to color,
node ID and Network Name! !Completely Free!
GO/4 Software (212)-777-0225 Largest PPE
library in the world!
PPENT200.ZIP Yes 4605 8/5/1994
PPEnet Info/APP Pack 200
Nodelist,Echolist,App. Released August 5th,
PPL-NET2.ZIP Yes 7677 5/7/1994
PPL Network Info Package. This network is
dedicated to the PCBoard Programming Language
and the SysOps and users of PPEs and PPLC.
Network is capable of Fidonet, and QWK
transfers. *Now available via RaceNet(tm)*
PPLAN107.ZIP Yes 10375 10/2/1994
PPoint - Professional Point MODULE Optional
LAN support module allows mail transfers on
local area networks. Typically a server is
connected to the outside world using binkley,
and serves it's nodes using PP-LAN.
PPQWK120.ZIP Yes 101049 10/1/1994
PPoint - Professional Point MODULE Optional
QWK support module allows QWK access using
PPoint's efficient message database system.
By the author of OFFLINE, Harvey Parisien.
PRERD_14.ZIP Yes 36778 3/22/1994
PreRaid v1.4 - Allow Multi pass mode of RAID
for WCFF!
PROAXE.ZIP Yes 5538 5/5/1994
InformationsyouneedtoJOIN ::
WeareWaitingforyou!!! UpdatedonMay6th1994
PS2PCTIC.ZIP Yes 48982 2/5/1995
Utility marry keywords with Area TAGWORDS in
PSxxxxxx.tic files for a more apprpriate
place for the tic processor to toss the
PC-DISTR files coming in off Planet Connect.
PSAR21.ZIP Yes 41403 1/21/1995
PSAR Version 2.1 Manintenance Release -
Profanity Seek and Replace - Are you tired of
immature users posting profanity all over
your subs? Do you want to scan outbound
FidoNet mail before it leaves your system? Do
your want to allow your newusers to post?
PSAR if for you! PSAR seeks and replaces
profanity from a list of replacements you
configure. Runs as frequently as every
logoff, or as a nightly event. Automatic
PSINET15.ZIP Yes 16267 1/2/1995
International Echomail Network. A friendly,
Environmentally concerned International
network. Receive quick upgrades for
PERSoftware shareware utils, and topical
conferences ranging from AIDS to BBS Soft.
FIDO style and FREE!! Join today.
PSRT_14.ZIP Yes 269257 4/27/1994
PacketSorter v1.4 bug fixes & new features
FidoNet inbound packet processor defragments
packets, speeds up tossing on SQUISH and JAM
- split large messages according to FSC-0047
- sort messages by subject and/or time -
remove garbage from 'bad' packets - split
large packets to a more handy size - unsplit
large messages back to orign. size - fast &
highly configurable - works with any echomail
tosser - runs with both OS/2 and DOS in 32
PSY1194.ZIP Yes 6113 11/10/1994
syLink Network, 1994. Sci-Fi Related
Discussion ST, X-Files, seaQuest, +more .
vee-eff-see hubs, 18 bases.
PTFL100.ZIP Yes 30368 1/22/1995
PalmTick FeatherLight v1.00 - TickFile
pre-processor for PalmScan Now you can use
PalmScan - The Ultimate Archive Conversion
Utility - to process all incoming tickfiles !
With PalmTick FeatherLight and PalmScan a
whole lot of features will be added to your
file processing, and it will be done very
fast !
PUB1194.ZIP Yes 42541 10/24/1994
Publicus(tm) Info. Packet & Application
Generator for Nov, 1994 Publicus(tm) THE
conservative echomail network of the '90s!
Very friendly and knowledgable members and
our fellow users have helped prove Publicus
THE place to be! .QWK based. Looking for
Members - come along! This echomail network
is FOR the users of ALL bulletin board
PWSNET7A.ZIP Yes 535651 4/30/1994
PWSNET7a: Personal Wealth Systems Network
Multimedia Report V7a, March 1994. "Tap into
a national network of 250,700+ products and
services that bring items directly from the
manufacturer to your door, all at about 50%
off." Includes optional CyberWealth (tm)
opportunity for BBS sysops wishing to make
the PWS Network available via their BBS and
for entrepreneurial-minded computer users.
Shareware, Information Innovations, Inc.
PXT_3_14.ZIP Yes 21556 8/31/1994
PXT V3.14 Multi-line custom tagline /header
insertor. Works with many packa
P_BPOST.ZIP Yes 19329 9/6/1993
Pen and Brush Net for Writers & Artists;
P&BNet is a fast-growing network for writers
and artists. We feature direct feeds from
publishers and news items from galleries. We
are using regular .QWK packets AND Postlink
to satisfy all network participation
P_P_9411.ZIP Yes 13694 11/10/1994
Passion and Pleasure - An Adults' Only
Network! Currently we are seeking HUBs and
Nodes to join our expanding NET. Application
and network information is included in this
file. Come and join us! NO FEE REQUIRED!!!!
