47 files found in Library "Database Progs/Utils"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
123PW55.ZIP Yes 31200 5/1/1994
POWER WINDOWS v5.5: Worksheet manager for
Lotus 1-2-3 files. Displays worksheets and
subdirectories. Performs routine file
operations fast. Saves keystrokes and helps
1-2-3 novices.
ASPDAT4B.ZIP Yes 113381 11/28/1994
dBASE III+ format. Use the program in
ASPROG.ZIP to browse and print labels. Can
also export to comma delimited, TXT or CDF
data files for use with other software.
ASPDAT4C.ZIP Yes 113498 12/29/1994
Lists. See ASPROG.ZIP ASP member lists in
dBASE III+ format. Use the program in
ASPROG.ZIP to browse and print labels. Can
also export to comma delimited, TXT or CDF
data files for use with other software.
ASPROG52.ZIP Yes 182753 9/24/1994
with the ASP membership dBASE files found in
ASPDAT.ZIP. Browse, print individual or all
labels. Export to comma delimited or SDF file
formats for use in other label software.
CATDS138.ZIP Yes 15665 6/6/1994
CATDOS v1.38: FoxPro project that converts
TAPCIS-compatible CIS files into an xBase
CCDF200.ZIP Yes 96100 12/31/1994
Convert comma-delimited data to columnar data
with CCDF. Some programs can not read comma-
delimited data but can understand the data if
it is arranged in columns. Don't re-key your
data, and don't pull out your hair! Use CCDF!
From Pinnacle Software the creators of the
Sapphire bulletin board system.
CDROMG11.ZIP Yes 504547 2/3/1994
CD-ROM GUIDE v1.1 Directory of DOS &
Windows CD-ROM titles. Includes title name,
system requirements, description, price, &
full publisher contact info. (incl. FAX and
800 numbers). 50 Topic categories for easy
browsing/access. Plus screen shots from
actual CD-ROMs. Many titles may only be
obtained directly from the publisher - not
through distributors or catalogs. Shareware.
COMPVEND.ZIP Yes 270621 9/2/1994 Newest vendors list.
CONVR403.ZIP Yes 126922 3/30/1994
CONVERT.EXE: Converts between data formats:
FROM dBase, ASCII-delimited (commas between
fields and quotes around strings), and fixed
field TO Lotus WKS, ASCII-delimited, dBase,
and fixed field.
DB312.ZIP Yes 188946 6/9/1994
Database Manager. Edit, browse, export,
import, create etc. Doesn't require DBase
DBMAKER.ZIP Yes 35060 5/19/1994
OsoSoft's dbMAKER 1.2 Create dummy,
comma-delimited database files. Uses
real-looking, but random data. Up to 32K
records, unlimited fields. 25 data types. Use
for database testing, name generation, and
more. FreeWare from OsoSoft. Requires
VBRUN300.DLL and Windows 3.1.
DBSURVEY.ZIP Yes 3240 5/3/1994 D'BRIDGE Survey for Chris Irwin & Development.
DDFILE70.ZIP Yes 451257 11/2/1994
ddFile 7.0a is a powerful and flexible
database manager for both the professional
and the beginner alike. Do bulk mailings,
mail merge, dupe checking, import/export,
sort, filter, and more. ddFile was written
especially for mailing list management but
can be used to manage any dBase III file for
just about any purpose.
DEJEAN.ZIP Yes 456983 1/17/1994
Access db to track classical/non-classical
DM31.ZIP Yes 394143 10/21/1994
DATA MASTER, v3.1 - Create, modify, and
sort standard dBase files, including memo
fields. Add, edit, find, and browse records
easily. Report writer, form letter writer,
mailing label printer, duplicate checker,
spreadsheet/dbase converter, query builder,
printing calculator, and more. Menu-driven &
easy to use. No knowledge of dbase required.
Includes printed User Manual. -RKS Software,
Inc. $39.00. 703-534-1726.
DRC_EXEC.ZIP Yes 64458 12/1/1994
Demand Research Corporation's DIRECTORY OF
DVER.ZIP Yes 63036 6/20/1994
dVERSION is a program that will conditionally
translate xBASE code. It allows the
programmer to have many versions of an
application in one set of source code. In
addition, dVERSION offers an INCLUDE facility
that can insert code from specified files.
ASP approved.
