538 files found in Library "Files for Wildcat! BBS systems."

Return to the area Index
Name Extracted Size Date Description
1MENUS.ZIP Yes 3602 5/21/1992 Menus for Wildcat
1TRIMZIP.ZIP Yes 27199 10/23/1992 Activity log archive program for up to 9 Wildcat nodes!
2000LAST.ZIP Yes 27866 1/2/1993 WC3.x bulletin utility lists up to last 2000 callers. V1.00
20FLST.ZIP Yes 22104 10/6/1989 File List Utility for WC
23CODES.ZIP Yes 2871 6/23/1992 WildCat Display Code Cross Reference.
2DAYDOWN.ZIP Yes 42351 8/21/1991 Wildcat! 3.0 Utility For Making A Bulletin
2DAYUP.ZIP Yes 42984 8/20/1991 Wildcat! 3.0 Utility For Creating Bulletins
2TO1.ZIP Yes 48699 7/7/1992 2TO1 v1.20 Makes single-line list from WC 2-line file list.
300LAST.ZIP Yes 24724 8/9/1992 WC3.x util builds color list of last 300 callers. V1.05.
355I.ZIP Yes 84389 9/10/1992 Full 3.55I Patch for DIGI. READ.ME, PATCH.EXE TC355/WC355.
355M.ZIP Yes 124712 9/10/1992 Information on 3.55M
355P.ZIP Yes 124964 9/10/1992 Information on 3.55P
355S.ZIP Yes 123146 9/10/1992 Information on 3.55S
3DALA10.ZIP Yes 34089 4/10/1993 3DALA10 3 Dollar Activity Log Archiver for WC v3.xx
3DNN01.ZIP Yes 30691 9/2/1992 Adds caller name/number to a file, such as an activity log.
3DPDSCR.ZIP Yes 1834 2/24/1993 3D PULL DOWN MENUS From Naughty Bytes BBS.
3SCRNROT.ZIP Yes 22614 8/31/1992 For Wildcat Sysops
4TESSLA.ZIP Yes 30558 8/13/1992 Menus from TESSLA BBS in Georgia.
6TESSLA.ZIP Yes 34260 8/28/1992 Menus from TESSLA BBS in Georgia.
ACOLOR62.ZIP Yes 14643 10/29/1992 ANSI Color Generator ACOLOR.EXE v6.2 Add ANSI color to ASCii files. Supports WC!3.x and PCB special color codes. Also creates files using ANSI color. Fully SysOp configurable. Registration: FREE
ACTIV9.ZIP Yes 3282 10/3/1992 Activity Log ZIP creator for each node by DAY etc..
ACTIVE11.ZIP Yes 34459 8/27/1992 Active v1.1 Scans activity logs and sends message to users.
ACTSTA12.ZIP Yes 33913 1/27/1992 Activity log statistics generator.
ACTSTRIP.ZIP Yes 12624 7/7/1992 Removes references to any specified USER from WC 3.x ACTIVITY.00x file. Can be used to for example take out SYSOP logons which can create 'unrealistic' statistics, etc. Does not over-write existing log, writes a new one which can be copied back, etc.
ACTV333.ZIP Yes 97902 1/1/1993 ActView v3.33 Wildcat! v3 Activity Log Viewer/Analyzer.
ACTV333B.ZIP Yes 96483 3/5/1993 Actview 3.33b Activity Log Manager For WildCa
ADDBAD10.ZIP Yes 19182 8/14/1992 AddBad v1.0, SCANFILE util to add FILENAME.* to BADFILES.LST
ADDFILES.ZIP Yes 76192 2/13/1992 Add files to you ALLFILES.DAT after ROBOCOMM use.
ADDLOG1.ZIP Yes 5374 11/29/1992 ADDLOG V1.0 Activity log appender for Wildcat
AFLC10.ZIP Yes 35665 1/25/1993 ALLFILES will allow you to exclude up to 50 file areas from the list and it allows any compression utility to be used to create your compressed version of the list. ALLFILES will also freshen the file size, date, & time in your wildcat ALLFILES.DAT. Several configuration files can be used. Has been tested on Novell.
ALOTMUSI.ZIP Yes 33751 3/9/1992 A Lot a Music for bbs screens, with tools. Updated 3/9/92.
ALTX.ZIP Yes 1453 4/10/1993 WC 3.x! "Gag" download screen, a must for sysops!
ANSICHEK.ZIP Yes 57615 11/29/1992 Check for presence of ANSI.SYS w/bat file.
APDZ21.ZIP Yes 64987 11/21/1992 Apply-Diz v2.1 � Did you ever wish there was an easy way to insert your PCBoard directory descriptions into the archives as a FILE_ID.DIZ description file? Well, look no further! Apply-Diz is the utility that will make your file system complete, and best of all, it will enhance the service you provide to subscribers who download files from your BBS. Major enhancements! See APP-DIZ.HIS *** SHAREWARE *** Compiled 11/21/92
APUTDESC.ZIP Yes 14375 5/30/1992 APUTDESC is a Wildcat 3.x+ utility which adds a DESC.SDI to any .ZIP, .ARJ, or .LZH archive when it is uploaded. It runs in SCANFILE.BAT along with AUTODESC (if used). If the upload already contains a DESC.SDI file, it is skip- ped.
AREA909.ZIP Yes 18768 10/30/1992 WC3.x SysOp util updates user records for 714/909 AC split.
ATI9600E.ZIP Yes 673 1/29/1992 This is the Initialization string for the ATI 9600 etc/e modem for use with PCBoard. 
AUTOMES.ZIP Yes 51421 1/25/1993 AutoMessage v1.0 Force users to view msg before logoff! WC3+
AVIEW63E.ZIP Yes 64529 6/6/1992 Aviewcom v6.3e Archive view to Console.
AVWRUN11.ZIP Yes 18585 7/24/1992 AVIEWRUN JDLove AVIEWCOM Companion for Sysop Rel 1 Rev 1
AWUP320.ZIP Yes 71815 11/18/1991 Actview 3.2 for Wildcat (11/18/91) update for registered 3.11 users! Registered Actview 3.11 required. Reports available through support BBS now! Shareware version available
BADLIST.ZIP Yes 8568 2/9/1992 Stop uploads of SAME file with different archive extentions.
BBSBUL19.ZIP Yes 126377 11/9/1992 Sample Bullet Files
BBSC.ZIP Yes 5591 1/21/1993 BBSC Simple @CODE@ viewer for Wildcat v3.+.
BBSMAN10.ZIP Yes 160522 2/23/1993 Bulletin Board Manager keeps track of all important info.
BBSUSES.ZIP Yes 6488 2/17/1993 Informational text file on using Wildcat in a business.
BDAYPREP.ZIP Yes 45700 1/26/1992 WC3.x/2.x User Birthdate extractor for TODAYBBS, etc. V3.05
BFX2WC.ZIP Yes 1221 12/1/1992 BFX <==> WC Converter
BICAT45S.ZIP Yes 105682 2/6/1992 Bi-Modem Interface for WIldcat
BICATS61.ZIP Yes 68729 7/18/1992 BICATS v6.1 WildCat 3.50 and BiModem Interface.
BIGLIST2.ZIP Yes 11407 4/4/1992 Wildcat 3.x+ Files Listing program. No limit on files database size! Allows IN- CLUDING only desired Areas, or EXCLUDING desired areas.
BIKIT32S.ZIP Yes 261952 5/24/1992 Bi-Modem Interface for Wildcat
BIKIT36.ZIP Yes 264056 7/18/1992 BIKITTY v3.6 WildCat 3.x and BiModem Interface.
BILL10.ZIP Yes 82717 1/23/1993 Billboard Service v1.0 Users create @CODE@ HELLO.BBS online!
BIMODWC.ZIP Yes 482 3/5/1992 Using Bi-Modem With Wildcat
BINBANK.ZIP Yes 11140 2/12/1993 All menus from The Binary Bank (805)461-0102.
BINGO.ZIP Yes 49646 2/18/1993 AMOEBA BINGO! Bingo Door from AMOEBA WARE, no expiration!
BITE1.ZIP Yes 31830 7/13/1992 Menu/Hello screens from BYTE-ONE BBS.
BKUPWC44.ZIP Yes 28338 3/9/1993 WILDCAT BACKUP v4.4 UTILITY Originally, it handled .zip format, but has been enhanced with ARJ's replacement and a cleaning up of the main code. Will backup to all floppy sizes including 2.88 meg's and tape drives that use logical drive assignments using the "T" disksize option or the "AUTO" commandline option!
BOBCT36M.ZIP Yes 150716 11/15/1992 BOBCAT v3.6 Call back verifier for MULTI line WC v3.x
BOBCT36S.ZIP Yes 148775 10/4/1992 BOBCAT v3.6 Call back verifier for SINGLE line WC v3.x
BREAKCAT.ZIP Yes 35785 5/31/1992 ** BreakCAT! v1.0 Beta ** Breaks up Michael Conley's FLOP file listings to separate the listing into individual area files to be imported by WCFile.
BULL0193.ZIP Yes 111095 1/2/1993 InterNational Wildcat! Bulletin Board Directory JAN 1993.
BULL1292.ZIP Yes 109510 12/6/1992 InterNational Wildcat! Bulletin Board Directory
BULLS.ZIP Yes 5321 9/26/1992 Sample Bullet Files
BYSTAT32.ZIP Yes 23263 3/27/1993 Makes screen of callers from each State, Configurable This program will create a Hellox or a Bullx screen showing the total number of callers to your BBS from each State, plus Foreign calls. Will work with Single or Multi-Node Wildcat 3.x BBS. Now configurable for all "Non-Standard" QuesNew.Dat files. From Larry Edwards\Tinker software 
B_CRC2.ZIP Yes 324620 12/1/1992 B-CRC(c) File Upload Checker for WC! A file upload duplication checker for Wildcat 3.0+ BBS systems.Verifies ZIP, GIF and sfxEXE's by CRC check. Complete report of duplications on your BBS. SCANS files after U/L for duplicates and sends report to user & log. Easy to setup and maintain. Version 0.91 Released 12/1/92 Support Board: The Solar System BBS 714-837-9677/3218
B_CRC2A.ZIP Yes 384902 1/28/1993 B-CRC(c) File Upload Checker for WC! A file upload duplication checker for Wildcat 3.0+ BBS systems.Verifies ZIP, GIF and sfxEXE's by CRC check. Complete report of duplications on your BBS. SCANS files after U/L for duplicates and sends report to user & log. Easy to setup and maintain. Version 0.92 Released 1/28/93 Support Board: The Solar System BBS 714-837-9677/3218
CALCAT22.ZIP Yes 142717 1/8/1993 CalCat v2.2 Screen swaping utility for Wildcat v3.
CALCAT3.ZIP Yes 90838 10/19/1992 CalCat v3.0 Holiday screen swaping utility.
CALCAT32.ZIP Yes 337925 5/1/1993 CalCat v3.2 Holiday screen swaping utility.
CALCAT4.ZIP Yes 91997 10/19/1992 CalCat v1.2 Screen swaping utility for WC 3.x.
CALEND1.ZIP Yes 206295 2/17/1993 Calendar door for Wildcat 3.x.