QFAX25.ZIP Yes 127286 12/29/1994
QUICKFAX v2.5 Now offer fax services to your
BBS users. Extracts message from message base
and converts them to a format for faxing.
Also calls fax software. Now with support for
INTERNATIONAL numbers. Supports Fido (*.msg),
Hudson (RA/QBBS), Squish, EZYCom, and JAM
message bases.
QKCON100.ZIP Yes 118022 8/16/1993
This program converts successive .qwk
download packets into individual single
conference .qwk packets, each spanning many
.qwk downloads.
QNODE202.ZIP Yes 85912 10/9/1993
QNODE nodelist processor. Can use EMS if you
have it.
QNODX202.ZIP Yes 187660 10/9/1993
DPMI version. Requires an 80286+ w/ 2Megs of
QPRN110.ZIP Yes 139314 3/1/1994
QWKPRUNE 1.10. Removes unwanted messages from
QWK-format mail packets. Strips leading
spaces as well as (R) and Re: prefixes from
subject lines. Also strips up to 10 user-
defined prefixes. Repairs non-standard
message headers. Supports ZIP, LHA, ARJ, and
ZOO, as well as a user-specified archiver.
This version adds support for large packets.
QRATIO19.ZIP Yes 50564 11/13/1994
Qratio v1.9 creates Fidonetstyle mail
statistics. Works with Hudson, *.MSG, Squish,
JAM and Ezy. Quality software from Act Of
Impulse. Written by Melle Koning.
QREP13.ZIP Yes 29309 1/2/1995
QRep v1.3 - The ultimate QWK compatible
automated message generator. Generates
public, private, or password protected reply
messages from ASCII text files. Tracks the
date a message was last sent and sends it
again only after a specified number of days.
Can also send a message on a specified day of
the week or month. Continues messages with
excessive lines to the next message.
Generates both QWK and Fido taglines. Ideal
QWKESPEC.ZIP Yes 5161 10/12/1994
<<< Extended QWK (QWKE) Specifications >>>
Royalty-free!!! See how two simple files can
make "QWK" a format to last the times. Fully
backward compatible with _all_ "QWK" mail
doors/readers. Support for netmail, file
attaches, file requests, remote maintenance,
area information and more!!! AUTHORS - IT'S
EASY TO IMPLEMENT Add it in now, and make
your product last in the rapidly changing
times of Email.
QWKGRAB.ZIP Yes 40163 8/19/1994
QWKGRAB V. 1.0 This utility provides for two
functions: once a .QWK packet has been
downloaded, the MESSAGES.DAT may be perused.
The messages that are of interest may be
selected for saving to a .REP packet that may
be uploaded to a BBS specified by you.
Second, a formatted ASCII file may be
converted to a .REP packet that may be
uploaded to a BBS specified by you.
QWKMSG30.ZIP Yes 4974 3/30/1994
QUICK MESSAGE You *MUST* see this! This is
the best one- liner ever made! It allows
handles, real names, or anonymous mode. By
DynaSOFT Version 3.0 (FREEWARE!)
R2Z_V12.ZIP Yes 113153 10/29/1994
* Rep2Zip V 1.2 By Eddy Salvador* .TIC files
"Replaces" command converter. Rep2Zip will
scan all of your .TIC files and replace the
file extension of the "Replaces" command to
.ZIP, .ARJ, .ARC or .* , Etc. Rep2Zip solves
the dilemma of having your file base in one
particular compression format and not being
able to take advantage of the replace command
in the .TIC file because the file extension
to replace is not the same one you are using.
R402B03.ZIP Yes 47110 7/5/1994 4.02B03 Patch For SX Real Mode Reader
R402B03P.ZIP Yes 84793 7/5/1994 4.02B03P Patch For SX Protected Mode Reader
RAIL0194.ZIP Yes 14313 1/7/1994 Informational packet for RailNet!
RAMRC001.ZIP Yes 8636 9/5/1994
Chop off unused MESSAGES.RA entries above
your highest used area. Quick, simple and
easy to use.
RCVNET12.ZIP Yes 12355 11/30/1994
Current RecoverNet Info from LifeLine (12
Step Oriented) BBS All conferences relating
to recovery with primary emphasis on 12 Step
Fellowships. All conferences support ALIASes
for anonymity. For people interested in or
involved in recovery from addictions in any
form. Hubs & Nodes wanted. Friends of Bill W.
grab this.
RC_NET.ZIP Yes 2658 3/11/1994
Join RC-Net, dedicated to Radio Control
Modelers. It's new, and it's growing! Be a
part of it!
