74 files found in Library "Desqview Help/Utils"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
CLOCKDV.ZIP Yes 69012 9/1/1992 DESQview/X clock replacement.
COMMPROG.ZIP Yes 10775 5/14/1992
Using communications programs under DESQview.
A thorough dissertation.
DESQACCS.ZIP Yes 5653 2/14/1992
DesqView orientated clock and modem monitor.
Will work with any version, configuration
information included.
DESQCOMM.ZIP Yes 7013 3/16/1992 Communications under Desqview.
DGANSI.ZIP Yes 35506 3/1/1992
DgANSI v1.00: DESQview/Ultravision-aware ANSI
driver that can be installed/uninstalled at
any time and performs all functions of
ANSI.SYS. Works at higher screen speeds, uses
a large, flushable key-reassignment buffer, &
works with any size video.
DVANSI.ZIP Yes 3174 3/9/1992
Why doesn't ANSI work in a DESQview window?
What can be done to fix it? Why is DVANSI
actually better than ANSI.SYS? This file
answers those questions.
DVAWARE.ZIP Yes 2614 3/16/1991
What is a well-behaved program? Advice on how
to make your program DESQview-aware, with
Assembler interface and notes on where to get
mroe information.
DVC18.ZIP Yes 58506 2/17/1992
DV Commander (formerly {DESQ}) v 1.8 Command
line utility for DV which will open windows
automatically. Start a window with prompting.
Submenues, beep command, hide and unhide a
window, set the window frame on or off, set
justify mode, and much more.
DVCOMM.ZIP Yes 19989 2/27/1991
A DesqView comunications program. Requires
DVCPU.ZIP Yes 14191 7/15/1991
Pops up DesqView window & sets share CPU
while in foreground to yes/no as you specify.
This is the only util updated for release 2.8
of Tessler' Nifty Tools (TNT2_8.ZIP).
DVCPY200.ZIP Yes 110195 9/29/1992
DESQview aware file copy utility. Uses
floppies without slowing down. Complete SHARE
aware and compatible with 4DOS built in copy
command plus many other features. * A MAJOR
DVCRON21.ZIP Yes 32263 1/26/1992 DV Unix-like cron scheduler.
DVDEVL12.ZIP Yes 11166 1/3/1993
DVdevload by Ralf Brown. Freeware. Load
device drivers inside a DESQview window. Uses
much less memory than Quarterdeck's
DEVICE.COM and will not cause system lockup
if 4DOS or NDOS is used as the command
DVFAQ10.ZIP Yes 78462 12/1/1992 FAQ for DESQview/QEMM.
DVFAQ3.ZIP Yes 22802 3/30/1992 FAQ: for DV Qemm release 3.
DVFAQ4.ZIP Yes 25191 4/30/1992 FAQ: Release 4 for Desqview by D Bodoh.
DVFAQ5.ZIP Yes 54904 5/30/1992 FAQ #5 for DV/QEMM txt & DV/X hlp format.
DVFAQ8.ZIP Yes 36243 9/1/1992 FAQ for DV DV/X and QEMM.
DVFAX.ZIP Yes 63061 2/23/1993
DESQviewFAX; Lets you run a Class I FAX in a
back groundDESQview window. Class I FAX
requires a dedicated machine. This package
lets you watch for FAX in the backgroundand
only tie upmachine during actual FAX receipt
DVFQ0792.ZIP Yes 27940 7/1/1992
DESQview/QEMM FAQ; The Frequently Asked
Questions list comp.os.msdos.desqview Usenet
DVLANT.ZIP Yes 2925 4/2/1992 How to use DV on top of Lantastic server.
DVLANTSR.ZIP Yes 2628 3/28/1992 Run DV on a Lantastic Server - text file.
DVN_TAG.ZIP Yes 11396 1/6/1992
Desqview net area tag management program that
facilitates the placement of programs into
the proper directories.