CALLCNT2.ZIP Yes 12099 12/18/1992 Callcnt2 - Numbers each call in your log. For Wildcat v3.x BBSs. This program will keep track of the number of callers you have had and will record, in your Activity.xxx file, the number of each call. Will work with multiple logs, can be used as part of Postcall.Bat or Nightly Event. 
CALLOG.ZIP Yes 37163 1/27/1992 Create ANSI/ASCII display from the activity log.
CALLS11.ZIP Yes 17266 2/20/1993 CALLER LOG 1.0 FOR WILDCAT 3.xx (S or M) It is easy to install and easy to operate! Creates bulletins for who called the bbs today, and who called the bbs yesterday. It generates bulletins using your activity logs. It also generates a Summary Screen. It supports multi-node or single node WILDCAT & uses WILDCAT's @ commands for all color changes. 'NO KEY IS REQUIRED' Program is shareware and completely functional. GlassWare Software H. Allen Cravener The Glass Menagerie II 215-376-1819 V32.b
CAMCRC20.ZIP Yes 92793 10/29/1992 Cams-CRC Upload Processor for WildCat v3.5 Tests the integrity of GIF/ZIP files. Will scan for a virus. Can remove/add ZIP comments. It will check for an oldest file date as well. Best of all, it checks for duplicate files. Very fast and efficient. Registration $20.00. Call our 800 number and order today.
CARD9632.ZIP Yes 2487 11/25/1992 Utility for Wildcat Based Systems
CATADD15.ZIP Yes 54622 7/22/1992 CatADD v 1.5 Adds SDI & DIZ description Files to Uploads Catadd works with Catscan and checks if there is a DIZ or SDI description file in an archive if there is then it Not only adds that information to the Description but puts this whole message in to the Wildcat Extra file information area. It adds keywords to the file record if catadd fills in the short description. Lets you define how long the DIZ/SDI description is before it imports it into the extended info. It is Sysop configurable on when to overwrite the users description. This File will ONLY work for REGISTERED CATSCAN OWNERS! information on how you can register Catscan is included in this archive.. This version gets rid of that funny arrow at the end and allows editing the Information after its imported.
CATADFF.ZIP Yes 16194 8/10/1992 CatAdFF.ZIP Adds SDI/DIZ Desc to existing files in Wildcat If you use Wildcat file forward Ver 2.51 it will make a runlater.txt file that Catscan2 will use to update the file archive format. This Program will use CatAdd to add the long desc file to the database. This program will also add SDI/DIZ descriptions to files that are in the WIldcat Database but do not have long descriptions for them even though they have DIZ/SDI files in the archive. Catadff uses the runlater.txt file to pass the filename and path to Catadd so it can be run from a batch file. I have included sample bat files just modify to suite your needs. You MUST have CatAdd.EXE to run this program. Contact Farrell Reis For questions about how to run CatAdFF BBS Number (916) 368-7518 HST/DS
CATC139.ZIP Yes 54309 5/1/1993 CatCall v1.39 Last Caller Identification Program for WC v3.x
CATCH1.ZIP Yes 46959 4/23/1992 Utility for Wildcat Based Systems
CATCL21B.ZIP Yes 65787 11/8/1991 CatCalls: Automated script for WildCat using Telix
CATCOLOR.ZIP Yes 60041 9/26/1992 Shows WC 3.x files as they will look online. Ver 1.40
CATLIST1.ZIP Yes 156612 8/23/1992 CatList v1.0 Initial Release! A Wildcat! 3.x specific BBS List Door that may be set for a specified number of days to keep a lising current. At the end of that time, CatList will notify the lister that his listing has expired and will be deleted. Creates a Full- Color bulletin using WC!3.x color codes and a text file resembling WCLIST.TXT from Mustang! BBS. $25 REG Fee
CATLOG41.ZIP Yes 77534 2/19/1992 CatLog v4.10. Activity Log Reporter/Bulletin Generator.
CATN025.ZIP Yes 77461 7/29/1992 Catnode nodelist processor for Wildcat!
CATN100.ZIP Yes 46860 10/17/1992 CATNODE v1.0 Nodelist Processor for WILDCAT! v3
CATS40DU.ZIP Yes 90037 9/27/1992 CatStat v4.0c - A Wildcat 3.x+ Utility that replaces /augments WCPro for creating Stats on a Wildcat BBS. Can do the following: 1) Keeps a breakdown of calls by hour and Day for History of BBS. 2) Keeps track of the use of each door by name for that Day. 3) Includes dynamic Download/Upload Screens including type of Protocol Used and problem listings. 4) Keeps track of TomCat if it is active in the system. SHAREWARE - Three Paws Productions (513) 745-0965 BBS 
CATSCAN2.ZIP Yes 164250 7/29/1992 CatScan V 1.1 The Ultimate File Scanner and Maintainer WC3.x Catscan will litterly let the user upload any kind of a file and it will check it for integrity, the date of the files in the archive, TD0 files, Imbedded archives, recursed directories, unwanted files in the archive and then if the newly uploaded file is not in the form of your default archive it will change it to that form (Should only be used in Catscan2 at this time) with out you lifting a finger. 
CATSCAN3.ZIP Yes 164433 10/27/1992 CatScan V 1.3 The Ultimate File Scanner and Maintainer WC3.x Catscan will litterly let the user upload any kind of a file and it will check it for integrity, the date of the files in the archive, TD0 files, Imbedded archives, recursed directories, unwanted files in the archive and then if the newly uploaded file is not in the form of your default archive it will change it to that form (Should only be used in Catscan2 at this time) with out you lifting a finger. 
CATSCR.ZIP Yes 2080 8/1/1992 Custom screen for the Ultimate WC! OnLine scanner [CatScan].
CBBSSTAT.ZIP Yes 8478 2/24/1993 A Wildcat User Stat Screen! That will knock your socks off!!!
CCUTILS.ZIP Yes 28223 4/29/1993 CALCAT Conversion utility for switching to new Calcat.
CDCLUU10.ZIP Yes 44349 4/19/1992 Activity analyzer for use with CDROM.ZIP for wildcat 3.0X.
CDDC.ZIP Yes 9656 4/7/1993 CD-ROM Drive change Alter drive letter in WC v3.x database
CDFSIZE.ZIP Yes 12556 6/13/1992 WC3 util, puts correct CD-ROM file SIZE into WC file d-base.
CDRPATH.ZIP Yes 17982 7/12/1992 WC3.x SysOp Util stuffs CDROM path in ALLFILES.DAT. V1.00
CENSOR10.ZIP Yes 46087 1/8/1993 Censor v1.0 Finds and removes vulgar language in WC messages
CHATMUP.ZIP Yes 18639 6/17/1992 WC3.x SysOp Util globally enables CHAT by sec level. V1.00
CHATON.ZIP Yes 10287 1/15/1992 WCAT3.0+, reset all user records to 'chat available'. Fast.
CHEFDOOR.ZIP Yes 86605 1/19/1992 WC3.x DOOR lists recipes from up to 18 listings. Ver 3.03
CHGCLR10.ZIP Yes 10214 1/9/1992 Make bulk @COLOR@ code changes in system display files.
CHKDOBBS.ZIP Yes 8528 9/25/1992 ChkDOBBS v1.5 FrontDoor 2.xx DOBBS.BAT.
CHKSEC20.ZIP Yes 52183 4/14/1992 Checks AGE and SECURITY level to prevent adult access.
CIMEX.ZIP Yes 17265 11/1/1992 CIMEX v1.01 Import/Export Conference Desc's to text WC v3.x.
CLINTON1.ZIP Yes 11186 2/23/1993 A Day's Left for Clinton, as used on Wild Bee's BBS.
CONF200.ZIP Yes 21826 8/11/1992 ConfFix v2.0 Sort Conferences in Makewild anyway! WC v3.
CONFSEC.ZIP Yes 21129 5/30/1992 WC 3.x util globally sets security level conf. access V1.00
CONFXREF.ZIP Yes 21943 11/1/1992 WC3.x util cross-references your TOMCAT/TNET config. V1.01
COOLMENU.ZIP Yes 5903 5/28/1992 Utility for Wildcat Based Systems
CP201.ZIP Yes 41479 2/13/1992 CATPORT v2.01. Converts many doors for use with WildCat!
CR100.ZIP Yes 36168 10/26/1992 CONFREST v1.0 Resets active conference numbers in POSTCALL.
CREMSG.ZIP Yes 11460 8/16/1992 CREMSG v1.01 Create .REP message packets for Tomcat!
CSF10.ZIP Yes 13546 7/18/1992 for WildCat! v3.xx & CatScan - 07/18/92 This is a little program to create a log of the FAILED Scan entries from your Activity.Log(s). It's primary purpose was for the use of remote sysops, but I have found it very handy for my own use in local mode. It will be easy for multi-line systems to implement using an unused node number, or the sysops local node. Single line systems could utilize any file name for the output file and have it in their files database to type the file out on line. CSF.EXE can be located in any pathed directory.
CWCTED10.ZIP Yes 87838 9/12/1992 - - - - - CWCTxtEd v1.0 - - - - - CWCTxtEd is a WC3.x util that replaces MSI's MKWCTEXT.EXE. If features a color WYSIWYG editor that shows color changes as they are made! Also comes with search and replace, and much more. Shareware $15
DADD01.ZIP Yes 30419 2/16/1992 DADD v1.0. Adds or subtracts callers time after door use.
DALLAS.ZIP Yes 747 9/7/1992 Flight Simulator IV A&SD Scenery, DFW, Dallas Fort Worth and
DATALOG.ZIP Yes 33277 1/28/1992 Datalog use with Dataview to create ANSI/ASCII display files
DATAV31.ZIP Yes 111426 9/2/1992 DataView v3.1: The Online Archive File Viewer for WildCat!
DAYB4_10.ZIP Yes 54398 12/8/1991 Makes bbs screens for "days b4 xmas" wc!3.x or ansi.
DBM.ZIP Yes 1908 11/18/1992 Menu screens from the DMB BBS.
DIGFOS11.ZIP Yes 20973 1/10/1993 DigiFossil v1.1 Run FOSSIL doors on Wildcat! IM system.
DIGFOS12.ZIP Yes 21268 1/19/1993 DigiFossil v1.2 Run FOSSIL doors on Wildcat! IM system.
DIGIKIT.ZIP Yes 12241 7/15/1992 Code For Accessing DigiBoard (WCIM BBS)
DIZCAT10.ZIP Yes 45439 7/26/1992 DIZzyCat! DIZ Importer v 1.0, 07-27-92. Imports FILE_ID.DIZ and DESC.SDI from an upload to Wildcat!'s file description. (Wildcat! version 3.50 or higher required.) -AV by author, Affordable Computer Services. Shareware, $10 registration.
DOOROK10.ZIP Yes 15208 4/29/1993 DoorOK 1.0 - Restrict door access according to conference
DOORSTAT.ZIP Yes 49940 1/11/1992 Generate display files regarding door usage.
DPARM11.ZIP Yes 24015 10/31/1992 DoorParm v1.1 Extracts info from DOOR.SYS used in .bat
DPMSG232.ZIP Yes 65822 8/19/1992 DUPMSG v2.32 Find and delete duplicate messages in WC v3.5.
