150 files found in Library "Dos Help/Utils"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
5MIN_DOS.ZIP No 58726 07-03-92
5-minute DOS: A quick & easy
tutorial for the essential DOS Commands.
ADM204.ZIP Yes 84959 02-11-92
ADMenu 2.04. Update to Allen Dew's excellent
FREEWARE menuing system that adds mouse
support. The menu also supports passwords,
screen blanking, hourly chimes, etc.
ANSCOLOR.ZIP Yes 7609 08-04-92 Change DOS Output Color
ANSI13.ZIP Yes 20333 01-01-92 HOF ANSI.COM, fast replacement for ANSI.SYS.
ANSIPLUS.ZIP Yes 237663 06-09-92
A new ansi console driver that
includes blanking, speedykeys,
smooth scroll, etc. Etc.
APATH22.ZIP Yes 5641 03-29-92
APATH v2.2: allows PATH manipulation easily
& quickly w/little overhead in make files,
BAT files, LAN administration login/logout
batch files & the cmd line w/out the excess
baggage of saving/restoring the environment
ASK.ZIP Yes 2699 01-18-92
Program for asking multiple choice questions
in a batch file and branching based on the
answer. Freeware.
ASKCOM2D.ZIP Yes 10776 08-25-92
Ask.Com v2.d batch file
enhancement Batch file input for
ASKIT11.ZIP Yes 15620 02-07-92
Interactive Batch file utility. User can
define what errorlevels to pass to dos based
on single-letters or even words. V1.1
AUTOC20G.ZIP Yes 137055 03-15-92
AutoCon v2.0G: database manager for Autoexec
and Config files that allows up to 50
configurations, and makes switching between
them easy; full interactive (editor, mouse,
menus context sensitive help, etc.) or
command line mode; device driver can setup
menu of configurations during boot.
A_TYPE12.ZIP Yes 14324 12-05-91
A_TYPE v1.2 Shows ASC/ANS/ANSI music/Avatar
0+ files from DOS.
BATBOX26.ZIP Yes 23252 04-08-92
BATBOX v2.6: will allow you to display an
attractive, colorful menu and will wait for
the user to make a selection; will then set
an appropriate errorlevel value which can be
used to determine subsequent actions in your
batch file.
BATCH30.ZIP Yes 190136 07-15-92
Batch Enhancer V3.00 Add
Colors, Sounds, Boxes, Menus,
Directory Controls And Other
Spectacular Features Into Batch
Files. Now With New Batch Editor!
BATCHQ10.ZIP Yes 62378 12-31-91 Real batch queuing v1.0 for PC & LANs.
BATMNU21.ZIP Yes 36295 07-11-92
BATMNU v2.1: BAT file menu
system provides sophisticated flow
control and gives batch files a
professional appearance
w/point-andshoot menus.
BATOUT12.ZIP Yes 14146 02-10-92
BATOUT v1.2: BATch file exit utility to
provide a timed exit or jump within a batch
file based on a keystroke.
BETTERCD.ZIP Yes 6182 08-03-92
Replment For DOS cd Cmmnd
Allows Fuzzy Search
BFD12.ZIP Yes 41149 02-10-92
Batch File Directory (BFD) v1.2: batch file
based menu system capable of displaying up
to 200 files, allowing you to page back &
forth to find the one you want.
BILZUTLZ.ZIP Yes 22621 08-13-92
A small collection of custom
DOS utilities, including UNIXized
versions of CD, MD, and RD, a
high-bit stripper, and a drive
information utility.
BLOG09.ZIP Yes 8752 03-01-92
BatLog v0.90: utility that will keep track
of the time you spend using any particular
application, designed to be used within
BATch files.
BMOUSE10.ZIP Yes 18374 06-09-92 Add mouse support to .BAT files v1.0
BMPS11.ZIP Yes 17573 05-02-92 Encrypt .BAT files v1.1
BNFP202D.ZIP Yes 330485 03-19-92 Top accessories. This is "testdrive" version.
