64 files found in Library "GT Power BBS & Utils"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
AAARIP7G.ZIP Yes 40749 2/9/1992
AAARIP release for GT 17.00; Introducing
command line arguments. You may now control a
little of what the ripper does.
BGQWKB31.ZIP Yes 62361 6/21/1992 B.J. Guillot's qwkmail door for GT Power �31.
BGTOP22.ZIP Yes 15718 3/23/1993
BGTOP 2.2 - Top user reporter program New
version includes total number of users,
calls, uploads, and downloads in the bulletin
BGUTIB04.ZIP Yes 23628 2/26/1992 B.J. Guillot's GT<=>UTI mail interface.
BGWHO20.ZIP Yes 10671 12/23/1991 Who called today? for GT Power 15+.
CRASH100.ZIP Yes 3968 6/6/1992
RK-Ware's Crasher 1.00. Updates GT's
UPSINCE.BBS file with node which crashed last
Runs in the GTCRASH.BAT file. Works only with
GT Power systems.
DELSHL11.ZIP Yes 39632 9/14/1993
DelShell v1.1; Designed to run DELREN on
multiple messages areas. Read GTMDIR.BBS, or
an alternate GTMDIR.BBS and operate one each
message area. Optionally Export/Import MMR's
pointers via MM_PTCNV prior to executing
Delren. You must have DELREN.EXE in order to
use this utility.
DLC30.ZIP Yes 52263 2/6/1993
Download Counter - updates files.bbs with
download count - Dutch GT utility. 02/06/93.
DPROC102.ZIP Yes 20643 3/28/1993
DIZProcessor v1.02; Scans a directory and
builds a GT Power FILES.BBS entry from an
enclosed FILE_ID.DIZ or SmartFA format DIZ
file. Supports ARC, ARJ, LHZ, PAK and ZIP
format files. Now has optional configuration
DWORK210.ZIP Yes 74888 3/18/1991
DoorWorks v2.10; The Ultimate in door
management for GT Power v15 through v16!
Converts to PCBoard 12.X and 14.X, Doorway,
GAP, C Kit, Operation Overkill II, RBBS,
QuickBBS, Wildcat, Milton Gameworks
USERINFO.TXT, plus batch files to run
QuickBBS and WWIV in a door!
FIDO0906.ZIP Yes 32709 4/12/1993 Richard Walker's GT<>FIDO mail tosser.
FIDO1160.ZIP Yes 99511 6/25/1993 FidoGate for GT Power BBS
FILMG021.ZIP Yes 37425 5/31/1993
File Manager v0.21� for GT Power version
17.06 and higher. File Manager is intended to
be the ultimate upload processor and
files.bbs manager for GT Power. This release
adds support for FILES.CBS and header
FMAIL355.ZIP Yes 30522 1/14/1993
Fastmail offline mail door for gt bbs.
GETECHO.ZIP Yes 8723 11/7/1992
For GT Powercomm systems v15 up. Get echos
automatically from uplinks and or setup echos
for transit. Small, easy to setup.
GL201B11.ZIP Yes 67055 1/4/1993
GL conference list enhancer for GT network.
GT16AN10.ZIP Yes 14053 6/12/1992
GT16ANS v1.0; Written to work with GT15.50,
GT16 and GT17 message bases. This utility
will build a file containing MESSAGE #, FROM,
and SUBJECT information for each message, in
the selected message area that contains the
ANSI code " ESC[ ".
GT1706_1.ZIP Yes 203181 7/17/1992 GT Powercomm v17.06 - 1 of 5.
GT1706_2.ZIP Yes 200630 6/30/1992 GT Powercomm v17.06 - 2 of 5.
GT1706_3.ZIP Yes 70162 1/7/1991 GT Powercomm v17.06 - 3 of 5.
GT1706_4.ZIP Yes 133943 7/11/1992 GT Powercomm v17.06 - 4 of 5.
GT1706_5.ZIP Yes 103240 5/28/1992 GT Powercomm v17.06 - 5 of 5.
GT1800A.ZIP Yes 220428 8/18/1993
GT Power v18.00 [08-01-93] Disk [2/6] - "The
Rolls Royce of Communications" Main program
executable and overlay files. 286/386 ver.