DVOPEN11.ZIP Yes 46128 1/12/1992
DV Open v1.1: DV/DOS cmd-line util that can
enhance your control over DESQview Open menu
operations. Allows you to create scripts that
mean "Open WP, or switch to it if already
active", & to access DESQview's built in abil
ity to "tame" the excessive keyboard polling
of some DOS applications; requires DV 2.26+.
DVPCBEV.ZIP Yes 4346 4/21/1991
Help & Tips in Handling multi-node PCBoard
events running under DESQView
DVPMT20.ZIP Yes 31688 9/21/1993 Puts unique prompts in DESQview windows.
DVSB4UP.ZIP Yes 64156 1/12/1992
Dynamic Verification System v1.0�4- Compiled
01/12/92 - UPDATE ARCHIVE! Use to upgrade
from B3 to B4; contains only the needed
files. New installations require DVS10B4.ZIP.
DVSCR10.ZIP Yes 3009 3/24/1992
Batch file in 4DOS batch language that
provides a faster interface to DESQview's
Convscr utility.
DVSEARCH.ZIP Yes 29736 8/19/1992
Engine for rapidly locating info in text
files. Runs under DV or DV/X.
DVSI2_00.ZIP Yes 230646 2/22/1992 Desqview System information.
DVSPAWN.ZIP Yes 20146 1/25/1992
Spawn 1.0: start up Desqview .DVP from the
command line in a DOS window. Modify DVP
parameters on the fly while loading.
DVTKIT10.ZIP Yes 387863 3/4/1993
The DESQview toolkit from Gary Chanson.
Contains an assortment of command line
utilities which gives complete control of DV.
DVTODO.ZIP Yes 9487 2/1/1993 Desqview/Todo list: small DV To-Do list.
DVXBOOT.ZIP Yes 929 7/27/1992
DV/X Reboot Program! Allows You To Reboot
Desqview/X After An Event, Great For Sysops!
Note: WARMBOOT, COLDBOOT, ETC Currently Won't
Work With DV/X, That's Why There Is This One!
DVXEVENT.ZIP Yes 3065 3/17/1993
Text file that was put together that shows
you how to run events in DVX by shutting down
DVX instead of rebooting.
DVXHLP10.ZIP Yes 60604 6/3/1992
Desqview/X help compiler. Make your own DV/X
help files from plain text. Includes details
of the DV/X help file format (not an official
QOS product). From Dan Bodoh, author of DVSI.
DVXICONS.ZIP Yes 36232 6/28/1992 Collection of icons for DESQview/x.
DVXPRS.ZIP Yes 2826 4/1/1992 QD announcement re Desqview/X.
DVXTEC.ZIP Yes 34969 3/31/1992 Tec's for Desqview/X.
DV_FAQ.ZIP Yes 17820 2/4/1992 DESQview frequently asked questions & answers
EXCP13.ZIP Yes 8842 3/2/1993
DV_Tech_Note: what is an Exception #13? What
is an Exception #12? What do these messages
mean? How can they help you?
FASTA2.ZIP Yes 2906 2/2/1993 Solution for some fast machines with QEMM
FQ012992.ZIP Yes 17838 2/1/1992
Faq for Desqview/QEMM from Usenet Desqview
news group.
LARGCO.ZIP Yes 2402 6/8/1992
DV_Tech_Note: getting large contiguous
regions of high RAM.
MULTFAX.ZIP Yes 59138 2/23/1993
DESQviewFAX; Lets you run a Class I FAX in a
backgroundDESQview window.Class I FAX
requiresa dedicatedmachine.Lets you watch for
FAX in the backgroundandonly tie upmachine
during actual FAX receipt.
NODV.ZIP Yes 8329 3/16/1992 Hide DESQview from any program. With BC++ src
PROTMNTE.ZIP Yes 4327 3/5/1993 Using QEMM with Protman
QDVFLOPY.ZIP Yes 2500 3/9/1992
Quarterdeck's dvfloppy.tec: why floppy access
under DV slows everything to a crawl.
QEMMERR.ZIP Yes 6283 3/26/1992
DV_Tech_Note: QEMM-386 LoahHi error messages
are outlined and discussed. Includes
troubleshooting tips.