BNFP202E.ZIP Yes 167212 03-19-92 Has an annoyware opening and is limited.
BOBCAT15.ZIP Yes 94116 03-07-92
Bobcat v1.5: file-directory/program manager
that is beautifully graphic & easily
customized w/online help at the press of key
BOOTCHK1.ZIP Yes 14497 03-10-92
Make an image of a boot sector and then use
it to keep guard on changes.
BOOTTHRU.ZIP Yes 3201 03-01-92
Allows you to boot from your hard drive even
when your floppy drive has a diskette ready
in it.
BUBA.ZIP Yes 23548 01-01-92 HOF Arsenal of BAT shortcuts.
CAM262.ZIP Yes 112952 03-13-92
CAM v2.62 Config/Autoexec manager. Allows
multiple selections at bootup.
CAR1.ZIP Yes 22170 05-02-91
Allows multiple autoexec and
config choices.
CCD10.ZIP Yes 7059 10-04-92 Utility which replaces dos cd command.
CDD.ZIP Yes 6591 01-01-92
HOF Change drive and dir, GREAT in BATs.
Legendary shortcut utility. A must-have.
CDIR21.ZIP Yes 3690 02-12-92
Great, easy, small replacement for DOS's
"CD." Searches entire disk. By J-Utilities.
CDQ.ZIP Yes 7144 07-26-92
Wildcard accepting version of
the DOS CD command. also allows
forward slashes in pathnames.
CDS242.ZIP Yes 31266 09-21-92 CD Sharing Utility
CHECK10.ZIP Yes 13718 08-12-92
All menu driven chkdsk and
floppy formatting shell.Easy to
use and saves typing in DOS.
CHKD120.ZIP Yes 14502 05-13-92 Faster CHKDSK function (50%).
CLOCK222.ZIP Yes 17089 04-11-92
CLOCK v2.22: clock device
driver that replaces the DOS
internal clock driver for those
whose clocks are not supported by
the level of DOS they are using or
want to use.
CMPDIR20.ZIP Yes 16518 04-19-92
CMPDIR v2.0: utility to compare
the contents of two subdirs &
report the results; can be
restricted to specific
files/groups of files thru use of
dos wildcards; errorlevel support.
developer services.
COLORS12.ZIP Yes 8489 02-12-92
Change display colors. Uses ANSI.SYS or
compatible driver. Similar to the 4DOS COLOR
CONMAX15.ZIP Yes 203623 05-10-92 A DOS enviroment changer.
CSAP312.ZIP Yes 31932 02-16-92
CSAP - Sort And Pack Directories v3.12:
sorts directories in any of three orders &
writes out the sorted directory.
CURSOR10.ZIP Yes 5130 02-01-92
Cursor v1.0: will change the DOS cursor from
an underscore into a block and back again;
errorlevel support.
CVOUTILS.ZIP Yes 511430 03-18-92
Good set of advanced utilities
for AT & MS DOS.
DASBOT19.ZIP Yes 58274 07-26-92
Das Boot v1.9:
Reconfigure/Reboot your system.
Easy to use, & includes examples.
By Russell Mueller.
DAYBAT12.ZIP Yes 8209 07-13-92
Runs a different batch file
every day of the week. This
update runs the batch file
only once daily rather
than each time the computer
is booted. Shareware $5.00.
DAYLEVEL.ZIP Yes 1926 08-06-92
Batch enhancer to allow
redirection based on time.
DDEL2_1.ZIP Yes 14131 08-12-92
DDEL v2.1 (c) 1992 (Freeware)
Ddel is an excellent replacement
for the dos's restricted del
command. pop-up window with mouse
support. worth a 1 min download.
DESC300.ZIP Yes 55575 06-11-92
File description editor v3.00
for DOS & 4DOS. Many nice features.
DIRSHOW.ZIP Yes 13153 03-21-92
Utility for DOS beginners to
pick files and execute a program
with that file name.... handy utility.