RD400WW.ZIP Yes 176123 1/10/1994
Silver Xpress Off-Line Reader Documentation
for version V4.00. Word for Windows Format
REALTYA.ZIP Yes 2255 11/14/1994
Application to join RealtyNet, nationwide
network of BBSs sharing real estate
REF21.ZIP Yes 54169 1/30/1994
The REF Version 2.1. A HOTware utility to
produce a true Read Only echo, or REVIEW
messages by users prior to allowing them to
"echo". The REF will monitor a listing of
Message Senders, Receivers, Subjects, or
ORIGIN Net/Nodes in a message area and either
MOVE to an alternate message area, KILL
messages, MARK bagged any messaged posted by
UnAuthorized posters, or REVIEW the postings
prior to bagging the messages. The REF has
REGISTER.ZIP Yes 29972 12/23/1994
Latest Registration forms for FastEcho 1.4x
as of December 1994
REQSCN12.ZIP Yes 88618 2/28/1995
REQSCAN 1.02 - File Request Reporter Scans
File Request logs from Request Processor
programs, and maintains info on what files
were sent, and how many times. Currently
supports FDRPR and RP. Maintains compact
database, can create display screens, has
list and search functions. Can execute
another program or DOS command upon
completion. EASY to setup and use! More
"Cowboy Software!" (RaLin)
RFIX_S03.ZIP Yes 51628 7/29/1994
RFIX_S03.ZIP - RFIX_S .03beta (c) 1994, GGM
Data A _freeware_ "areafix" type utility for
BBS System operators using Fidonet(tm)
compatible Front End Mailers that wish to
share recipes from a Meal-Master(tm) database
with other sysops/users that have netmail
available. -
RGSN1094.ZIP Yes 89036 12/18/1994
Renegade Support Network Package 10-01-94:
Fast growing, SysOp-minded RG support network
for ANYONE interested in *TRUE* Renegade
RIME.ZIP Yes 108086 1/3/1994
Latest Rime Site list - contains list of
hubs, location of nodes and node list
RIPEM12.ZIP Yes 94586 10/22/1994
Ripem - RSAREF-based Internet Privacy
Enhanced Mail, version 1.2. Enciphers and
deciphers messages using a public key
encryption system, and formats them for
embedding in electronic mail messages. Also
generates RSA public keys.
RKR110.ZIP Yes 11049 12/20/1993
RKROUTE 1.10 by Russell Kroll [12-20-93] This
program will generate Route: lines on
outbound GT mailbags, and include information
such as system that it will be sent to, and
the time the bag was processed. A replacement
for MSROUTE, which could not handle PKZIP 2.x
RLY0993.ZIP Yes 192285 9/21/1993
Infomation on joining RIME (RelayNet)
network, a 1000 node network cris-crossing
the globe, fastest mail turnaround of any
network, powerful software, great users- over
400 active conferences, product support
hobbyist, social conferences, We're the
network that attracts users to YOUR board!
ROBOT600.ZIP Yes 23910 10/24/1993
Harvey's Robot allows you to produce incoming
or outgoing 4d PACKETS. Any format message
systems can use this system, since it writes
to in/outbound packets directly. The system's
message database format does not matter.
ROCIE794.ZIP Yes 4728 7/17/1994 Information on ROCIE Net, a local Orange
ROCKLINK.ZIP Yes 11106 12/18/1994
* December 1994 Update Pack* Welcome to
RockLink(tm). This Info Pack contains all you
need to join one of the hottest networks
available today! RockLink(tm) is dedicated to
music and entertainment. You won't find "DOS"
or "Windows" here, but you will find a lot of
interesting music related and entertainment
related conferences, and a GREAT group of
users! RockLink is the ONLY BBS Mail Network
dedicated to those who love music, not just
ROCKNET.ZIP Yes 4592 11/9/1994
ROCK-NET RockNet is *fully* dedicated to open
discussions on the very fine music that has
been part of our culture since the
mid-fifties. ========================= Our
network is a dedicated QWK/REP-based or
EndMailer Networks. Presently expanding and
looking for both hubs & nodes to join us!
This Info Packet contains everything you need
to apply for Hub/Node or Moderator access!
Check it out! NOVEMBER, 1994
RP100.ZIP Yes 223022 12/25/1993
The Prime External Request Processor v1.00
for Frontdoor 2.11.sw+ and Frontdoor
2.20a.ml. Offers request limits depending the
requesting system, time, baudrate and day of
the week. Request limits per session and per
timeslot (ie, per day). Variate the list of
requestable files depending the requesting
system, time, baudrate, day of the week,
secure/unsure sessions and for unlisted
nodes! Password protected files only for
RUSHNET.ZIP Yes 6754 8/8/1993
Rushnet will be the easiest Net you ever
joined. This is the info and HUB list
S-NWS410.ZIP Yes 180259 1/22/1995
Super News v4.10 This is the BEST news maker
for RemoteAccess, EzyCom and compati- bles!
It makes 5 styles of ANSI & ASCII screens,
with simultaneous printer output! Super News
is the most beautiful and creative news maker
available in the world! New features: - NOW
- Little bugs fixed! AND MORE! - Created by
S2P13.ZIP Yes 43110 3/11/1994
PCS2PCB is a file dir maker for users of
planet Connect Satellite delivery system,
Iwrote this becouse of my need to post the
incomming files for my callers to Download.
Check it out!!!!