QEXT.ZIP Yes 2812 3/9/1992
Description of QEXT.SYS, which provides XMS
services (like DOS's HIMEM.SYS) but which
also allows DESQview to load 64K of itself
into the first 64K of extended memory on 286
or later processors.
QM386HLP.ZIP Yes 10599 3/11/1992 DV and Qemm help files.
QOSSWIT3.ZIP Yes 9421 5/28/1992
Ralf Brown's list of Quarterdeck product
switches, documented & undocumented.
QOSTN219.ZIP Yes 3896 1/21/1992
Using Qemm-386'S analysis procedure to find
memory conflicts. Quarterdecks Technical Note
#219 by the Quarterdeck Testing and
Compatibility department.
QTRD-BBS.ZIP Yes 33314 2/7/1993 Quartedeck BBS bulletins as of 02/07/93.
QUARTRD.ZIP Yes 24408 12/21/1991
Quarterdeck notes on: 4DOS, Ahead VGA cards,
choosing a DIR upon DESQview startup, DR DOS
6, weird keyboard behaviour, and Windows.
QWHT13.ZIP Yes 482363 8/18/1992 Quarterdeck White Papers: version 13.
QWJUL92.ZIP Yes 410885 7/7/1992
Quarterdeck White Papers; These text files
contain technical information,
troubleshooting guidelines, and tips and
tricks for users of DESQview, QEMM-386, QRAM,
QEMM, and other Quarterdeck software.
Readable with QWHITE, the DESQview-specific
White Papers reader, or with any ASCII text
editor / file lister.
RBMGR101.ZIP Yes 2027 2/16/1992 DV Reboot manager version 1.01.
RC_PIF.ZIP Yes 358 5/4/1992 RoboComm DVP For Desqview
SUNCLOCK.ZIP Yes 106035 10/12/1992
DESQview/X clock showing night and day around
the world.
SWANFIX.ZIP Yes 1710 2/3/1993 Fixes A20 problem on Swan DX2-66's using Qemm
TAME310.ZIP Yes 104241 10/11/1993
Tame v3.10; Designed to help you get maximum
performance from your multitasking
environment by speeding up the processing of
your applications. TAME works with many
MS-DOS based multitasking environments. In
fact, there are special hooks in TAME for use
with most of the popular multitaskers
including Windows, OS/2, Win_NT, DESQview,
Double Dos, Omniview, VM/386 and PC/MOS.
VIRTIZ.ZIP Yes 6935 4/1/1992 Tec note on virtualizing for DV.
WINSIZE.ZIP Yes 4409 4/1/1992
A note on how to maximize the amount of
memory available to each window running under
XCB-20.ZIP Yes 182414 10/7/1993
XCB v2.0: DESQview/X utility to cut & paste
to buffers built into every X-server.
Unlimited number of cut buffers can be
created. Designed primarily for use with
textual data.
XCURSR10.ZIP Yes 68573 10/7/1993 Control cursor/pointer in DV/X.
XGA.ZIP Yes 2142 10/7/1993
Using Quarterdeck Products - DESQview,
QEMM-386, QRAM, and QEMM 50-60 - with IBM's
XGA graphics adapter.
XGAQOS.ZIP Yes 2084 2/25/1992
XGA and how it works with Quarterdeck
XLLGNUTE.ZIP Yes 1599 3/5/1993 How to get DesqviewX development tools
XPM2DVX.ZIP Yes 7471 10/7/1993
Converts "XPMC C" files from other XWindows
to a format that DV/X can handle.
XRSCDB.ZIP Yes 12994 5/27/1992 X resource database editor for DESQview-X.
XSROOT.ZIP Yes 49631 5/27/1992
DesqView-X: changes the options in the root
(server) window.
XSTI.ZIP Yes 5419 10/7/1993 DV_Tech_Note: QEMM-386 & the XSTI parameter.
XWINFO.ZIP Yes 65236 10/7/1993
DesqView-X: returns information about a
window in pixels. The information is useful
to customize the setup in DVP.