DONTRN10.ZIP Yes 10218 03-12-92
Don't Run 1.0: small util to help control
pgm loads in your Autoexec.Bat file - if
there is a pgm that you do not want to run
most of the time than this util can help;
allows you to tell it to load a pgm by
pressing during a delay time - if not
pressed during the delay time, the program
isn't run.
DOR421.ZIP Yes 52742 03-16-92 Replacement for DOS dir command.
DORUN10.ZIP Yes 10217 03-12-92
Do Run v1.0: small util to help control pgm
loads in your Autoexec.Bat file - if there
ps a pgm that you want to run most of the
time, but not always, than this util can
help; it allows you to tell it the pgm to
run and a delay time in seconds to allow you
to press to cancel.
DOS5BAT.ZIP Yes 14397 11-02-91
Numerous helpful DOS 5.0 batch files. Good
tutorials in Batch language, if nothing else.
DOS5FIX.ZIP Yes 84515 10-27-91
Replacement files for 10 DOS-5 files that
were supposed to have buggs.
DOSIMP12.ZIP Yes 315071 01-16-92
Hypertext MS-DOS & PC-DOS manual. Covers all
aspects through DOS 5.0 thoroughly.
DOSMAX15.ZIP Yes 19739 04-04-92
Allows DOS 3.3 and up to move out of the HMA
and into a UMB. Dos 5.0 uses 42K of the 64K
HMA (in my config) - with this, DOS can be
moved to upper mem leaving HMA for another
DOSUTILS.ZIP Yes 143931 07-05-92 Five DOS Utilities for VGA only
DOSVER11.ZIP Yes 8774 04-08-92
DOSVER v1.1: returns two
possible errorlevels based on
whether it's reporting the DOS
version or checking for a specific
version #.
DRSCRL14.ZIP Yes 26619 07-20-92
DRScroll v1.4 Places moving
messages into batch files. Can
control window size, delay rate,
column, row & sound.
DSQUIZ20.ZIP Yes 39573 05-30-92
DOSQUIZ v2.0: designed to be a
quiz of knowledge of basic and
advanced dos commands.
DTS103NC.ZIP Yes 44367 02-27-92
DaTiStam 1.01nc, Batch File Utility Append
msg to file w/date & time stamps imbedded!
OR send to screen specifying row,column, and
color! OR rename files to formats selected!
Many formats.
EDCON2.ZIP Yes 15559 02-25-92
View/edit your config & autoexec on one
EDITN104.ZIP Yes 38528 12-31-91
Editenv v1.04: simple text editor with the
special ability to read/edit your
environment that also has the ability to
read in a data file and load it into your
EMSCHEK.ZIP Yes 4460 07-18-91 Reports amount of installed extended memory.
ENVUTILX.ZIP Yes 32425 03-10-92
Environment variable manipulation utilities.
Fewer programs, more functions, bugs fixed.
Excellent for batch files.
ENV_20.ZIP Yes 28265 07-30-92
Environ v2.0 DOS master
environment variable. Includes
easy delete, restore & recall.
ERROR_.ZIP Yes 7191 06-09-92
Allows entering DOS error code
number at the DOS prompt to find
out what it means.
FDATE68A.ZIP Yes 53708 07-30-92
FDATE v6.8A: utility for date
manipulation in batch files;
functions include putting the
date/format of your choice into an
environment variable, & doing date
& time arith.
FFLIP215.ZIP Yes 100800 02-11-92
FastFlip v2.15. High speed application
swapper for DOS 3.x or higher. Allows up to
10 applications to be loaded at once, with
full memory available to each. Smaller,
faster and more versatile than DOS 5.0. Also
allows Cut & Paste between applications. New
Features: BAT file control, Programmer
Interface and much improved doc.
FGREP.ZIP Yes 12351 01-01-92 Utility That Replaces DOS's find filter.