SAFLIST.ZIP Yes 28665 3/25/1995 SAF-NET Nodelist Release - No. 273
SAFNET.ZIP Yes 91283 11/17/1994
SAF-Net Information file with associated echo
and file area files. Includes node number
requesting program.
SBGRELAY.ZIP Yes 28739 7/9/1994
RIME last mail transfer display generator -
Generates ASCII and PCB graphic display files
showing last successful mail transers FREE
registration. By Al Segura
SCOTT395.ZIP Yes 14951 3/8/1995
SCOTTNet Application & Infokit Sysops! You're
invited to join our SCOTTNet mail network. At
least have a look at the contents of this
kit. We are looking for Hubs, and Nodes
WORLD-WIDE! The conferences listed in this
info kit are generally unique and we strife
to avoid duplication. *NO* fees! We added
recently new HUBS in California and
Switserland! We exist since 1989 so are
pretty stable!
SCRIPTOR.ZIP Yes 28066 9/12/1994 Scriptor has an "output script" on the command
SDNKIT11.ZIP Yes 27493 2/19/1995
SDN Kit #11 for SDN International(sm)
February 1995. SDN International is The
Shareware Distribution Network of
author-direct shareware inside Fidonet's
30,000+ amateur bulletin board systems. Has
cooperation with many commercial services.
Kit contains Author/User/Sysop information.
SDNTST10.ZIP Yes 27156 10/20/1994
SDNTest v1.03 to verify SDN International
shareware distributions
SEAL_040.ZIP Yes 224741 5/11/1994
Seal 0.40; Areafix/Raid/Tick for SquishMail
SEC0694.ZIP Yes 16490 6/1/1994
HI @FIRST@, This file contains The SECnet
Information packet and application for the
SECnet. The SECnet is a small but growing
network of Northern New York BBS. The SECnet
is FREE to all who wish to participate.
SECUREML.ZIP Yes 6868 10/29/1994 SecureMail Information Package
SEEK0594.ZIP Yes 61968 4/30/1994
SEEKNET(tm) International Echomail Network
May '94 packet - Professional Quality Mail
Net, compatible with both .qwk & Front- End
type mail transfers. Designed with BOTH the
User and Sysop in mind. We have bridged the
gap between professional and friendly.
Consumer Reports, SeekNet(tm) Shareware
Review, & more. Our conferences are Unique,
Fun, and Informational! Over 200 QUALITY
Nodes from Canada to Australia and Growing
SEMAF002.ZIP Yes 13828 11/20/1994
SEMAFORE, Revision 2 - Handy utility for
handling semaphore files in your batchfiles.
Can create, delete and touch semaphore files.
In addition it can wait (optional maximum
time) until a semaphore exists or is removed.
It can also check for semaphore files and
return an errorlevel if the semaphore exists.
Supports various multitaskers. Now has build
in support for FDOPT for optimum compatiblity
with FrontDoor. Freeware by Marco Miltenburg,
SERCHNT1.ZIP Yes 28319 8/5/1993
An independent network for the support of all
peoples. Discussion of Paranormal, and
Spiritual experiences, with a theme of each
person SEARCHing for his individual PATH, or
reason for living. Includes discussion of
UFOs, Conspiracies, and World News, Channels
and Earth Changes. Tolerance is Mandatory.
SERV0295.ZIP Yes 4035 2/2/1995
Serv.net is a free QWK mail network that is
available to all boards. Apply today and be
connected in less the 24 hours normally.
SEXNET16.ZIP Yes 6164 9/1/1993
WBS Presents; SEXnet v1.6 Start-Up Kit! A
complete network of Adult Only Topics
Includes BBSlists, Subslist, Doocs, etc..
Must be 18 or over to Host the net or be a
part of the net! VBBS style network!
SFCN1093.ZIP Yes 10581 10/4/1993 Circuitnet Net-mail node list for Oct.'93.
SFWD_100.ZIP Yes 85590 1/20/1995
StormForward 1.00 - The *.MSG File Forwarding
SIL_0694.ZIP Yes 3880 5/25/1994
Info on how to join the all new SilNet
programming net. This net is for BBS systems
interested in programming, graphics demos, or
programming technology. Programmers of all
kinds are welcome, from the beginner to the
expert. Hubs needed.
SKILL320.ZIP Yes 42882 11/11/1993
SPOTKILL Version 3.20 from HOTware. A utility
to browse a message area and automatically
delete or mark bagged messages by Sender
Name, Reciever Name, or Subject. SPOTKILL can
delete messages that have been Recieved,
Bagged, Either, Incoming, Received Incoming,
or ALL. Version 3.20 gives the ability to
EXCLUDE message areas when doing GLOBAL
processing of message areas.
SL_9403.ZIP Yes 4543 2/26/1994
SYSLink Mail Network SYSLink is a NET that is
based in central Illinois and looking for new
nodes and hubs all over the United States. We
offer various conferences and total SYSOP
control. If you are interested in a NET that
has an easy application process and hopes to
outdo many other NETS please down- load this
package and apply today.