DPMSG261.ZIP Yes 70840 4/28/1993 DUPMSG v2.61 Find and deletes duplicate messages in WC v3.x
DR10.ZIP Yes 17858 1/15/1993 Door Report v1.0 Analyzes door usage in Wildcat v3.x.
DROP125.ZIP Yes 45351 10/7/1991 WC! 3.0 list Drop Carriers Daily report.... Version 1.25
DROPLIST.ZIP Yes 31497 4/2/1993 Droplist 1.0, extracts info from door.sys on Wildcat for commandline.
DROPMSG3.ZIP Yes 15363 8/21/1992 DROPMSG3 is a Wildcat 3.x+ utility similar to my DROPMSG2, except it uses Dave Cody's ex- cellent POSTMSTR utility to create a MESSAGE to users who drop carrier, as opposed to the 'display file' USERnn.BBS. See the .DOC file for a comparison of the two and full infor- mation. (POSTMSTR (c) Dave Cody). This release 8-21-92 has a bug fix, I misread Dave's command line switches. The /N has been changed to /* to stop adding the note to ACTIVITY.00x.
DROPTRK3.ZIP Yes 18974 11/29/1991 Creates a USER###.BBS for dropped carrier and keeps track!
DROP_C10.ZIP Yes 20135 2/14/1993 DROP-C - Makes "USER.BBS" for WC! BBS DROP-C will create a "USERxxx.BBS" to callers that drop carrier to exit the BBS. When they call again they will get a message asking them to exit the BBS properly. DROP-C will work with multi lines, also you can create your OWN message to send the caller. Easy set-up, safe, FAST operation. 
DTRAC200.ZIP Yes 19109 12/1/1992 Tracks files added/deleted since baseline lists duplicates
DTXMAS.ZIP Yes 7024 10/9/1992 Days till Christmas v1.0 - WC!3.x Screen Maker
DUPEUSER.ZIP Yes 20721 5/3/1992 WC 3.x util reports users with dupe phones/passwords. V 1.11
DUPMSG23.ZIP Yes 64946 8/13/1992 DUPMSG v2.3 Finds and deletes duplicate messages in WC v3.5
DUPMSG24.ZIP Yes 70320 12/11/1992 DUPMSG 2.4 Finds and deletes duplicate messages in WC v3.5.
DV31FIX.ZIP Yes 70564 1/7/1993 DataView 3.1 update for PKZIP 2.04c.
EDEVENT.ZIP Yes 26271 2/4/1992 WC3.x SysOp Util edits, sorts events for any node. Ver 1.02
ENFORC11.ZIP Yes 86883 4/21/1993 ENFORCER logs user off if SEC level doesn't match cfg. file! EXCELLENT for those who hub mail and don't run a front end that can keep non-mail calls off while the nodes call in to get mail! Has many other uses too! For example, you can reward paying users with better access during prime time by locking out non-payers while enforcer is active! Uses WC3.6 login1.bat along with 2 other bats I include and should run as an HARD event to turn it on and a SOFT event to turn it off! Registration is just $10.00 and let's you display the included ANSI instead of the boring message that get's displayed. Edit your own ANSI if you wish...(After Registration of course....hehehe) Read history.txt for changes made with new versions.
ERRCODES.ZIP Yes 5570 10/22/1992 Error Code Listings for WILDCAT, WILDMAIL! and WCCFF!
EXDL112.ZIP Yes 226140 2/18/1993 EXpress DownLoad, v1.12, fast direct caller downloads!
EXPIRE.ZIP Yes 9121 1/20/1993 ExpireDate v1.1 Tracks how many days until users expiration.
FACT31S.ZIP Yes 18170 3/16/1993 Makes Bullx of File Activity. Shows Name, Prot,Cps etc. WC3x Makes a bulletin showing file activity on your BBS. Includes such information as Callers Name, Filename, whether it was U/L or D/L, Connection Baud, Protocol used and the CPS as reported by Wildcat!. This is the Single Node version and will only read the Activity.001 file, watch for FACT31M for the multi-Node version. Larry Edwards 
FASTFWD.ZIP Yes 14156 2/11/1992 FASTFWD v1.1 Allow AreaFix rescan requests with WildMail/WC3
FCAT_SV1.ZIP Yes 29051 8/31/1992 Change drive letters in your ALLFILES.DAT for WC3
FDSC201.ZIP Yes 21655 9/21/1992 FILEDESC 2.01 - Generate WildCat File List * WildCat system operator's utility to * generate a list of files from WildCat's * file database.
FDSC210.ZIP Yes 16699 2/5/1993 FILEDESC 2.10 - Generate WildCat File List * WildCat system operator's utility to * generate a list of files from WildCat's * file database.
FF351B.ZIP Yes 125120 7/16/1992 WCFFWD for Widcat. Bug Fixes.
FFEED31.ZIP Yes 82303 5/4/1992 Utility for Wildcat Based Systems
FFIND10.ZIP Yes 48029 3/7/1993 FileFind v1.0 Quick file finder for files in ALLFILES.DAT
FIDOCAT.ZIP Yes 43471 10/7/1992 Utility for Wildcat Based Systems
FILEFLAG.ZIP Yes 18198 2/1/1992 WC3.x SysOp util reports sets file flags by areas. Ver 1.00
FILEHUNT.ZIP Yes 54818 2/7/1992 WC3.x DOOR: search file lists from other BBSes. Ver 3.05
FILEQ102.ZIP Yes 343130 3/9/1993 File Equalizer Release Version 1.02 For Wildcat 3.xx The File Equalizer is a door that allows you to create a file data base with a file list. It will call the bbs from whom you made the file list database from and download those file(s) and add them to your Wildcat database. User(s) send you money to put in their bank account and you charge for each kilobyte downloaded. When they run out of money they send you more to access more downloads. This can allow you to have a large database offline and save HD room. A great way for your bbs to make money! 
FILESBBS.ZIP Yes 21993 12/21/1992 WC3.x utility makes FILES.BBS in selected area(s). V1.03.
FILESTAT.ZIP Yes 42904 2/21/1993 Produce Neat Stats & MORE from WC3.x ALLFILES.DAT Userstat reads your ( Wildcat! 3.x ONLY ) ALLUSERS.DAT file, and extracts a bunch of information from it, and then places it in the display files of your choice. $ 15.00 Registration Fee required past 15 days usage. Please Send Registrations to : Keith R. Personett / P3 Ventures Software c/o Filestat Registration 17878 Preston Road #106 Dallas, Tx. 75252 If you have any questions, feel free to call The Assassin's Guild BBS at 214-713-7036
FINDNOD1.ZIP Yes 23889 12/14/1992 FINDNODE v1.0 WC Door to search through Fido Nodelist.
FINDUSER.ZIP Yes 25091 9/2/1992 WC3.x Util searches ALLUSERS.DAT fields for match. Ver 1.01
FIXOFLAG.ZIP Yes 10932 1/24/1992 Sets WC3.x+ OFF-LINE flag for any Missing files!
FIXSIZE.ZIP Yes 11099 1/11/1992 Places correct file size in file database record after SCAN.
FOFFHOOK.ZIP Yes 29535 3/13/1993 WC 3.x IM DigiBoard util: place modem offhook/onhook. V 1.00
FSTAT.ZIP Yes 22582 12/19/1992 WC3.x bulletin utility lists file area statistics. V1.20
FSUM201.ZIP Yes 12127 2/20/1993 FILESUM 2.01 - Generate File Database Summary Report This utility for WildCat system operators creates a report that shows, for each file category, the total number of files and the total size of the files. It is fast and can handle file collections larger than four gigabytes. Two versions of the report are generated: one includes color and the other is plain text.
GBYROT.ZIP Yes 24399 9/19/1992 Utility for Wildcat Based Systems
GFBACK11.ZIP Yes 32465 11/5/1992 Create Backups using the Grandfather Technique. Version 1.1 An easier way to keep a number of backups spanning around 30 days in only 10 files/directories. GFATHER will execute any DOS command, IE Copy, Zip Etc therefore creating a historical backup. There is an history command to show you the dates/times the backups were created along with how old the backup is.
GIFCAT.ZIP Yes 51778 1/20/1992 WC3/GIF utils! Auto-add GIF INTERNAL DESCRIP to WC uploads!
GIFTXT10.ZIP Yes 46595 9/11/1992 GIFTXT v1.0, GIFTXT scans existing and uploaded GIF's and inserts the internal GIF comment into WILDCAT! databases. It also has a standard text export mode which may allow BBSes other than WC! to use GIFTXT. A FREEWARE first from Planet >< Programming!
GOMAIL11.ZIP Yes 258516 12/7/1992 GOMail v1.1 a Echo Mail Message Tosser for Wildcat v 3.x ! systems. It creates packets that get sent from one system to the next. It also receives packets and puts them into your message databases so you and your users can read and reply to them. GOMail works in conjunction with a "Front End" to get mail to and from your system. GOMail has been tested with two front ends D'bridge and Front Door. GOMail's beginning started on Oct 7th 1992 and will continue to be enhanced for the months to come. 
GPAPER53.ZIP Yes 20077 10/29/1992 Compu-Paper Generator - GPAPER.EXE v5.30 Adds computer paper effect to text files. SysOp configurable as to background color. Creates ANSI, WC!3.x and PCB color coded files. Set environment variables for different BBS systems and file extensions. Registration : FREE
GRAFSTAT.ZIP Yes 76530 7/4/1992 Make single screens out of WCpro statistical output. Great!
GWHQPR16.ZIP Yes 130445 3/2/1993 GWHQPRO v1.6 ProPrompts for WC and TC 3.60! Complete set of ASCii ready to load prompt files. New set of Color designs to match anyones taste or BBS!. Requires Wildcats MKWCTEXT. All files are in ASCii format which you can view and save in their Default .Dat format. Free Support is availabe and these files are Free to all Wildcat SysOps! Smart Batch Files are included so you can swap Prompt files daily or as you wish.
HACKDISP.ZIP Yes 26578 12/24/1992 HACKDISP v1.2 - The best Wildcat! v3.x ANSI screen converter just got better! HACKDISP now supports 43/50 line mode, and Laughing Dog screen format. Convert from @COLOR@ codes to .DOG, ANSI to .DOG, or .DOG to @COLOR@ painlessly. Now you can import your menus and screens or any ANSI file into Laughing Dog without pesky screen capture TSRs or recreating everything from scratch. View @COLOR@ or .DOG screens in full color or black & white. HACKDISP is the perfect companion for the WC! 3.x sysop or Laughing Dog user. Laughing Dog c. 1992 Jeff Sloan and Yardbird Software. 
HALLOWS.ZIP Yes 6642 10/7/1992 Days till Halloween v1.1 - Bug Fix for Halloween Day
HCAT20.ZIP Yes 39788 11/4/1992 Holiday countdown reminder a& display program Wildcat!
HELLOBBS.ZIP Yes 105997 10/3/1992 Wildcat! 3.0 Utility For Creating A Goodbye
HELLOXX.ZIP Yes 773 2/5/1992 Utility for Wildcat Based Systems
HHSCRNS.ZIP Yes 48635 8/2/1992 Happy Hacker BBS menus and display screens Enclosed are the HELLO screens and Menu screens I use on my BBS. Feel free to modify them if you like.