FILBUF.ZIP Yes 2897 06-13-92
LIBrary of two
language-independent functions
that will determine the number of
FILES & the number of BUFFERS
presently configured in any system
running DOS 2.0-5.0; does not work
w/ DR-DOS or in the DOS box of
OS/2; samples included.
FIXLNK10.ZIP Yes 7946 04-22-92
Some versions of the memory
manager 386MAX (such as 6.01)
return improper values when
function 5802h of MS-DOS 5.0+ (Get
Upper-Memory Linkage) is used.
This resident returns the result
to be expected when MS-/PC-DOS 5.0
is unlinked from the upper-memory
area (i.e., no DOS=UMB command).
FSIZE100.ZIP Yes 15481 03-31-92
FileSize.Exe V1.00
(Freeware). Set errorlevels based
on total bytes found! FAST! Great
enhancement to DOS's DIR
command. Display several
dirs/filespecs at once, pause
every 24 lines, report totals,
and suppress screen output for batch files.
GETASC20.ZIP Yes 11323 07-09-92
Get ASCII v2.0: utility pgm
which gives the ASCII code of any
char, extended scan code of any
function key, or the char
corresponding to any ASCII code.
HANDYDOS.ZIP Yes 63567 09-21-92
Several utilities not included with DOS
delete .BAK files, move files, delete
directory tree, etc.
HIMEM278.ZIP Yes 6806 11-11-91 XMS Memory Manager dated 11/11/91.
ICOPY.ZIP Yes 14767 06-13-91
Better, faster than dos 5
IMPRVBAT.ZIP Yes 2933 09-02-92
A set of 3 BAT program enhancers, Shareware
Get keys, print blank lines, get Y/N in BAT
Makes menu-driven BAT easier.
INTER29A.ZIP Yes 271075 02-09-92
Part 1 one of the latest update to the
Interupt list.
INTER29B.ZIP Yes 217250 02-09-92
Part 2 of the update. Note that inter28c.zip
is still current as the programs there have
not changed. Lots of new stuff here, and
version 30 is on the way.
J2.ZIP Yes 11119 06-07-92
Ver2 j between directory,
faster than Norton CD and other
change directory utilities, Intend
for power users and programmers.
Also begginner will find it easy
to use and yet powerful. Optimized
for speed and efficiency.
KBFM12.ZIP Yes 40052 07-30-92
copy utility Now with file viewer
and program execution $10
LACE_13.ZIP Yes 49570 05-29-92
Lace v1.3 multi-configuration
menu system. Allows booting from
any of 14 AUTOEXEC/CONFIG combinations.
MEMHINTS.ZIP Yes 7203 12-25-91
Helpful memory hints for people using DOS 5.0
and/or QEMM 386. If you want the most out of
your memory use these tips. They're good.
MESSAGE.ZIP Yes 8470 12-21-91
Program designed to display messages in
batch files, allowing you to control the
appearance and location of the message on
the screen and choose whether or not to
pause until the user presses a key; when run
w/pause option, the value of the keystroke
can be evaluated using errorlevels.
MNUMTC10.ZIP Yes 53891 01-22-92
MenuMatic v1.0: configurable DOS menu. Not a
TSR, 0k RAM with pop-up menu.
MOVE152X.ZIP Yes 13239 05-19-92
My faster CMD line DOS file mover w batch
mode in effect, try it.
MREN100.ZIP Yes 7421 04-12-92
Matching Rename v1.00: Like DOS REName but
handles ? Wildcards better & supports
incrementing integers in filename. Also
supports directory renames & hidden/system
NDELY118.ZIP Yes 7740 10-30-91
N-Delay v1.18. Utility for creating delays in
batch files.
NNANS592.ZIP Yes 58719 08-09-92
New faster version of NANSI.SYS
replacement for ANSI.SYS (GOOD)
NOBZIP.EXE No 18592 03-03-92 Patch Redir to eliminate beeps & bleeps.
PATHINC.ZIP Yes 13655 01-26-92
PATHINC v1.00: adds or drops (PATH INCludes)
dir names from the path environment
PATHMAS.ZIP Yes 36108 06-15-92 Lets you set up lists of most used paths.