GT1800S.ZIP Yes 93050 8/26/1993 GT Power 18.00 utility source code - PD.
GT1800_1.ZIP Yes 153629 7/24/1993
GT Power v18.00 [1/6]; "The Rolls Royce of
Communications" Complete host and terminal
operations. Features such as fax handling,
CallerID, OS2/ MSWindows/ DESQview aware,
QWKMail, DIZ support, archive viewing,
powerful script and questionaire processing,
CDROM support, subscription and user account
management, onscreen file tagging, plus much
more...all rolled into one shareware program!
GT1800_2.ZIP Yes 221647 8/18/1993
GT Power v18.00 [2/6]; "The Rolls Royce of
Communications" Main program executable and
overlay files.
GT1800_3.ZIP Yes 67103 8/18/1993
GT Power v18.00 [3/6]; "The Rolls Royce of
Communications" Support files and assorted
external protocol drivers (CISB, GTZ,
GT1800_4.ZIP Yes 130895 8/18/1993
GT Power v18.00 [4/6]; "The Rolls Royce of
Communications" Terminal Mode Only version.
For use when disk space is limited. GTO is
the nickname.
GT1800_5.ZIP Yes 135384 9/2/1993
GT Power v18.00 [5/6]; "The Rolls Royce of
Communications" HOST/BBS Mode support files
and documentation.
GT1800_6.ZIP Yes 97655 7/10/1993
GT Power v18.00 [6/6]; "The Rolls Royce of
Communications" Miscellaneous documentation
for external protocols and Host Mode
management utilities.
GTDCE11.ZIP Yes 9053 4/4/1992
GTdce v1.1; grabs caller's DCE baud rate from
GTUSER.BBS on GT Power BBSs and returns
GTDM210.ZIP Yes 98637 10/15/1991
GTDM v2.10; GT PowerComm phone directory
manager. Merge phone directories; Convert
Qmodem, Telix, PCP+ to GT PowerComm.
GTEL0515.ZIP Yes 54866 5/15/1993 GT Network International Echomail
GTLOG411.ZIP Yes 22338 12/28/1992
GT log analyser for GT Power log file.
GTMAINT3.ZIP Yes 27897 8/31/1991 GT Host scheduler/maintainence utility.
GTMORE32.ZIP Yes 32985 3/14/1993
Utility for browsing ANSI or ASCII text files
depending on the settings in the GTUSER.BBS
file. Version 3.2 corrects a problem in
finding the ANSI setting from the GTUSER.BBS.
Problems were also corrected with occasional
LockUp problems when the user was not located
correctly in the USER.CTL file.
GTNL0528.ZIP Yes 26179 5/28/1993 Nodelist for GT Network International Echomail
GTO1706A.ZIP Yes 131641 7/13/1992 GT Power 17.06: AT/286+ terminal only GTO.
GTPL_411.ZIP Yes 52806 8/23/1993
GT Power List Door. View worldwide GT Power
BBS nodes. Supports several BBS formats and
baud rates up to 115,200.
GTQWK17.ZIP Yes 29937 10/9/1991
GTqwk version 1.70. Allows you to import or
export qwk packets to GT Power 16 & 17.
GTT112.ZIP Yes 106342 8/31/1991
GT Tools Beta version for GT. Once you try
this you'll nevr go back to sysop tools.
GTUSRD11.ZIP Yes 10526 4/8/1992
GT User Dump V1.1 - exports GT Power v17.00
USER.Ctl to a Basic format, comma-delimited
ASCII file for database importation.
GT_PCP03.ZIP Yes 17124 11/28/1991
Dialing Directory Script for PCP calls.
Scripts were written for GT Power 16/17.xx
but should work with some earlier versions of
GT with little or no modifications.
HCRASH13.ZIP Yes 51592 12/14/1991
Hotcrash V1.3 GT Power Crash. Mail front end
by Rob Roesch.
HEAD314B.ZIP Yes 96285 8/16/1992 Header - GT files.bbs maintenance tool - �.