HOLICAT.ZIP Yes 36980 10/14/1992 Days till Holiday screen maker v1.0 - for WC!3.x
HOLISCRN.ZIP Yes 23428 9/1/1992 reat news daily program for ildcat...Display news in ansi
HOS31.ZIP Yes 18608 2/28/1993 HOS31 - Creates a "HALL of SHAME" Bulletin. WC3.x BBSs "HOS" will work with multi- nodes, it reads your Activity.xxx log files and creates a "HALL of SHAME" bulletin in the directory you specify. The bulletin will display names of anyone that dropped carrier on that node. Use as part of your daily event batch file. From Larry Edwards and Tinker Software. 
HOSTGE12.ZIP Yes 49408 2/20/1993 HOSTAGE v1.2 Creates a Bulletin/Hello Screen for all you Conservative SysOps still lurking about. A FREE utility from PAROLE Software. ONLY uses WC!3.x color codes. I take no responsiblilty for all the whining and crying from Liberals and Democrats. HOSTAGE now supports WC!3.x and PCB specific color codes as well as regular ANSI/ASCII files.
HOURLOG.ZIP Yes 29530 1/31/1992 Generates ASCII/ANSI bulletins from activity logs.
HSCAT3S.ZIP Yes 98950 4/12/1992 HSCats v3.0 and HSLink with Wildcat.
HSCATS.ZIP Yes 99269 2/20/1992 Utility for Wildcat Based Systems
HSCATS13.ZIP Yes 135923 2/8/1992 Utility for Wildcat Based Systems
HSTDSNEW.MDM No 271 2/27/1993 Modem setup for the NEW HST Dual Standards.
HS_WC3.ZIP Yes 500 11/20/1991 HS/Link batch files for Wildcat! v3.x bbs's.
HS_WC35.ZIP Yes 1125 6/29/1992 How to setup HS-LINK with Wildcat v3.5!
HTRATE14.ZIP Yes 77057 3/25/1993 High Transfer Rate Version 1.4 - Protocol Bulletin Maker This program will generate a bulletin or pre-download screen for WildCat BBS's showing the best speed acheived by each protocol for each connect speed.
HYDRASET.ZIP Yes 11230 2/21/1993 Text info/sample batches for the HYDRA protocol in WC v3.xx.
ILAPP107.ZIP Yes 45024 2/18/1992 ILink APPlication Forms Generator v1.07: provides backround info about the ILink mail network and generates membership application forms; 02/19/92; Mark Rapp
INFORM12.ZIP Yes 70438 10/16/1992 Monitor the Activities of Specific Users - uses PostMaster An easier way to keep an eye on specific WildCat users activities. You won't need to scan the activity logs of multiple nodes to find out what that persons upto! Use with PostMaster to import the messages to the Sysop. Version 1.2 is a Bug Fix to the INFOEDIT program only.
INSTIM11.ZIP Yes 39946 9/7/1992 Insert Time Stamps in Display Files - Version 1.1 Allows quick and easy insertion of Time and or Date into any Text, ANSI, WC Display File. Very useful for including the times of external activities in your display files, ie. Mail Runs Etc.
INTEL144.ZIP Yes 630 10/30/1992 Information on the new intel 14.4ex v.32bis modem, includes
JMSTS101.ZIP Yes 52374 11/26/1992 JMSTATS is a complete activity log file analyzer for Wildcat! bulletin boards. It will read from either a 3.55 or 2.55 version activity log file and create multiple display files. There are many different outputs to show how your BBS is operating and where the majority of the time is being used. It will allow the use of either ANSI or WILDCAT! color codes to be added into the output files. These files can be automatically added in as HELLO or Bulletin screens and can be configured by the sysop to meet his own needs. One of the major features of JMSTATS is it's ability to keep track of what files a person has downloaded. There are 8 different output displays and many have optional sorting paramaters. It will allow you to do both long and short term tracking of your system. 
JMSTS20.ZIP Yes 80597 2/10/1993 JMSTATS is a complete activity log file analyzer for Wildcat! bulletin boards. It will read from either a 3.55 or 2.55 version activity log file and create multiple display files. There are many different outputs to show how your BBS is operating and where the majority of the time is being used. It will allow the use of either ANSI or WILDCAT! color codes to be added into the output files. These files can be automatically added in as HELLO or Bulletin screens and can be configured by the sysop to meet his own needs. One of the major features of JMSTATS is it's ability to keep track of what files a person has downloaded. There are 8 different output displays and many have optional sorting paramaters. It will allow you to do both long and short term tracking of your system. 
KATCONF.ZIP Yes 8455 8/11/1992 KatConf v1.0 Creates a detailed CONFLIST.BBS.
KATNEWS.ZIP Yes 23383 10/17/1992 Katnews v1.0 Newsletter creator for Wildcat!
KC200.ZIP Yes 13798 8/25/1992 Scans your activity log and creates a Who Called Today List.
KCDELUXE.ZIP Yes 21889 5/7/1993 � KatConf Deluxe! v1.00.1 - MAJOR Bug Fix! Vol: 1 / Iss: 2 (Bug Fix Update) WC! 3.5x+ Advanced Conference Listing Utility.
KCONF120.ZIP Yes 8826 10/2/1992 KatConf v1.20 Creates CONFLIST.BBS with detailed info!
KILLDIZ.ZIP Yes 18859 11/28/1992 Utility for Wildcat Based Systems
KITYTRAX.ZIP Yes 74379 10/20/1992 KityTrax v0.01b Door for using IRWIN tape drives in Wildcat.
L1WCTEXT.ZIP Yes 15708 7/4/1992 Customized prompts(color) for Wildcat and Tomcat.
LDOG111.ZIP Yes 313716 8/15/1992 LAUGHING DOG SCREEN MAKER V1.10 - IBM text-mode screen designer w/mouse interface. Operates like a Windows paint program. Popup menus, online help, & on-screen toolbar make designing screens as easy as Point, Click, Drag, & Drop! Generate source code in BASIC, C, Pascal, Assy; or export as BSAVE, ASCII, ANSI, COM, EPS, WildCat or PCBoard BBS files. Includes TSR screen-grab & slide-show utils. DesqView & Windows Compatible. Registr: $35
LEFTOVER.ZIP Yes 18509 12/12/1992 WC3.x Util finds stray or missing MSG files. Ver 1.00
LISTUSER.ZIP Yes 37333 3/24/1992 View print user base for Wildcat! 3.01 3.02 ver. 1.1
LOC310.ZIP Yes 23349 12/9/1992 LOCATE v3.10 Locates files across multiple HD's More!
LOGBACK.ZIP Yes 25287 3/29/1992 Backup your ACTIVITY.xxx files to a ARJ file
LOGITV26.ZIP Yes 69435 8/28/1992 LOGIT v2.6 Create bulletins from Wildcat v3 activity logs.
LOGITV28.ZIP Yes 149566 1/9/1993 LOGIT v2.8 Create bulletins from Wildcat v3 activity logs.
LOGITV29.ZIP Yes 168714 2/13/1993 LOGIT v2.9 Create bulls from WC v3 activity logs 02/13/93.
LOGMAN.ZIP Yes 3638 1/1/1993 LOGMAN Wildcat! Log manager for several logs in WC v3.
LOGMSG10.ZIP Yes 35541 11/15/1992 Creates a message to the sysop from your log file.
LOGTRIM.ZIP Yes 43181 6/23/1992 ASCII LOG file trimmer keeps /nn/ days. Ver 3.03
LTV101.ZIP Yes 32209 4/18/1992 Last 10 visitors lister.
LTV22.ZIP Yes 38198 10/14/1992 Last Ten Visitors v2.2 Create last 10 caller bulletin WC3.
M2NC102B.EXE No 36641 10/18/1992 Utility for Wildcat Based Systems
M2NC108A.ZIP Yes 38195 12/25/1992 MSG2NXTC v1.08� Message to next caller util for WC 3.x.
MAILCHK4.ZIP Yes 14149 5/17/1992 Skips new mail check if no new mail is waiting.
MAKEDIZ.ZIP Yes 31347 1/10/1992 MakeDIZ version 1.0 - This is a great sysop's and author's utility for maintaining the new FILE_ID.DIZ and the older DESC.SDI file description formats. You can use MakeDIZ to create, edit, and add either one or both of the above formats to a .zip file or you can save them to text files on disk. Easy to use and saves a TON of time! Not Crippled! Registration $10 - US Funds.
MAKSCR12.ZIP Yes 16785 2/25/1993 MakeScript v1.2, Automated Qmodem Mailrun Script Generator
METROBBS.ZIP Yes 68715 6/13/1992 Full set of Menu/Hello/Goodbye/Bulletin screens.
MIMIC.ZIP Yes 17843 10/22/1992 WC3.x util preps TEXT for UTIIMPRT to MSG database. V 1.10
MKLIST.ZIP Yes 6117 12/3/1992 MkList - Makes a list for "WCFILE" Converts a file list made by "FLOP" into one that can be used in WILDCATs "WCFILE" program to restore the files database. 
MNODE14.ZIP Yes 29902 1/10/1993 Wildcat! v3.x Multi-Node DESQview Concepts Explained v1.4.
MNODE15.ZIP Yes 30285 3/28/1993 Wildcat! v3.x Multi-Node DESQview Concepts Explained v1.5
MOBYZBAT.ZIP Yes 3087 2/2/1993 Updated batch files for MOBYTURBO/DSZ and Wildcat! 02/01/93.
MONITOR4.TXT No 45424 12/30/1992 MSI MONITOR volume 1, issue 4 Newsletter from Mustang.
MOVE_0.ZIP Yes 65646 5/5/1992 Moves "0" byte files to different directory.
MPQUOTES.ZIP Yes 3574 9/18/1992 Utility for Wildcat Based Systems
MSGCAT28.ZIP Yes 89259 7/18/1992 MsgCat Version 2.8 For Wildcat 3.02 and 3.50 If you have used the scanfile.bat feature in Wildcat, you know what a powerful feature it is. I thought it would be nice though if when a file failed the scan that the sysop would be notified via a message that the file did fail, what the file's name is, and who the uploader was. Plus a message to the uploader that the uploaded file failed. I also thought it would be nice if the file passed the scan that the uploader get a personal thank you message. That is what MsgCat does....and now much more too! 
MSGCAT30.ZIP Yes 83332 10/10/1992 MsgCat Version 3.0 For Wildcat 3.02 and 3.50 If you have used the scanfile.bat feature in Wildcat, you know what a powerful feature it is. I thought it would be nice though if when a file failed the scan that the sysop would be notified via a message that the file did fail, what the file's name is, and who the uploader was. Plus a message to the uploader that the uploaded file failed. I also thought it would be nice if the file passed the scan that the uploader get a personal thank you message. That is what MsgCat does....and now much more too! 
MSGCOMP.ZIP Yes 18840 7/21/1992 Allows users to gain 'upload credits' by posting messages. Discourages 'junk' uploads and encourages messaging. Lets Wildcat limit downloads via the normal 'ratio' set up in Makewild.
MSGV123.ZIP Yes 47566 12/19/1992 MSG v1.23 THE mesage for next caller door for WC v3.