SML_1294.ZIP Yes 15214 12/9/1994
Small_Net Echomail Network [FTSC
Compatible/WA State Based] Small_Net Was
Created On The Concept Of "Great Things Come
In Small Packages." - Conferences Include:
BBS-ADS, Gardening, Travel, Cars, Movies &
Television, RPG, Alias Chatter, Sports, Food,
Foreign Language, Bicycling, Cooking,
Parenting, Rainy Days, Pets, Hunting &
Camping, SCUBA And More! Main Hub: Erotic
Nirvana (206.946.2656) Washington State
SMRT0894.ZIP Yes 23085 7/31/1994
Latest edition of the Smartnet Network Node
List includes additional information on nod
SN0395.ZIP Yes 55492 2/28/1995
SEEKNET(tm) International Echomail Network
March '95 packet - Professional, Quality,
Mail Net, compatible with .Qwk, Front-End, &
PC Pursuit mail transfers. Designed with BOTH
the User and Sysop in mind. We have bridged
the gap between professional and friendly.
Moderated conferences, Consumer Updates,
Reviews, & more. Our conferences are Unique,
Fun, and Informational! Over 280 QUALITY
Nodes from Canada to Australia and Growing
SNET0594.ZIP Yes 28973 5/1/1994
An independent network for discussion of
Paranormal, and Spiritual experiences, with a
theme of each person SEARCHing for his
individual PATH. Includes discussion of UFOs,
Conspiracies, World News, Channels and Earth
SOB_008B.ZIP Yes 117706 10/18/1993 Son of Bonk v0.08b with 4D Addressing
SON0195.ZIP Yes 10688 1/1/1995
SON-net: We are looking for some quality
bbs's to join SON-net. This Network is for
the discussion of Biblical matters from a
Bible-Believing Trinity believing Christian
perspective. Jan 1995 packet.
SPORTNET.ZIP Yes 948 11/25/1994
Detroit Sportsnet info on joining a free
local qwk based network
SPREAD10.ZIP Yes 7059 9/2/1994 Spread Jam areas across several directories
SQ2AR101.ZIP Yes 15373 5/13/1994
Creates AREAS.BBS from Squish configuration
file. Indicates passthru areas, can
optionally exclude Squish-specific flags.
Version 1.01 corrects handling of the Squish
"-p" flag.
SQSH_111.ZIP Yes 669219 10/31/1994
Squish 1.11 - DOS version. Flexible EchoMail
processor for FidoNet systems. Includes
16-bit and 32-bit executables. Supports
Squish and *.MSG formats.
SQWK10.ZIP Yes 49721 1/31/1994
Search that QWK v1.0 February 1994 (C)
COPYRIGHT by Steve McGrath SQWK is a simple
program to search QWK mail packet. It can do
the following: Search 25 words or extract an
area, Name the resulting packet by
date/counter, Sort by subject, You can have
up to 5 names/alias, Delete packet after
merging, Determine the minimal diskspace to
work, Can handle: ARJ, LHA, PKZIP.
SRNT0295.ZIP Yes 3869 1/29/1995
[ -=SRNet=- ] Join Sanctified Revolutions
Mail Network. It is a small net based in
southern Ontario, with hubs in the Toronto
area, Cambridge, and Wisconsin in the US.
Download this info/application package for
more info.
STATSC2A.ZIP Yes 53981 3/3/1995
StatusC: Generate Export, Import, Last Import
and Monthly Total bulletins with Cam-Mail
logs. Multi-Network. Rollovers. ANSI, ASCII,
PCB: color or mono. CleanUpC log utility.
STATUS3M.ZIP Yes 52771 1/10/1995
Status: Generate Export, Import, Last Import
and Monthly Total bulletins with Postlink
logs. Multi-Network. Rollovers. ANSI, ASCII,
PCB color/mono support. CleanUp log utility.
STRING26.ZIP Yes 45099 7/10/1994
STRINGS 2.6 - unoffical release of STRINGS
2.0, many bug fixes, plus several new
commands. You can't live without this batch
file utility. ASM source included.
SUARM102.ZIP Yes 112879 9/13/1994
tosser for RemoteAccess 2.01, QuickBBS,
ProBoard, and other Hudson/JAM/Squish/*.MSG
BBS systems. Includes support for QWK Kludge
Lines, bad message support, multiple origin
lines and more!
SWNET395.ZIP Yes 3727 3/7/1995
Application and set up for SwingersNet adult
Echo-Mail network for QWK or FIDO
SWP1194.ZIP Yes 4643 11/2/1994
Join the SweepNet network today! The
friendliest network discussing the ins and
outs of Sweepstakes and Contests. Share tips,
prizes, entry strategies. Use Fidonet
compatible mailers to exchange messages.
SX503H1.ZIP Yes 608437 6/5/1994
Silver Xpress QWK and OPX Mail Door V5.03
from Santronics Software for RemoteAccess,
RoboFX, Proboard, Tag, Qbbs and SuperBBS. The
most powerful off-line mail door in the
market. RIP Support, Internet and Fido
Support, Smart Keyword Searching, Flexible
Mail Packing Options, File Requesting, Fax
Services, Forms Services, Much More. Sysops
registering Door, get the powerful Silver
Xpress Reader for $3.00.