HTGTCD11.ZIP Yes 8175 8/21/1993
HOT GT Change Directory v1.1; Utility that
will automatically change to the Drive and
Directory as specified in the GTPATH
Environment Variable, or any Environment
Variable thats specified on the command line.
JDLOG63.ZIP Yes 96627 8/31/1991
JD LOG . Utility to keep your GT log file in
JKLIB23.ZIP Yes 57784 8/31/1991
JK LIB v2.3. This well make a very nice logon
bulletin for all you GT sysops. You may add
colour and all the text you want in one
bulletin file. Works with GT 1550/1700.
JLBA500.ZIP Yes 170772 7/21/1992 Jlbank: utilities to enhance GT Pay $y$tem.
JLPL500.ZIP Yes 208016 7/21/1992 Jlplot: plots GT BBS usage. From Germany.
JLUT500.ZIP Yes 298108 8/7/1992 Jurgen Lorenz' GT Power sysop utility package
JPATLU10.ZIP Yes 10702 6/15/1993
Jim Porter's ADD-TO-LU ("Add to Latest
Uploads") program for GT 18. Adds any
specified filename's FILES.BBS entry to the
UPLOADS.BBS file, or to another FILES.BBS
file, or both. Very handy for moving uploaded
file descriptions around and updating the
UPLOADS.BBS file at the same time.
JVDNLD02.ZIP Yes 93152 7/13/1993
JVDNLD02.ARJ 92428 07-13-93 07-13-93 from:
Jim Velguth Companion program for GT Power
1800 and above. Run in GT_PIGGY.BAT to count
downloads in download database. Run in
GTLOGOFF.BAT or nightly maintenance to make
bulletin of 20 most wanted downloads in color
and mono. Can handle multi node bbs's.
Complete with download database editor and
alpha sort.
KPROT19.ZIP Yes 36367 9/14/1993
Kill Protect V1.9. Utility to mark all
messages as "Kill Protect". This utility will
read from the GTMDIR.BBS and mark all
messages Kill Protect, UNLESS they are
currently marked as Private. Version 1.9 will
create a work copy of the GTMDIR.BBS to avoid
locking the file in MultiTasking
Environments. Kprotect will create and
automatically delete this work file.
LAST11.ZIP Yes 34140 2/14/1993
Last.EXE v1.1, Edit's SYSOP.BBS to show who
the last caller was "Last user on was
[Russell Forrest] at [2400] baud.\r$Your
FIRST name: " Along with creating bulletins
by name provided in config file.
MMR-246.ZIP Yes 103915 1/6/1993 Message Mate Reader: sysop reader for GT bbs.
MSGTRM12.ZIP Yes 76531 8/16/1993
Message Trim v1.2; Utility to remove unwanted
Tag Lines, Quotes, Reader Signitures, and
Bridging Tags from the text of GT messages.
v1.2 adds over 30 items to the search list,
and adds the ability to specify trailing
spaces to each entry in the search list.
QWKB19AT.ZIP Yes 104440 1/5/1992 B.J. Guillot's qwk message door for GT.
SFA3B14.ZIP Yes 60122 3/14/1993
SmartFA Beta 14, bug fixes for the sort and
diz processing functions.
SKILL20.ZIP Yes 37165 12/27/1992
Spot Kill GT netmail maintenance utility.
SYUTLB40.ZIP Yes 138823 7/1/1993
SYSUTIL 1.0; A multifunction sysop utility
for GT Power sysops. Includes many options
for maintaining screens, editing the user
file, and more. Adds a built-in config
editor, editing of the netmail consolidation
file, revised documentation and more.
TRAC192B.ZIP Yes 128883 1/7/1992 Tracker logon program for GT Power.
TXT2MSG3.ZIP Yes 36926 7/27/1992 Import text file into GT BBS message base
WAFGTB06.ZIP Yes 70174 10/3/1993
WAFTOGT v1.0beta6; GT Sysops: Bring USENET to
your BBS! WAFTOGT brings the multitude of
groups that make up Usenet to your GT Power
BBS! It will also import E-mail for your
users, and can bounce back mail sent to
unknown users. Try it today!