25 files found in Library "RoboBOARD/FX program and utils"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
ADS_SET.ZIP Yes 22979 10/13/1993 RoboBOARD/FX enhancement package
AF_200.ZIP Yes 12166 1/20/1994 ��� ALL FILES LIST GENERATOR v2.00 ��� Generates Robo/FX 1.02 master file lists by doing either all file areas, or by using any forum. NO SETUP!!!! All that is needed is to copy the *.EXE to your RoboFx directory, and run it! Has simple command line commands to create file lists during your nightly maint. Tested on 50000 files taking up over 10 Giga Bytes!! No more lockups due to overflows. Another program by Brent Shellenberg.
ANIPRO10.ZIP Yes 82882 11/20/1993 ANIMATE PRO v1.00 is a new utility for Robo/FX & FXdraw It easily animates ICON, MONDO, & BIT text. For the latest version call 20th Century BBS 612 574-1031 (node1) 612 574-1896 (node2)
FX2RB10.ZIP Yes 47044 10/30/1993 FX2RB.EXE v1.0 - Run SX for 1.08 with /FX! Create Robo 1.08 data files from your 1.0 FX configuration for execution of Silver Xpress for Robo 1.08. Freeware with license restriction..... Towne Crier Systems 1:14/618 90:1207/1 308-487-5390 14.4 
FX8_104.ZIP Yes 425719 3/16/1994 RoboBOARD/FX V1.04 Update. Must be a current sysop of RoboBOARD/FX and also must have version 1.02a installed to update to this version.
FXFILES.ZIP Yes 99270 8/31/1993 RoboBOARD/FX file distribution network
FXLST102.ZIP Yes 70947 10/7/1993 FxList file list generator v1.02b
GRAPHFX2.ZIP Yes 175767 10/2/1995 GraphFX v1.10 by Duke Graphics is a statistical bar graph generation program for RoboBOARD/FX. Reports system calls hourly, daily, or monthly (up to 7 different reports). Supports ANSI, ASCII, {}-coded TXT and NOW the Tel-FX TFX format! Totally customizable colors, characters and chart heading. Easy to set up and extremely accurate. Run as a nightly event. Shareware, Call Online Resource at (619) 793-8360.
HBASE.ZIP Yes 89652 1/3/1994 Collection of screens currently in use by Home Base - Earth BBS
ICO2FX.ZIP Yes 8972 8/14/1993 Convert RoboBOARD icons to RoboBOARD/FX format
ICO2RBO2.ZIP Yes 26908 10/17/1993 *** Windows Icon -> Robo-FX Icon *** ICO2RBO Version 2.0 Icon Converter Copyright (c) 1992-93 CSS Dan Neuman This version matches the new FX color palette. Now ICO2RBO is truly WYSIWYG What You See (in Windows) IS What You Get (in Robo-FX) thanks to the new FX color palette.
ICON_PRO.ZIP Yes 47001 6/9/1993 Icon Pro for RoboBOARD/FX, allows you to view/merge multiple icon files at the same time
MAILCALL.ZIP Yes 7517 10/13/1993 MailCall for RoboBOARD/FX, creates a news/welcome screen for your RoboBOARD/FX system that informs the caller when the last network mail call was received
ML8_102A.ZIP Yes 199670 1/20/1994 RoboBOARD/FX v1.02 Multi-Line
NEWFONTS.ZIP Yes 46813 10/16/1993 Fixes mondo fonts that did not fill properly
NODEMON.ZIP Yes 38679 11/1/1993 Node Monitor v1.00 for RoboBOARD/FX
OBSERV01.ZIP Yes 80091 10/13/1993 The Observatory. JPEG images and screen for use on RoboBOARD/FX
RBO102TD.ZIP Yes 1572874 1/16/1994 RoboBOARD/FX v1.02 TestDrive
RBROBOT1.ZIP Yes 167431 10/2/1995 RoboROBOT v1.00 by Duke Graphics is an auto- matic message utility for RoboBOARD/FX. RoboROBOT will automatically send a message to a user of your system using RoboBOARD/FX templates. A unique "canned input message" can be created for any template's auto msg. Keeps log file, easy to set up, complete documentation. Shareware, by Duke Graphics. Call Online Resource at (619) 793-8360.
ROBOHELP.ZIP Yes 8277 10/6/1993 RoboHELP! Release 10 by Chris Duke
ROBOSW01.ZIP Yes 8813 10/11/1993 RoboSWITCH v0.1 by Jeff Debrosse
SYSINFO.ZIP Yes 9728 10/26/1993 � � �� � � �� �������� ������������������������ � � � � � � � � �� ���������������������Ŀ� �� ��� �� ���� �� ۳ Robo board 1.08 �� � � � � �� � �� ۳ ������� �� � � � � �� � �� ۳ ��-������ �� 1200/2400/9600/19.2cps ۳ ����. �� 850+megs online ������������������������ 24 Hours Daily ������������������������ Multi-Media files and Demos �������������������������������� MIDI, SoundBlaster and ADLIB Files �۱������������������Ŀ������Ŀ� "The BBS the MIDI professionals call" ����������������Ĵ���Ĵ�=====*�� (510) 447-4623 12/24/96/19.2 V.32�������������������������������������� � �������������������������������� �����������������������������������ܺ��������������������������������������� ۰������� .---------------. .---------------. ۰������� ۰������� �����.�. =�=�=�=�=�= _-_ _-_ ������������ ������������ ۰������� ��������� �����.�. =�=�=�=�=�= .�. .�. ������������ ������������ ��������� ۱�������������������������������������������������������������������������� ۱�� � ��� � � ��� � ��� � � ��� � ��� � � ��� � ��� � � ��� � ��� � � ��۱� ۱�� � ��� � � ��� � ��� � � ��� � ��� � � ��� � ��� � � ��� � ��� � � ��۱� ۱�����������������������������������������������������������������������۱� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� SystemInfo version 1.0a By:Donovan Sobrero SystemInfo was made so the sysop and the users can make sure that they are useing the right settings and that everything is working right. Please Feel Free to Hand it out and let everyone user is. Call the Krypt BBS today and get the newest in Fx Files and Art work. Note: There is a pork4.ico file please put it in the \robofx\fxdraw\icons sub and you may change the name of the file to newsx.xxx or welcomex.xxx if you care to. Donovan sobrero
TOLIET.ZIP Yes 7765 5/6/1994 Interesting graphic screen
UPFBS0B.ZIP Yes 42358 10/5/1993 UpdFbbs v0.0b - update files.bbs
WEEKLYFX.ZIP Yes 4695 9/30/1993 WeeklyFX dated 9/30/93