DW4.ZIP Yes 11549 6/20/1994
The Data-Wire Four is a Foxpro procedure
designed to allow an application to verify
databases quickly and easily. In essence, the
programmer executes DW4, generating a data
dictionary program. When executed, this
program verifies that all specified databases
exist and have the correct field layouts.
Structural indices are also verified. ASP
approved. Note: This is a Foxpro application
and requires the Foxpro runtime unit. Contact
EB50.ZIP Yes 1179370 12/6/1994
EASY BASE v5.0: Rapid Application Developer
(RAD) for data management. - Easy Base is the
first true RAD system to be available on
shareware. Create sophisticated menu driven
apps in record time.
FE5A.ZIP Yes 326117 5/27/1994
File Express 5.1 Disk 1 of 3 - Easy-to-
use, powerful database with extensive feature
set: searching, report writer to generate
reports in columnar or multi line format with
headers, footers, totals, 3 level subtotals,
label printing, form letters with mail merge,
phone dialer, calculated fields, over 60
string and numeric functions, custom design
your input screens, duplicate searching.
Shareware standard since 1984. $99.00
FE5B.ZIP Yes 336390 5/27/1994
File Express 5.1 Disk 2 of 2 - Easy-to-
use, powerful database with extensive feature
set: searching, report writer to generate
reports in columnar or multi line format with
headers, footers, totals, 3 level subtotals,
label printing, form letters with mail merge,
phone dialer, calculated fields, over 60
string and numeric functions, custom design
your input screens, duplicate searching.
Shareware standard since 1984. $99.00
FE5C.ZIP Yes 306808 5/27/1994
File Express 5.1 Disk 3 of 3 - Easy-to-
use, powerful database with extensive feature
set: searching, report writer to generate
reports in columnar or multi line format with
headers, footers, totals, 3 level subtotals,
label printing, form letters with mail merge,
phone dialer, calculated fields, over 60
string and numeric functions, custom design
your input screens, duplicate searching.
Shareware standard since 1984. $99.00
FIRE_153.ZIP Yes 149296 11/11/1994
FIREFIGHTER for "DOS". Fire Dept. record
tracking database. Tracks incident, training,
maintenance and roster records along with
wage and/or honourarium records. Many other
HDD_MDB.ZIP Yes 158803 10/29/1994 Microsoft Access Database of Hard Drive Specs
IDEX211.ZIP Yes 371474 10/14/1994
Infodex v2.11 - Multipurpose Database!
Infodex is a versatile database manager used
to keep track of names and addresses, equip-
ment, computer software, books, and much
more! Includes a FREE-FORM layout. Add,
delete, or rearrange fields EASILY! Search
for text in any field. Import and export to a
delimited text file. Quickly browse through a
list of records. Easy push button interface!
INFOPLS.ZIP Yes 505421 10/9/1994
textbase (database) for anyone who wants to
store textual information, such as product
descriptions, catalogs, memos, descriptions,
etc., then retreive, view or print by a
keyword search. You can also link a graphic
to each text record. Includes sample
databases of Sonnets, PC-DOS hints and more.
Shareware from TexaSoft $49 reg.
IPMGR_12.ZIP Yes 514340 6/1/1994
IP Manager v1.2 database to track internet
addresses, host names, etc. Use as a FTP
front-end, Telnet and other internet programs.
MAL.ZIP Yes 417124 6/20/1994
The dMAIL4 System is a set of programs
designed to record and track a simple mailing
list database. Among the dMAIL4 System
features is the ability to run in a
Multi-user environment. It can access
customer records by a variety of indices. It
can also import/export to a variety of file
formats. ASP approved. Note: This is a Foxpro
application and requires the Foxpro runtime
unit. Contact C&R Business Systems Ltd.
MOMSETUP.ZIP Yes 155334 6/23/1994
MOM is a sample Mail Order Management System,
designed to help aspiring Access developers
learn some tricks of the trade.
MURPHY.ZIP Yes 35463 10/10/1994 Murphy's law in ASCII and .DBF format
OUTPUTAS.ZIP Yes 103229 1/8/1994
Add-in to simplify report exports to
POPDBF41.ZIP Yes 132344 11/30/1994 PopDBF 4.13 4K TSR dBase File Browser/Editor
QC21A.ZIP Yes 164619 10/28/1994
Colorcube 2.1a color graphics add-on for DOS
based database management
RMS32B.ZIP Yes 603130 3/20/1994
RMS-III: Reference Management Syst. 3.2b ASP
(1 of 1) - For entry, search and reports of
biblio/reference data (with notes/abstract).