PATHTL20.ZIP Yes 43525 05-11-92
PathTool v2.0
PathTool is a powerful
utility which easily lets users
modify the PATH by using straight
forward commands. PathTool is
capable of generating PATH's
longer than 121 bytes. It is more
powerful than any existing PATH
modification utilities! Tested
with many versions of DOS and LAN's.
PATQUIN1.ZIP Yes 528626 08-02-92
Patriquin's Utilities from
Patri-Soft. Library of
improvements for many of DOS's
commands. Easy Dial v3.5 Keyoff
PreBack v1.3 SplitF v1.1 PAlert
v2.1 Pattr v1.5 PCopy v9.0D PDaily
PDel v4.2 PPrint v5.3 PSearch
v4.4E PTouch v1.2 From the
beginning, Norm Patriquin has
written some of the finest
utilities and this package has.
PAWS27.ZIP Yes 115614 07-15-91
Paws Ver2.7 A Batch File
Replacement For The "Pause"
Command That Can Do A Lot More
PCCT639.ZIP Yes 235228 06-08-91 A very good DOS help program.
PCL56.ZIP Yes 283425 01-25-92
PCLearn 5.6 Ultimate tutorial
program for learning all in's 'n'
out's about PC's and DOS. Includes
DOS 5.0 command structures.
PCOPY92.ZIP Yes 111059 04-28-92
PCOPY version 9.1 from Norm
Patriquin PCOPY is a super
advanced alternative to the DOS
COPY command. PCOPY will copy
only new files, files with a
certain date, and much more! The
only way that you will believe it
is to see it!
PCTTUT10.ZIP Yes 127946 10-04-92
Tutor Master is an interactive DOS Tutorial
using the same pull down meuning interface as
Menu Master and DOS Master. It teaches you
the most commonly used DOS commands in 30
short lessons. It allows an unlimited number
of users, remembering which lessons each
person has taken. You can also scroll
through the DOS Dictionary window, that
documents all of the DOS commands including
DOS 5.0 instructions and memory management.
PD100.ZIP Yes 25831 01-08-92
PARSE DATE V1.00 Freeware. Returns a
variety of information from the
current date through DOS
ErrorLevels (Day, Month, Weekday, and year).
PDEL44.ZIP Yes 65058 05-01-92
delete with select criteria & options.
PDQ118.ZIP Yes 84815 06-08-92
PDq Utilities V1.18 Disk And
File Utils Directory Lister, File
Finders, More.
PRIMER31.ZIP Yes 174982 03-19-92
PC PRIMER Text + Tutorial Disk (formerly MR
DOS) v3.1S: menu-driven, self-paced tutorial
for learning about computers and DOS for the
1st-time computer user; self-directed
exercises; fill-in-the-blank questions; 275+
tutorial questions; incl DOS 5.0 & BATch
PROUTULP.ZIP Yes 15495 05-15-92 Toolkit's Sample Prout-Ulp Batch files.
PS_V32.ZIP Yes 175086 05-21-92
Power Scanner v3.2:
Tree-oriented DOS shell/ & file manager.
PTHMAN.ZIP Yes 30576 08-02-92
PATHMAN provides logical
extension to DOS's path command
and environment variables.
PTHUTL11.ZIP Yes 10571 02-08-92
PATHUTIL v1.10: utility to manipulate the
DOS PATH from batch files; tested with DOS
3.3 thru 5.0, 4DOS 3.03/4.00, secondary
command processors, Novell NETX 3.22 and
OS/2 1.3 DOS compatibility box.
QINFO42.ZIP Yes 56112 03-04-92
Qinfo 4.2 - Not just another PC info
program. This one is a must for anyone that
works with PC's. Supports 99GB+ drives
(including Netware volumes)! CPU type and
speed display and much more! Give this handy
util a try!
QINFO42U.ZIP Yes 107113 03-04-92
Updates Qinfo 4.1 Registered to version 4.2!