MSGWT10.ZIP Yes 18500 2/25/1993 MSGWAIT v1.0 Local sysop util for "Mail Waiting" WC v3.x.
MSI_NET.ZIP Yes 17076 3/1/1993 Information on MSI SupportNET echo hosted by Mustang Software, Inc. Conferences for WILDCAT!, Qmodem, and OLX/SLMR, plus the only vendor supported Electronic Coffee House "Off Topic" conference. Includes sample config, script and info files.
MTIME.ZIP Yes 13418 3/8/1993 MailTime v1.0 Creates a MAIL.BBS screen to users in Tomcat
MUBULLS.ZIP Yes 85161 11/23/1992 Music Program for WCv.3 Bulletins. SEE/HEAR tools incl.
MUTDESC.ZIP Yes 11219 12/9/1991 Add file descriptions automatically to WC! 3.x U/L's!
NETBULL.ZIP Yes 38331 11/26/1992 WC3.x Util shows TNET/POSTLINK/PCRELAY/WILDMAIL xfers.V2.23
NEWMENUS.ZIP Yes 120343 8/16/1992 Menu/Hello screens from The Back Alley BBS.
NEWTVKEY.ZIP Yes 1187 7/29/1992 New keyfile for The Verifier Pro call back system!
NEW_QUES.ZIP Yes 4402 3/21/1993 Wildcat New User Questionnaire With ANSI Graphics.
NODESC.ZIP Yes 20035 3/31/1992 WC3.x util finds missing file desc., writes a report. V1.10
NODEUP12.ZIP Yes 18202 3/15/1992 Allows a NetMail node to display "Waiting for Calls".
NOTIFY.ZIP Yes 52886 12/19/1992 NOTIFY v1.0 Send a message to specific DOOR users only.
NULIST18.ZIP Yes 15140 12/7/1992 NULIST1.8 - Makes a list of files for BBSs. Nulist takes the work out of adding file names and descriptions to a new Wildcat BBS Uses file lists made by "FLIST" by Larry Edwards, "FLOP" by Michael Conley, or "WCPRO" by Mustang Software. Once the list is converted by NULIST the new list can be imported into a Wildcat BBS database thru "WCFILE". 
NUMER.ZIP Yes 110142 1/28/1993 Numerology Door for W.C. 3.xx.
NUMLIST.ZIP Yes 30369 8/31/1992 Bug fix for the numlist generator in TVPRO.
NUVO1144.ZIP Yes 485 10/6/1992 Utility for Wildcat Based Systems
NU_SYS15.ZIP Yes 78780 5/19/1992 The Sysop Maker v1.5 bbs lister.
NU_SYS20.ZIP Yes 96141 7/8/1992 The Sysop Maker v1.5 bbs lister.
OKITEL.ZIP Yes 632 11/26/1992 Information on using the OKITEL 9600 With Wildcat
OMLCAT.ZIP Yes 11098 2/25/1992 Order of Merit List displays top system users.
PAGE301.ZIP Yes 39613 12/21/1992 PAGEME v3.01 Interfaces a pocket pager into Wildcat!
PAGE99.ZIP Yes 14994 2/14/1993 Allows The Page and/or Bell to be controlled from ext events
PAGER203.ZIP Yes 59823 12/2/1992 SysOp Super Pager v2.03 Replacement for Page in WC v3
PATCH.EXE No 76981 9/11/1992 Utility for Wildcat Based Systems
PGE.ZIP Yes 24209 7/12/1992 Utility for Wildcat Based Systems
PGME1_1.ZIP Yes 24460 12/24/1992 Change your page screens externally from an idle screen program. This program simple swaps you page.bbs screens to more appropriate phrases. Registration allows you to pick unique names for your screens listed in the menu.
PLANT11.ZIP Yes 44944 11/18/1992 Planter v 1.10 Wildcat 3.x+ utility.Use Planter to place the name of a Door, DOS Hook, BBS Event, Mailrun, Comment, Idle Screen process or Batch file name in your activity.xxx. Will plant any name or number. Intelligent, uses %WCEnviroment%, produceserror log, transparent to user, multi-node works under DV & Windows. 
POPCONF.ZIP Yes 21028 6/18/1992 WC3.x SysOp Util reports status of a selected conf. V1.00
POSTER14.ZIP Yes 89107 9/27/1992 Poster 1.4-Top Ten Message Posting Contest for Wildcat! Poster keeps track of your message activity on a monthly basis. During the month, Poster creates two different bulletins designed to get your users to post. At the end of the month, your top message posters are put in another bulletin and the contest starts over. If your copy of Time Door is registered, Poster will automatically give prizes of time to your top posters (in the amount you select). Poster is completely automatic and is designed to get your users to post messages! 
POSTER20.ZIP Yes 92975 3/1/1993 Poster 2.0-Top Ten Message Posting Contest for Wildcat! Poster keeps track of your message activity on a monthly basis. During the month, Poster creates two different bulletins designed to get your users to post. At the end of the month, your top message posters are put in another bulletin and the contest starts over. If your copy of Time Door is registered, Poster will automatically give prizes of time to your top posters (in the amount you select). Poster is completely automatic and is designed to get your users to post messages!
POSTMSTR.ZIP Yes 50479 4/12/1992 Post Master v1.14 Automatic message sending.
PRCT144.EXE No 2762 9/22/1992 Utility for Wildcat Based Systems
PRESCAN.ZIP Yes 33467 1/3/1993 PreScan Door, Utility, Prescan, Tomcat, Offline mail packer.
PROHELP.ZIP Yes 6197 1/15/1992 Utility for Wildcat Based Systems
PROMPTS.ZIP Yes 35227 2/25/1993 Create ANSI Prompts With Up To 40 Features
PROPOSAL.TXT No 16234 10/27/1992 Utility for Wildcat Based Systems
PROSEL.ZIP Yes 21312 6/2/1992 WC3.5x util alters any xfer protocol by sec level. V1.00
PROWLNET.ZIP Yes 24264 2/3/1992 Latest PROWL WDNet package.
PRSCAN12.ZIP Yes 72933 2/24/1993 These two programs allow your users to select when their prescanned mail packets are to be generated. Just be pressing one key they can select AM, PM or Disable TomCat Prescanned QWK packets.
PUTDESC.ZIP Yes 16094 2/21/1992 A fast and easy program to add DESC.SDI  and/or FILE_ID.DIZ files into a ZIP, ARJ or LZH archive. Many BBS systems now have the ablilty to read one or both of these files and automatically insert the description into the BBS file records at the time of upload. See my AUTODESC program for WILDCAT 3.x+.
QMENU2.ZIP Yes 27552 9/8/1992 Utility for Wildcat Based Systems
QUESTS20.ZIP Yes 52328 3/21/1992 Generates stats on Questionaire answers.
QUIKST10.ZIP Yes 17601 3/13/1993 Quikstat v1.0 - Stat display for Wildcat 3.55 Quikstat is a simple activity log analyzer for Wildcat 3.55 FREEWARE! Stats include: Sysop Logins Dropped Carriers Exceeded Time Limits Tomcat Runs and more!
QWKCHK10.ZIP Yes 560174 5/31/1992 Quick-Checks uploads online for different criteria.
READ.ME No 5841 9/10/1992 Utility for Wildcat Based Systems
README.SCR No 4906 10/19/1992 Utility for Wildcat Based Systems
REFRESH1.ZIP Yes 53157 2/25/1993 Super Fast File Freshener for WC! 3.xx Version 1.10.
REMOVE30.ZIP Yes 9755 4/26/1993 Cleans activity.log by sec. levels. FREE, from Larry Edwards REMOVE allows you to specify up to 3 diff. security levels then will read the specified activity.log file and remove any activity for these levels. FREE!! From Larry Edwards and Tinker Software. For WC! 3.xx BBS 
RENUM.ZIP Yes 45917 12/12/1992 Renumber program for .msg files
RESETTER.ZIP Yes 21127 1/5/1993 WC3.x util resets up to 11 user fields by sec level. V1.01.
RIPWA.ZIP Yes 7234 5/4/1993 RIP! WorkAround v1.0 for WildCat doors that don't understand
ROMD202.ZIP Yes 294718 12/25/1992 Ultimate CD door for WC! and PcB 14.5 BBS's. Minor fixes.
RONSCALL.ZIP Yes 62823 9/17/1992 RonsCALL v3.36 Powerful "Who called today" Display generator
RONSHEAD.ZIP Yes 42476 8/28/1992 RonsHEAD v1.10 TOMCAT display utility.
RONSSTAT.ZIP Yes 52220 9/17/1992 RonsSTAT v3.25; File Database Overview Bulletin Generator
ROTSCRNS.ZIP Yes 36674 12/14/1992 Utility for Wildcat Based Systems
RT_MENU3.ZIP Yes 83694 12/1/1992 REALtime Menu System a LIVE DOOR MENU GENERATOR for LiveCat, LivePRO & WildFire by Steve Cox. Generates Live Door Menus REALtime in ASCII and ANSI, Lists last accessing caller and times the door was played. Complete USER Stats and AWESOME game menus! Generates bulletins on doors and users. By Peter Guethlein V0.993 12/1/92 Support Board THE SOLAR SYSTEM BBS 714-837-9677/3218.
RUNE.ZIP Yes 96803 11/29/1992 Utility for Wildcat Based Systems
SB.ZIP Yes 107125 2/18/1993 Continuous Story Type Door for W.C. 3.xx VER 2.01.
SBLGN_V4.ZIP Yes 11771 4/28/1993 SBLogin v4.0 Sound Blaster announces caller in WC v3.6+.
SCANFILE.ZIP Yes 992 6/17/1992 ScanFile v1.00 Post Upload batch file information for WC
SDISP120.ZIP Yes 15755 8/16/1992 Displays files randomly from a config file.
SDIZ11.ZIP Yes 38643 8/29/1992 SDIZ v1.1, DESC.SDI/FILE_ID.DIZ processor for WILDCAT! 3.5x. SDIZ automagically imports descriptions from these files as a part of SCANFILE.BAT. Can process ARC, ARJ, HYP, LZH, PAK, SDN, ZIP and ZOO files as well as any self-extracting archive! SDIZ must be used with Stacy Smith's ARCID (ARCID093.ARJ) or a similar program capable of identifying an archive type and generating an errorlevel. This version features better description handling and will strip ALL high-bit ASCII characters.
SDIZ2_10.ZIP Yes 41804 8/29/1992 SDIZ2 v1.0, DESC.SDI/FILE_ID.DIZ processor for WILDCAT! 3.5x. SDIZ scans files in existing file areas and automagically imports descriptions from *.SDI or *.DIZ files. SDIZ2 is capable of handling most archive formats, including SDN files. FREEWARE from PLANET >< PROGRAMMING
SF0BYTE4.ZIP Yes 42129 3/1/1992 Create zero byte files needed to access CD_ROMs.
SGRPH120.ZIP Yes 23195 8/16/1992 Displays stats in the form of a bar graph.