SX503M1.ZIP Yes 566227 6/5/1994
Silver Xpress QWK and OPX Mail Door V5.03
from Santronics Software for Maximus 2.0x.
MARKET. RIP Support, Internet and Fido
Support, Smart Keyword Searching, Flexible
Mail Packing Options, File Requesting, Fax
Services, Forms Services, Much More. Sysops
registering Door, get the powerful Silver
Xpress Reader for $3.00.
SX503P1.ZIP Yes 593107 6/5/1994
and OPX Mail Door from Santronics Software.
100% PCBOARD 15.x Support! With Fossil/Digi
Support, RIP Support, Internet and Fido
Support, Smart Keyword Searching, Flexible
Mail Packing Options, File Requesting, Fax
Services, Forms Services, Much More. USERS
LOVE THIS DOOR! Sysops registering Door, get
SX503W1.ZIP Yes 606062 6/5/1994
Silver Xpress QWK and OPX Mail Door V5.03
from Santronics Software for WildCat 3.90.
The most powerful off-line mail door in the
market. Lantastic, Novell, DigiBoard Support!
RIP Support, Internet and Fido Support, Smart
Keyword Searching, Flexible Mail Packing
Options, File Requesting, Fax Services, Forms
Services, Much More. Sysops registering Door,
get the powerful Silver Xpress Reader for
SYSOPMVP.ZIP Yes 2607 8/19/1993
Find out how you can become a member of the
MVP Distribution Network and get all updates
and new releases of MVP Software shareware
products sent to you FREE before they are
available anywhere else. Join our team!
TAGGER10.ZIP Yes 63353 1/27/1995
TAGGER.EXE v1.0 A BBS utility to add a bit of
change to the BANNER files in InterMail and
various other BBS Mailers. Another FREE
utility from PAROLE Software and Dennis
Maidon. 1:151/185
TAP_0294.ZIP Yes 7998 2/2/1994
TAP-Net E-Mail Network Welcome to the next
generation E-Mail network for the
Technical/Programmer. TAP-Net has over 60
conferences, File Distributions Networks, and
uses the RoseNet/QWK/FIDO mail transfer.
Nodes and HUB's Needed.
TCFG10.ZIP Yes 29633 8/6/1993
TNETCFG, TNET.CFG file maker. TNET.CFG made
TECH0295.ZIP Yes 15130 1/26/1995
TECH-NET Need help with a system, program or
just want the latest industry scoop? If you
answered Yes to the above, then download this
Info Packet now! =========================
Tech-Net is a dedicated technical
QWK/REP-based E-MAIL Network. We are
presently expanding and looking for both Hubs
& Nodes to join our Net! This Info Packet
contains everything you need to apply for
Hub/Node or Moderator access! Check it out!
TEKDIST.ZIP Yes 2775 1/27/1995
A New network dedicated to the Technical
aspects of the PC
TENET893.ZIP Yes 4665 8/8/1993
Information packet tells you everything you
need to know about Te-Net. This includes
conference names.
TGLN0395.ZIP Yes 784805 3/12/1995
[ The Global-Link Network Inc. ] Online
Service International Conference & Mail
Network General Vendor Support Medical Join
This Fast Growing Network Today! Available On
Planet Connect Satellite 03/01/95 Network,
Vendor, Moderator, New User Information &
Application Packet
THEO0394.ZIP Yes 6084 3/17/1994
THEO-NET: The Christian Theology Network.
Easy to join, free to all BBS systems. If you
are a Christian board, or want to discuss
Religion, CARRY THIS! The Village:
THRB9502.ZIP Yes 45231 2/7/1995
ThrobNet International Adult Network.
America's largest and oldest adults-ONLY
network. Over 50 conferences to choose
from... Something for everyone! Now with
Network Wide Matchmaker!
TICFILE.ZIP Yes 6835 1/2/1995 Full Documentaion of What *.TIC files are
TICFN127.ZIP Yes 123426 3/11/1995 TicToss for FeathetNet Pro, v1.27 *BETA*
TICIT2A.ZIP Yes 80718 1/1/1995
An Uncompleted Alpha Release of TicIt 2.00.
This one supports: Points, Unlimited Areas, A
GUI Editor, and some of the faults TicIt 1.00
had is fixed.
TICKV150.ZIP Yes 13206 11/16/1994
TickView v1.50: Allows you to quickly view
the file name, the assigned directory, and
the description of the file as provided in
the TIC file.
TICMOVE.ZIP Yes 52060 2/4/1995
Utility to marry .tic's with the proper files
coming in off Planet Connect and only move
them, if both can be found in the toss dir,
to the processing dir for processing with a
file processor utility. 02/05/95 I fixed the
problem of not keeping the orginal file date
of files when a move was made.