Version 4.1 Registered is required.
QUERY10.ZIP Yes 4771 01-01-92
Query v1.0: BATch file utility that allows
you to ask a question which can be answered
by yes, no, 1-9, a-z, or A-Z, returning the
answer by errorlevel; length of time to wait
for an answer can be specified.
RBHELP31.ZIP Yes 81116 06-07-92
Online help for MSDOS commands,
including 4.0.
RCD151.ZIP Yes 25597 02-26-92
RCD v1.51 change directory utility, faster
than LCD or NCD. Works across multiple disks.
RECON611.ZIP Yes 99463 07-16-92
RECON v6.11 (formerly
"REBOOT"): suite of pgms designed
to help manage autoexec.bat/
config.sys files; supports a
maximum of 128 different configs.
RET.ZIP Yes 5716 02-22-92
Simple pgm that allows you to execute a
BATch file which will change directories &
RETurn you to the original directory upon
REVEAL11.ZIP Yes 35168 06-07-92 Displays DOS memory information
S3ENV10.ZIP Yes 50480 07-08-92 Edit, save, load your DOS enviroment.
SECBAT.ZIP Yes 74619 08-19-92
The secrets of batch files,
color, and macros how to create 64
different color programs. detailed
instructions on how to write
simple programs (batch files) for
color and one- keystroke speed
(macro) keys. teaches in
easy-to-learn language over 100
formulas for the beginner in
computer. Learn how to write
powerful programs that will make
the computer change colors or
format or copy a disk. Shareware $10.
SELECT.ZIP Yes 11687 01-20-92
Select is a batch file utility that will wait
for specified keys and exit with an
errorlevel. This allows you to make very
interactive batch files. Allows for default
key settings, color prompt, location of
prompt, defineable keylist or any key, ESC
key for special functions.. Hot key on/off
toggle. Freeware.
SEND.ZIP Yes 13275 01-02-92
Enhanced DOS echo command to
send esc sequences to printer or screen
SFM20.ZIP Yes 10291 03-01-92
S-F-M (Speed File Mover) v2.00: developed to
compliment the DOS COPY cmd, SFM will copy a
file(s) from 1 dir to another dir even if
the directory doesn't exist; supports
SHOWEMS.ZIP Yes 2161 07-03-92
Indicates if you have EMS &
what edition it is
SHROM20A.ZIP Yes 20974 06-24-92
SHROOM v2.0a: gives a dos
application's shell more room by
intercepting the shell operation
swapping out the application
program, freeing up the memory,
and then performing the shell
operation; detects swap file
overflow (disk full), prompting to
continue and is fully
SMPDOS21.ZIP Yes 61619 08-09-92
Simple DOS v2.1 is a DOS shell
provides an amiable environment
for maintaining directories. six
sort sequences. tag and untag
fields; user-selected fields for
output; wide variety of list
generation; will run in
"read-only" mode; supports boolean
searches, export features, and up
to 5 simultaneous users.
SPAWN203.ZIP Yes 61393 02-28-92 "Spawn" COMMAND.COM enhancement (Ver 2.03).
SRDISK13.ZIP Yes 49600 01-18-92
Resizable RAM disk uses XMS memory
w/complete TC++ & ASM sources, and it's
free. V1.30.
STALL.ZIP Yes 2942 02-08-92
Adds 15 second (adjustable) delay to
repetitive batch files. Handy for computers
with autoexec files designed to handle
reloading software after a power outage.
Allows keyed input to abort with ERRORLEVEL.
SUTL21.ZIP Yes 44671 04-19-92
Collection of 16 small utilities, including
three TSR's. Among the new programs
introduced: CFIX (cursor fixer), PORT (TSR
port/modem status analyser - 24 readouts),
RING (video replacement for audio phone
ring), a half-dozen other new ones.
SWAPMEM.ZIP Yes 5515 08-15-92 Allows you to "swap" RAM for disk.