SIFTER25.ZIP Yes 11029 9/20/1992 SIFTER v1.25 - Converts BBS file listings into neat columns for disk catalog use. Handy utility when importing comments or file descriptions into your favorite disk catalog program such as Intellicat,etc.Now handles Wildcat,TBBS,PC-Board,and FEBBS files.Handles multi-line file descriptions too.Graphic interface with several options.
SINK33.ZIP Yes 165910 4/18/1992 Sink'em. Battleship type door game for up to 10 players.
SKIPUSER.ZIP Yes 11552 4/13/1992 Allows specified USERS to skip Virus Scan when UPloading!
SLKWILLY.ZIP Yes 7474 10/7/1992 Slick Willie's method for elections QUOTE FILE.
SORTCONF.ZIP Yes 26128 7/2/1992 WC3.x SysOp Util makes sorted, grouped conf. list Ver 1.13
SPIDER15.ZIP Yes 38415 1/24/1992 Spider use to rotate screens.
SPORTMDF.ZIP Yes 760 9/23/1992 Utility for Wildcat Based Systems
SPORTSTR.ZIP Yes 562 9/22/1992 Utility for Wildcat Based Systems
SQUOTE15.ZIP Yes 15704 10/30/1992 Utility for Wildcat Based Systems
SRECAT.ZIP Yes 1356 9/29/1992 Utility for Wildcat Based Systems
STATS212.ZIP Yes 50942 12/2/1992 Utility for Wildcat Based Systems
STATS30.ZIP Yes 70193 1/15/1993 STATS v3.0 Create display files from activity in WC v3.x.
STRAVOTE.ZIP Yes 5769 10/4/1992 Wildcat questionaire fun poll of elections to come!
STRIP21.ZIP Yes 33486 3/7/1993 Strip Log v2.1 Remove unwanted entries from WC v3.xx logs.
SUPRSCAN.ZIP Yes 54533 2/7/1992 WC3.x DOOR lets users search up to 18 BBS lists. Ver 3.08
SWITCH31.ZIP Yes 19610 3/2/1993 Makes USER.BBS for slow modems to call another NODE. Keep your FAST modem line open with this program. It requests slower modem callers to change to another node, the message is automatically created, sent, and erased. No need for Sysops intervention. You can create your own message to callers, or use the hardcoded one. From Larry Edwards 
SWLPDMNS.ZIP Yes 14699 3/23/1993 Custom `Pull-Down' Menu screens.
SYSLST12.ZIP Yes 23143 1/10/1993 SYSLIST V1.2 - Makes a Bulletin of BBSs'. Works with any version 3.xx Wildcat BBS. Syslist now creates 2 files, BULLx.BBS for BBS display and BULLx.TXT, for a list to download. Using the 2 new supplied Questionaires all Visiting Sysops can be listed in the bulletins. From Tinker Software and Larry Edwards. 
SYSMKR21.ZIP Yes 131406 7/18/1992 Sysop Maker v2.1 Create and maintain BBS lists.
SYSOPCOP.ZIP Yes 2140 1/14/1992 Utility for Wildcat Based Systems
SYSOPNEW.ZIP Yes 2205 11/28/1992 Sysop/New users screens.
SZWCBATS.ZIP Yes 2928 11/4/1992 Utility for Wildcat Based Systems
TC355.RTP No 28535 9/11/1992 Utility for Wildcat Based Systems
TC355I.RTP No 17912 9/11/1992 Utility for Wildcat Based Systems
TCDOCS.ZIP Yes 50072 2/29/1992 Utility for Wildcat Based Systems
TCM160.ZIP Yes 12826 7/17/1992 TNET Configuration Maker v1.60 - WC! Systems Makes TNet Configuration Files Now Supports WC! 3.5x & TNET 3.5x BRUN45 required but not included in archive. 
TCM170.ZIP Yes 12828 11/21/1992 TNET Configuration Maker v1.70 - WC! Systems Makes TNet Configuration Files BRUN45 Required - Not Included in Archive 
TCUDSCRN.ZIP Yes 63883 3/25/1993 Tomcat Update Screen v1.0 Simple Tomcat stat screen maker.
TDOOR403.ZIP Yes 282698 10/19/1992 Time Door 4.0:Time Banking,Gambling & Transfers for WC! 3.x Time Door 4.0 is a Wildcat! 3.x door with full featured Time Banking, Gambling and Transfer sections. Time Door is the only door to offer all these sections along with the BEST and most complete sysop control. The registered version even has a BYTE and DOWNLOAD bank where users can deposit bytes and downloads. Time Door is the premiere Time Banking Door for Wildcat! 3.x being the only Wildcat! door to bring together Time Banking, Gambling and transfers along with the bonus of a BYTE and Download bank. This program is shareware and will not expire. 
TDOOR412.ZIP Yes 275936 4/26/1993 Time Door 4.1:Time Banking,Gambling & Transfers for WC! 3.x Time Door 4.1 is a Wildcat! 3.x door with full featured Time Banking, Gambling and Transfer sections. Time Door is the only door to offer all these sections along with the BEST and most complete sysop control. The registered version even has a BYTE and DOWNLOAD bank where users can deposit bytes and downloads. Time Door is the premiere Time Banking Door for Wildcat! 3.x being the only Wildcat! door to bring together Time Banking, Gambling and transfers along with the bonus of a BYTE and Download bank. This program is shareware and will not expire.
TEXTROT.ZIP Yes 24259 9/19/1992 Utility for Wildcat Based Systems
THEDOOR.ZIP Yes 47438 3/28/1993 THEDOOR Expand DOS HOOKS to as many as needed!
THOT11.ZIP Yes 30864 11/29/1992 Utility for Wildcat Based Systems
TICFIX.ZIP Yes 9669 11/6/1992 TICFIX v1.0 is a utility program for WCFF. If you use WCFF in a File Distribution Network, YOU NEED THIS! It fixes files hatched via WCFF using an AKA or ALIAS. Searches the .TIC files and replaces the corrupt FROM: with the correct FROM entry.
TICFIX11.ZIP Yes 10953 11/18/1992 TICFIX v1.1 is a utility program for WCFF. If you use WCFF in a File Distribution Network, YOU NEED THIS! It fixes files hatched via WCFF using an AKA or ALIAS. Searches the .TIC files and replaces the corrupt FROM: with the correct FROM entry.
TIMEVLT.ZIP Yes 96379 5/4/1993 TimeVault! A simple WC3.X FREEWARE Time Bank door! It Works! Really simple to set up. No maintenance...No Brain involved! Configurable so your users can't stay online for days with banked time! Try it...it's the RIGHT PRICE! From "ON-CALL" Software and Joseph Hardage (who should be studying).
TJYEST10.ZIP Yes 50694 12/11/1992 TJYest v1.0 -- Activity Log analyzer for Wildcat! 3.xx BBS's which makes a nice display screen of who called yesterday. Display shows time, name, and baud rate. Local logons do not show, easy setup and easily configures for multi-nodes by using seperate CFG file. A FREE utility brought to you from T&J Software!
TJYEST11.ZIP Yes 52946 1/14/1993 TJYest v1.1 -- Activity Log analyzer for Wildcat! 3.xx BBS's which makes a nice display screen of who called yesterday. Display shows time, name, and baud rate. Local logons do not show, easy setup and easily configures for multi-nodes by using seperate CFG file. A FREE utility brought to you from T&J Software!
TNLT10.ZIP Yes 11389 6/27/1992 Trim TNet logs by date.
TODAY34.ZIP Yes 208132 1/7/1992 Today in History v3.04.
TODAYBBS.ZIP Yes 28649 11/6/1992 Makes TODAY IN HISTORY display, ASCII, WC3.x, ANSI. V. 3.06
TODAYCHG.ZIP Yes 4407 9/19/1992 Utility for Wildcat Based Systems
TODAYDOR.ZIP Yes 55900 12/19/1992 WC3.x DOOR: display TODAY IN HISTORY for any day. V 3.20
TOPDOWN1.ZIP Yes 15029 8/14/1992 TOPDOWN1 is a new rewrite of my TOPDOWN progr am and will handle over 25,000 files. It can also create a list of ALL your files sorted by Number of Downloads, if desired. TurboC program, quite fast and easy; makes good Bulletin or Hellox screen, etc. Or just for your own file maintenance.
TR10.ZIP Yes 19908 8/3/1992 Traffic Report v1.0 Screen generator for activity.
TRACK11.ZIP Yes 26162 9/6/1992 Track v1.1 Tracks messages uploaded via Tomcat.
TRACK12.ZIP Yes 26141 11/14/1992 Track v1.2. Display SAP and RIP files.
TRACK13.ZIP Yes 26515 2/10/1993 Track v1.3 Tracks messages uploaded via Tomcat for WC v3.xx.
TRANSL8R.ZIP Yes 122788 4/17/1993 TRANSLATOR! allows user to choose "Language" at login. This is the first public release of my very first door from the fledgling "ON-CALL" Software! I got the idea from logging on to a PcBoard one day to get a key I needed and I was given the choice of "Jive", "Valley Girl", "3 Stooges", etc...as my language to use for that logon..Needless to say, the prompts that I saw were hilarious! With the advent of WC3.6 and the addition of the Login batch files, I saw the opportunity to write something so here it is! Hope you like it! Use as login1.bat or login2.bat for WC3.6 or you can use it as a door or menu hook for WC3.x works for any version! Extra prompt files are available on my BBS The CatHouse BBS.
TRICK.ZIP Yes 29966 12/4/1992 Used in Wildcat IM to "trick" it into running DOORS
TSCN312.ZIP Yes 250110 8/23/1992 TranScan v3.12 -- File Scanner & Converter! The following features added since 3.10: * DIGI Support added for the new Wildcat-IM! * Add files to Wildcat "On The Fly!" * Delete files failed from Wildcat Database! * Long Descriptions from FILE_ID.DIZ added! * Specific Exit Codes to use w/ PostMaster! * Support for Wildcat AUTONODE feature!
TSTAT10.ZIP Yes 13502 8/14/1992 TSTAT v1.0 Generates screens from TOMCAT activity.
TSTCFG10.ZIP Yes 55212 7/12/2021 Test.cfg. tests your mail setup to see if it's setup
TVPRO11.ZIP Yes 273538 7/17/1992 The Verifier Door is a full-featured call-back utility.
ULTRCK14.ZIP Yes 21986 4/1/1993 UPLOAD TRACKER v1.4 BETA tracks daily uploads in a single upload area or multiple upload areas assigned by you. All info is displayed on an attractive screen showing, not only the name of the file uploaded, but the description as well. Small, Fast, Versatile. Easy Set up. A Wildcat! 3.x utility
UNCOLOR.ZIP Yes 16459 4/26/1992 WC 3.x util removes any @xx@ color codes from files. V 1.01
UPAGE10.ZIP Yes 63255 9/21/1992 UniPage v1.0 Universal Paging System for WildCat and more!
UPARM11.ZIP Yes 23179 12/5/1992 Extracts info from USERINFO.DAT to use in your batchfiles.
UPDNLOG.ZIP Yes 62504 1/29/1992 Tracks uploads and downloads.
UPDNWC30.ZIP Yes 25388 3/28/1992 Wildcat 3.x utility. Makes lists of the top 'n' downloaders and uploaders, plus a list of up/dnloads for ALL your callers. Either or both can be copied to a bulletin, etc. Very fast!