TICROB13.ZIP Yes 19988 3/22/1995
TICROBO v1.03 (c) 1995 Heavenware Software
The Ultimate RoboBOARD/FX .TIC processor.
Features include: Archive conversion
(ZIP,ARJ,LZH) File_id.diz & BBS Ad importing
Virus scanning. Multiple dir. processing. ALL
configurable. Now has full logging also!
TIMB11P.ZIP Yes 150963 12/29/1993
TimEd/B11; Fast msg editor for FidoNet;
supports Squish, JAM, *.MSG and now also
Hudson bases. Now with internal editor! OS/2
(32 bit) version.
TIMG2P.ZIP Yes 164807 3/11/1994
TimEd/gamma; Fast msg editor supporting
Squish, JAM, *.MSG and Hudson bases; With
internal editor. OS/2 version.
TL941027.ZIP Yes 229407 10/27/1994
TL941027.ZIP v - The TRILINK QWK echo mail
network update and application file from the
Home of TRILINK : The Safety Shoppe BBS. If
you are thinking of joining a simple echo
mail network, without the hassles of a Front
Door program and difficult scanners and mail
tossers, this may be the network for you.
TLXPT104.ZIP Yes 84287 9/3/1994
Telix Point Script v1.04 for running a Fido
Net Point under Telix v3.x. EMSI, Hydra,
Hslink supported for bi-directional mail
transfers! External/timed Events.
TMGR010.ZIP Yes 46906 3/19/1995 TicMake v.10 *BETA* for TicToss Beta Testers*
TPOST102.ZIP Yes 41371 10/16/1993 Tpost ver 102 Tick message poster for Echomail
TRAF110.ZIP Yes 151251 2/24/1995
Echo Traffic reports for up to 1024
Fido/Opus, Hudson, JAM, Squish areas. Lists
posters' net addr, #, avg. size of msg.
TRANX0D.ZIP Yes 25518 2/23/1995 cmos clock set from mailer log (bink/fd/box)
TREKRNET.ZIP Yes 37834 6/28/1994
TrekkerNet! Information and application pack.
If you're a fan of Star Trek (OS/NG/DS9) and
are a sysop GET THIS! If you know a sysop who
might be interested, PASS IT ON! Colorado
Based! 303-494-8447 BBS
TVRO_FAQ.ZIP Yes 52841 4/17/1994 TVRO Setup for Fidonet and UseNet (FAQ List)
TXTBCST.ZIP Yes 32845 10/11/1993 Turn a TXT file into a REP/QWK file.
TYMENET.ZIP Yes 33844 11/12/1994
SysOps! - Do you wish to recieve 4-15 megs a
day of new files? Over 600 INTERNATIONAL
Message areas? UUCP Internet Email for you
users? Download this then!
ULTNT2.ZIP Yes 6472 7/30/1994
ULTRANet information packet Network of the
future Over 50 Conferences! Allows file
attachments! ANSI! Ran by Professional
People!! Non-profit Network!
UNI121CD.ZIP Yes 17461 2/28/1995
Conference descriptions for U'NI-net,
including host information. Updated monthly.
Latest: Accurate to 02/28/95.
UNI230.ZIP Yes 65914 12/23/1994
Information on the U'NI-net International
echomail network. Dossier, Application and
node listing. accepting applications from BBS
systems compatible with the .QWK/.REP mail
UPC12BAD.ZIP Yes 341742 12/15/1993
UUPC 1.12b Documentation File. Here are the
docs for this *very* complete and powerful
UUCP implementation.
USA.ZIP Yes 1784 10/26/1994 Request USATODAY Ghost Event .SCR file
USRNET16.ZIP Yes 5232 4/3/1994
USERnetInformation Packet * PA, NJ local
based network.* Easy to join, fun, user
oriented net. New nodes and hubs needed and
welcomed. No fees, no hassles. Founded 05/1992
US_03_95.ZIP Yes 25163 3/3/1995
USnetMail information packet for March 95!
America's Easy-Going Network! Join us today.
UUCICO.ZIP Yes 64996 3/22/1994
The UUCICO.EXE in this directory can be used
as a replacement for the the DOS 1.12i
archive. This replacement uses buffers, which
appears to correct a crashing problem has on
some systems. -ahd- Sun Mar 20 17:42:07 EST
UUPCB120.ZIP Yes 587626 12/18/1993
uuPCB - Version 1.20 - Shareware Release -
The most widely used USENET for PC Board!
This version is for PC Board 15.0! This
release is fully functional for registered
uuPCB Sysops and will operate in demo mode
for evaluation purposes. (demo mode limited
to 6 newsgroups but otherwise uncrippled.)
Contains all required files.