SWAPNAME.ZIP Yes 1792 01-01-92
Swap names between two programs. A must
have. Also great when used in bats to load
alternative configs and autoexecs.
SW_43.ZIP Yes 61664 07-11-92
SW v4.3: enhanced BAT file
utility that will eliminate ECHO
statements and make your batch
files come alive; puts your
messages in full color windows, up
to 5 lines in length; window
position/appearance fully
controllable; branching is supported.
SYSCFG31.ZIP Yes 114080 12-11-91
Boot with different autoexec and config files
Very, very easy to install and use.
SYSCV32.ZIP Yes 47144 07-25-92
System Control v3.2: lets you
select from an unlimited number of
sets of CONFIG.SYS and
AUTOEXEC.BAT files; selectable
directories for configuration
files; screen colors are selectable.
SYSOPT23.ZIP Yes 36398 02-22-92
SysOptEd (System Option Editor) v2.3: a easy
to use and flexible AUTOEXEC and CONFIG file
changer; maintain a single set of AUTOEXEC
and CONFIG files which SysOptEd uses to
generate an almost infinite number of
AUTOEXEC. BAT & CONFIG.SYS combinations;
just tell SysOptEd how you want your system
configured and it will reboot automatically.
TBT310.ZIP Yes 45826 03-19-92
TurboBAT Batch File Compiler 3.10: Make
.COMs from BATs or BTMs. Puts shareware
delay in every program it creates.
TOPDOS.ZIP Yes 107458 04-17-92
TOPDOS v3.0 dos enhancement
utilities. new commands added.
TSRCOM34.ZIP Yes 75277 02-14-92
TSR Utilities v3.4: collection of programs
useful for managing DOS memory, particularly
for managing memory-resident programs
(TSRs); with Mark and Release, Watch,
Disable; new, revised docs; can Mark/Release
the Novell NetWare shell; supports Dos 5.0 &
high memory.
TSRSRC34.ZIP Yes 75334 02-14-92
TSR Utilities v3.4: collection of programs
useful for managing DOS memory, particularly
for managing memory-resident programs
(TSRs); with Mark and Release, Watch,
Disable; new, revised docs; can Mark/Release
the Novell NetWare shell; supports Dos 5.0 &
high memory this is the TP/ASM source --
main pgm files in TSRCOM34.ZIP
UFLAG20.ZIP Yes 10061 12-04-91 Change flag settings at DOS prompt.
UMAX121.ZIP Yes 12157 12-18-91
Map/test UMB allocation via XMS or MS-Dos 5.
Also checks HMA, A20 line and basic extended
memory block services. Fixes bug of v1.20.
UMBDR518.ZIP Yes 27954 01-09-92
Chris Blum's UMB_DRVR umb provider v. 5.18.
Author note says that there is an important
change to methods used, so, if you use
UMB_DRVR, DL this.
VEC130.ZIP Yes 13068 05-12-92
Volume Editor, Edits Volume
Labels With Many Additional Features.
WHEN12.ZIP Yes 17389 05-01-92
WHENISIT v1.2 will allow you to
return nearly any element of time
or date via errorlevel in batch
files. Check for year, month,
date, day of week, meridian, hour,
minute or second. In v1.2, you can
also check for a specific time or
date and find out if it is
earlier, later, or equal to that
time or date. ASP authored
shareware, part of (Chuck)
Steenburgh's stuff Mildly useful
utilities for batch files.
XDOS380.ZIP Yes 830581 03-30-92
ExtraDOS Toolbox Collection for MS-DOS
Utilities v3.80.
XFILE.ZIP Yes 15156 12-26-91 Ehancement to DOS's Copy and Xcopy commands.
XFIND10.ZIP Yes 13424 02-27-92
XFIND v1.0: extended find filter searches
for specified text strings in a file or
files; accepts logical operators in search
string (i.e. And/or); supports I/O
redirection and piping.
X_PATH.ZIP Yes 19934 01-01-92
Creates Longer Paths in
Autoexec.BAT Files.