UPGRADOR.ZIP Yes 51325 10/10/1992 WC3.x DOOR lets callers UPGRADE if they know the code. V1.01
UPLMSG3.ZIP Yes 20943 8/21/1992 This utility will automatically send a mes sage to a caller who uploads one or more files when calling your system. It requires Dave Cody's excellent PostMaster (POSTMSTR) program. This is a new version of my prev UPLMSG release and can be run EITHER after each call, or later in an event to send msgs to ALL who uploaded since the last event!
USADRM.ZIP Yes 67868 4/3/1993 USA Today News Reader v1.0. Wildcat IM version.
USERFLAG.ZIP Yes 21799 2/13/1993 Set/Reset flags in WC 3.x user records by sec. level. V 1.00
USTAT.ZIP Yes 26771 6/21/1992 WC3.x Util shows top callers, writers, ul/dl'ers. V.1.03
USTAT100.ZIP Yes 46645 2/21/1993 Produce Neat Stats & MORE from WC3.x ALLUSERS.DAT Userstat reads your ( Wildcat! 3.x ONLY ) ALLUSERS.DAT file, and extracts a bunch of information from it, and then places it in the display files of your choice. $ 15.00 Registration required after 15 days usage Please Send registration fees to : Keith R. Personett / P3 Ventures Software c/o Userstat Registration 17878 Preston Road #106 Dallas, Tx. 75252 If you have any questions, feel free to call The Assassin's Guild BBS at 214-713-7036
UTI240E.ZIP Yes 66332 10/26/1992 Utility for Wildcat Based Systems
VAULT4.ZIP Yes 154114 8/3/1992 Vault guess the combination and open the safe.
VB080892.ZIP Yes 138959 9/27/1992 Interfaces Video Vision utilities with WildCat!
VCHAT10.ZIP Yes 104195 9/22/1992 VoiceChat v1.0 Allow VOICE/DATA toggling while online!
VFX401.ZIP Yes 318285 9/6/1992 "The New Standard In Call Back Verification" -- VERIFIX 4.01
VIEWERS.ZIP Yes 70721 1/3/1993 WC3.x viewers for your USER & FILES databases. Ver 1.8
VWGIF11.ZIP Yes 36746 3/5/1993 VIEWGIF v1.1 - View GIFs while logged onto BBS locally. Put right in you current archive file view batch file and will automatically detect when you want to view a GIF and will call your favorite GIF viewer without exiting BBS. Will automatically detect if caller is on remotely and will skip GIF viewing. Works with DOOR.SYS Great for screening newly upload GIFs! Fixed pauseing bug! Andrew Ramsey - The Keep BBS (215)855-0401
W3EUTI22.ZIP Yes 202252 8/5/1992 Enhanced UTIs for WildCat 3.0 & 3.5 (v2.2) Description: These programs provide the interface between PC Relay and WildCat 3.0/3.5. Each does a specific function, such as importing messages, exporting messages, returning the high message number, etc. Changes: 1. UTIRFLAG was not finding the correct user name keys to clear mail-waiting flags. Corrected. 2. UTILSTRD now supports manual conference overrides, such as when using WC Pro. 3. UTIIMPRT ensures that AUTONODE default is off.
W3EUTI24.ZIP Yes 178902 11/21/1992 UTI interface for WildCat! BBS and PC Relay/MegaMail.
W3EUTI25.ZIP Yes 185270 2/10/1993 Enhanced UTIs v2.5 For WildCat v3.6 and PCRelay/PostLink.
WBQUOTE.ZIP Yes 279457 2/27/1993 WBQUOTES is a batch file for changing the QUOTE.BBS file in the Wild Cat v.3.xx program, and enough quotes that no user should see the same quote twice in any year. In fact the sysop should never see the same quoute twice in any one year. 
WBULL20.ZIP Yes 122083 8/22/1992 Wildbull v2.0 WildCat BBS Bulletin Generator!
WBULL22.ZIP Yes 129144 11/8/1992 WildBull v2.2! The ULTIMATE display file generator for WildCat 3.x SysOps! WildBull will create dynamite screens for you with it's internal styles, plus gives you unlimited creation power by allowing you to create your OWN styles using WildStyle (included with it!). Better memory handling, smaller executable size, and more informative. The HOTTEST display file generator is now HOTTER than ever before!
WC26TD1.ZIP Yes 458493 9/29/1992 ildcat! v2.60 Test Drive Version direct from ustang Software
WC26TD2.ZIP Yes 358457 9/29/1992 ildcat! v2.60 Test Drive Version direct from ustang Software
WC30NODL.ZIP Yes 11703 1/11/1992 Find files never or less than 'n' times downloaded.
WC30REC.ZIP Yes 24755 12/18/1992 WC v3 Record structures from MSI for the NEW Filer v5.4.
WC30VIEW.ZIP Yes 42091 7/7/1992 Wildcat 3.x+ File View program. Will handle ZIP,ARJ,LZH archives! DV aware, very easy to install & use. (This is what is called when your users do the [V]iew command from the Files menu). Has colors for ANSI callers, & configurable time limit.
WC35AUTO.ZIP Yes 12349 7/4/1992 WC35AUTO allows uploads containing archived description files DESC.SDI and/or FILE_ID.DIZ to have these descriptions automatically placed into the WC35 Database AS THEY ARE UPLOADED. Users can simply press when prompted for basic and/or detailed de- scriptions, saving online time when upload- ing.
WC35DESC.ZIP Yes 39656 7/15/1992 WC35DESC will automatically add the descriptions contained in the files DESC.SDI and/or FILE_ID.DIZ to the WC35 database after the upload has been completed. All the user has to do is press enter when prompted by Wildcat for the description and/or detailed description. When run from the DOS command line, descriptions for all files in a single file area or all files in all file areas may be updated.
WC35UTI.ZIP Yes 235264 8/31/1992 Latest UTI drivers from Mustang for PCRelay/Post link.
WC36FR1.ZIP Yes 26014 3/23/1993 French Language WCTEXT/TCTEXT files for WC! v3.6 Tomcat
WC400.ZIP Yes 1617 10/24/1992 The files .RAM & .MDM are for Wildcat wcmodem setup. setup for Intel satisFAXtion 400 and Wildcat BBS v3.5x. To have Wildcat runing and Receiving FAXES at the same time. 
WCA3XV2.ZIP Yes 53783 10/3/1992 WC3.X Analyer: Auto bulletins for Calls, Msgs, Files, Time of Day. This program is specifically for Wildcat v3.x BBS's. Auto generates several bulletins with caller statistics such as Top Callers, Top Message Writers, Top Uploaders, Top Downoaders, Last Callers & more. Easy to install. Registration is only a one time charge of $10.00.
WCALL10.ZIP Yes 36610 9/19/1992 Utility for Wildcat Based Systems
WCANSI.ZIP Yes 116362 8/9/1992 WildCat Ansi files viewer v1.0, looks just like Wildcat.
WCBBS.XPM No 1487 2/21/1993 DesqView/X Icon for WildCat BBS. Looks just like the WildCat
WCBBS.ZIP Yes 10473 2/17/1993 BBSLIST Wildcat BBS list door /w .PAS source!
WCCD0.ZIP Yes 15591 9/5/1991 Create 0K files for Wildcat! and cdrom. By
WCDRAW.ZIP Yes 17423 1/27/1993 WCDRAW v3.6 DOCUMENTATION not supplied by MSI on some disks.
WCDRWY.ZIP Yes 24707 12/16/1992 New doorway fix for the Wildcat IM version.
WCEDT102.ZIP Yes 178392 11/3/1992 WcEDIT! v1.02, WcEDIT! for Wildcat 3.5x is a revolutionary new message editor for the Wildcat Sysop. it provides an offline reader interface to the Wildcat databases and supports almost all of Wildcat's features. It also adds a few of it's own that you will find indispensable.
WCFBRO10.ZIP Yes 42284 1/28/1993 WC File Browser Prints list, fast searches, Multi-node.
WCFDF10.ZIP Yes 24983 8/5/1992 WCFDFILE v1.0, a WC3.x util that creates a text listing of all file paths. This text listing is designed to be used by FRONTDOOR to handle FILE REQUESTS. FREEWARE!
WCFDOC.ZIP Yes 12159 12/5/1992 Complete updated documentation for WCFILE v2.0 12/05/92
WCFF350.ZIP Yes 128694 4/7/1992 WC File Forward accepts files, and forwards files. Similar
WCFF351.ZIP Yes 143383 9/25/1992 WC File Forward accepts files, and forwards files.
WCFILE.ZIP Yes 92847 9/10/1992 Adds file listings to WC database for faster retrieval.
WCGRAPH.ZIP Yes 25338 4/28/1993 WCGRAPH Create graphs of activity in WC v3.x for HELLO.BBS.
WCHELPFR.ZIP Yes 85538 4/3/1993 The Wildcat .HLP Help Menues in French!
WCHSLINK.ZIP Yes 27439 1/12/1992 Set up BIdirectional transfers with HSLINK & WILDCAT 3.x+!
WCHSLINM.ZIP Yes 39666 2/2/1992 Set up BIdirectional transfers with HSLINK & WILDCAT 3.x+!
WCHST13.ZIP Yes 9161 9/5/1992 Utility for Wildcat Based Systems
WCHT208.ZIP Yes 63369 7/24/1992 WildChat Multi-line chat door.
WCHT214.ZIP Yes 72079 12/21/1992 WildChat 2.14, Multi-Line Chat for WildCat! WildChat is a multi-line chat door for the WildCat BBS system. It is much faster, and has more features than the internal multi- line chat. These enhancements include whispering, which is a method of sending a private message to one user, action commands, which is a trick to make the chat seem more lifelike, and a language filter, so you can filter out words that you may not want used in the multi-line chat.
WCHT215.ZIP Yes 72134 1/8/1992 WildChat 2.15, Multi-Line Chat for WildCat! WildChat is a multi-line chat door for the WildCat BBS system. It is much faster, and has more features than the internal multi- line chat. These enhancements include whispering, which is a method of sending a private message to one user, action commands, which is a trick to make the chat seem more lifelike, and a language filter, so you can filter out words that you may not want used in the multi-line chat.
WCHT218.ZIP Yes 156314 4/29/1993 WildChat v2.18 Multi-Line Chat DOOR for WildCat!
WCICONS.ZIP Yes 2135 3/28/1993 ICONS for using RIPTERM on MSI's HQ BBS with RIP Graphics!
WCITAL.ZIP Yes 11912 4/26/1993 WCTEXT.DAT for using Wildcat v3.x with ITALIAN language!
WCLABEL.ZIP Yes 14423 9/22/1992 WCLABEL is for Wildcat 3.0 and up. It makes a file which match the standard label format for either ALL users, or just those with a specified security level. It is also an easy way to create a list of users whose records don't have addresses in them! (Standard labels means 3 1/2" x 15/16", and 5 lines per label)...
WCLIST20.ZIP Yes 33765 2/6/1992 WCLIST v2.0. Creates ASCII file listing from file database.