VEXNOV94.ZIP Yes 11157 10/31/1994
VexNet Adult Echo Mail Network! QWK Packet
based Network! We are a small Adult Network
looking for Nodes & Hubs to join us in some
"Great" Adult Entertainment! No hassles,
"FREE" Network with a wide variety of
Conferences. Download this file and check us
VFREQDIR.ZIP Yes 39102 1/2/1994
VFREQDIR v 3.00 01-03-94 Creates and
maintains a directory file for use with the
VBBS DirectMail FREQ. This file shows the
filename, size and description of all files
in file databases that have the FREQ flag
VN0195A.ZIP Yes 5705 1/15/1995 Virutal-Net, QWK network info
VRET893E.ZIP Yes 8808 8/8/1993
Information on how to join the brand new
VRETNET This net is for any BBS systems
intrested in Virtual Reality and New
Technologies. A specific net to meet specific
needs! We need members! Join now! Regional
and State Hubs Needed. FIDO Info Now Included
WAX1093A.ZIP Yes 9208 10/7/1993
WaxNet Application; Join an exciting new QWK
or FIDO style network with no lengthy ap-
plication time and you don't have to sign
away your first born to join. Download this
today! 18 varying conversation groups that
all users will find something they like!
WCLAW893.ZIP Yes 14696 8/25/1993
WCLawNet; The Law Enforcement Echo Mail
Network! WCLawNet is a Echo Mail Network
dedicated to the Law Enforcement and Public
communities for the purpose of information
exchange. WCLAWNET.ZIP contains Information,
Script, and Configuration files needed to
establish a WCLawNet Node as well as an
Application form to be filed via mail or net.
WCPAK_29.ZIP Yes 17206 9/17/1993
WinCNet (WinK-Net) Info Packet. The Place to
be in '93! Men and Women! Based in RI. We
treat the users like VIP's, listening to
their ideas, wants and desires. Using Tnet,
Rnet, Cnet and FIDO style transfers.
Accessible to Men and Women.
WG042894.ZIP Yes 308948 7/10/1994 WaterGate: Mailprocessor for Fido & Usenet
WHO200.ZIP Yes 16493 7/13/1994
WHO 2.00 - Add callers to your mailer's
history - FrontDoor 2.x.mL - InterMail.mL - Re
WITCHNET.ZIP Yes 4953 5/28/1994 This file contains information and an
WLST0195.ZIP Yes 32530 12/31/1994
WildNet(tm) Communications network node
listing for JAN 1995 over 640 nodes
WNET0894.ZIP Yes 26927 8/4/1994 WildNet rules and docs for August 1994
WORLD168.ZIP Yes 5389 6/17/1994
WorldNet Nodelist and Application - NEW from
Simcoe County
WTN-0994.ZIP Yes 223961 10/2/1994 World Tibet Network News - September 1994
XERO041.ZIP Yes 17268 2/12/1995
X * E * R * O * N * E * T
XeroNet is an International help/support Net
for communicating with the users and authors
of *ALL* types of software pro- grams. If you
are a programmer, of any kind, who would like
to find a Net where you can support your
software, or a user looking for a Net where
you can write to the authors directly, then
you will want to join XeroNet. This
XIF_0_9.ZIP Yes 19126 10/21/1994 XIF 0.9 Areafix'er for XSH. Freeware.
XM198OS2.ZIP Yes 603024 1/31/1995
Xenia Mailer/Edit - Version 1.98 (Eval)
FidoNet technology mailer/editor package
Available for DOS and OS/2 Featuring the
Hydra bidirectional file-transfer protocol
and much more! Lentz Software Development,
January 95
XMAIL100.ZIP Yes 346550 12/6/1993
xMail 1.00 Shareware Release - The most
powerful Mailprocessor, incl. Hudson, Squish,
JAM and *.MSG. Multi-line support and lots
lots more features.
XNET.ZIP Yes 19049 12/14/1994
X-Net The X-Files(TV show) Qwk based Network!
PGP Help confrence! This network was
established to provide a forum to learn about
the X-Files TV show, and the topics it
contains, because the Truth IS out there.
This Network was also establised as a way for
users to pass along encrypted messages
(through the use of PGP) in a reliable and
inexpensive way. These messages are
guarenteed private, but should NEVER be used
XSH_0_7.ZIP Yes 110498 10/19/1994
XSH 0.7 Beta: Scanner/Tosser for XBBS,
Squish, Hudson, GoldBase, TG 2.7, *.MSG, JAM,
RG, Ezycom, WC 4.0. Imports/Exports in FTN
*.PKT/*.3KT (stoneage(2.0)/2.2/2+/2.3/3
(FSC0065) RFC-822/1036(*.BAG) and
MESSAGES.DAT (QWK). Plain english config.
YAT110.ZIP Yes 151225 2/19/1995
Yet Another TIC Processor. DOS version w/
support for RemoteAccess FDB.
YATP110.ZIP Yes 136706 2/19/1995
YaTic - Yet Another TIC Processor, fully
understanding 5D addressing. Supports RA FDB.
ZAPMSG10.ZIP Yes 27082 1/30/1995
ZAPMSG v1.00. Tired of deleting all those
*.MSG files left over after tossing them to
or scanning them from your BBS? Let ZAPMSG
zap them for you! Easy to set up, easy to
use, and it's free. Now includes Zapper
Music! Lawrence Gordon, Author FidoNet
1:100/560 CIS 72672,1750