Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get a copy of these pages to read offline?

A copy of our beta test pages, in their original HTML format, is available for downloading. After all, any company that markets an offline newsreader should have an offline way to read their Web pages!

To use them, create a directory to hold the pages, like c:\agent\html. Then download the file and unzip it into that directory. Finally, use your WWW browser to view the support.htm file, using a URL like the following:


This will display the main beta test page, and you can then use the hotlinks to browse the individual sections. Most WWW browsers will let you save this URL as a bookmark, so you can have it available for reference without having to type it in every time.

Because of the way our links are defined, you'll get an error if you try to follow a link to a page that's not included in the set you downloaded. If this happens, just back up to the previous page (most WWW browsers have a Back button for this).

How do I report problems or questions about this FAQ page?

We consider these pages to be as important as the software itself; they're all part of our committment to providing the Usenet community with high-quality, well-supported products. If you find any errors or confusing statements in them, or have any suggestions about how to improve them, please send a report to We may not be able to respond individually to each message, but we will read them and attempt to update the pages accordingly.

(Please note that this address is for comments about our Web pages only, not for comments about Agent itself! See our How To Contact Us page for a list of all the addresses for comments and questions about the software.)

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