WCLOGGER.ZIP Yes 25283 4/28/1993 WCLOGGER Creates a HELLO.BBS screen of call information
WCMENUS.ZIP Yes 11237 1/27/1992 ildcat menus for BBS
WCMHS355.RTP No 23648 9/11/1992 Utility for Wildcat Based Systems
WCODES.ZIP Yes 3601 9/10/1992 Wildcat v3.55 Updated list of all @CODES@.
WCOLOR.ZIP Yes 41957 6/1/1992 WCOLOR v1.0. Converts between @CODES@ ANSI.
WCOZLIST.ZIP Yes 13123 10/6/1991 Allfiles list/creator for Wild Cat also converts same to dBA
WCR100.ZIP Yes 6339 12/19/1992 WCREMOVE Removes CALLER from ACTIVITY logs in WC v3.x.
WCREMOVE.ZIP Yes 6167 12/12/1992 Remove the Sysops name from Activity.001.
WCR_155.ZIP Yes 12923 2/21/1993 ��� WcRemove v1.55 - Caller Log Editor ��� WcRemove will remove unwanted information from the ACTIVITY.* logs. New version will allow you to also remove specific lines along with users name. Command line option added for quick and easy use. See Docs. ParaSoft! Software WildCat 3.55 Version!
WCSTAT30.ZIP Yes 9436 3/9/1993 WCSTAT v3.0 A Wildcat! 3.5x Statistics Generator
WCTODAY.ZIP Yes 67938 9/5/1992 Who Called Today v3.52 for WC!3 Creates Hello/Bulletin
WCTXTED.ZIP Yes 46000 9/18/1992 WC TextEdit Freeware WYSIWYG WCTEXT.DAT color editor.
WCUB10.ZIP Yes 8935 12/16/1992 -- WILDCAT USER BROWSER FOR WINDOWS v1.0 -- WCUB is a WIN3.x application that allows sysops to access ALLUSERS.DAT and browse through a list of all users. A handy util for sysops running WC under Windows. ---------------FREEWARE-------------------
WCUBRO10.ZIP Yes 42629 1/28/1993 Wc User Browser Prints, fast searches etc.. Multi-Node
WCULIST.ZIP Yes 10275 8/9/1992 WCULIST is a fast and easy program that makes a list of all user names from the Wildcat 3.x database. (The sysop's name isn't included). This list is very handy if you use Dave Codys POSTMSTR program and will let you send 'per sonalized' messages to all users. You may think of other uses as well.
WCUPDC10.ZIP Yes 19920 11/4/1992 You'll find this to be a very handy program for checking the contents of .ZIP files for valid dates. It is designed as an add-on to CAMS-CRC but will work with any upload checker, simply run it after any upload checker in SCANFILE.BAT During the processing of .ZIP files, extracts the information for *.COM, *.EXE and *.O* files contained within a .ZIP and then compares the date of each of these files with the oldest file date that you have set within the configuration file.
WCUPDC11.ZIP Yes 30337 1/30/1993 WildCat! Upload Date Checker v1.1 You'll find this to be a very handy program for checking the contents of .ZIP files for valid dates. It is designed as an add-on to CAMS-CRC but will work with any upload checker, simply run it after any upload checker in SCANFILE.BAT During the processing of .ZIP files, extracts the information for *.COM, *.EXE and *.O* files contained within a .ZIP and then compares the date of each of these files with the oldest file date that you have set within the configuration file.
WCVIEW1.ZIP Yes 33587 2/10/1993 WCView V1.00 - WILDCAT! V3.xx @Code Screen File Viewer. All @variables such as @USER@, @DATE@, etc. are replaced with dummy text, simulating off line, what your callers will see on line. Alter the default @var text w/ASCII text editor. Mimics WILDCAT! display exactly. Screen control codes like @NOPAUSE@, @STOP@, etc operate just as they will online. Display single/multiple files, wildcards OK. DesqView & Windows Compatible. Registr: $10
WC_BINK.ZIP Yes 39171 12/17/1992 Helps and sample files for using Wildcat with BinkleyTerm
WD200.ZIP Yes 82111 8/22/1992 Wild-Door 2.0! A great way to show your door menu off. Shows users how many times the door has been entered,last time door entered,last date door entered. Also is completly sysop configurable for color output! NON-CRIPPLED shareware. For latest updates call TES Software (919)895-0368. Registration Fee $10
WD203.ZIP Yes 130362 12/4/1992 Wild-Door 2.3! A great way to show your door menu off. Shows users how many times the door has been entered,last time door entered,last date door entered. Also is completly sysop configurable for color output! NON-CRIPPLED shareware. Now includes sample door batch files for easier setup.. Now includes a WILDDOOR.EXE for 386 machines only! FAST!! For latest updates call TES Software (919)895-0368. Registration Fee $15
WD250.ZIP Yes 74847 12/17/1992 WildDoor 2.5! A great way to show your door menu off. Shows users how many times the door has been entered,last time door entered,last date door entered. Also is completly sysop configurable for color output! NON-CRIPPLED shareware.
WDC12.ZIP Yes 8867 3/15/1993 ************* WDC ver1.2 ************** Who Dropped Carrier v1.2 for WC! BBS's. Now you can track users that logged off the BBS abruptly (dropped Carrier). WDC creates Hello/Bulletin screens easily. Multi-node / WC '@' codes compatable, command line driven, easy to set up and use. **FREE REGISTRATION**
WDNPROWL.ZIP Yes 34287 6/12/1992 WDNet/PROWL Infoormation.
WDN_DESC.ZIP Yes 44041 2/9/1992 Add file descriptions to the WDNet area.
WEASNET1.ZIP Yes 4622 11/12/1992 Utility for Wildcat Based Systems
WHNODE10.ZIP Yes 14737 7/13/1992 Which Node finds out the correct node number.
WHRAMI13.ZIP Yes 69542 12/24/1992 Automatically Insert the Callers Location into the WildCat Users Database after their First Call. No longer do you need to ask the user for their location. This Utility will recognise new callers, and from their phone number, deduce their location. The users location is inserted into the Wildcat Database, which can be edited by the user on their next call. Version 1.3 is the First Public Release.
WHRAMI14.ZIP Yes 72280 1/20/1993 Automatically Insert the Callers Location into the WildCat Users Database after their First Call. No longer do you need to ask the user for their location. This Utility will recognise new callers, and from their phone number, deduce their location. The users location is inserted into the Wildcat Database, which can be edited by the user on their next call. Version 1.4, minor changes.
WILDCAT1.ZIP Yes 520600 2/13/1993 .FLI of Wildcat World Domination, simple, but neat :)
WILDLOG.ZIP Yes 13610 11/13/1992 Utility for Wildcat Based Systems
WILDSL13.ZIP Yes 41639 10/5/1992 Wildstats/Call Log v1.3 Daily stat maker of activity log.
WILDSL15.ZIP Yes 48555 2/26/1993 ��� WildStats/Call Log v1.5a ��� The best/best looking call log/stats screen you can get! WildStats/Call Log keeps track of your daily statistics and now tracks your running system statistics. The daily stats are displayed at the end of your call log. If configured to do so, WildSL will create a WCPRO.BBS file (or whatever name you want to give it) that will track your stats from installation date. It's only $5.00, but if you are a registered user of WildBull/News, it's FREE!
WILDTECH.ZIP Yes 9535 4/4/1993 Info Wildcat Technical File Network. Also in WDNET soon!
WILDWIND.ZIP Yes 11966 11/6/1992 Informational file on setting up WC v3.x under Windows 3.x
WINCATTD.ZIP Yes 8070 6/17/1992 Run Wildcat Test Drive under Windows 3.0.
WJOKE11.ZIP Yes 8850 9/16/1992 WildJoke v1.1 Joke of the day for Wildcat.
WLDCTLST.ZIP Yes 51169 6/2/1993 Latest list of all BBSes using WildCat Software� Update
WLIST14.ZIP Yes 84859 9/20/1992 WILDLIST v1.4 Super Speed File List Generator for Wildcat.
WLIST141.ZIP Yes 83169 10/12/1992 Utility for Wildcat Based Systems
WLIST160.ZIP Yes 93669 1/23/1993 WILDLIST v1.6. Super Speed File List Generator.
WMAIL204.ZIP Yes 222120 7/14/1992 WildMail v2.04. Handles message bases.
WMAIL205.ZIP Yes 223631 11/27/1992 Utility for Wildcat Based Systems
WMAIL206.ZIP Yes 220772 12/24/1992 WILDMAIL! v2.06 Mail Processor for WILDCAT! 3.x.
WMAIL209.ZIP Yes 220602 3/23/1993 WILDMAIL! v2.09 Mail Processor for WILDCAT! 3.x BUG FIX!
WMINF100.ZIP Yes 84428 12/21/1992 minfo 1.00 Generates Bulletin howing Wildmail Activity.
WMINF102.ZIP Yes 85061 1/6/1993 Analyzes WildMail activity log generates stats report.
WMLOG12.ZIP Yes 14039 6/8/1992 A mustang software mailsystem log v1.2.
WMLOG201.ZIP Yes 18984 10/14/1992 WMLOG v2.01 Log reporter Trimmer for Wildmail.
WM_SPEED.ZIP Yes 48505 9/26/1992 WM_SPEED v2.20 Util to create Wildmail tossing stats.
WNEWS20.ZIP Yes 61875 8/15/1992 Wildnews v2.0 Newsletter generator.
WNODE150.ZIP Yes 75468 9/2/1992 WildNode v1.50. Compiles the FIDO nodelist for WildCat!
WNODE151.ZIP Yes 88005 2/12/1993 WildNode v1.51. Nodelist processor for WildCat! v3.00-3.6.
WSTYLE11.ZIP Yes 58042 8/22/1992 Use with WildBull/WildNews to create stylish screens.
WV.ZIP Yes 9871 11/29/1991 Wildcat! BBS v3.x color screen viewer for viewing the @BF@
WVY13.ZIP Yes 9101 3/7/1993 ************* WVY ver1.3 ************* Who Visited Yesterday v1.3 for WC! BBS's We all know who called the BBS today but now you can track users that called the BBS yesterday! Creates Hello/Bulletin screens easily. Multi-node/WC "@' codes supported, command line driven, easy.
XMQUOTE.ZIP Yes 15044 12/9/1992 Christmas MUSIC Quotes for WCv.3 quotes.bbs w/see-hear tool.
XPIRDATE.ZIP Yes 10882 9/29/1991 Wildcat! 3.0 sysops utility for letting users know their sub
YP10.ZIP Yes 19758 1/14/1993 YP10.ZIP - Makes a Bulletin of Businesses. Works with any version 3.xx Wildcat BBS. Yellow Pager creates a bulletin,when used with the included questionaire, of any business' your callers may be involved in. They can list any type of business and it will be D/L with most .Qwk mail packets. From Tinker Software and Larry Edwards. 
YTCOLOR.ZIP Yes 33333 2/8/1992 Yankee Trader Color v.1.1U. Puts @codes in YT bulletins.
ZIPV.ZIP Yes 11399 3/1/1993 ZIPVIEW Writes .ZIP contents to VIEWCOMP.DAT for WC v3.x
ZMV32BIS.ZIP Yes 596 10/2/1992 Utility for Wildcat Based Systems
ZOLTR96.ZIP Yes 607 11/4/1992 Utility for Wildcat Based Systems