Portable dBase III data files. $45-55 lic.
Annotated menu driven system with many view,
and search options. Output to disk-file or
printer; list, card and user defined formats
for many publication requirements. Authority
and index tabulations. Import/export on-line
and CD-ROM formats by add-in module.
SAC.ZIP Yes 872737 6/20/1994
The Foxpro SAC System is a set of programs
designed to record and track the Saguaro
Astronomy Club Database. This database
includes deep-sky and double star objects.
This application can access records by a
variety of indices, including memo notes.
Foxpro SAC will also let you keep user logs.
ASP approved. Note: The Saguaro Astronomy
Club deep-sky and double-star databases can
ASTROFORUM. Note: This is a Foxpro
SCH110A.ZIP Yes 601411 3/12/1994
Application Development System- Complete
Xbase development system. Dbase file
compatible. Powerful language and 'INSTANT
RUN' system. Full set of graphics functions.
Clipper '87 compiler compatible. Registration
gets Ver. 2.00 GUI & image utilities to
create full GUI applications. Database
Applications JONATHAN COOK
SCSCRPT1.ZIP Yes 91347 9/2/1994
SC-SCRIPTER 1.0 SQL Server (MS/Sybase)
DB Script Generator- SC-Scripter is a SQL
Server management assistant. It will generate
Transact-SQL scripts for entire databases or
individual objects. The command line
interface allows integration with other tools
used as part of your database maintenance.
Database Applications SPLITCYCLE COMPUTING
SHL.ZIP Yes 350895 6/20/1994
The Shell System is an application that will
allow the user to launch selected and
password protected Foxpro applications.
Passwords may be by user or application. ASP
approved. Note: This is a Foxpro application
and requires the Foxpro runtime unit. Contact
C&R Business Systems Ltd. Compu-Serve
SNAP401.ZIP Yes 481668 10/12/1994
SNAP! Documentation and Development System
for dBASE, Clipper, FoxPro, Similar Systems
SNS34.ZIP Yes 264555 6/15/1994
Search-N-Store v3.4 - Search-N-Store
(SNS) is a multiuser, network ready database,
utilizing full record locking and data
protection. SNS uses an efficent indexed
database, giving very fast access to records,
even in huge databases. Many search and print
options are available. SNS Supports a mouse,
and a database utility program is included.
$50 registration.
STOWIT55.ZIP Yes 101182 6/6/1994
Stowit v5.5: Database Generator, design your
own database records. Includes text data
TESTDA.ZIP Yes 101443 5/3/1994 check all data in DBF Files for corrupt data
TOOLBX11.ZIP Yes 127322 2/7/1994 ToolBox V1.1 Access Library Toolbox
UNDBAR30.ZIP Yes 86390 6/13/1994
UnderBar v3.0 - a TSR (memory-resident)
program which prints an 11-digit Delivery
Point Bar Code under any address which ends
in a ZIP+4 code. UnderBar is totally
automatic and works with whatever word
processor, mailing list, or database program
you already use. Works with Epson printers,
IBM ProPrinters, and LaserJets. Registration:
VEND21GB.ZIP Yes 251798 9/14/1994
THE DISK VENDOR sales catalog system. For
businesses who need an interactive on-line
disk based catalog for their customers.
Complete instructions and compiler is
included to show you how to make your own
catalog that can be distributed royalty free
to customers. Produces very professional
looking results very simply and quickly.
Version 2.11GB
VEND21SW.ZIP Yes 253536 9/14/1994
THE DISK VENDOR sales catalog system. For
shareware distributors/vendors who wish to
create professional looking on-disk catalogs
of their products for customers. Quick, easy
to use, yet very impressive catalogs
generated. Version 2.11SW
WWIS1294.ZIP Yes 207967 12/31/1994
(NOV. '94) "Who's Who In Shareware" directory
is a useful index of the people and companies
involved in the shareware industry. Includes
authors, vendors, sysops of multi-line BBS's,
columnists and so on. If you are involved in
the shareware industry, you can obtain a free
listing. A free service of Pinnacle Software,
developers of the Sapphire BBS.